Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Knowledge and methodology
of philosophical anthropology. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 5–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57989
The article considers the basic methodological
principles of philosophical anthropology, in particular, conception of knowledge and its types and interpretation of the essence and origins
of human.
philosophy, philosophical anthropology, knowledge, cognition, methodology, principles, human
Philosophy of knowledge
Bogdanova, V. O. (2011). Epistemology of corporeity:
from the ‘body-prosthesis’ model to
the ‘body-conscience’ model. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 9–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57990
The article proves the idea of conscience
not existing without a body. When losing connection
with the body, the conscience loses its essence
and the basic ‘me-and-the world’ relation disappears.
Artifi cial intellect (or ‘digital prosthesis’ of
conscience) only imitates the mentioned above relation
because it is not conditioned by any vital or
adaptive necessity. This is why improvement of artifi
cial intellect must unavoidably lead to acquiring
‘corporeity’ in its anthropological meaning. It will
allow the artifi cial intellect to autonomously exist
in an environment.
philosophy, epistemology, phenomenology, conscience, cognition, corporeity, intellect, perception, subject, autopoiesis
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Danielyan, N. V. (2011). Outlook on the scientifi c
picture of the world in David Hume’s philosophy and modern epistemology. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 20–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57991
This article deals with the principles of
formation of the scientifi c picture of the world in
David Hume’s philosophy and modern epistemology.
The author of the article analyzes the Scottish
philosopher’s cognitive theory from the ‘subjectand-
object-relationship’ point of view and fi nds
out that the theory comes down to acceptance of an
eliminated subject in the absence of objective trueness
of the knowledge received. The author of the
article expands and proves the idea that in a modern
epistemology it is possible to form the scientifi c
picture of the world only from the point of view of
the unity of the subjective and objective. It is also shown that such categories as ‘subject’ and ‘object’
form the system which elements have meaning
only when they are dependent on one another or
on the system in general. At the end of the article
the author concludes that, despite obvious limitations
and diversity of David Hume’s conception of
perception of the scientifi c picture of the world, it
surely contributed to development of epistemology
and formation of the modern stage of scientifi c
cognitive activity.
philosophy, subject, object, impressions, ideas, perception, mind, causality, consistency, cognition
Theological foundations of being
Alekhina, E. V. (2011). Human-within-the-world:
russian religious philosophers about the
meaning of the universal existence. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 30–41. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57992
The article studies a religious approach
to the problem of the meaning of the universal existence
and human earthly life. This approach insists
on the spiritual basis of the Universe, uniqueness
and absolute value of life, heavenly origin of
life and divine destiny of a human. The meaning
of human life is mainly connected with the answer
to the question about the origin of the world, with
the problem of the arche and understanding of the
basic principles of the Universe and hierarchy of
the visible world. For Russian philosophers creationism
became the basis of understanding the
Universe. Creationism opposed to evolutionism,
in other words, it suggested the transcendental
instead of the immanent principle (approach) to
understanding of the Universe. This and other scenarios
of how the Universe and Human were born
contain (or do not contain) the purpose, meaning of
the Universe and earthly life of Human.
philosophy, Russian religious philosophy, life, death, cosmology, evolutionism, creationism, meaning of life, ontology, anthropology
The new paradigm of science
Manev, I. A. (2011). Are biblical paradise and hell
real?. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 42–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57993
The article gives a theoretical proof of life
after physical death. For this purpose the author
forms a definition that this system is alive only if
it records the three specific algorithms enabling
its self-recovery. One of these algorithms allows the system to consume the energy needed for it to
perform. According to the hypothesis of the article,
every human has an invisible biofield twin besides
his own physical body. The author describes incidents
when people lived for decades without any
food because they were receiving energy directly
from the Universe; these incidents were many times
confirmed both by medicine and church. Being a
live system, a biofield twin can receive energy directly
from the Universe after death of a physical
body, too. Since it is made up of a more delicate
matter than a physical body, such a twin can live
almost forever. As an example the author quotes
some categorical propositions of famous Bulgarian
clairvoyants Vanga and Slava Sevryukova about
life after death.
It is also explained how biofield formations of various
types of paradise and hell are formed depending
on the level of morals of the deceased person
and cultural and technical level of development of
a corresponding epoch in history. Biofield twins of
deceased people are naturally attracted to these
philosophy, personality, twin, material, self-recovery, life, memory, unconscious, paradise, hell
Philosophical anthropology
Rostova, N. N. (2011). Symbol in Pavel Florensky’s
philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 53–63. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57994
The article is devoted to the analysis of
the concept of symbol in Pavel Florensky’s philosophy.
Usually a symbol means an arbitrary sign, a
result of a contract or an allegory; a symbol is what
imprints an image or resemblance of the superior
realities and what points out at them or expresses
them; a symbol is also an intermediate between
the stimulus and reaction prohibiting against automatism
of nature. Florensky suggested his own
formula of a symbol: according to him, symbol is what it symbolizes.
philosophy, symbol, sign, Florensky, anthropology, human, Medea, cult, symbolism, antinomy
Philosophy and culture
Ursul, A. D. (2011). Information and culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 64–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57995
The article examines the relationship of
information and culture, with special attention
paid to the information aspect of culture as information
process, which characterizes the degree of
social evolution. It is noted that the concept of civilization
“leans” to the material and the real, economic
and technical-technological treatment, at
the same time presenting a coherent social stage
of evolution, the concept of culture - its spiritual
and informational component, expressing the deep
essence of civilization process. We discuss the information
criterion of evolution in nature, society,
and its application to evolutionary processes in
culture. The author also dwells on the problem of
fi nding pieces of cultural information, in particular
memes, and give an opinion on these studies.
philosophy, civilization, information, information criterion of development, the information approach, culture, meme, diversity, evolution
The dialogue of cultures
Krivykh, L. V. (2011). East-west: peculiarities of
communication practices. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 80–89. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57996
Topical issue about multicultural space
is part of a general problem about vital differences
of cultures. This article considers basic types
of cross-cultural communication interactions. In
their turn, these types allow to defi ne peculiarities
of the eastern and western psychomental models.
philosophy, culture, communication, language, cogitation, space, time, mentality, behavior
Religions and religious renaissance
Gusaeva, K. G., Akhmedova, A. S. (2011). Formation of religious beliefs of Dagestan
peoples. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 90–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57997
The key element of the article is the
study of peculiarities of expansion of Islam or
‘Islamisation’ in Dagestan because this process refl
ects the main tendencies and essence of formation
a Muslim belief typical for that region. Special attention
is also paid at pre-Islamic religious views
of Dagestan peoples including the period of paganism and the stage of Christianization of the region
because there traditional Islam synthesized
numerous perceptions, images and cult elements
of previous religions and is still closely related to
philosophy, religion, Christianity, Islam, Dagestan, polytheism, conscience, islamisation, Sufi sm, confessions
The stream of books
Shaviro, S. (2011). Transcriticism of Kant and
Marx: paradoxes and parallaxes (translated
by I.N. Fridman). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 97–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57998
This is the reference by an American
cultural critic Steven Shaviro on Kojin Karatani’s
book ‘Transcriticism: On Kant and Marx’ – ‘the
most important and useful book in philosophy’, as
Steven Shaviro calls it, viewing Marx and Kant in
one meaning perspective.
philosophy, Kant, Marx, Marxism, capital, exploitation, neoclassicism
(2011). In memory of Mikhail Alexandrovich Rozov. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 110–110. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57999