Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Social Chaos. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58408
The author studies the phenomenon of social chaos and social changes as an essential part of history. It is underlined
that the problem of social chaos becomes especially topical when a society is in the process of its transformation.
philosophy, history, society, human, social evolution, social changes, social chaos.
Spiritual and moral search
Zapesotsky, A. S. (2011). Vyacheslav Stepin and His Theory of Culture. Part II. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 8–17. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58409
The article analyzes the role of cultural continuity in V. S. Stepin’s theory of culture. It is underlined that culture is
nothing else but a unity of traditions and innovations. The author emphasizes V. S. Stepin’s views on a relationship between
‘culture’ and ‘civilization’ and considers various aspects of a development of civilization. The author also views the two types of
civilizations described by V. S. Stepin – traditional and technogenic civilizations. The article shows the problems and contradictions
of civilizational dynamics.
cultural studies, culture, cultural continuity, civilization, traditional civilization, technogenic civilization.
Ontology: being and nihility
Kutyrev, V. A. (2011). Greatness and Insidiousness of Husserl’s Idea of Phenomenology (Philosophical and Historical Background
of Information Cognitivism). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 18–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58410
Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is viewed as an anticipation of information revolution. It offers conceptions
which, by their inner meaning, were philosophically speculative analogues of structural and cognitive and communicative
theorizing. According to the author, it was the source and the beginning of a denial of reality of a phenomenal world (macro
world) as the modern technoscience denies.
philosophy, Husserl, phenomenology, noema, information, agent, communication, existence, nothing, ontology.
Picture of the world in natural science
Malyukova, O. V. (2011). Ecology of Time and Conceptual Systems of Environmental Science. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 25–33. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58411
Epistemological program of taking over time creates a new imperative of the epoch – a need in a transfer from epistemology
of time to ecology of time. Ecology of time assumes that a human exists in his proper time patterns of the past, present
and future. Based on this general conception, ecology of time can be described as a system of knowledge aimed at theoretical
justification and practical preservation of time and space variety of existence including ecology of human himself as a main
part of such knowledge.
phenomenon of time, epistemological program, temporality, temporal topics, time irreversibility, global problems of modern age, engineering ecology, environmental arrow of time.
The issues of holistic world
Zhimbeeva, S. I. (2011). Vitality. Inter-relations in Nature. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 34–42. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58412
Based on the study of Byrats, the author of the article discusses the topic of a soul as the main meaning of vitality.
Viewing the soul as a natural life force (as in the theory of panspermia, for instance) is typical for all nations practicing shamanism,
or rather to say, shamanism reveals the theme of understanding nature. Buddhism also created detailed grounds for
conception of the soul which is well shown in this article.
cultural studies, culture, nature, soul, afterbirth, unity, shamanism, rite, Buddhism, vitality.
Methodology of philosophical learning
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2011). Constructs of the Universal, Peculiar and Singular in the Context of a Structural Model of the World View. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 43–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58413
The article considers the main constructs of the world view. The author proves the need in distinguishing between the
world view and scientific world view. Viewing the world view as a concept of conception and conception of conception, the author
outlines the basic constructs of it: ontological, gnoseological and ideological. Regarding each of these constructs the author
also describes the general, peculiar and singular aspects of the world view.
philosophy, world view, ontological aspect of the world view, gnoseological aspect of the world view, ideological aspect of the world view, existence, substance, scientific world view, local world views, particular scientific world views.
Philosophy of knowledge
Oboturova, N. S. (2011). Idea as a Conceptual Level of Knowledge in P. D. Jurkiewics’ Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 50–58. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58414
The article studies the role and meaning of P. D. Jurkiewics’ philosophy in analysis of the idea as a conceptual level
of knowledge in philosophy based on comparison of approaches to idea in Plato’s, Aristotle’s, Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies.
The author of the article also describes Jurkiewics’ understanding of the idea in distinction from ‘concept’ and ‘conception’ as
a universal human consciousness and world view. The article also describes Jurkiewics’ views on a relationship between philosophical
and scientific world views.
philosophy, P.D. Jurkiewics, conception, concept, idea, science, mechanical world view, idea as a form of universal philosophical consciousness and perception of the world, rationalism, empirism.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Borisenkov, A. A. (2011). The Phenomenon of Implicit Knowledge. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 59–66. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58415
The article reveals the essence, peculiarities and possible forms of implicit knowledge as well as its role in the cognitive
philosophy, human, knowledge, implicit knowledge, spiritual activity, cognitive activity, science, teaching, consciousness, personality.
Value and truth
Sidorova, G. P. (2011). Value of Labor in the ‘Thaw’ Literature as a Representation of the Soviet Culture in Art. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 67–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58416
Trying to understand the meanings of culture, cultural studies address to literature for general readers as an art
form of a society’s system of value. The goal of this article is to find out how the value of socially useful labor was reflected in
literature for general readers during the time of the ‘Thaw’. What role did the socially useful labor play in everyday life? How
important motivation for such labor was? What meanings of the Soviet culture hid behind it?
cultural studies, value, labor, literature for general readers, meaning, Soviet, tradition, culture, ‘thaw’.
Philosophy of science and education
Prokhorov, M. M. (2011). Truth and Cultural Studies. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 76–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58417
The article analyzes the concept of truth in post-unclassical science which studied human-sized systems with a human
viewed as a subject deliberately changing the ontology of an object. Knowledge as a subjective image of an objective world
is filled with a related content combining objectivity with human-sizedness which is reflected in features of truth, deception,
lies and interactions between them. Unlike everyday consciousness which ‘excessively’ uses these categories, and philosophy of
postmodernism which, on the contrary, tends to destruct existence and eliminates truth, lies and deception, the author proves
the idea that there are certain borders of application of these concepts and there are hypostasis and stimulation beyond these
borders. On these grounds the author also proves the alternative nature of cogitation (which learns about existence) and its
stimulation and reveals the importance of understanding their opposition not only in gnoseology and epistemology but also in
cultural studies.
philosophy, science, truth, post-unclassical sciene, objectivity, human-sizedness, hypostasis, morals, cogitation, stimulation.
Tradition and innovation
Fedotov, L. N. (2011). Foreign Economic Capital Assets of Modernization. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 86–92. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58418
The article views forms and influence of foreign economic capital asset (human, brain, social, cultural and environmental)
on processes of development and modernization. The author proves the importance of these conceptions for regional
programs of modernization which adjust national target programs to local conditions. The author also justifies the need in
transition to an innovative type of a society.
philosophy, modernization, foreign economic capital assets, human capital assets, brain capital, social capital, cultural capital, environmental capital, national program of modernization, regional programs of modernization.
Social philosophy
Veselov, A. V. (2011). Development of Views on Trueness of Social Engineering. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 93–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58419
The article describes stages of development of views on trueness of social engineering as a part of scientific knowledge.
The author analyzes various conceptions of truth dominating in Utopian, scientific engineering and post-unclassical periods of development of social engineering. The article empathizes the ‘involvement of a subject into an object’ as a condition of trueness
of social engineering during the post-unclassical stage.
philosophy, sociality, engineering, truth, activity, subject, system, rationality, natural, artificial.
The dialogue of cultures
(2011). ‘Russian and European Philosophies’ Seminar (held at the Division of Anthropological Teachings at Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Moscow, 21-22 October 2010. Part 2. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 104–116. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58420
The second part of the seminar is represented by Anna-Fracuaza Shmid’s speech ‘Generic Epistemology: from Ego to
Collective Intimacy of Science’.
philosophy, human, society, Russian philosophy, European philosophy, Anna-Francuaza Shmid, generic epistemology.
The torment of communication
Kantor-Kazovskaya, L. Michail Grobman. (2011). Manifestos, Fragments of the Theory, Publications. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 117–120. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58421
The article is devoted to life and creative work of Michail Grobman – an artist and a poet, one of the brightest figures
in the history of Moscow avant-garde in art during the 1960th.
philosophy, culture, art, avant-garde, Michail Grobman, magic symbolism, manifests.
The torment of communication
Grobman, M. (2011). Magic Symbolism (Manifesto). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 121–147. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58422
This is Michail Grobman’s manifesto about ‘magic symbolism’ – method in art and life freeing a human. In his manifestos
of Leviaphan Group (group of Israel artists of the last quarter of the 20th century) he describes the three basic elements of
Leviaphan position in art: primitivism, symbol and a letter.
philosophy, art, symbolism, magic symbolism, primitivism, symbol, letter, Leviaphan.
Savvina, O. V. (2011). Researches in the Sphere of Ethics of Academic Community and Tendencies of its Development. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 148–154. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58423
The article descries the history of researches in the sphere of ethics of academic community from R. Merton up to our
time and makes certain conclusions about further development of ethics of academic community. The author lays an emphasis
on the study of existing mechanisms of ethical regulation not only within the academic community but also in other related
spheres such as education and business organizations. At the end of the article the author makes a conclusion about a possibility
to adopt certain mechanisms of ethical regulation of ethics in academic community from corporate governance and
business ethics.
philosophy, academic community, applied ethics, ethics of science, university, academic institution, ethical regulation, code of ethics, corporation, science.
Dolgov, K. M. (2011). Esthetics: Development or Abandonment?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 155–165. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58424
This is the review of a speech made during International Esthetic Conference held at the philosophical faculty of Moscow
State University. The speech is devoted to life and creative work of M. F. Ovsyannikov and describes the rapid development of esthetics in the Soviet Union and establishment of numerous esthetical faculties in Russia, former Soviet Union countries
and other countries, too. It is well shown that Soviet aestheticians made a significant contribution to development of the world
philosophy of esthetics. At the same time the author describes the reasons causing closure of esthetical researches in modern
Russia as well as consequences creating a threat for development of Russian esthetics and spiritual culture.
philosophy, esthetics, art, science, religion, literature, mass culture, supreme culture, aestheticism, art aesthetic criteriology.
Philosophy and art
Demenev, D. N. (2011). Rational Element in the Structure of Artistic Process. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 166–175. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58425
The main issue of the article is the question whether there is a rational ‘kernel’ in the process of creation of an art piece
and the way this ‘kernel’ interacts with the sensual element of the process. Describing the structure of the art process starting
from the sensual level, the author proves that there must be a rational element in art. At the end of the article the author concludes
that these two levels form the basis of the third component of the art process, - an artist’s life experience.
philosophy, art, cognition, artist, rational level, sensual level, objective cogitation, abstract cogitation, contemplation, experience.
Philosophy of postmodernism
Amelchenko, S. N. (2011). Modes of ‘the Must’ and ‘the Arrant’ in Contradictions between Modernity and Post-Modernism. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 176–186. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58426
Using the universals ‘the arrant’ and ‘the must’ allows to define additional aspects of the study of hidden contradictions
between Modernity and Post-Modernism as well as to determine the basis for eliminating them.
philosophy, culture, the arrant, the must, Modernity, Post-Modernism, code, modus, industrialism, post-industrialism.
Philosophy of history
Leopa, A. V. (2011). Necessity to Consider Historical Experience in Conditions of Globalization. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 187–196. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58427
The article describes modern views on development of the society. The author proves the failure of globalization
ideologists who base their studies on Darwin’s conception to solve economic and socio-cultural crises of the modern age. It is
shown that it is necessary to change relations between the West and the East taking into account historical experience which
evidently shows variability of models and stages in development of the society.
philosophy, history, succession, globalization, cognition, integration, processes, national, values, civilization.