Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Special Time Of Thinking. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 5–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57962
In his article the author views the methodology of philosophical anthropology as a special time of
thinking viewing human in a concrete historical, social, existential and psychological situation.
philosophy, philosophical anthropology, psychology, methodology, human, method, philosophical learning
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Freudenthal, G. (2011). The missing core of Cassirer’s philosophy: Homo Faber in abstracto (translated by
T.S. Karachentsova). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 9–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57963
As the title of the article implies, Cassirer’s project has a philosophical and systematic (not only
philosophical) meaning indeed. Secondly, Cassirer’s philosophy has a central principle and thirdly, this central
principle is not well developed and does not apply to the cultural phenomena it was supposed to explain.
Therefore, all Cassirer’s works represent a program of systematic epistemology of history in the fi rst place
and the material which needs to be interpreted and explained by epistemology, on the other hand. Cassirer’s
works have a certain order which suggests a progressive epistemological development but Cassirer has never
applied the central principle of his epistemology – his interpretation of ‘symbol’ – to demonstrate and
explain this epistemological development.
philosophy, critical idealism, empiricism, substances and functions, designing, symbolic form, constructive philosophy of culture, synthesis, system and history, principle of development, symbolic function of technology
Ontology: being and nihility
E. Cassirer (2011). Mythological, esthetical and theoretical space (translated by T.S. Karachentsova). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 25–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57964
The article represents the speech by Ernst Cassirer – German philosopher and culture expert, representative of the Marburg tradition of Neo-Kantianism.
philosophy, science, theoretical learning, meaning, space
Space and time
Malyukova, O. V. (2011). Epistemology Of Time. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 35–40. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57965
It is possible nowdays to ascertain that a new situation bearing on attempts to rethink the phenomenon
of time is coming up. Any similar approaches could be executed on the ground of a wide interdisciplinary
synthesis for different disciplines offer incomplete notions of objective time. Proceeding from
this premises, one may assume that valuable concept of time should not be formed within the limits of any
separate scientifi c fi eld but could be solely inferred out of multidimensional interdisciplinary context. For
this reason it is indispensable to direct basic attention to both particular features of various domains of time and methods of investigation of temporality in diverse rinds of scientifi c knowledge.
philosophy, phenomenon of time, epistemological program, paradoxes of time, temporality, the temporal topics, irreversibility of time, measuring of time, a time scale, the alternative world
Philosophical anthropology
Chernov, S. V. (2011). About Creative Mission Of Human. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 41–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57966
Based on N. A. Berdyaev’s teaching about paradoxical ethics of creativity, the author of the article
views the problem of creative mission of human and plans a concrete research in philosophical anthropology
which would help to determine personal traits and qualities of human as a creating subject.
philosophical anthropology, paradoxical ethics of creativity, ethics of law, spiritual creativity, personality, love, creation, humanity
Social dynamics
Maksimov, M. A. (2011). Human In A Modern Society: Post-marxist Interpretation Of The Problem. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 50–58. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57967
The author studies post-classical interpretation of the problem of human and the perspective of
his development in the modern world. Special attention is paid at the views of post-Marxist philosophers
such as Alain Badiou, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and István Mészáros on human activity and social
relation of individuals with the projects of construction of modern socio-cultural environment.
philosophy, human, post-marxist, activity, socio-cultural environment, individual, social subject, democracy, agonism
The dialogue of cultures
Usmanova, O. S. (2011). Creative Work By The South Korean Filmmaker Kim-Ki-Duk (In The Frame Of The
Problems Of Identity And Transcultural Dialogue). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 59–66. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57968
The article is devoted to the problems of identity and transcultural dialogue based on the example
of creative work by a South Korean fi lmmaker Kim-Ki-duk. Based on the analysis of his fi lm ‘Spring,
Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring Again’ the author explicates the problem of personal self-identifi -
cation in connection with the growing dialogue of cultures. In this fi lm the problem of a person losing his
place in a modern world is interpreted from the point of view of Buddhism. Based on the author, the main
achievement of Kim-Ki-duk is that he revealed the concept of identity from heuristic point of view and
showed how important it is to free our minds from mass media stereotypes in order to understand the true
meaning of human identity.
cultural studies, dialogue, self-identifi cation, cinematograph, Korea, Christianity, Buddhism, communication, existentialism, absurd
Tradition and innovation
Popov, E. A. (2011). Time blooming like a bird cherry tree (Course of History of Culture at the Beginning of the
20th Century). Philosophy and Culture, 1, 67–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57969
The article uncovers the meaning of the Russian advance guard at the beginning of the 20th and
its role for Russian culture. Emphasis is made on axiological and conceptual searches of advance guard
representatives which helped to reinforce our cultural self-suffi ciency and identity.
philosophy, advance guard, culture, ideology, time, space, values, innovations, traditions, modernism
Philosophy of science and education
Borisov, S. V. (2011). ‘Philosopher’s Eye’ For Science: Dialogue In Dialogue Mode. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 81–91. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57970
The author of the article makes an attempt to transform the ‘inner’ polemics on science as learning
activity into the ‘external’ in the form of an imagined dialogue between the Dunce, Scientist and Science
Philosophers. Based on the author, it will allow to reveal certain contradictions and dramatic moments of
development of science and to see the ‘inner side’ of it.
philosophy, science, epistemology, positivism, neopositivism, post-positivism, paradigm, methodology, verifi cation, falsifi cation
Philosophy of technology
Voronin, A. A. (2011). Responsibility Of Human And Irresponsiblity Of Technology. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 92–100. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57971
The author views technology as a form of human communication and a communication strategy
invented by human in order to govern the world. But the world around is the human world. When we ask
about technology, we ask about human, his purposes, values and responsibility. From this point of view connection
between technology and morals are viewed as a link between responsibility and human rationality,
i.e. culture and society. It seems obvious that such connection does not have any perspectives. However,
the author thinks he knows how to unite technology and culture and how to prevent us from the confl ict
between human and technology.
philosophy, culture, technology, morals, tradition, innovations, communication, risks, institutions, progress
Philosophy and art
Vlasova, V. B. (2011). Chechkov A. P. – Realist Or Romanticist?. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 101–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57972
The article views Chechov’s work and world perception from the point of view of philosophy and
esthetics. In this regard the author also raises a question whether it is rightful to assume that Checkov’s
works refl ected his religious opinions. Most of the attention is paid at the analysis of a ‘duality’ of Chechov’s
poetics and parallels with L. Tolstoy’s, F. Dostoevsky’s works and west-European romanticism of the 19th
philosophy, creative work, world perception, humanism, realism, romanticism, irony, platitude, comedy, tragedy
The stream of books
Rozin, V. M. (2011). Thinking Over The Life And Creative Work Of Yury Lotman. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 108–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57973
The article is devoted to Yury Lotman’s path of life. The author analyzes peculiarities of Lotman’s
creative evolution, in particular, his transfer to semiotic and cultural studies. The article also describes
Lotman’s discourse and way of thinking.
philosophy, structure, structuralism, text, model, studies of humanity, dialogue, science, scheme, heuristics
The stream of books
Shulepova, E. A. (2011). Outline Of History Of Sergiev Posad At The End Of XVIII – XX Century. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 114–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57974
The article is devoted to publishing of a great monograph of the Russian Institute of Cultural
Studies ‘Outline of History of Sergiev Posad at the End of XVIII – XX Century’. This monograph continues
the ‘Russian Province: Environment, Culture and Society’ books on Russian history and culture published
by the Institute. In this monograph Sergiev Posad lifestyle and culture are shown as anthropologically oriented
history focusing on ‘human’ or ‘resident’.
cultural studies, studies of regions, historical cities of Russia, history of culture, socio-cultural environment, province, anthropologically oriented history, cultural traditions, cultural potential, cultural preferences