Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Arthur Schopenhauer
About ‘the Interesting’. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 5–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58039
The author studies the defi nition of ‘the
beautiful’ and ‘the interesting’ in works by a famous
philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. Particularly, it
is underlined that there is a certain need in considering
‘the interesting’ as a separate category in
philosophy, esthetics, the beautiful, the interesting, cogitation, will, mass culture
Philosophy of knowledge
Staravoitov, V. V. (2011). The Notion of Cause in
Hume’s and Kant’s Works. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 8–13. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58040
The author of the article investigates the
analysis of the notion of cause by Hume and Kant.
Such analysis was connected with the necessity of
philosophical foundation of scientifi c knowledge.
The impossibility of experimental foundation of the
notion of cause gave birth of Hume skepticism and
Kant apriorism.
philosophy, cause, scientifi c knowledge, experience, empiricism, perception, ideas, habit, skepticism, a priori
Value and truth
Davydov, V. A. (2011). The Process of the History
Reconstruction (Peculiarities of Infl uence
of Culture and Society). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 14–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58041
The article considers some aspects of the
process of infl uence of ideology, social cultural values,
standards of ethics and esthetics and etc. on
the process of history reconstruction. It is noted
that ideology infl uence is one of the most strongly
marked and the most distorting the entire process
and outcomes of the history reconstruction. The
author insists on the thesis that the implicit form of
basic cultural values and social norms is refl ected
in reconstructive ‘historical knowledge’. Moreover,
when the former changes, it makes the historical
knowledge to change, too. As a result, any society
would inevitably have its own history based on the
values and norms generally accepted in this society.
The author of the article also raises a question about moral and ethical responsibility of a historian
for results of such reconstruction.
philosophy, history reconstruction, historical knowledge, culture, axiological approach, objectivity, values, morals, ethics, esthetics
Information and ideas
Popova, M. V., Savchenko, V. V. (2011). On the
Understanding of the ‘Information Culture’
Phenomenon. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 25–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58042
This article is an attempt to analyze the
information culture phenomenon. The author describes
different approaches to explanation of the
essence of the ‘information’ and ‘culture’ universals.
The authors share their views on the nature
of this phenomenon and prove that it is effi cient to
use a multidisciplinary approach when studying
the problem of formation of a personal information
philosophy, information, culture, informatization, education, personality, technologies, society, activity, interaction
Cycles and tides in the global world
Bayanov, K. R. (2011). Philosopho-
Methodological Grounds for Prognosing
Socio-Natural Dynamics. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 38–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58043
The author turns to the topic of prognosis
because detection of prognosis grounds for
socio-natural dynamics along with attraction of
potentials of eschatology, metaphysics, language,
modern development concepts, ethics and nonlinear
dynamics will allow to give a certain content
to concrete prognosis and design technologies.
Possession of such technologies for designing the
future should be one of the main priorities for
our country. It is the question of economic benefi
t or national security. Based on the author, it
is the question of our country’s survival. It resembles
the Soviet times when passion of nuclear
and space technologies had a crucial importance
for existence and sustainable functioning of the
philosophy, prediction (prognosis), socio-natural dynamics (noospheric attractor), socio-technological strategy, eschatology, metaphysics, causality, ethics, nonlinear dynamics, language.
Dasein of the human being
Barinov, D. N. (2011). The Evolution of Stereotypes
of Fear and Anxiety in the History of
Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 50–56. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58044
The evolutional analysis of the stereotypes
of fear and anxiety in the History of
Philosophy shows that in many philosophers’ works
there have been attempts to learn the nature of fear
and anxiety, to give them anthropological and ontological
grounds, to classify the forms and kinds
of fear, to demonstrate its connection with other
mental states. The analysis of the social aspects of
fear and anxiety as constituent elements of social
behaviour and management has become an important
feature of the philosophic theories.
philosophy, fear, anxiety, human, anthropology, spirituality, emotions, rationalism, irrationalism, existentials
Spiritual and moral search
Chukhrova, K. K. (Chukhrukidze) (2011). On the
Question about Ethics in Esthetics: Is there
an Esthetics of Fascism. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 57–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58045
The article analyzes the origins of art
work projects and theories which appeared in the
esthetics of the 20th century including the project
of modernism and identifi ed themselves with conservative
political priorities and, at times, directly
with fascism. Unlike the point of view considering
fascism as some political and cultural irrationality,
this article shows that both political and esthetical
characteristics of fascism have their digital logic.
The article also describes social prerequisites of
protofascistic esthetics in modern art.
philosophy, aestheticization of politics, sovereignty, Georges Bataille, fascism, transgression, «homo sacer», political emancipation, modern art
Dolgov, K. M. (2011). Analyzing the Development
Problems of Esthetics, Literature, Art and Culture in a Modern World (About the 18th
International Congress on Esthetics). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 66–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58046
The article analyzes the basic issues discussed
during the 18th International Congress on
Esthetics held in Beijing (PRC). The author of the
article defi nes the methodology of esthetical researches
in the West and the East.
philosophy, esthetics, esthetic education, nature, art, Confucianism, Taoism, religion, morals
Philosophy and art
Demeniev, D. N. (2011). Interaction of Visual and
Emotional Perceptions in Visual Art Work. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 80–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58047
The article is devoted to the interaction
of visual and emotional perceptions and the role
these forms of perceptions play when work of visual
art is being created. The article has a theoretical
and practical importance for artists and will be
interesting for a wide audience of philosophy and
art fans.
philosophy, subject matter, object, intentionality, perception, the eye, the mind, art, image, fi ne arts
Philosophy of science and education
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2011). Constructs of the World
View. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 86–97. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58048
The article is devoted the constructs of the
world view. The world view is logically interpreted
as a notion or ‘idea of notion’ and shows the logic
of rise from the abstract to the concrete. Based on
the mentioned above methodology, the author logically
draws out the constructs of the world view.
philosophy, world view, concept, constructs of the world view, idea of notion, ontological aspect of the world view, ideological aspect of the world view, gnoseological aspect of the world view, methodological aspect of the world view, abstract and concrete
Philosophy of law
Shugurov, M. V. (2011). Philosophy of
International Law: Basic Tendencies of
Development in a Modern World. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 98–108. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58049
The article analyzes the philosophical
grounds of the modern international law, their composition and dynamics of development. The author
of the article conceives that the subject matter of the
international law philosophy is conceptualization of
philosophical ideas and principles forming the basis
of international law and its science. Much attention
is paid at possible perspectives of the international
law philosophy in the ‘post-modernism’ situation.
philosophy, globalization, law, postmodernism, paradigm, idea, politics, morals, peace, Hegelianism
History of ideas and teachings
Ermolaev, I. A. (2011). Role of Henri Bergson’s
Philosophy in Development of Modern
Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 109–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58050
The author of the article views Henri
Bergson’s philosophy as an actual negotiation of the
Hegel Philosophy. Based on the author, Bergson’s
philosophy directly or indirectly contribute to the
development of philosophy in the 19th century. The
concept of duration proposed by the French philosopher
allowed to overcome the irrationality of
the Hegel rationalism and to start moving to the
new dimension of the metaphysical explanation of
the world based on the conception of the process
philosophy, metaphysics, archetype, rationality, irrationality, Hegel, Bergson, science, positivism, contradiction