Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Aggression of the Ignorance. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58889
The column is devoted to the ‘aggressive’ ignorance which made people burn books, create the ‘black’ list of
‘harmful’ books and… discuss a Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita from the point of view of extremism.
philosophy, culture, extremism, religion, Russia, India, Bhagavad Gita, Hindu.
Spiritual and moral search
Razin, A. A. (2011). Classification of People Depending on Their Spiritual and Moral Qualities. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 6–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58890
The article is devoted to the problem of definition of such concepts as ‘spirituality’ and ‘morals’ and their
place in human’s path to his own nature. Many philosophers believe that morals have something to do with the will,
virtue, commitment to work and happiness. Only if you conquer yourself for the sake of our close and distant people,
you shall become spiritual and liked by God. Spirituality is closely connected with our attitude to others and it is all
about mercy. Morals are formed as some kind of habitual behavior under the influence of our cultural and social
environment in our childhood.
philosophy, mind, freedom, happiness, habit, self-sacrifice, conscious, multiple personality disorder, workmanship, labor nature of morals.
Philosophical anthropology
Klyagin, N. V., Ryabushkina, I. B. (2011). Human of the Future. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 17–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58891
According to the author of the article, until 2565 neotenics will take turns with the accelerators but then
rigid neotenics will reign.
philosophy, acceleration, demographic and technological dependence, cultural revolution, matrix of the superstring, time machine, neoteny, causality, theory of everything, technological revolution, universal program.
Spectrum of consciousness
Karpova, E. V. (2011). Subjective Side of Socio-Cultural Perception of Space in Philosophical Legal Conceptions. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 28–35. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58892
The article is devoted to the subjective side of socio-cultural perception of space in philosophical legal conceptions.
It is viewed as a perception complex and the process of the subject’s inner emotions regulating his activity.
The subject’s readiness to perceive space from the socio-cultural point of view is explained by the fact that there are
mythological, religious, scientific and philosophical conceptions of space in a human mind.
philosophy, subject, perception, space, interest, right, emotions, motives, situation, consciousness.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Aleynik, R. M. (2011). The Project of New Naturalism in Human Researches: the Problems of Consciousness and
World Perception. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 36–46. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58893
The author views the relevance of the new naturalism project for human researches, society and culture.
Looking at human as an intricately organized biological species provides us an opportunity to create the synthesis
of natural and socio-humanitarian disciplines.
human, phenomenology, cartesianism, thesis about human exceptional nature, consciousness, world perception.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Voronina, O. A. (2011). The Role of Gender Metaphors in the Philosophical Perception of the Reality. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 47–58. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58894
The article is devoted to the usage of metaphors in philosophical texts. It is shown that apart from cognitive
function, metaphor also has the modeling function: it does not only form the perception, but also indicates the manner
and type of thinking. Special role is given to the basic metaphors which make a comparison between different systems
of concepts and frame the subject of the discourse. Such metaphors include sex/gender metaphors. Ever since the Ancient
world sex description have been used by the philosophers to describe and understand the reality. The idea that
the ‘rational’ beginning was somehow connected with the masculinity was introduced by the ‘founding fathers’ long
ago. If we include the male and female in the system of world perception as ontological formations, it will completely
change the primary natural and biological meaning of gender. The ‘gender’ metaphor is viewed as one of the bases
for a traditional Western type of rationality and as a factor which forms the culture.
philosophy, archetype, gender, culture, metaphor, cogitation, sex, rationality, symbol, human.
Social philosophy
Lykyanov, G. I. (2011). Creating Conceptual Grounds for Risk in the Context of Social Reality. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 59–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58895
The article is devoted to creating theoretical, methodological and semantic grounds of risk as a concept of
modern social theory and a phenomenon of social practice. The author draws our attention at the fact that rapid
expansion of risk and its invasion into many spheres of human existence surely make us anxious. Many factors depend
on that: how well human use his abilities; whether he will be able to subdue his mind and needs to the existing
social situation and how well he will be able to align his actions with the reality. The author’s interpretation of the
phenomenon of risk is based on the idea that risk is nothing else but activity aimed at overcoming uncertainty in a
situation of unavoidable choice.
philosophy, phenomenon of risk, social reality, social marcorisks, activity, danger, threat, situation of choice, existential risk, socio-cultural crisis.
Philosophy of language and communication
Shmeleva, N. D. (2011). Social Communications: Subjective and Objective Sides. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 66–72. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58896
Modern society places a priority on social communicative processes and relations. This is where the ‘key points’
of the globally expanding world being defined. In such process social communications have got the two directions at
the same time: inside their own social system and ‘outside’ of it. By the means of communications the local societies
reveal and accept conditions and parameters of their own link to the norms and requirements of the international
level. Such duality of social communications is an essential condition of preservation of cultures and social structures
f the local worlds despite the growing tendency of convergence and interaction between countries and peoples. The
author of this article describes some forms of social communications which reflect the social norms. These forms of
communications include: game, crosscultural communications and social partnership.
philosophy, culture, social communications, game, crosscultural communications, text, message, cultural code, partnership, society.
National character and mentality
Odintsova, E. V. (2011). Culture, Everyday Life and Holidays in the Life of Russian People during the Last Third of
the 17th Century. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 73–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58897
The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian people’s everyday life during the last third of the 17th century
as a part of the historical process of changing human consciousness. The author of the article also discusses how a new form of social and everyday life was formed when Russia adopted elements of Western European culture. The article
descries the bright moments of everyday life and holidays of the Russian people as well as interest of foreigners who
arrived at and lived in Russia during the last third of the 17th century. The article is based on historical, cultural and
culturological approaches.
cultural studies, Russia, society, holiday, everyday culture, foreigners, urban mentality, feudalism, clothes, power.
Political philosophy
Golovko, Yu. M. (2011). Religious and Philosophical Views of John Adams and their Role in Formation of his Political
Ideas. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 81–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58898
John Adams (1735-1826) is a notable figure of the War of Independence, the second president of the USA and
one of the major politicians during the epoch of Enlightenment. His way to philosophical, religious and moral becoming
was difficult and full of events. Adam’s early interpretations of God and Bible, human and nature, devotion and virtue
cast light on his mature political and philosophical views. When he started to defend colonists’ rights in 1765, Adams
proved his principles which he had formed when graduating from Harvard. Going long way from new English pietism
to philosophical rationalism of the Enlightenment, John Adams did not only play an important role in determination
of nature and peculiarities of the revolution but also became its embodiment and personification.
philosophy, Adams, Puritanism, deism, Enlightenment, rationalism, freethinking, humanism, civil, responsibility.
Philosophy of law
Moskaleva, D. O. (2011). What Type Does the Modern Russian Society Refer to?. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 96–101. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58899
The author of this article discusses the problem of classification of modern Russian society. The article contains
the author’s summary and conclusions. Based on the author, modern Russian society is a special type of ‘mixed’
society in crises.
philosophy, society, typology, right, types, reforms, Russia, capitalism, socialism, democracy.
History of ideas and teachings
Zhigaltsova, T. V. (2011). Approaches to Definition of ‘Modern’ and ‘Post-Modern’ in the Theory of Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 102–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58900
In order to understand such socio-cultural problems of modern age as globalization, identity crisis, postmodernization,
hybridization and others, it is necessary to clarify the logic of formation and development of Modern
and Post-Modern values. In order to do it, the of the article discusses the basic approaches to definitions of ‘Modern’
and ‘Post-Modern’ in the theory of philosophy as well as their reflection in the real life.
cultural studies, culture, society, modernization, post-modernism, identity, enlightenment, problem, postcolonialism, de colonization.