Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Anniversary as a Reason for Disgrace. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 5–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57860
Based on a few journalistic articles about provocative facts from lives of the great scientists and writers, the author of the article sharply criticizes modern journalism for concentrating on the scandalous facts of the great people’s lives. According to the author, it allows us to feel that they were simple people just like us but it certainly lowers the magnificence
of their scientific discovers.
philosophy, literature, psychology, science, journalism
Social dynamics
Stepanyants, M. T. (2010). Whether Modernization is Possible without Westernization. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 9–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57861
Modernization without the loss of cultural identity (usually referred to as ‘glocalization’) assumes involvement in globalization processes based on creatively reconceived cultural traditions of their own. Glocalization strives to overcome the imperialistic globalism ignoring historical and cultural changes of every local nation. According to the author, we should not assume that modernization needs to adopt western stereotypes and policies. As Japanese experience showed and as India, China and Brasilia begins to demonstrate now, non-western societies can easily adopt western ways of achieving prosperity and keep their cultural identity at the same time. Sustainable development is possible only if a country relies on its own cultural grounds.
philosophy, India, modernization, glocalization, cultural identity, particularism, Indian cultural universals, caste, varna-ashram-dharma, artha
Axiology: values and relics
Gromov, F. Yu. (2010). Petersburg Landscape in the System of Artistic Values ‘The World of Artists’. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 16–120. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57872
Axiological aspects of Petersburg culture appears to be very important and significant when we talk about the Silver Age of the Russian culture. In this article Petersburg is considered to be an important element in the process of ‘reconstruction of historical styles’ by the artists belonging to the World of Art union while Petersburg culture is seen as a field of an original cultural experiment where the artistic tradition is closely connected with a search for a new artistic language.
cultural studies, St. Petersburg, World of Art, Petersburg style, cultural, space, school, graphics, landscape
Spiritual and moral search
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Feature Articles about a Member of the Academy A. A. Guseynov. Article Number 3. ‘Life-Giving Relics’. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 17–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57862
the article considers ethical views of a member of the academy A. A. Guseynov. The author analyzes his works talking about the phenomenon of conscience, negative ethics, morals and moralization. At the end of the article the author describes A. A. Guseynov’s works written over the last years.
philosophy, ethics, morals, conscience, negative ethics, personality, culture, values, relics
Self-consciousness and identity
Ivanko, N. A. (2010). Traditional Values of Russia as a Social Concept. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 25–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57863
In the article traditional values of the Russian civilization are considered from the social point of view. Value is shown as a social construct endowed with a parameter ‘cultural code’, the latter ensuring social relations. The author shows moral and ethical orientation of traditional values of Russia and defines their role in retaining and developing Russia as a civilization.
philosophy, traditional values, social code, socio-cultural construct, axiological consciousness, ethical orientation, national ideal, social relations, cultural code, Russian civilization
Ontology: being and nihility
Bayborodov, A. Yu. (2010). Peculiarities of Co-Existential Symbol. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 32–35. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57864
The article is devoted to analyzing the possibility of understanding the Other’s being through co-existential communication.
Co-existential act is shown as a unity of the ‘superior meaning’ and a great number of concrete forms. The universal ‘superior meaning’ is understood through experience of co-being. Moreover, the ‘superior meaning’ displays itself in a concrete situation and expresses itself through a concrete co-existential act.
philosophy, symbol, co existentialism, consciousness, superior meaning, act, word, expression, language, peculiarities
Sretenskaya, S. V. (2010). ‘Hermeneutics’: Etymology and Semantics of a Term. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 36–48. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57865
Etymological and semantic link between words containing the same root – herma, Hermes and hermeneutics, - allowed to form a position that hermeneutics is related to metaphysical facts, empirical experience (ratio) and life-death (death-revival) as ontological grounds for hermeneutic conceptions. The main aspect of the research is a look upon Hermes as trickster which metaphysical function is to mediate between the divine and human, macro cosmos and micro cosmos, life and death. Combining the two worlds Hermes suggests the border and the way to overcome this border.
philosophy, hermeneutics, etymology, semantics, trickster, insight, ratio, Hermes, Apollo-Dionysus, Sisyphus
Spectrum of consciousness
Efimova, I. Ya. (2010). The Many Faces of Paradigms of Consciousness (Back-to-Basics Approach). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 49–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57866
The article contains the analytical review of the main conceptions in philosophy which are devoted to the problem of consciousness.
philosophy, consciousness, idealism, materialism, metaphysics, phenomenology, monism, behaviorism, continuity, discontinuity
Cycles and tides in the global world
Ursul, A. D. (2010). Formation of Cosmo Global Studies. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 60–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57867
The article considers the connection between global knowledge and astronautic theory at the intersection of appears a new integrative trend of research named cosmo global studies. The author suggests his own conception of socio geo cosmism based on the idea that the main short-term purpose of cosmic activity should be a solution of global problems and survival (or ‘sustainable development’) on Earth. Cosmo global studies are viewed as a sphere of global studies exploring the influence of cosmic factors on development of the global processes, the problem of development of astronautic studies and the perspectives of the global process acquiring a cosmic meaning.
philosophy, globalization, global studies, global problems, cosmo global studies, astronautic science, criteria of globality, socio geo cosmism, sustainable development
Space and time
Berezina, T. N. (2010). On Probability Aspect of the Occurrences of the Past and the Future. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 71–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57868
The article suggests a probability model of time. The author of the article considered the probability nature of the occurrences of the past, present and future. According to the author, only present events can be considered statistically significant and have a probability of 1 while past and future events are only ‘possible’. In other words, there are always a few variants of the past and future at every present moment. In addition to the term ‘probability’ the author also introduces the term ‘energy’. It is assumed that probability can be directly related to energy and increase of the energy of an event can lead to a growth of its probability.
philosophy, time, space, probability, energy, psyche, image, past, future, present
Political philosophy
Fedotova, V. G. (2010). Democratic Consolidation, Basic Theories of Solidarity and Conceptions of Solidaristic Practices. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 81–92. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57869
The article is devoted to democratic consolidation, basic theories of solidarity and conceptions of solidarity practices. The author of the article defines the basic terms used in the article from the point of view of the theory and everyday
life. The article has two sections. The first section ‘Transitology as a variant of the modernization theory oriented at democratic consolidation’ views the term ‘consolidation’ in accordance with its meaning in transitology, - a variant of the modernization theory simplified to recognition of democracy and the market. There consolidation is viewed as the final stage of the democracy transit. The second section ‘Consolidation, solidarity and solidaristic practices’ covers concrete theories of solidarity and solidarism.
philosophy, consolidation, solidarity, dialogue, convention, modernization, environment of concord, saturation, crisis, democracy
Philosophy of law
Kanarsh, G. Yu. (2010). Theory of Justice in the Mirror of National Character (About Some Western and Russian Peculiarities of Moral Thinking). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 93–102. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57870
The article suggests an interpretation of the modern liberal theory of justice from the point of view of a character (John Rawls’ and Ronal Dworkin’s conceptions are viewed as an example). The author tries to show that being the ‘product’
of English-American culture, liberal theories have certain national and psychological peculiarities which we need to take into account when we try to adopt Western experience of moral and political reflection.
theory of justice, modern liberalism, justice as honesty, liberal equality, national character, pragmatism
Theological foundations of being
Lazarev, V. V. (2010). The Idea of Communalism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 103–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57871
The article is devoted to rarely mentioned Hegel’s views on communal morals which, nevertheless, have been discussed by philosophers since the times of Aleksey Khomyakov and Konstantin Kovelin. The author tries to show that Hegel’s interpretation of ethical and religious issues of the commune life can help not only to understand his ‘dark and abstract’ philosophy (including the unit of the Substance and the Subject) but also, for Russian philosophers, to dispute with his teaching.
philosophy, communalism, substance, subject, personality, Christianity, Kant, sense, Enlightenment, spirituality, reconciliation
Philosophy and art
Popov, E. A. (2010). Modern Sociology of Art in Interpretation of the Social and Artistic. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 121–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57873
Social concepts in art are often left beyond the framework of research. However, this is what sociology of art, a branch of social studies, is concentrated on. This article considers various aspects of participation of sociology of art in interpretation of the social and artistic.
cultural studies, sociology (social studies), art, image, existential, enculturation, recognition, sign, culture, meaning
History of ideas and teachings
Spirova, E. M. (2010). Philosophical Anthropology as a Conceptual Framework. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 128–137. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57874
The author considers the conceptual framework used in philosophical anthropology and describes how these concepts were formed and which role they play in modern philosophy of science. The author suggests that the conceptual framework should be expanded and include new categories.
philosophy, human, human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, individual, individuality, personality, philosophical anthropology, personal wholeness, break-up of the human being