Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Cultural Creativity Space. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 5–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57430
The article is devoted to the special features of philosophy of culture as a science in comparison to cultural studies. The author underlines the need for more profound researches in the area of philosophy of culture in Russia
history, philosophy, culture, cultural studies, philosophy of culture
Philosophical anthropology
Aseeva, I. A. (2010). Unity and Diversity of Prognostic Experience. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 8–13. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57431
The author introduced the term ‘prognostic experience’ defining it as a systematized combination of various knowledge and special activities oriented at receiving, understanding and processing information about future produced by various social and cultural prognostic practices
philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology, future, prognosis, prognostic practices, experience, prognostic experience, integration, integrative model
Dasein of the human being
Kačerauskas, T. (2010). Philosophy as the Art of Life. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 14–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57432
The author of the article analyzes how philosophy and existential are connected. Existential is interpreted as a story written in the spiritual background of existence. Being the ‘school of entrance’ (ex-sistus), philosophy is the ‘techne’ of this existential writing. Based on the author, life is a stream and we give it a certain order when we inscribe life events in that existential story. The author of the existential story creates his own author who, in his turn, helps the author to revive. Death and birth are also complementary factors of this existential creativity. Death gives integrity to the existential story and birth or revival makes it flexible and moving. According to the author, death and birth are of similar nature but they are not identical. Developing his views on these matters, the author used the conceptions of existential phenomenology (Heidegger, Husserl) which had applied not only to modern philosophers such as Arendt) but also antique philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle)
techne of life, existential history, spiritual background, author and hero, birth and death
Self-consciousness and identity
Episheva, S. I. (2010). Reconstruction of the Key Approaches and Definitions in the Analysis of the Russian Man Personal Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 21–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57433
In this article the author defines and reconstructs the key approaches and definitions in the analysis of the Russian identity from the philosophical point of view. Based on this analysis, the author found the certain connection of all theoretical constructs mentioned in the article and thus, described the basic peculiarity of the Russian man: the humanity principle which allows Russians to fill his living space with personal (informal) relations
philosophy, Russian nature, identity, personal identity, distinctive character, character, world outlook, ethnos, nation
Spiritual and moral search
Eguti, M. (2010). Perception of L. N. Tolstoy’s Teaching in Modern Buddhistic Thought of Japan from the Point of View of Formation of Ethics of the 19th Century. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 28–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57434
The article describes the process of perceiving and understanding Tolstoy’s teachings in Japan. Special attention is drawn at one of the modern Buddhist philosophers Daisaku Ikeda. The author studies what’s in common between Tolstoy and Ikeda’s teachings. The article also contains an attempt to explain why Tolstoy’s views are so popular in Japan now
philosophy, L. N. Tolstoy, Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism, nature of human, nature of Buddha, absolute advantage of life, non-resistance to evil, non-violence
The rational and the irrational
Mushich-Gromyko, V. G. (2010). Philosophical Cosmology as an Ideal Substrate or System of Rational Principles. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 40–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57435
The author of the article views the opportunity to discuss such a model of Cosmos which would include both human and his social environment. The author suggests that this discussion should be based on systemic substrate and ideal conceptions
philosophy, cosmogenesis, model, principle, divergence, identity, sequence, harmony, substrate
Social philosophy
Bayanov, K. R. (2010). Virtualization of Social and Cultural Space. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 46–51. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57436
At the modern stage of social and cultural post-modernism the term ‘virtual world’ is the key term for diagnostics and development of effective methods of prognosis. The term ‘virtual world’ (from Latin vis – force, ability and virtualis – capable of, possible) has a rather broad meaning: possibility of existence; what seems to be; what exists in reality but is not represented in material images; some inner ties of a complex system. It is clear that the author is talking about a very complex and important occurrence. The author is talking about the phenomenon which plays a very significant role in our life and may become even more important in the future
virtualization, post-modern, prognosis, development of economy and technology, post-industrial society and financial economy
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Paleev, R. N. (2010). Anthropological Aspect of Evolution of Social and Cultural Norms. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 52–67. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57437
The community form of social life in ancient times did not remain unchanged. Gradually, there had been certain changes in its technological and economical grounds, social organization and life style of our ancestors. During Neolithic age agriculture and production became the priorities. Based on that, an archeologist G. Childe introduced the term ‘Neolithic revolution’ which meant, in the first place, the beginning of agriculture and cattle production. These sectors required stone instruments of labor to be improved and changed by the instruments made out of metal – copper, bronze and later iron. This is the time when metallurgy and other types of crafts appeared
philosophy, philosophical anthropology, social and cultural norms, individualization, moral principles, legal norms, human, rationality, economy
Political philosophy
Samarskaya, E. A. (2010). Politics in an Industrial Society: A. de Saint-Simon and P.-J. Proudhon. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 68–77. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57438
The article describes what the two early representatives of the philosophy of industry thought of a state institution. Despite significant theoretical differences between their theories, both of them believed that activities in industry and science were a sign of aristocrats of the new industrial society
philosophy, politics, society, manufacturing, human, history, science, mass, dialectics
Philosophy of liberty
Rodzinsky, D. L. (2010). Role of Ananke as One of the Images of Fate in Antique Philosopher’s Perception of the World. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 78–84. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57439
The author of the article traced the way of genesis of Ananke from her mythological image of a rude force to her image in natural philosophy which views it as the inner nature of the material things developing in accordance to the natural laws. Finally, in philosophy Ananke is viewed as a logical category explaining the cause-and-effect relationships of Cosmos
philosophy, Ananke, fate, virtue, cosmos, wise man, Dike, justice, Moira, need, knowledge
Philosophy and art
Shevchenko, L. V. (2010). Modern Russian Literature Searching for Ontological Potentials of the Word. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 85–91. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57440
The author considered the problem of ontological meaning of modern Russian writings from the point of view of the two conceptions of existence: Antique and East-Christian. The author explicated the artistic and esthetic principles of the energy conception of existence as well as demonstrated how those conceptions could be used in the analysis of literary works
cultural sciences, East-Christian, ontological, esthetic, analysis, literature, poetics, esthetization
Philosophy of postmodernism
Grusman, M. V. (2010). Tendencies of Poli Stylism in Modern Culture of Fashion. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 92–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57441
The article considers the tendencies of the modern fashion industry, in particular, its commitment to poli stylism. The author also studied the problem of style prototypes and their role in the world and Russian culture of fashion
cultural studies, fashion, culture of fashion, industry, poli stylism, prototypes, style, communication, post-modern, globalization
Controversy and debate
Fatenkov, A. N. (2010). On the Dispute of Human Destiny: Phenomenological Realism against Post-Modernism (Polemic Response to V. A. Kutyrev’s Monographs). Philosophy and Culture, 6, 97–105. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57442
This article is a polemic response to V. A. Kutyrev’s monographs ‘Philosophical Image of our Time (Lifeless Worlds of Post-Human) (Smolensk, 2006); ‘Human and the Other: Struggle of the Worlds’ (S. Petersburg, 2009)
philosophy, human, realism, phenomenology, V. A. Kutyrev, post-modernism, post-modern, post-human
Controversy and debate
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Let Them Talk…. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 106–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57443
The author tells his own opinion on Vladimir Alexandrovich Kutyrev works. It makes us think of the section ‘polemics’ in Philosophy and Culture journal. However, the section ‘polemics’ suggests that the other authors’ views are treated delicately. ‘Let them talk’ is the name of a TV show. However, it does not reflect the meaning of philosophical polemics. The author admits that even he isn’t quite sure that he follows the rule of polemics regarding the other article of the journal. He still hopes he will be understood
philosophy, post-modernism, human, personality, mind, insanity, being, death of human, life
The stream of books
Borisov, S. V. (2010). On ‘This Side’ and the ‘Other Side’ of Power. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 110–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57444
S. V. Solovyev’s work expands our common understanding of power and allows us to talk about power as a meaningful and fundamental part of human life but not violence or foreign force. In his book Solovyev gave a completely new definition of power as a way to give a certain order to force and existential resource. Based on the analysis of such phenomena as love, conscious, richness, technology and the sacred the author of the book defined a new important role of power in human life and culture
philosophy, power, existential, possession, alienation, love, holy/sacred, techniques