Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Tradition as a Guarantee of Stability. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58517
The author analyzes the epoch of many changes in Russia, - the epoch which denied traditions but
at the same time, led to realization of important role of traditions in a destiny of our country.
philosophy, culture, society, human, globalization, tradition, stability.
Editorial office compliments
(2011). Interview with N. I. Lapin, a Corresponding Member of RAS, on His 80th Anniversary. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 8–9. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58518
The section contains an interview with Nikolay Ivanovich Lapin, a corresponding member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, made in connection with his 80th anniversary, and editors’ congratulations of
another famous Russian philosopher and honored scientist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mikhailovich
philosophy, science, honored scientist, anniversary, Lapin Nikolay Ivanovich, Dolgov Konstantin Mikhailovich.
Editorial office compliments
(2011). Congratulations to K.M. Dolgov, Professor, on His 80th Anniversary. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 10–10. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58519
Spiritual and moral search
Zapesotsky, A. S. (2011). Vyacheslav Stepin and His Theory of Culture. Part 4 (Final). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 11–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58520
the article studies various aspects of V. S. Stepin’s theory of culture which are devoted to the analysis
of modern times. Globalization is viewed as a special state of culture, which creates certain risks and at
the same time, new perspectives of interaction between cultures. Supreme role of economics in an industrial
civilization is described as one of the factors of the environmental crisis. Refusal from excessive consumption
and creation of new values are thought to be the way out of this situation. The article also describes
V. S. Stepin’s views on cultural studies which he views as an independent science bringing together the structure
and dynamics of culture.
cultural studies, globalization, dialogue of cultures, crisis of culture, industrial civilization, environmental crisis, popular culture of, new type of civilization development.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Klyagin, N. V. (2011). Infantile Science. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 19–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58521
The article is devoted to epoch changes form neoteny of humankind to its acceleration. Neotenics
are well weighed and traditional. Accelerates are infantile and revolutionary. Some scientific innovations
by accelerates are naïve – the author gives many examples to it such as spatial measurements, magnetic
monopole, ‘dark energy’, global icing, fauna dying-out, bright events in history, global warming and Indigo
philosophy, acceleration, Higgs boson particle, global warming, Indigo children, dinosaurs, infantilism, magnetic monopole, neoteny, ‘dark energy’.
Matter and motion
Ursul, A. D. (2011). Does the Material Exist without Movement?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 30–42. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58522
The article is devoted to transformation of the picture of the world in natural science due to the
discovery of dark sides of the Universe (dark energy and dark mass). It is assumed that the dark energy and
then dark mass are the two types, or forms, of the material in additional to substance, and each of this type
has their own origin and characteristics. The dark energy which is often interpreted as the cosmic vacuum
and comprise of almost the three fourths of the Universe, the material neither moves, nor changes. This
contradicts to the provision in philosophy about a close connection between the material and the movement.
The author also makes a suggestion on how to solve this contradiction from the point of view of experts in
philosophy, Universe, movement, cosmic vacuum, cosmology, material, Multiverse, dark energy, dark mass, accelerated expansion of the Universe.
Social philosophy
Deklerk, I. V. (2011). Naturalistic Conceptions of a Social Community. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 43–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58523
The article is devoted to the issues related to transformation of the objective social and philosophical
discourse into the cultural communicative discourse. Based on the author, such transformation happens
when we realize the fact that forms of human communication and t ypes of intersubjective c ultural communities
constitute and organize the social reality. Formation of intersubjective communities start with the
‘I-You’ and ends with the general ‘Us’. The author of the article considers the most famous naturalistic social
and philosophical conceptions of communicative and cultural interactions in the sphere of ‘Us’, - such as
Hannah Arendt, Jurgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel.
philosophy, naturalism, social communication, intersubjectivity, nature, culture, I-You, Us, hermeneutics, ethics, logic.
The torment of communication
Gorelova, T. A. (2011). ‘Ours’ and ‘Alien’: Who are They?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 50–61. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58524
The article discusses the problem of relations between the elements of the ‘Ours and Alien’ system
at the three levels – biological, social and psychological. The author uses the results of research in natural
sciences and humanities for his article.
philosophy, ‘ours and alien’, aggression, social skills, genetics, etiology, social studies, psychoanalysis, evolution, transfer by gift.
Philosophy of liberty
Porus, V. N. (2011). Philosophy as a Space of Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 62–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58525
Philosophy is a special intellectual and spiritual activity aimed at determination of conditions,
forms and meaning of human freedom. In this regard, any philosophy is a philosophy of freedom. No matter
what a philosopher talks about, he thinks about human and therefore, culture first of all. The culture is based
on a complex structure of values and freedom is one of these values. All other cultural values correlate with
freedom this way or another, gaining their own ‘ontological status’ by doing so.
philosophy, culture, freedom, subject, personality, self-identification, cogitation, value, history, rationality.
Philosophical anthropology
Kozolupenko, D. P. (2011). Causality and Collective Memory in Mythological and Analytical Types
of Perception of the World. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 72–83. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58526
The type of causality and the type of collective memory dominating in a society complete each
other because they keep order (collective memory, in particular, based on a ritual and archetype – in mythology,
causality principles and the idea of a regular pattern of phenomena – in analytics) and enable
natural changeability at the same time (consequently, mythological principles of causality and analytical
collective memory, i. e. writing. In a more general case, they ensure psychological adaptation of human to all
kinds of situations, both stable and instable ones. Consciousness and unconsciousness play a compensating
role here: if the concept of causality is based on the concept of order (as it is in analytics) than the collective
memory assumes fixation of exclusions and demand further development of writing. However, if the concept
of causality is related to the concept of exclusivity (which is typical for mythology) , then the collective
memory, on the contrary, shall assume fixation of the homogenous elements (time cycles, organization in
space, types and archetypes of behavior and etc.) and be based on verbal tradition.
philosophy, principle, causality, memory, complementarity, letter, mythology, analytics, dominating, perception of the world.
Dasein of the human being
Jackson, M. (2011). Existential Imperatives (Translated by M. A. Sultanova). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 84–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58527
Michael Jackson is a New Zealand anthropologist and ethnographer, author of the book ‘Existential
Anthropology’. This article is a good example of his conception saying that it is necessary to bring
together existentialism and anthropology for better understanding of human nature.
philosophy, anthropology, existentialism, existence, I-subject, I-object, globalization, North- South, culture, ethnos.
Value and truth
Rozin, V. M. (2011). Do I Identify Myself as a Follower of the Liberal Doctrine?. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 95–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58528
The article discusses whether it is possible to have thoughts which are not liberal while referring
oneself to the liberal camp. The author disputes with Vadim Belyaev and shares his views on modern social
skills and social actions. The article also shows how he puts all his principles to life.
philosophy, doctrine, liberal, salvation, practice, activity, personality, effectiveness, nature, scheme.
Self-consciousness and identity
Neretina, S. S. (2011). Personal Pronouns as a Philosophical Issue. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 104–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58529
The analysis of personal pronouns allow to define a series of operations enabling their interpretation
and showing the ‘shuttle’ movement. First of all, it works for translation of the personal pronoun ‘I’ into
‘It’. The possibility to transfer the identification of the first person to the third person demonstrate how the
old, no more used language still show itself in our speech. Their crossing is the crossing of logical beginnings
(personal and impersonal) and their interactions.
philosophy, personal pronoun, neuter gender, present time, eternal, speech modes, etymon, inter-feasibility, transduction.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Olkhov, P. A. (2011). M. M. Bakhtin’s Historicism and Modern Issues of Epistemology of History. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 116–124. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58530
The article is devoted to M. M. Bakhtin’s philosophical program for the humanities in respect to
modern epistemology of history. Historicism of this program is specified when we study only laboratory
works of the philosopher. It is also noted that there is a need in limiting of expanded definitions of categorical
dominants of Bakhtin’s philosophical program (such as dialogue, expression and gender).
philosophy, history, historicism, historical knowledge, dialogue, expression, speech reality, gender, epistemology.
Political philosophy
Mochkin, A. N. (2011). ‘The Third Way’ of Mouller van den Bruck. The Right-Sized View. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 125–136. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58531
The article analyzes the development of neoconservative conception of the ‘great politics’ by F. Nietzsche
in Mouller van den Bruck’s work ‘The Third Reich’ and his theory of the ‘third way’ opposing to both
the liberal ‘Americanization’ and ‘Bolshevikization’ of Germany during a so-called ‘conservative revolution’
in the 20th-30th of the 20th century. The article studies the neoconservative attempts to create the ‘third party’
built upon the national revolutionary ideology as peculiar variant of ‘proto fascist’ party.
philosophy, liberalism, nationalism, conservatism, Marxism, socialism, ‘philosophy of life’, democracy, culture, Nietzscheanism.
Prokofiev, A. V. (2011). Non-Violence Ethics as an Escape from the Moral Risk. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 137–149. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58532
The article well shows that a traditional claim against non-violence ethics disguising simple
helplessness and cowardice is beneath any criticism. However, imperative non-violence can hide a spiritual
and psychological pragmatics of another kind – intention of a subject to avoid any risks in the sphere
of moral improvement. The author of the article assumes that non-violence ethics is indeed an escape
from the moral risk, and this tendency ruins the basic moral about sincere starvation towards the other
person’s well-being. This study is based on such concepts as L. N. Tolstoy’s moral doctrine and M. Weber’s
philosophy, ethics, morals, duty, responsibility, perfection, non-violence, risk, L.N. Tolstoy, M. Weber.
Philosophy of science and education
Morozov, V. V. (2011). Adaptive Function of Socialization of Education. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 150–154. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58533
The article is devoted to adaptation of scholars to socio-cultural space and time, social relations
and culture. Adaptive function of socialization is understood as a presence of a scholar in a certain sociocultural
environment, i. e. at the crossing point of a certain socio-cultural time and space. Creative teaching
civilization reflects the idea o up-bringing instead of the idea of forming. Socialization and adaptive
function are closely connected with the level of publicity. The system of education is the only social system
which binds a person’s life with a destiny of a civilization.
philosophy, adaptation, socio-cultural space, social skills, creative teaching civilization, the idea of up-bringing, socialization, adaptive function of education, system of education, personality.
History of ideas and teachings
Mikhailenko, Yu. P. (2011). Pont de Nemours: Spread of Physiocratic Ideas in the Context of Struggle
of European States for Domination. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 155–182. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58534
The name of Pont de Nemours associates with the spread of physiocratic ideas in Europe. The
first major success was reached when the French government made a step from mercantile politics defending
interests of manufacturers, to stimulation of national agriculture farming. However, very soon this
measure was canceled. Representatives of the physiocratic teaching found their followers in Switzerland,
Sweden and a number of other countries. Attempts to get Ekaterina the Great interested was a failure.
Russia was strengthening its positions in the world as a result of military success of Orlov, Suvorov, Rumyantsev.
The peasant servage only developed. The most active and bold peasants ran away to the South
and East an djoined Kazakhs there. The Tsar government had enough power to struggle with both foreign
enemies and to keep the peasants serve. The dispute between followers of physiocratic teaching whether
a free game of market laws or this or another form of the state regulation was more effective for national
economy was started again in Russia during the rule of Eltsin. Eltsin ‘shocking therapy’ led to heavy losses
in economy and a catastrophic fall of living standards. Eltsin’s successor, Putin, renewed the forms of state
control which were appropriate for the Russian economy. Lock’s successor, Pont de Nemours established
theoretical grounds for the bourgeois idea of sovereignty and opposed it to the feudal conception of the
divine origin of a King.
philosophy, Pont de Nemours, Enlightenment, servage, despotism, market, competition, Munnich, Orlov, Suvorov.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). ‘But There is No Truth Even There Above…’. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 183–188. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58535
This is the review of G. Yu. Kanarsh’ work ‘Social Justice: Philosophical Conceptions and Russian
philosophy, history, Russia, social, justice, human, society.
The stream of books
Makhamatov, T. M., Volobuev, A. V. (2011). Presentation of the Humanities Journal. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 189–190. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58536
The article is devoted to the presentation of the Humanities Journal held in June 2011 at Financial
University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
philosophy, culture, history, humanities, science, journal.