Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Transformation of the Union between the Beautiful and State Institution. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 5–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57445
Being not only the social, but also the anthropological phenomenon, state institution is the expression of various sides of human culture. The author of the article studies the concept of state institution from the point of view of culture and philosophy. In his article the author answers the question whether we must look for certain esthetics in a state institution
philosophy, culture, art, state institution, post-modernism, values
Kruglyi stol (2010). State Institution as a Work of Art. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 8–21. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57446
This is the brief review of reports read at the meeting of the Moscow and St. Petersburg Philosophical Club discussing state institution as an anthropological phenomenon
philosophy, culture, art, state institution, post-modernism, values
Spiritual and moral search
Granin, P. S. (2010). Structural Peculiarities of N.O. Lossky’s Personalism. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 22–30. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57447
When developing metaphysics of personalism, Lossky expanded the main ideas of Leibniz’ modadology. Addressing to Leibniz’ original study allows to follow the basics of Lossky’s metaphysics and define the main elements of his study. For describing Lossky’s conception of transformation the author of the article chose the eschatological doctrine of transformation allowing to throw light on many ideas of Lossky
philosophy, metaphysics, cosmogony, monadology, personalism, pan vitalism, eschatology, impersonation, soteriology, theodicy
Sretenskaya, S. V. (2010). On the Phenomenon of Understanding. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 31–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57448
The theme of the study is the phenomenon of understanding as a subject of hermeneutics. The article throws light on the reasons of articulation of understanding in Western philosophy of the 19th-20th century and views of our Russian philosophers such as Kireevsky, Fedorov, Rozanov, on this matter
philosophy, hermeneutics, understanding, Neo-Kantianism, methodology of science, devotion and understanding, pre-determination and super understanding, conciliar nature of truth, living knowledge, man’s destination
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Kozolupenko, D. P. (2010). Myth, Mythopoetics, World Perception (Analysis of the Mythopoetics from the Epistemological Point of View). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 38–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57449
The article describes the two basic forms of world perception typical for human and society at certain periods of establishment and development and dominating in certain cultures, - analytical and mythopoetical cultures. The latter is brought to a thorough analysis by the author of the article. The term ‘mythopoetical’ is distinguished from the term ‘myth’ which allows not only to give another interpretation to the phenomenon of myth but also to make significant changes in our idea of world perception in general
philosophy, myth, mythopoetics, world perception, epistemology, analytics, culture, discretion, prescription, meaning
The new paradigm of science
Asadulaev, I. K. (2010). Universal Homeostasis (New Physical Picture of the World? Absurd of the Main Question of Philosophy). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 48–53. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57450
This article is an attempt to create a new picture of the world. The author proves the existence of the ‘material homeostasis’ and describes the material and ideal as certain attributes of the material
philosophy, homeostasis, ideal, available, material, Aristotle, Ilyenkov, logical, historical, advance
Philosophy of liberty
Neretina, S. S. (2010). Hannah Arendt or Human Under the Question. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 54–66. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57451
Developing the thought of the role of human in modern world, Hannah Arendt analyzes the ‘conflict of the human in human’. On one hand, human cannot live in the society because he is a contemplator by his nature and on the other hand, human cannot live beyond the society. This conflict conditions the transformation of the ‘living action’ and ‘lifeless word’ into a deed. We can say that human is the one who always comes back to his origins
philosophy, mechanics of law, private, public, nomos rule, police, political, pre political relations, property, active life
Nikitina, I. P. (2010). Esthetics and Art Critic. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 67–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57452
The article analyses the term ‘art critic’. It is shown that art critic is not the section of esthetics as a philosophical discipline. The author describes numerous bonds between esthetics and art critic. It is proved that critic is one of the sources of theoretical issues viewed by esthetics
philosophy, esthetics, critics, meta critics, description, interpretation, truth, value, modernization, post-modern
Philosophy and art
Myslivchenko, A. G. (2010). On Little-Known Episodes of A. P. Chekhov’s Life and Creation. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 76–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57453
The article is devoted to the little-known period of A. P. Chekhov’s life – his staying at Luka Sumsky district of the Kharkovskaya province in 1888-1889. Nevertheless, Chekhov’s visit to Sumschina and his trip around Gogolev’s places of life made an unforgettable impression on the writer and left a significant trace in his creative work
art, literature, philosophy, culture, A. P. Chekhov
History of ideas and teachings
Mikhalenko, Yu. P. (2010). Francois Quesnay – Founder of the Physiocracy. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 83–104. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57454
Francois Quesnay developed a concrete system of economy, philosophy and politics during French Enlightenment. Later Marx said it had been the prerequisite of the French Revolution. Marx also admitted Quesnay to be the founder of political economy of the New Time. Adam Smith also based on physiocratic teachings about economy when developing his English version of political economy
philosophy, politics, economy, Marxism, Adam Smith, physiocracy, revolution, bourgeois, enlightenment, French
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Shimmer of Beauty. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 105–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57455
This is the review of V. Bychkov’s monograph ‘Esthetical Aura of Being’. In his work Bychkov studies the basic terms of modern esthetics such as metaphysics and esthetics, addresses to conceptions of post-modernism and describes the two basic types of development of esthetics in history, - explicit and implicit. The author views esthetical positions of Nietzsche and Harms and Russian philosophers such as Belinsky, Chernyshevsky and others
esthetics, metaphysics, esthetical experience, catharsis, postmodernism, philosophical anthropology, postclassical esthetics
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Self-Reflection of Non-Classical Esthetics. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 110–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57456
This is the review of N. Mankovskaya’s monograph ‘Phenomenon of Post-Modernism’. In her works Mankovskaya analyses post-modernism as a cultural phenomenon, studies the theoretical grounds for post-modernism esthetics, post-structuralism and the theory of deconstruction. Being the original work of the author, this monograph expands our views on post-modernism
philosophy, culture, esthetics, postmodernism, art