Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Romantic Ideal of Human. Continued. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 4–9. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59000
The article is devoted to the ideal of human during the epoch of Romanticism. The author gives a
detailed description of romantic views on human introduced by philosophers, poets and writers living back
in those times.
philosophy, romanticism, human, ideal, existence, East, Europe.
Ontology: being and nihility
Kutyrev, V. A. (2011). Our Civilization in the Epoch of Trans-Modern. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 10–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59001
Modern civilization is turning into a self-developing post-human formation. Cognitivism and
techno science declare that the macro-world reality is nothing else but the projection of calculus mathematics.
The sphere of the ‘other’ existence is created and being developed. This is the epoch of transmodernism.
Humankind is not wise enough to use its knowledge which is growing more and more
dangerous. The only way to save it is to slow up the pace of technological development, fight with the
spontaneity of innovation processes and gain control over it. The author suggests a so-called philosophy
of antagonism.
philosophy, techno science, cognitivism, the other, trans-modernism, wisdom, identity, phenomenology, administration, antagonism.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Akhmedova, T. T. (2011). Peculiarities of the Modern Antiglobalism. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 20–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59002
Modern scientists pay much attention at the phenomenon of globalization. Researches show that
this process is unfolding more and more. However, it is impossible not to notice that there is another phenomenon
standing out and showing itself –the phenomenon of anti-globalism.
philosophy, globalization, anti-globalism, post-industrialism, civilization, crisis, multiculturalism, culture, tradition, progress.
Spiritual and moral search
Popov, E. A. (2011). The Structures of Everyday Life from the Point of View of Values and Meaning. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 30–38. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59003
The article contains certain conclusions based on which the structures of everyday life are some
kind of a shelter for his existential state of mind. On the other hands, these structures make human to protest
or even act with aggression towards the reality. Special attention is paid at the resources which help a
modern human to overcome the inertia of everyday structures, particularly, human’s starvation to keep his
ethnical peculiarity and to review his attitude towards information technologies and etc.
philosophy, everyday life, values, existence, human, norms, culture, post-modern, existentialism, estrangement.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Kasavina (Kalyuzhnaya), N. A. (2011). Existential Shift at the Interface of Classic and Non-Classic
(the Case of Social Studies). Philosophy and Culture, 12, 39–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59004
The author of the article suggests his own interpretation of the shift in the sphere of humanities
towards reinforcement of attention to existential experience and human subjectivity as features of
non-classical science. As an example, the author discusses certain concepts of non-classical social studies
emphasizing everyday life and latent social reality. The author of the article defends the concept of interaction
between classical and non-classical aspects of science allowing to unite different scientific methods
and models.
philosophy, existential, experience, classical, non-classical, subject, emotions and feelings, meaning, understanding, knowledge.
Philosophy and culture
Starovoitov, V. V. (2011). Democracy and Totalitarianism (Ancient Greece Experience). Philosophy and Culture, 12, 50–64. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59005
The article is devoted to democratic and totalitarian forms of administration in Ancient Greece.
It is shown that ancient Greeks established a detailed system of principles characterizing various types of
cultural studies, democracy, aristocracy, oligarchy, monarchy, totalitarianism, polis, equality, civil rights, political systems.
Social philosophy
Razin, A. S., Belov, A. V. (2011). Methodological Grounds for the Classical Conception of Responsibility
in Modern Social Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 65–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59006
The article analyzes the process of institutionalization of responsibility. Responsibility is not only
a factor limiting one’s behavior but also a component of human activity in all spheres of his social interactions.
The authors of the article provide a very wide interpretation of responsibility which takes into account
the diversity of its forms, types and underlying motives. The ethics of responsibility lay emphasis on anticipation
of consequences of one’s activity and imply one’s choice based on the requirements of professional
philosophy, responsibility, ethics, values, norms, activity, freedom, individualism, motivation, personality.
Political philosophy
Glukhov, A. A. (2011). Plato and His Political Idea (Platonism of Neo-Kantian Philosophers and
Heidegger’s Anti-Platonism). Philosophy and Culture, 12, 71–83. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59007
The article analyzes Neo-Kantian interpretation of Plato’s works (most of all, in, Natorp’s book
‘Plato’s Theory of Ideas’) and its influence on Heidegger’s philosophy. Neo-Kantian philosophers gave Plato
special credit for invention of the ‘logical’, but their interpretation of Plato’s texts demonstrates their ignorance
of political contents of Plato’s dialogues. Despite the deep interest for ‘politics’ during his epoch, Heidegger
could take Neo-Kantian image of Plato at his own evaluation and base on such an image in his own
philosophy because it was a perfect variant to realize Nietzsche’s plan of ‘overcoming the platonism’. At the
same time, Heidegger’s own views are, in fact, very similar to the elements of Plato’s philosophy ignored by
Non-Kantian philosophers. A typical example here is his interpretation of the ‘idea about the good’ as an
insight revealed to very few ‘free minds and genius artists.
philosophy, Plato, Heidegger, Natorp, Platonism, Neo-Kantianism, politics, idea, transcendentalism, sovereignty.
Kirsberg, I. V. (2011). Religious Studies: from Study to Science?. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 84–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59008
Based on religious studies, the author of the article criticizes modern post-positivistic demarcation
of science and non-science and shows its potentials and advantages on the basis of the qualitative difference
between values and knowledge. Peculiarities of values and knowledge as the two irreducible and
interacting phenomena are described on the basis of ‘out of cognition’ and ‘cognitive’ acts of consciousness
– feelings and reasoning. The author suggests new criteria for demarcation which depend on predominance
of values or knowledge, as well as researches of irregularity, failure and perspectives of religious studies as
a science (and theology as a study which is not related to mere knowledge).
philosophy, demarcation, theology, religious studies, values, knowledge, science, non-science, consciousness, phenomenology.
Tradition and innovation
Donskoy, A. G. (2011). Models of the All-in-One Universum in Philosophical, Scientific and Mystical
Concepts of the 20th Century. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 95–98. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59009
The article contains a philosophical analysis of the category ‘Universum’ in science, cultural philosophy
and mystics of the 20th century. The author of the article pays much attention at determination of general fundamental onto-gnoseological aspects of the Universum. Comparative analysis very well shows
that the main general feature of the concerned Universum models is the recognition of communication and
noosphere progress as the essential factor of development of the Universum.
philosophy, unversum, Universe, cosmos, world, cogitation, existence, communication, noosphere, progress.
The dialogue of cultures
Artyukhina, M. G. (2011). Studying Experience of British Academic Education for the Purpose of
Implementation of it in Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 99–106. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59010
The article is devoted to the problems of development and improvement of the system of education.
The problem of gaining new knowledge is one of the traditional problems in cultural studies. If we study
education in other cultures, we can improve the system of education in our own culture and influence the
process of its reformation and development. The author of the article makes an attempt to define positive
achievements of the British academic education which would be applicable in Russia.
cultural studies, Britain, globalization, humanism, tutor, system, Russia, education, independency, decision.
Philosophy and art
Gun, G. E. (2011). Structural Matrix of Fine Arts. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 107–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59011
The article is devoted to the topical issue of the systematic study of fine arts. The author of the article
describes the localized version of the system analysis of fine arts based on its matrix structuring. The
article also shows the heuristic potential of the author’s approach.
philosophy, structure, matrix, culture, system, analysis, potential, heuristics, approach, synergetics.
Editorial office compliments
(2011). Congratulations of a famous philosopher Boris Gubman on his jubilee. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 114–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59012
philosophy, jubilee, Boris Gubman.