Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). My War. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 5–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57366
The author shares his impressions of the Great Patriotic War of the 1941-1944th. It is noted that everyone has his own impression and memories of the war. It is also underlined that even though the war is coming the part of our past, today we realize the great meaning and great tragedy of the war even better than yesterday.
philosophy, psychology, culture, history, Great Patriotic War
Spiritual and moral search
Gorelov, A. A. (2010). Spiritual Birth and Leave for the Eternity. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 7–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57367
The article discusses the events of the last period of Tolstoy’s life and his leave from the Yasnaya Polyana. It is proved that an important reason of his leave was the contradiction between the spiritual life Tolstoy had tried to lead after his ‘spiritual birth’ and the world around, in particular, the concrete situation at Yasyana Polyana. In their turn, spiritual birth of Tolstoy was greatly influenced by certain episodes from his young and mature ages.
philosophy, spirit, birth, life, death, eternity, love, faith, leave, immortality, mind, conscious
Dasein of the human being
Lazarev, V. V. (2010). Metaphysics of Fate in Nikolay Berdyaev’s History of Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 20–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57368
The article contains an analysis of Nikolay Berdyaev’s eschatological questions about fate and mysterious fate of Russia in the first place. The author bases his analysis on the Russian philosopher’s conception of contradictions between: 1) temporary and eternal; 2) obligations and freedom which eventually caused the tragedy of history; 3) rational knowledge and beliefs.
philosophy, fate, destination, freedom, Russian idea, eschatology, human, eternal, history, tragedy
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Maydanov, A. N. (2010). Intellect and Way of Thinking of Ancient Arians. Part 2 (Final). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 32–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57369
The article describes the ancient arians’ way of thinking. According to the author, it reflects the very particular way ancient arians perceived and understood the world as well as their attitudes to it. This form of mentality was characterized by a certain limitation, - subjectivity. Arians’ mentality has the following characteristics: objectivity of mental processes, extrapolation of truth to fiction, combination of the rational and irrational. Their intellect descended from the stage of perceptive understanding of the world to the stage of explanation and interpretation.
mentality, subjectivity, world view, subjectivization of nature, conscious, fiction, truth, duality, methods and ways of thinking, paradoxes, paradigms
Akilova, M. M. (2010). On the Question of Categorical Concepts of the Part and the Whole and Their Dialectics. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 40–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57370
The article is devoted to the methodological meaning of the categorical concepts of the part and the whole from the point of view of development of Tadjik nation as an ethos. The author makes an attempt to give definitions of the part and the whole and explain their dialectics. The purpose of this article is to show methodological meaning of certain categorical concepts in dialectics and the correlation between them. Keeping that in mind, their dialects show how neutral these concepts are even though they become more than concrete in the context of this or that aspect of reality. Based on that, the author concluded that these two categories are incomplete by their nature but BECOME compete in this or another aspect of reality or this or another philosophical teaching. This is the wonderful example of the methodological pluralism. From this point of view, Tadjiks can be considered a complete nation from one hand but they can be also viewed as diverse parts of nation scattered throughout Central Asia and Afghanistan on the other hand. However, we must admit that this is a complete nation when we talk about their language and identity.
philosophy, cultural studies, categorical concepts of the part and the whole, dialectics of the categorical concepts of the part and the whole, pluralism of methodologies, thesis about the priority of the whole over the part, analytical approach to studyi
Space and time
Scheglov, A. P. (2010). Old Russian Philosophical Understanding of Absolute Motion in Relative Continuum of Time and Space. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 50–57. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57371
The article is aimed at describing ontological, metaphysical and philosophical types of Old Russian philosophy through studying the Absolute Action and Motion in the ever-changing and finite continuum. In order to answer these ontological questions, it is necessary to study the correlation between various types of items (categories) exisiting in the world and absolute and relative types of relations between these items. The author of the article tried to explain certain terms used by Russian philosophers during the Middle Age in order to understand the relation between the two ontological opposites of absolute action in the changing world.
philosophy, absolute, logos, universum, motion, movement, one whole, nature, face
Philosophy and culture
M.A. Dryuk (2010). Another way of philosophical impressionism or “myth” of the Modern Prometheus. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 58–64. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57372
This article discusses the initial basis for the decision of extremely relevant nowadays problems of human survival in the conditions of global socio-ecological crisis. Moreover, it focuses on one of the most “strong” trends related to the accusation of Science in all “Capital Sins” of the descendants of Adam. It seems Science is a kind of Ivan Susanin of our time, Frankenstein of XX-th century. The paper shows the failure of the described position, which is perceived by the author as a modern variant of philosophical impressionism. No excess of reason, but his lack, deficit, real human misunderstanding is at the origin of many evils of Western European culture.
philosophy, philosophical impressionism, apparent associations, socio-ecological crisis, the Modern Prometheus, Research technocratism, worldview attitudes, criminal misunderstanding, the concept of “Fusis” and “Nature”, the global evolutionism
Katsapova, I. A. (2010). Meaning of Life: Moral Self-Improvement or Preaching?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 65–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57373
By understanding the problem of life and death from the philosophical point of view, human can learn a wiser attitude to his life. We should not run away from thinking about the end of our life. We should accept it and appreciate all what reminds us of vanity of life and our activities. This is what Karl Jasper called the theory of ‘borderline situations’ in existentialism. In his theory Jasper talked about existential meaning of life. Based on Jasper, existentially our life never ends.
philosophy, self-cognition, meaning of life, human, borderline situation, ideals, human being
Philosophy and art
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2010). On the Inner Consent between Russian Philosophy and Literature. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 79–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57374
The article considers the relationship between philosophy as a systematic knowledge about the world based on logic, and literature as a form of imaginary contemplation. Based on the author, conceptual thinking and image sensitivity are the two attributes of a spiritual life. From this point of view the author considers social and cultural factors defining the peculiarities of the relationship between philosophy and literature during the 19th century in Russia.
philosophy, conceptual ground of culture, world view, state of mind, comprehension of the world, philosophy, conscious mind, conception thinking, believing mind, imaginary contemplation, image sensitivity, literature, intelligent mind
Philosophy of language and communication
Orlova, O. V. (2010). Perception of the “Other’ Picture of the World. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 86–90. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57375
The article is devoted to peculiarities of perception of the other picture of the world. Behavior of people belonging to different cultures depends on how they perceive the world around. As a mean of communication, language and way of cognition are determined by the culture of a national society. Verbal communication remains the most effective form but it is only part of communication. Non-verbal communication plays a greater role. The author defines cultural values and attitudes as the main parameters of the national culture. Based on the author, cultural values are rather concrete and specific. Attitudes are more abstract and perceived at the unconscious level. Cultural attitudes are a tendency to perceive the world according to this or that image and usually perceived by an individual as a part of the world itself.
cultural sciences, picture of the world, perception, verbal and non-verbal communication, cultural values, attitudes, model of behavior
Philosophy of history
Shubina, M. M. (2010). The Study of the ‘Persian Barbarian’ Image in Herodotus’ Works by Modern Historiographers. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 91–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57376
The article studies the opposition between Greeks and Persians in Herodotus’ works. Through this polarization Herodotus defined what freedom was. Peculiarities of the ‘Non-Greek’ world described by the Ancient Greek historian are analyzed by modern historiographers.
philosophy, Hellenes, Barbarians, Persians, Herodotus, Greek superiority, freedom, Hellene centrism, Hellas, foreigner, historiography
Philosophy of law
Saidov, A. H. (2010). Pax Kantiana: I. Kant’s Philosophical and Law Teaching about the World. Part 1. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 96–101. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57377
The article is devoted to Immanuel Kant’s philosophical teaching about the world. The author summarized Kant’s views on international law and the main aspects of Kant’s teaching about the world. Special attention is given to the role of Kant’s teaching about the eternal peace in conditions of modern globalization.
philosophy, Immanuel Kant, international law, eternal peace, right for peace, right for war, globalization, world society, international relations, primacy of law in politics
History of ideas and teachings
Chertkov, S. V. (2010). V. P. Sventsitsky, his Followers and Epigoni (I. A. Ilyin, D. S. Merezhkovsky, N. A. Berdyaev). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 102–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57378
Based on the studies of the archives, the author dispels certain myths about V. P. Sventsitsky’s biography. The article describes the genesis of his relations with Russian religious philosophers of the beginning of the 20th century and evident influence on the latter. It is the first description of the Christian preacher’s contribution to theology and philosophy. The author also gives a full insight into Sventsitsky’s basic ideas and teaching including the social program and teaching about freedom and eschatology. The author speaks of the need to include Sventsitsky in encyclopedias and to study his teachings at higher schools.
philosophy, Sventsitsky, freedom, creativity, power, war, eschatology, theology, Christianity, sociality