Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Architect of the New Generation. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 4–9. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61637
Human is not like a machine with a number of features and functions. In his being human shows
certain existential contradictions. Human is born in the natural world but he lives in a society. Human has
both instincts and consciousness. He is an animal and at the same time he is not. Having descended from
Adam, he is a natural creature but he has a divine beginning at the same time. As Erich Fromm said, human
is nearly the most eccentric creature in the Universe.
philosophy, human, identity, experimentalism, technical equipment, evolution, genetics, social practice, cosmism, noosphere.
Philosophy of science and education
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2012). Post-Modernism and the Picture of the World. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 10–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61638
The article describes the role and the meaning of concepts of the general, particular and singular
in categorical structuring of a number of post-modernism philosophies. In particular, the author defines the
concepts of the general, particular and singular in Michel Foucault’s ontology of philosophical discourse,
Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction methods and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical concepts, Jean Baudrillard’s
teaching about simulacrum, Paul Ricceur’s discourses of philosophical synthesis and others. The author
shows the categorical relevance of the aforesaid concepts with the main structural components of the picture
of the world.
philosophy, the general, the particular, the singular, picture of the world, discourse, epistema, deconstruction method, rhizome, simulacrum, concept, philosophical synthesis.
The new paradigm of science
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Discursive Communications and Social Standardization. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 20–28. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61639
The article describes the situation in modern discursive communication. This situation is characterized
with localization of communication unities and audiences and principal misunderstanding. The
author of this particular article discusses the conditions of communication (including reflection of the cogitation
methods, their demonstration and the author’s sharing about the main stages of his life) which lead to
misunderstanding. Based on the example of fashion and realization of social norms with the opposite contents
the author analyzes types of social standardization typical for modern culture. Analysis of the fashion
shows that fashion is one of the modern standardization systems. It dictates certain aspects of human behavior,
moreover, in fashion standards are often changed and refreshed. In modern fashion standards are defined
in the process of activities of social actors sending all kinds of messages to the public environment. This
is the first condition. The second condition is to create a proper social environment and readiness. The third
condition is the self-organization of the environment in response to such messages. The author also says that
it is necessary to distinguish such strategies of social standardization as the ‘life in two rooms’, ‘compromise’,
‘synthesis’, ‘Potemkin’s village’. In conclusion, the author says that the aforesaid characteristics of social
standardization can be used to solve the problem of understanding in modern discursive communications.
philosophy, communication practice, truth, interpretation, reality, understanding, norms, sociality, actor.
Kirsberg, I. V. (2012). How to Disguise Theology as Science from the Point of View of Phenomenology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 29–38. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61640
The first part of the article describes the grounds for viewing theology as a science. The author
shows the axiological (instead of cognitive) quality of theology. Based on the analysis of interaction between
feelings and cogitation, the author shows how diverse theology as a discipline, although it is admitted that
the axiological elements prevail. Religious studies are analyzed in the same way and the author shows their
cognitive and scientific (but not axiological) meaning, diversity and the prevailing tendency as a discipline.
The second part of the article shows the possibility to disguise theology as science as well as opportunities
of phenomenology and its advantages over post-positivism in such disguise. The author also describes the non-theology phenomenology in Edmund Husserl’s religious studies based on the analysis of the difference
between axiological and cognitive meanings.
philosophy, phenomenology, demarcation, theology, disguise, pseudoscience, religious studies, value, knowledge, science.
Philosophy and culture
Maltseva, V. V. (2012). Philosophy of Embodiment from the Point of View of the Concept of Time
Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 39–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61641
The article contains the cultural philosophical analysis of the embodiment category. The author
suggests her own definition of the ‘culture of embodiment’ and shares her views on the problem of embodiment
from the point of view of cultural time approach. Culture of embodiment is also viewed with reference
to a healthy life style.
philosophy, culture, body, embodiment, healthy life style, cultural time approach, health, ideal, fashion, etalon.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Kurto, O. I. (2012). History of Formation of a German School of Sinology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 44–55. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61642
The article is devoted to the formation and development of Chinese studies in Germany which have
a relatively short history compared to other sinology schools there. Despite a great contribution of German
researchers to the world science, there are a very limited number of works translated into Russia today. As
a result, Russian scientists know very little about achievements of their German colleagues. The author of
the article analyzes the scientific heritage of a German school of sinology, describes its trends, lists the most
significant researchers and analyzes their works.
cultural studies, sinology, Chinese studies, Oriental studies, China, Germany, culture, history, historiography, sinology.
Philosophical anthropology
Trunov, D. G. (2012). Diversified ‘Self’: from Transformation to Mask Making. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 56–62. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61643
The author of the article tries to view philosophical and anthropological terms ‘transformation’
and ‘mask’ introduced by Elias Canetti from the point of view of existential phenomenological concept of
diversified ‘Self’ (D. G. Trunov). Transfer from transformation to mask making is understood as a discursive
fixation of diversity and spontaneity of the productive ‘Self’ and resulting polypersonality of empiric ‘Self’.
Fixation of transformations of the productive Self to numerous mask roles of the empiric Self is realized
through mandatory presence of the Other which in this case becomes the controller over transformations
and the donor of social definitions that are viewed as some kind of ‘fixers’ in transformation process and the
basis for creating a social mask. At the same time, mask making is not the dictate of the Other over personality
freedom but an essential condition of social co-existence.
philosophy, transformation, mask, productive Self, empiric Self, polypersonality, diversified Self, mask making, discourse, fixation.
Dasein of the human being
Granin, R. S. (2012). Nikolay Berdyaev’s Existential Eschatology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 63–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61644
The article is devoted to metaphysical, anthropological and existential aspects of Nikolay Berdyaev’s
eschatology. The author of the article also describes psychological prerequisites for existential issues
turning into a philosopher’s eschatological metaphysics. It is shown that it allows to reveal the fundamental
issues of Berdyaev’s philosophy: the topics of pre-existence existential freedom, its objectivization into being
and the problems of human coming back to this freedom. It is proved for a philosopher eschatology is some
kind of a symbol of transcendence of human personality towards existential. The author also describes the
eschatological horizon of borderline situations human is faced with such as when he faces death, experiences
historical events or a mystical insight or creative act.
philosophy, existentialism, metaphysics, eschatology, experience, transcendence, objectivization, freedom, creativity, eternity.
Value and truth
Kovalevsky, V. G. (2012). On the Question about Key Terms in S. Frankl’s Philosophical and
Psychological Teaching. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 72–76. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61645
The author of the article studies the leading concepts in S. Frankl’s teaching about a soul: spiritual
life, soul, consciousness and subconsciousness. The author makes an attempt to describe certain features of
the aforesaid terms and describe the relation between them. The author compares Frankl’s definitions with
some modern psychological terms.
philosophy, soul, psychology, Frankl, consciousness, subconsciousness, spiritual lie, desire, will, psyche.
Spectrum of consciousness
Goncharova, S. Yu. (2012). Simple Solution of the ‘Complicated Problem’ (Critics of John Searle’s
Solution of the Mind- Body Problem). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 77–83. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61646
The article provides arguments for B. Kaplan’s and T. Nagel’s critical remarks about John Searle’s
solution of the mind-body problem. Searle explained the cause of the mental based on the emergence conception.
From such point of viwe, subjectivity of the reality is transformed into a biologial or physical property
so the mind becomes a mental and, consequently, a physical property of the brain similar to the liquid state
being the property of the molecular system. As opposed to Searle’s thesis saying that the mind is the product
of the brain activity and its property at the same time, the author of this particular article analyzes arguments
against such concept both in science and philosophy.
philosophy, consciousness, mind, John Searle, causality, feature, description level, dualism, psyche, physical.
Self-consciousness and identity
Krishtaleva, L. G. (2012). Dychotomy: Art and Life. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 84–97. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61647
Trying to draw the line between art(play) and life, we faced the fundamental problem of Self. Relations
between human and the world of art or play have very important similiarities because they perform
the double-combined motion — eschatological emergence and contemplative return to one’s self. The result
of this double-combined motion can be compared to the result of transcendental function described by Jung
as the unity of consciousness and unconsciousness aimed at gaining one’s selfhood. The study of the dynamic
structure of a soul allows to use psychological analytics of late Jung’s works and Gadamer’s phenomenology
of art which have similar features and represent typological properties of varius internal experience.
When analyzing mobile relations between consciousness and unconsciousness, the author of the article used
such philosophical terms as acceptance, amechany, automatic spontaneous reactions, reponses and actions
of human nature. The article also reflects the author’s emotional experience and self-observation which allowed
to discover acceptance, amechany and spontaneity.
philosophy, unconsciousness, consciousness, self, Black Swan, movie, D. Arofonsky, Vladimir Bibikhin, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Carl Gustav Jung.
Philosophy of knowledge
Solonenko, M. A. (2012). Many-Level Temporal World and Diversity of Forms of Time Perception
(Cognitive evolutional approach to time perception in creative works). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 98–108. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61648
The author of the article analyzes one of rarely studied problems in philosophy — time perception —
from the point of view of evolutional epistemiology and cognitive science. Analysis shows great diversity of the
world and unlimited variety of time forms and reveals the contents of such phenomenonon of human life activity
as creativity. Based on the most recent researches and experimental findings of modern cognitive scientists, the
author of the article shows the close connection between creativity and time perception as well as special states
of consciousness arising in the process of creative self-realization of human. In particular, from the point of view
of evolutional epistemiology and cognitive science, the author of the article defines creativity as some kind of innovative
difficulty created by human through perceiving events of the surrounding world and various cognitive
states of consciousness in the course of solving a task or problem within a very short period of time.
philosophy, time, creative work, tempoworld, perception, autism, temporality, creativity, synergism.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Philipenok, S. A. (2012). Personal Knowledge and Personal Experience in the Process of Self-
Knowledge. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 109–119. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61649
The author of the present article makes an attemp to show the relation between personal knowledge
and self-knowledge and to give an epistemiological definition of self-consciousness and self-knowledge.
For this purpose the author studies constructivist and narrative approaches to self-knowledge. The author
clearly shows that there is a certain need in additional development of these approaches and completing them
with the phenomenological analysis of personal experience, the latter being the basis of personal knowledge
and self-consciousness. With the help of the system approach and based on the concept of situational knowledge
the author describes the system, contextual and dynamic orientation of personal experience. Concepts
of personal experience and personal knowledge, in their turn, expand the concept of self-conciousness which
should not be limited to reflection. However, such approach creates the problem of introspection. Based on
data obtained with the help of modern cognitive science and evolutional epistemiology the author analyzes
various forms and levels of consciousness. The author studies the problem of relation between consciousness
and knowledge of the surrounding world from the point of view of the system of personal knowledge.
philosophy, personal knowledge, personal experience, self-knowledge, Self, reflection, phenomenology, system approach, introspection, perceptive self-consciousness.
Philosophy of postmodernism
Kuzmina, T. A. (2012). Philosophy of Post-Modernism as a Cultural Symptom. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 120–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61650
The present article is focused on some ideas of Gilles Deleuze and Pierre-Felix Guattari described
in their last publications they wrote together. These are the works particularly describing Deleuze’s and
Guattari’s philosophy (as some researchers say, Deleuze is one of the most ‘metaphysical’ post-modernisists.
philosophy, post-modernism, culture, cogitation, transcendence, human, vitality, humanlike, art, multiplicity.
Philosophy and art
Zhukovsky, V. I. (2012). Work of Visual Art: Phenomenon of Index, Iconic and Symbolic Images. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 128–135. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61651
The author of the article views works of visual art as an image that is crystallized step-by-step in
the process of relations between a human-observer and work-item. The author describes and analyzes the
material, index, iconic and symbolic stages in creating an image. It is assumed that all diversity of special
imagse is nothing else but a single work of visual art created out of human need to draw out the rligious connection
between the ephemeral and immortal, between the human and the absolute.
philosophy, work of visual art, artist, work — item, image, status, representant, visual concept, audience, religious connection.
History of ideas and teachings
Karelova, L. B. (2012). Principles of Duty and Social Responsibility in History of Formation of
Japanese Labor and Corporate Ethics. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 136–146. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61652
The article is devoted to the world outlook sources and socio-cultural prerequisites for formation
of principles of duty and social responsibility in Japanese labor and corporate ethics. The author of the article
analyzes historical realities and memories in philosophy and ethics during Tokugawa epoch (1603 -1868)
due to the aforesaid problems. Japanese labor and corporate ethics has roots in XVII-IX centuries and is
thought to be one of the causes of such successful modernization of Japan, the phenomenon of ‘economic
miracle’ after the Second World War and stable and intensive development of the country throughout years
as well as the spiritual element of modern Japanese discourse of corporate social responsibility.
philosophy, ethics, culture, archetype, labor, lesson, duty, responsibility, ie, Japan.