Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Cultural Code. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 5–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57620
With regret the author talks about the loss of cultural code, - the generality of meanings and values the previous generations had. According to the author, today’s culture has broken into a number of codes but not all of these new codes deserve to be named ‘cultural’
philosophy, culture, cultural code, civilization, generation
Spiritual and moral search
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Feature Articles about a Member of the Academy A. A. Guseynov. Article Number 1. ‘Have I Reached Perfection in my Thoughts?”. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 7–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57621
The genre of the article is some kind of a psychological portrait giving us insight not only into the philosopher’s creative life but also into his inner world and personal traits. The first essay of such a genre was devoted to Erich Yurievich Soloviev (Philosophy and Culture journal No 5, 2009). This essay is written about the member of the Academy Salam Kerimovich Guseynov
philosophy, ethics, human, knowledge, mystery, biography, independence, thinker, meaning
The Round Table
(2010). ‘Being and Conscience’. Part 2 (Final). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 17–40. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57622
This is the material from the round table ‘Being and Conscience’ held at St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Professional Unions in November 2009. The participants of the round table discussed very topical issues of relationship between being and conscience, creation of the national idea, influence of government, religion and other social institutions and mass media on formation of cultural identity of the Russian people
philosophy, politics, being, conscience, Russia, culture, round table
Philosophical anthropology
Fokin, A. R. (2010). Various Patristic Approaches to the Question of Origin of Human Soul. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 41–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57623
The article is devoted to the analysis of various approaches to the question of origin of human soul in Western and Eastern Patristics as well as their sources in philosophy. The author defines the basic theories such as preexistence of souls, creationism and mixed theory of origin of souls. It is concluded that philosophical and theological methods cannot answer this question fully
philosophy, anthropology, psychology, theology, patristics, human, soul, creationism, preexistence
Social philosophy
Beznoschenko, E. A. (2010). Value of Family in Modern Western-European Society: Social and Philosophical Discourse. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 51–55. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57624
The article is devoted to the analysis of relations between family and modern Western-European society. The author views a very topical issue of social value of the family in a modern world as one of the most important elements of the social ontology. The article reveals peculiarities of functioning of a family in a social milieu conditioned by transformation of systems of value of a modern society. The author also describes the pattern of formation of axiological status of the family in the context of ‘lifeworld’ as well as reflects the tendencies of formation of axiological status of the family in a modern historical development
philosophy, discourse, family, society, personality, value, historicity, modernity, globalization, ‘lifeworld’
Philosophy and culture
Porus, V. N. (2010). On the Claims of ‘Anarchic Philosophy’ (Regarding the Former Article by A.M.Pyatigorsky). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 56–61. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57625
The article describes the polemic thoughts on the conception of ‘anarchic philosophy’ by A. M. Pyatigorsky and M. K. Mamardashvili. On the contrary to the thesis on ‘principal a-cultural sensitivity’ of philosophy (i.e., its independence from culturally determined meanings), these authors believe that every philosophical thought is culturally determined: philosophy is nothing else but self-consciousness (auto-reflection) of culture. ‘Anarchic philosophy’ is opposed to ‘totalitarianism of the thought’ but overlooks another threat: defeat of culture which fails to repress the revolt of individualism
philosophy, ‘anarchic philosophy’, culture, consciousness, symbol, self-consciousness, freedom, ‘totalitarianism of the thought’, communication
The dialogue of cultures
Popov, E. A. (2010). What Does the Sociology of Culture Study?. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 62–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57626
Determination of the object field is still a topical issue for the sociology of culture due to the fact that the group of social and humanitarian studies has been significantly expanded lately. This group of sciences study culture and the processes of its social determination. Consequently, the object field of the sociology of culture has been limited which generally lowered the heuristic potential of the results of empirical and theoretical social researches. Distain or refusal from the analysis of ontological characteristics of cultural development often leads to hasty and insufficiently augmented conclusions. The article reveals possible contradictions arising in this sphere and some ways to overcome those
cultural studies, culture, social studies, ontology, paradigm, values, norms, mentality, society
National character and mentality
Yatvetski, B. V. (2010). Role of Cultural Centers in Development of Co-operation between Israel and Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 69–73. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57627
The questions of international cultural co-operation are gaining growing importance in modern international relations. Nowadays there is not a single country which wouldn’t pay attention at the problems of building solid cultural and scientific contacts with other nations. Many modern researches and politicians believe that being the process of spiritual, creative and intellectual communication, culture suggests the process of mutual enrichment with new ideas in the context of cultural exchange, and thus, plays an important communicative role uniting groups of people of diverse social, ethnical and religious characteristics
cultural studies, cultural policy, universal language, multi-cultiralism, globalization in culture, creative process, cultural heritage, dialogue, in the sphere of culture
The new paradigm of science
Veselov, A. V. (2010). Post Non-Classical View on the Object of Socio-Engineering Activity. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 74–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57628
The article is devoted existing points of view on the ‘object of socio-engineering activity’. The author describes genesis of views on the object of socio-engineering activity in classical, non-classical and post non-classical science. The author also considers the peculiarities of determination of the object of socio-engineering activity through the categories of ‘the natural’ and ‘the artificial’ during different stages of development of the science. The article describes the peculiarities of the object of socio-engineering activity during post non-classical stage of science development
philosophy, socio-engineering activity, object, subject, social system, post non-classical science, natural, artificial, culture, attractor
Tradition and innovation
Yukhvid, A. V. (2010). Philosophical and Methodological Conception of Virtuology. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 81–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57629
In this article the author describes the philosophical and methodological conception of virtuology. Virtuology is a branch of science aimed at complex study of problems of the virtual world. The science has its own philosophy, structure, theoretical and empirical cores and research trends
philosophy, virtuo.ogy, physiological virtuology, psychological virtuology, artistic virtuology, computer virtuology, virtual world, virtual technologies, computer virtual reality, computer virtual technologies
Picture of the world in natural science
Klyagin, N. V., Ryabushkina, I. B. (2010). The East and the West. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 86–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57630
There is one thing distinguishing Eastern and Western histories. In the East there has always been the prevailing number of neotenists inclined to psychological traditionalism while in the West the epochs of neoteny and epochs of acceleration take turns and episodes of psychological traditionalism of neotenists have been combined with epochs of psychological revolutions of accelerators
acceleration, Hominini, demography, demographical and technological dependence, infantilism, cultural revolutions, migration, neoteny, Rubner’s constant, technological revolutions
Lipov, A. N. (2010). Golden Proportion as the Basic Morphological Law. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 96–108. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57631
The article views the problem of mathematical, physical, biological and esthetical meaning of the ‘golden proportion’ phenomenon and its relations with the fundamental laws of nature and art. The author analyzes the researchers’ points of view considering this phenomenon as one of invariant essentials of harmony and beauty
philosophy, proportional harmonic relations, irrational relations, ‘golden proportion’ phenomenon, Fibonacci numbers, bisymmetry, forming in nature and art
The stream of books
Dontsev, S. P. (2010). Regarding the First Issue of the ‘Russian Philosophy’ Encyclopedia. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 109–112. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57632
The article analyzes how the Russian social and political thought is reflected in the first issue of the ‘Russian Philosophy’ encyclopedia. The encyclopedia was prepared by a large group of scientists of the philosophical faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and other cities
philosophy, Russian philosophy, philosophical thought in Soviet and Post Soviet Russia, political philosophy, social and political movements in Russia
The stream of books
Gogotishvili, L. A. (2010). On Collaboration with France: Report and Features. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 113–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57633
This is information about seminars held by the research group of French and Russian philosophers and devoted to the topic ‘Russian and West-European Cultures: Differences and Similarities’
culture, philosophy, France, Russia