Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Romantic Ideal of Human. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 4–7.
The article is devoted to the ideal of human during the epoch of Romanticism. The author gives a
detailed description of romantic views on human introduced by philosophers, poets and writers living back in
those times.
philosophy, romanticism, human, ideal, existence, East, Europe.
The new paradigm of science
Borisenkov, A. A. (2011). Paradigm Knowledge in Political Science as a Development Factor. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 8–15.
The article studies the phenomenon of paradigm knowledge in political science that is based on the
idea of the political unity and expansion of a political structure. The author of the article describes how particularly
that kind of knowledge was formed as well as the role it plays for a political theory and its development.
The study offers a new paradigm in political science which is based on the innovation approach to the study of
the political content.
philosophy, paradigm knowledge, paradigm, political science, political structure, political components, political unity, political content, forms of political existence, wholeness of a political theory.
The issues of holistic world
Polischuk, V. I. (2011). Scenario for the World History and Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 16–22.
The article expands the traditional interpretation of Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’. The author
shows that this work is a ‘demonstration’ of fuller understanding of the universal spirit which has an effect on
its history: it is becoming less spontaneous. Self-actualization of spirit is the process of history turning into
actual, i.e. reasonable history which consists of planning and realization of plans. In other words, history becomes
a purposeful activity. It is literally ‘made’ by human and becomes his culture. Therefore, this is where the
traditional conception of history ends. Still, ‘the end’ of history can actually become a new stage of world culture
just the way Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ became the beginning of his career as the great and famous
philosophy, Hegel, phenomenology, consciousness, spirit, self-consciousness, history, world, creation, culture.
Spiritual and moral search
Razin, A. V. (2011). Human Body as a Anthropological Constant of His Social Existence. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 23–32.
The topic on human body is viewed from the point of view of new biotechnologies allowing to influence
our lifespan and support biochemical processes and even change the body structure. The author of the
article discusses the right of human to do with his body what he wants and proves that being a unique bearer
of consciousness, our body is not our personal possession at all. The article discusses the ethics of limiting body
reconstruction in order to preserve continuity of culture.
philosophy, culture, ethic, body, consciousness, law, paternalism, liberalism, life, death.
Philosophy and culture
Artyukhina, L. V. (2011). The Culture of Profound Communication (comparison of G. S. Batischev’s and J. Bugental’s
views). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 33–40.
This article is devoted to modern views on the phenomena of profound communication. The author of
the article considers a relevant existential conception introduced by James Bugental from the point of view of
Batischev’s approach and analyzes how Batischev’s basic ‘universals of profound communication’ are embedded
in a modern psychological theory. At the end of the article the author concludes that the culture of personal
profound communication should be developed on the basis of modern knowledge and concepts including the
concepts mentioned above.
cultural studies, communication, view, Henry Stepanovich Batischev, James Bugental, conception, universals, theory, cogitation, creativity, time, positron, special dimension, superstring, electron.
National character and mentality
Aleynik, R. M. (2011). The Human of Ethnics. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 41–49.
The epoch of globalization is characterized by a paradox combination of the growth of multi-ethnocultural
interactions, population and genetic shift of peoples and reinforcement of ethnic identity at the same
time. However, there are still vivid debates around the terms ‘ethnos’ and ‘nation’ between primordialists and
constructivists in Russian philosophy and ethnology. It also gave birth to a new interpretation anthropology
which studies cultural differences and meanings of human activity and various social coalitions in comparison
with discrete units of anthropological (ethnological) analysis and relations between them.
philosophy, human, globalization, culture, ethnos, integrity, anthropology, self-consciousness, primordialists, constructivists.
Philosophical anthropology
Korneva, S. A. (2011). Personality as an Absolute: F. M. Dostoevsky’s Metaphysical Views. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 50–57.
F. M. Dostoevsky’s views on human nature and personality can be viewed from the point of view of
transfusion and interaction between European and Russian cultures. Integration of European metaphysical
conceptions and Russian Orthodoxy allowed to create a conception of human as the phenomenon of godly absolute
free of rational theomachy. Being part of the godly absolute, god-and-man is considered to be the next
stage in the development of humankind. Based on such approach, personality is a phenomenon possessing an
independent enternal value which is beyond the borders of a particular religion, on one hand, but closely connected
with religion due to its spirituality, on the other hand. Dostoevsky’s works are analyzed from the point
of view of the conflict between different Christian confessions and a traditional conflict between a religious
society and a new world created by the technological progress. The conception of the unity of all humankind
helps to better understand the principles of multiculturalism and cross-cultural communication. The results of
this study can be used by researchers in order to better understand modern social processes and formation of
human values. Further study and interpretation of M. F. Dostoevsky’s legacy may help to create new models of
spiritual and moral development.
philosophy, human, personality, absolute, ‘all humankind’, ‘god-and-man’, individuality, being, universal values, Christianity
Dasein of the human being
Kompuen, F. (2011). Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus: Prophets of the Absurd. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 58–65.
The article is devoted to the absurd, peculiarities of its perception and influence on human in the 20th
century – an atheist and a hero of Sartre’s and Camus’ books. The author of the article makes a comparative
analysis of their interpretations of the absurd and empathizes the resistance of consciousness towards a factual
pressure of the absurd and initial autonomy of the absurd in the face of the integrated and whole consciousness.
The author of the article reaches a compromise by extending the model of the absurd abandonment to the sad
sides of modern life. According to the author, philosophy must come back to what it initially served for. It would
make a certain contribution to fighting with the ‘disease’.
philosophy, absurd, consciousness, subconsciousness, atheism, antinomy, paradox, attraction, abandonment, existence.
Spectrum of consciousness
Yakovlev, V. A. (2011). Consciousness: Information and Synergetic Approach. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 66–75.
The article discusses the possibility of building an information and synergetic model of consciousness.
The author introduces a principle of ontological reality of information – primary information in relation to material
and energetic (or physical) reality and reality of meanings (or ideal reality). The author suggests a new
approach to understanding an anthropic principle and interpretation of a philosophical category ‘consciousness’
as a concept of information reality theory.
philosophy, consciousness, information, synergetics, reality, science, creativity, subjective, principle, physics.
Maksimov, L. V. (2011). Is There a Rational Argumentation of Morals?. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 76–92.
Philosophers have been debating whether there is a rational basis of morals for three centuries by now.
The debates on this very important topic have not led to any results, which can be explained by the diversity of
incompatible visions and approaches to this topic as well as uncertain interpretation of key terms and concepts
and general uncertainty of the discussed issue. The main goal of the article is to clarify the meaning and general
logic of the issue which is an essential condition for a productive discussion and solution. The article defends
David Hume’s idea about nonderivability of statements about what we ‘ought’ from what there ‘is’, i.e. the idea
that it is impossible to understand grounds of morals on the basis of knowledge about the world order. The
article also contains a critical analysis of modern literature on philosophy and attempts to argue against this
Hume’s statement or give a completely different meaning to it. The article is ended with the statement that a rational
argumentation of fundamental morals is logically impossible and, moreover, completely useless from the
practical point of view because these principles create a unified system of human values which are formed and
internalized by the means of natural and social factors. In other words, people adopt these values disregarding
the fact whether they have a rational basis or not.
philosophy, morals, basis, explanation, belief, knowledge, values, norms, is (existing), ought (the must), imperative.
The history of humanitarian science
Petrushenko, V. L. (2011). Dmitry Merezhkovsky: Description of Philosophical and Theological Views. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 93–102.
The article is devoted to the 70th anniversary of Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky’s death and describes
his basic views and beliefs. The emphasis is made on Merezhkovsky’s original conceptions, in particular, his idea
of the nature and historical orientation of Christianity, the role of gender and embodiment and the concept of
the so-called ‘Third Testament’ which played an important role in Merezhkovsky’s so-called ‘new Christianity’.
philosophy, new Christianity, personality, all-unity, freedom, religion, apocalypse, the Third Testament, gender, ‘mean banality’.
Hegumen Peter (Pigol) (2011). Konstantin Dolgov: Creative Person. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 103–105.
This is the description of Konstantin Dolgov’s life and work from the point of view of religion: the
author of the article, hegumen Peter, talks about Dolgov’s talents grated by God, as well as his creativity as a
realization of God’s beginning and purpose.
philosophy, personality, religion, Christianity, gift, destination, Konstantin Mikhailovich Dolgov
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). New-Found Shpet. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 106–114.
This article contains reviews of Gustav Shpet’s works ‘Philosophical Critics’ and ‘Philosophy and Science’
as well as his selection works ‘Gustav Shpet and his Philosophical Legacy’.
philosophy, science, psychology, linguistics, esthetics, legacy, Gustav Shpet.