Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2011). The Age of Enlightenment: Discovery of a Subject. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58679
The author describes the change of views on human and his role in the world and society during the age of
Enlightenment. It is concluded that the 18th century presented the two tendencies in philosophy: researches of human
nature based on general universal laws, and views on human as an individual.
philosophy, culture, Enlightenment, homo sapiens (the man of sense), subject, state institution, rationalism, individualism.
Ontology: being and nihility
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2011). Philosophical Discourse as the Basic Concept of Possible Structural Models of World View. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 8–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58680
The article considers the role and functional meaning of the world view when defining the spheres and
borders of philosophy. The article describes the main challenges, purpose and goals of philosophy in the 21st century,
basic categories and principles in philosophy and the scope of their application. The article also reveals possible perspective
visions of the ‘subjective body of philosophy’, considers the main thinking paths and patters of metaphysics
which determines the choice of these or those alternatives. The main novelty is the introduction of the conception of
philosophical world view as well as description of its structure and basic functional orientation.
philosophy, objectivity, philosophy, philosophical world view, existence, being, explication of being, structure of being, ‘Dasein’, conception, substance.
Nedugova, I. A. (2011). Unbalanced Processes in the Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 15–25. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58681
Applying the regular pattern of self-organization of complex systems in culture, the author gives a definition
of ‘unbalanced culture’ and describes the objective laws of ontology of consciousness. Unbalanced and balanced
processes in culture are interrelated with the processes of becoming an object and reverse. Evolution of culture can be
discontinuous and continuous, functional and structural dissipative and determinative. The main goal of the author
was to reveal the inner patterns of evolution of culture and consciousness.
philosophy, culture, structure, structural nature, regular patterns, balance, unbalance, dissipativity.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Fatenkov, A. N. (2011). Walter Benjamin and Mikhail Lifshitz in the Space of Poetic Ontognoseology. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 26–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58682
The author defines and views conceptual parameters of poetic ontognoseology form the point of view of
existential philosophy. The research is based on the ideas of Walter Benjamin and Mikhail Lifshitz.
philosophy, being, cognition, truth, ontology, gnoseology, ontognoseology, poetics, Walter Benjamin, Mikhail Lifshitz.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Dolgov, K. M. (2011). Culture in the Age of Globalization. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 38–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58683
The article reveals the most important moments of culture — the foundation of all human life activities and,
in the first place, the domestic and foreign policy of all countries and peoples’ historical creativity. The article shows
the role of culture in the globalizing world as the basis of creativity of all individuals and each ethnos. In this regard
we can say that culture dictates politics and politics dictate culture. Being both an object and subject of culture, human
being is a spiritual core of the process and the importance of his role cannot be exaggerated. Peoples’ languages play
an important role, too, because they develop the national culture and constitute the global culture and civilization.
philosophy, culture, civilization, politics, globalization, humanity, people, language, society, human.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Ryazanov, D. S. (2011). The Concept of the ‘Islamic State’ in Sayyid Qutub’s ‘Milestones’. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 44–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58684
The purpose of the article is to analyze views of one of the major Islamic ideologists Sayyid Qutub on the ‘Islamic
State’, its features and methods of formation. Most attention is paid at the analysis of the book ‘Milestones’. The
author of the article gives definitions of the basic concepts introduced by Qutub such as Jahiliyyah and Hakimiyyah and defines where these ideas derived from. The article shows that Islamic scientists- theologists and public figures’
views on Qutub vary widely which proves that, firstly, Islamism is not the unified whole and secondly, there are different
interpretations of Qutub’s works.
philosophy, socio-political views in the states of the Islamic East, Islamism, Qutub, Muslim Brotherhood, radicalism, Jihad, Jahiliyyah, Hakimiyyah, Egypt.
Space and time
Klyagin, N. V. (2011). The Judgment Day. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 51–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58685
Renewed superstring theory gives a mechanistic potential to travel through time.
philosophy, antimatter, quantum web, super-string matrix, time machine, positron, spacelike dimension, superstring, electron.
Social philosophy
Voronina, O. A. (2011). The Identity Problem in Post-Modernistic Feminism. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 61–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58686
Based on English texts, the author of the article describes and analyzes transformation of feministic theories
under the influence of the global social processes and intellectual innovations during the age of Post-Modernism. The
article considers the social and discursive grounds for new feministic conceptions (the third-wave feminism). Neoconservative
political reaction to the seconds-wave feminism during the 80th as well as further development of globalization
played a particular role among other social determinants of this process. Globalization resulted in activation of
women of the Third World and formation of ethnic feministic conceptions centered on the multi-identity problem (on the
basis of ethnicity, gender and social class). According to the author, discursive grounds for post-modernistic feminism
included internal contradictions in the theories of the first- and second-wave feminism and criticism by anti-feminism,
post-modernism, ‘black and colour’ feminism, feministic post-colonial theory and simply ‘other-minded’ feminists. The
author also describes and analyzes the ‘new feministic movements’ of the X generation with their basic features being
the refusal from the theory, values and mass political actions of the second-wave feminism; individualism; hedonism;
and adoption of the concepts of the flexible or hybrid personal identities. This, in fact, shows that feminism does not
exist as the theory and mass movement any more. The article introduces many English texts written both by the representative
of the third-wave feminism and Western feminism researches.
philosophy, feminism, anti-feminism, multi-culturalism, identity, gender, equality, individualism, society, counterculture.
National character and mentality
Matveeva, A. I., Stozhko, K. P. (2011). Spiritual Basis of the Russian Mentality. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 76–84. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58687
The article reveals the spiritual basis of the Russian nation. The author defines the fundamental basis of the
personal ‘integrity’ which is, at the same time, the measure of personal spirituality. The author studies the concepts
of ‘spirit’ and ‘spirituality’ based on the classical tradition introduced first by Aristotle, Plato and Hegel and then by I.
A. Ilyin, N. O. Lossky, V.S. Soloviev, E. N. Trubetskoy, P. A. Florensky, S. L. Frankl and other religious philosophers who
represented the ideal-realism philosophy. The article also provides a detailed analysis of N. O. Lossky’s views on the
Russian mentality.
philosophy, spirituality, integrity, combination, character, duty, responsibility, personality, basis, people.
Characteristics of society
Titarenko, I. N. (2011). The Role of Philosophy in Solving the Global Political Issues and Fighting Violence: Ancient
Ideas and Modern Age. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 85–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58688
The article analyzes the social and political views f the Antique philosophers and their relation to modern
political issues. The study of the most important provisions of philosophy by Plato, Aristotle, stoics, Cicero, Seneca
allows to conclude that at early stages of its development the European philosophy was already aimed at fighting
all forms of violence, nursing social interests, responsibility for the fate of a state institution and desire to serve
to the common well- being and humanity. Due to that, in ancient Greek and Roman texts one can discover the approach
to philosophy as a practical knowledge to be applied to political life and state construction. Such a view on
the role of philosophy in the society promoted the tradition of critical analysis of statehood, politics, violence and
creation of the ‘perfect state’ model. Performing its functions (critical analysis, prognosis, cultural up-bringing) modern political philosophy, just as Ancient philosophy, greatly contributes to solving political issues, fighting
violence and forming new systems of values that responds to the challenges of the globalizing world. Dialogue
with the Ancient legacy can help a lot in achieving these goals since it would allow not only to better understand
the genesis and nature of many modern theories, but also to bring into focus the positive but unused potentials of
previously existing philosophies.
philosophy, violence, state institution, Ancient times, authenticity, activity, humanity, justice, politics, society, tyranny.
Social dynamics
Omarova, Z. Yu. (2011). Ethno Confessional Tolerance as a Factor of Socio-Political Stability of a State. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 97–102. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58689
Our government carries out its activity in conditions of unstable, dynamic, complicated and contradictory
word, multi-variant development of events and unbalanced international relations due to the crisis. The analysis of the
current confessional situation in our countries allows to define a number of tendencies characterizing the processes
within the religious organizations as well as their relations with the government and influence not only on internal
confessional and inter-confessional relations but also on political and economic relations in the world.
The problem of ethno-confessional security as the object for sociological analysis suggests the study of its antipode —
ethno-confessional threat which also has its own system of indictors and criteria.
Sociological analysis in this sphere must be characterized by a wider frontal approach and complete and true information
on peculiarities of this or that process related ethnical and religious identification, ethno-confessional interactions
and relations. It would allow to make the best management decision.
philosophy, tolerance, inter-confessional, stability, security, ideology, conflict, civilization, dialogue, contradiction.
Political philosophy
Poyarkov, S. Yu. (2011). The System of State Authorities: Definition, Principles, Functions. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 103–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58690
The article is devoted to the state authority as an object of the system analysis. The author of the article
describes the basic principles of the system of state authority and defines its main functions by analyzing the Russian
system of state authorities.
philosophy, politics, state institution, state, authority, system, principles, functions, methodology, disengagement.
Value and truth
Novichkova, G. A. (2011). Raymond Aron about Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Critics of Dialectical Reason’. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 116–125. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58691
Aron’s work ‘History and the Dialectic of Violence. Analysis of Sartre’s ‘Critics of Dialectical Reason’ is a serous
research of Sartre’s late philosophy which was viewed by Aron from the sociological point of view. Aron’s analysis of
Sartre’s philosophy also casts light on Aron’s own views on freedom and violence.
philosophy, existentialism, human, consciousness, freedom, violence, practice, action, totality.
Philosophical anthropology
Spirova, E. M. (2011). Formation of Anthropological Meaning in a Symbol. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 126–134. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58692
The author of the article views a symbol as an anthropological concept. The word ‘symbol’ is usually interpreted
in the ontological and the sense. However, according to the author Ancient philosophers already believed that
it was possible to understand a human only through a symbol. It is the symbol which reveals the mystery of a human:
the human is interested not only for what is real but also for what is hidden and twinkles in a symbol.
psychology, philosophy, sign, symbol, ontology, gnoseology, meaning, humanities knowledge, hermeneutics, reality.
Spiritual and moral search
Leopa, A. V. (2011). Knowledge of History in Service to Behavioral Samples and Norms. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 135–140. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58693
The article shows the growing importance of the role of personality in conditions of globalization. Intellectual
and spiritual development gains special importance in the process of its formation. It is proved that in order
to prevent the personality dissociation in the society experiencing the drastic transformation it is necessary to address to historical knowledge which helps to establish a patriotic attitude to history and to understand the role
of personality in history.
philosophy, public conscience, standard values, moral stand, objects of history, axiological disorientation
Self-consciousness and identity
Kozolupenko, D. P. (2011). Attitude to the Other in Mythopoetical Communities (the Kinship System as a Structural
Principle of Minimization of the ‘Distant’ and the system of Non-Disclosure as the Principle of Defense
against the ‘Alien’). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 141–151. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58694
The social structure of a mythopoetical type of society reflects accomplishing relevant social tasks in relations
with the Others. These tasks include, firstly, preservation of the social and moral order within the community
that is achieved through the principle of ‘overall kinship’, and helps to accept the Other as a relative and friend; and
secondly, preservation of the maximal privacy of the community which protects from the ‘alien others’ who are distant
and confusing for the community, and therefore, dangerous.
philosophy, mythopoetics, society, the other, non-disclosure, kinship, stratification, protection, worldview, trust.
Philosophy and culture
Bakhova, N.A., Zhukovsky, V. I. (2011). The Renaissance Culture as a Space of Representative Relationship between
Human and God. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 152–163. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58695
The article studiesthe phenomenon of Renaissance from the point of view of the representative relationship
between human and God. Generalization of accumulated experience in researching the Western Europe Renaissance
discovered the unique integration of religious and social basis of that period in culture. Analytical review of the spectrum
of modern interpretations and original conceptions of philosophers-humanists allowed to describe the features
of perfect human and perfect God during the Renaissance culture. Dialectical relationship between human and God
are concretized in the ‘Son of God’ concept discussed in a number of N. Kuzansky’s works. In works by philosophershumanists
God is revealed and understood only through the ideal (representative) relationship with the human. According
to the synthetic conception ideal representation is typical for all relations where the sides try to go beyond
their own limits and to display itself through the other. The study of Renaissance in Western Europe from the point of
view of the ideal relationship helps to define the conceptual grounds for the mechanism of revival in culture of Renaissance
as well as cultural ideals showing search and reestablishment of relations between human and God.
cultural studies, Renaissance, human, God, religion, culture, ideal, representant, art, philosophy.
Toporina, E. A. (2011). Concerning Some Peculiarities of Interpreting Russian Literature Classics Through Cinema
and Theatre Images. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 164–172. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58696
The article concerns some peculiarities of interpretation of Russian classics through other forms of art
such as cinema and theatre which are connected with the role of the art symbol and image in interpretation of the
national literature tradition. The transfer of image, its comprehension closely relates to the understanding of the
national literature tradition and its peculiarities. Due to that the following images are of special interest: insanity,
fate, artistic quotes.
The article is based on the analysis of concrete Russian classical texts and some cinema and theatre production.
It is concluded that addressing to images and symbols ‘connects’ different forms of art and allows to better understand
the classical literature text.
philosophy, culture, esthetics, interpretation, art, literature, symbol, image, theatre, cinema.
Philosophy of science and education
Grebenschikova, E. G. (2011). Trans Disciplinary Strategies of Communicating Risks. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 173–180. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58697
The risk conception has become one of the key concepts of the modern social structures dynamics and
prediction of their development trends. The basic factor of growing interest towards the risk issue is the society’s
concern about negative consequences of the forced development of modern technical science and technologies. One
of the methods of conceptualization of this issue is the theoretical frame describing the processes of communicating risks as a range of initiatives aimed at finding the effective mechanisms of involving public into solving difficult
tasks and social learning. Productivity of trans-disciplinary strategies aimed at combination of scientific resources
and the sphere of ascientific knowledge of social actors is shown in the sphere of biomedical technologies. One of
the forms of the most adequate implementation of trans-disciplinary approaches to communicating risks is the
so-called humanitarian expertise.
philosophy, trans disciplinary, risk, expertise, science, society, bio-medicine, communication, responsibility, reproduction of knowledge.
History of ideas and teachings
Gromov, M. N. (2011). Concerning the Problem of Genesis and Typology of Russian Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 181–187. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58698
Russian culture which accounts for over thousand years of existence was formed in the epoch of early Middle
Age. In this connection, it is important to pay attention at its genesis during which particular typological features
were established. Till the middle of the 15th century south was had been the most important vector of the civilization
development which was due to the Byzantium and South Slavic influences. After Constantinople fell and the Balkans
were conquered by the Turks, Russia turned to the Latin West which has been playing an important role in is development
ever since.
philosophy, culture, civilization, Russian culture, Byzantine culture, European culture, genesis, typology, multi-vector, multi-factor, westernization.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Nonuniqueness of the Existent History. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 188–193. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58699
This is the summary of Konstantin Yusupov’s book ‘Russian Philosophical Culture’. In his book Yusupov tried
to show the process of formation of the new philosophy of history and historiography.
philosophy, culture, history, historiography, philosophy of history, symbolism.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Eon as the Civilization Time. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 194–199. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58700
This is the summary of L. V. Skvortsov’s book ‘Information Culture and Complete Knowledge’.
philosophy, culture, history, information culture, knowledge.