Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Philosophical Way of World Perception. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61740
Religion serves the needs of one’s soul. Human appeals to God when he suffers from loneliness, fear
of death or internal pressure. Mysticism charms with its opportunities to make communication with God
deeper and brighter. It gives hope for a miracle. Science demonstrates unchallenged triumph of a learning
mind. Being the basis of civilization, science does not only explain spiritual truths but also helps people to
make their life longer and better. So what are the peculiarities of philosophical way of world perception?
philosophy, world perception, understanding of the world, spiritual structure, human, practice, cogitation, truth, free spirit, personality.
Ontology: being and nihility
Nedugova, I. A. (2012). Consciousness Under Conditions of Cultural Dissipation. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 6–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61741
The article is devoted to dissipative cultural processes. The author represents the concept of
cultural dissipations, borderline and delusive consciousness. The author determines influence of cultural
dynamics on consciousness as determination processes. The main purpose of the article is to understand
what processes make the picture perceived by one’s consciousness to differ from the reality. The author
also develops the mechanism of reflection over the delusive consciousness as the hierarchy of material
levels of existence.
philosophy, consciousness, culture, dissipation, materialism, marginality, denial, crisis, self identity, reflection.
Self-consciousness and identity
Dokuchaev, D. S. (2012). Regional Identity: Definition, Structure and Functions. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 15–22. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61742
The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological issues related to the phenomenon of
regional identity. The author analyzes different scientific approaches to definition of the term ‘regional identity’
and offers his own conception of the structure of regional self-identity. Regional identity is viewed as
the system of relations that builds the reality and in its turn is being built during social interaction. The author
also defines the functions of regional identity.
philosophy, region, regional identity, social system, ‘friends’ and ‘foes’, community borders, space, identity, social groups, territory.
Methodology of philosophical learning
Amelchenko, S. N. (2012). Philosophical Analysis of the Relation Between Culture and Civilization:
Onto-Deontological Aspect. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 23–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61743
Philosophical and social sciences gave birth to different approaches to understanding of the relation
between culture and civilization. Depending on the approach to this issue, culture is described as the
part of civilization (Arnold Toynbee); one of the two sides of the historical process, civilization being the
other side (Weber); an entity that includes civilization (Kagan). Some researchers viewed civilization as
the death of culture (Spengler) and others view peculiarities of culture as the source of conflicts arising between
civilizations (Samuel Huntington). Additional opportunities to research the issue are revealed by the
modeling approach that allows to show the ontological unity of culture and civilization achieved through
the balance of their ontological element. Analysis of the ‘must’ modes that form the structure of culture and
civilization in the system of existence allows to clarity contradictions of the modern age and outline the paths
of future human development.
philosophy, culture, civilization, existence, the must, ideal, social, material, modeling, system.
The new paradigm of science
Gryaznova, E. V. (2012). Existential Status of Virtual Reality. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 35–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61744
The article contains the analysis of the researchers’ points of view on ontological status of virtual
reality. The author describes the three basic approaches viewing virtual reality as the for of reality, form of existence and the form of non-existence. As a result of a critical review, the author reveals the information
concept of virtual reality viewing the latter as the main way of existence of information reality. The term
‘virtual-information reality’ is the main concept and the result of dialectic relation between the two forms of
information existence — active and passive ones.
philosophy, virtual, reality, existence, non-existence, information, virtuation, virtual, ideal, virtual information.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Apevalov, A. S. (2012). Peculiarities of the True Historical Knowledge. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 44–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61745
The article is devoted to the problem of true historical knowledge from the point of view of different
philosophical approaches. The author defines the relations between the historical subject and object, views
the concept of relativism and relativity of historical knowledge and provides the definitions of historical
myth and mythological consciousness. Special attention is paid at he problem of truth in history. In modern
philosophy of history the definition of truth is determined by the two circumstances: the nature of historical
knowledge and cognition and significant changes in the category ‘truth’ in philosophy and methodology of
science during XX century.
philosophy, truth, history, historiosophy, cognition, myth, knowledge, term, categories, methodology.
Philosophy and culture
Klyagin, N. V. (2012). Greek Miracle. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 53–63. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61746
Even though they had a pretty wild psychology, Mycenaean Greeks created the Greek Mystery.
philosophy, acceleration, infantilism, cultural revolution, linear letter, neoteny, Dark Ages, technological revolution, urban revolution, civilization.
Axiology: values and relics
Khorina, G. P. (2012). Power and Democracy in Russian Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 64–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61747
The author of the article shows that the deepest roots of power sacralization in a modern Russian
society are the historical peculiarities of culture formation. The peculiarities of formation of democracy in
Russia are explained in the same way, too. As the experience of Russian history shows, active participation
of citizens in the democratic process and their trust towards the government depend on the ability of government
agencies solve the problems affecting interests of millions of people at all levels.
philosophy, culture, democracy, Christianity, Orthodoxy, state, values, justice, management, belief.
Philosophical anthropology
Djafarova, Dj. T. (2012). Existential of the Old Age. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 71–77. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61748
Extensive researches show how inconvertible psychophysical changes happening inside a body of an elderly person. However, no theories can actually explain
man’s fundamental attitude to his own physicality and such changes. Besides personality peculiarities, these
changes also have an element set forth by cultural stereotypes that play some kind of a basis for perceiving
certain properties of the body depending on his As a result of the change in spiritual paradigms in European
culture the world is turned into an aggregative, a construct of human mind and human loses his integrity
and mostly acts as the actor of the cogitation process. Therefore, philosophical and anthropological analysis
shows that the old age makes the problems of human existence more acute and reveals the true nature of
existence. One of the crises of modern Western civilization is based on their attempt to achieve long years of
life and perhaps even immortality passing by the old age that is viewed as the failure and impairment but
not personal and social cultural achievement. It raises the importance of traditional cultures that respected
the old age and long life was considered to be the result of spiritual and personality growth.
philosophy, old age, spiritual paradigm, physicality, existential, gender aspect, death and immortality, fear, value of the old age, overcoming the old age.
Spectrum of consciousness
Goncharova, S. Yu. (2012). About John Searle and His Philosophical Activity. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 78–84. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61749
The article is devoted to the biography of one of the most powerful analytical philosophers John
Searle. His biography includes interesting personal and historical data about the philosopher’s childhood,
teaching at Oxford and philosophical researches throughout his 40-year experience as a professor at University
of California, Berkeley (California, USA). His scientific and creative activity has made a great contribution
to researching language, mind and consciousness, human rationality and processes of building
social reality. John Searle’ philosophical works received international recognition and his biography was
translated into several languages. The philosopher also gave his lectures all over the world.
philosophy, Searle, college, Oxford, philosophizing method, philosophy of language, speech acts, Jane Austen, Berkleley, the mind issue.
Paleeva, N. N. (2012). Esthetical Tranñensus of Poetry Lyricism. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 85–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61750
The author of the article analyzes poetry from the point of view of rapture, elation, inner trancensus
as well as from the traditional materialist theory of reflection. It is based on the study of esthetics of
Esenin’s poetry lyrics. The author tries to understand how far the image becomes the bearer of the abstract
nature and the method of getting insight into the matter of things whereby it becomes possible to get access
to the deepest grounds of world perception that transform impressions into thoughts.
philosophy, poetry, esthetics, trancensus, lyricism, poem, spirit, art, folklore, topic.
Value and truth
Koval, O. A. (2012). Descartes’ Cogito and Husserl’s Subjectivity. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 94–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61751
The article is devoted to analyzing Descartes’ cogito conception by comparing it with Husserl’s
phenomenology. The author compares these two philosophical conceptions because he believes it to be possible
to build the ontological theory based on transcendental subjectivity. Detailed analysis of the teaching
about innate ideas allows to define Descartes’ basic conception equating cogitation and existence.
philosophy, Descartes, Husserl, cogitation, existence, ego, idea, subjectivity, transcendency, phenomenology.
Philosophy of science and education
Budanov, V. G., Soroko, E. M., Aseeva, A. I. (2012). Innovative Technologies in Educational Environment
Based on Self-Organized Students-and-Teachers’ Community. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 104–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61752
The article actualizes the problem of using innovative technologies in the science-and-education
system from the point of view of synergetics. The article touches upon some issues that are planning to be
solved with the help of innovative technologies. These include: organization of the students-and-teachers’
communications, rise of the science and Russian scientist’s statuses, complexity of knowledge transfer and
perplexity of involving young people in a higher school.
philosophy, education, innovation, synergetics, science, self-organization, discussions, integration, harmonization, knowledge.
History of ideas and teachings
Kovalevsky, V. G. (2012). Nature of Knowledge and Cognition in Nikolay Berdyaev’s (‘Meaning of
Creativity’) and Semyon Frank’s Works (‘Man’s Soul’). Philosophy and Culture, 12, 110–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61753
The author of the article compares Nikolay Berdyaev’s and Semyon Frank’s views on knowledge
and the process of cogitation. The author describes the connection between these two terms and will categories,
creativity and intuition. The author also compares the main features of knowledge and cogitation
described by Berdyaev and Frank.
philosophy, soul, Frank, creativity, will categories, Russian emigration, knowledge, cognition.