Editor-in-Chief's column
Kanarsh, G. Yu. (2009). Democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet and contemporary Russia. Part 2. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56697
Abstract: the article considers the problem of correlation between the democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet and contemporary Russian politics. Relying on the researches of Russian political scientists, sociologists and social philosophers, the author demonstrated that the origins of authoritarianism may be found in the political practice of the middle of 1990th. It is also shown that the far evolution of political regime depended upon a failure of social-economical reforms of 1990th, but at the same time it got its own way because of the deep transformation of social structure of Russian society.
politics, power, society, modernization, reform, democracy, authoritarianism, conservatism, legitimacy.
Value and truth
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Russia looking for its identity. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56698
Abstract: the author is viewing the on-going process of globalization, its social, political, religious and cultural aspects. The author underlines that fragile cultural borders between nations stop the world development and result in historical “failures” and crisis.
philosophy, culture, religion, civilization, globalization.
Value and truth
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). The 80th birthday of Valentin Ivanovich Tolstyh. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56699
Abstract: Editorial Board is greeting Valentin Ivanovich Tolstyh, PhD in philosophy, professor, chief researcher at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, editor and author of numerous works in philosophy, on his 80th birthday.
philosophy, culture, intelligentsia, Valentin Ivanovich Tolstyh.
Spiritual and moral search
Tolstyh, V. I.. (2009). Soviet person. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56700
Abstract: Valentin Ivanovich Tolstyh’s article about the “soviet person” phenomenon, its nature, peculiarities and general personal traits.
philosophy, culture, society, soviet person.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Gorelov, A. A. (2009). About the meaning of life. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56701
Abstract: the article is devoted to the meaning of life for human being and the society. Based on Bernadsky’s teaching about biosphere describing how plants transform solar energy into biological energy, the author is talking about the meaning of animal world and humankind in the entire process of the world development. The meaning of life is determined as the process of transformation of the bodily into the spiritual. The spiritual is viewed as a specific form of human activity. In his article the author based on data from various branches of culture such as mythology, science and religion.
meaning, life, person, bodily, spiritual, culture, religion, mythology, science, philosophy.
Philosophy and culture
Maydanov, A. S. (2009). Reality in mythological and scientific view. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56702
Abstract: the article is aimed at finding the adequate interpretation of the famous Vedantic myth about the demon Vritra. The author is showing how weak usual “cosmic” interpretations of this myth are. Instead he has suggested the “chthonian” approach which allows to us to see that the myth reflected actual “earthly” events. The author compared the myth with the results of archeological and geomorphological (i.e. scientific) researchers and identified those events as actual referents of the myth. The article also contains description of certain paradigms and methods which were used by the archaic mind when constructing such a myth.
mythological thinking, mythological image, mental construction, fiction, paradigm, subjectivism, interpretation, research, referent, scientific view.
Social philosophy
Spirova, E. M. (2009). Paul Tillich about the symbolic nature of culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56703
Abstract: the author of the article analyzed Kant’s and Paul Tillich’ views on symbols. Special attention is paid to concrete functions of symbols. The author also distinguished the sign from the symbol and described religious symbols and their role in history.
philosophy, religion, sign, symbol, learning, language, Protestantism, Catholicism, Scholasticism, reason
Ideology and psychology of the masses
Poyarkov, S. Yu. (2009). The problem of development of constitutional culture in Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56704
Abstract: In the article, culture of constitutionalism is viewed as an axiological and space category reflecting the level of constitutional development in the country. According to the author, constitutional culture is both the result of social and political processes in the country and the factor determining these processes through integrating politics, law and government.
philosophy, politics, culture, constitutionalism, law, society, power, function, consciousness, value.
National character and mentality
Marcuse, H. (2009). Reason and revolution. Hegel and the rise of social theory (translated by E. N. Fedina) . Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56705
Abstract: selected extracts from H. Marcuse’s work “Reason and Revolution” in which the author analyzed Hegel’s dialectics and Hegel’s views on human as the subject and the object of social processes.
philosophy, history, object, subject, dialectics, logics, Hegel.
Self-consciousness and identity
Korolev, S. A. (2009). Pseudomorphosis as a form of development: the case of Russia . Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56706
Abstract: the article is devoted to the pseudomorphosis as a specific mechanism of development in the Russian history. The author identified the two forms of pseudomorphosis, the classical form described by Spengler and the “organic” form, the unique mirror reflection of the former. Special attention is paid to the role and place of disciplinary technologies in the structure of speudomorphic drivers in the government. In particular, the author showed that despite Spengler and a number of his followers, the government in Russia was characterized by the macro technological structure dominating over weak European disciplinary mechanisms.
pseudomorphosis, civilization, disciplinary technologies, inversion, civil society, Spengler, Florensky, Tsymbursky, Ahieze.
Philosophy of religion
Pavlenko, A. N. (2009). The face of the Russian philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56707
Abstract: the article considers the issue of a certain philosopher representing the core of the Russian philosophy. According to the author, such a representative of the Russian philosophy is F. M. Dostoevsky. The author analyzed the origins of the opposite opinion that Solovyev, Berdyaev and Shpet were the three people representing our philosophy. It is also shown that Dostoevsky’s ideas influenced Einstein when he created his relativist physics as well as the
philosophy, Russian philosophy, Dostoevsky, Solovyev, Berdyaev, Shpet, Einstein, relativistic physics, devil, legend.
Philosophy of history
Fokin, A. R.. (2009). Features of religious knowledge in Orthodox tradition. Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56708
Abstract: based on original sources, the author of the article revealed the main peculiarities of religious knowledge in Orthodoxy such as: the leading role of faith and Holy Scripture (the Bible), the principle of learning “the like” (soul and God), introspection (self-learning), equal meaning of the words “knowing” and “possessing” and etc. The author showed the same nature of the religious knowledge and God learning and described the main methods, forms and ways to learning God created during the very first centuries of Orthodoxy.
philosophy, religion, Orthodoxy, epistemology, culture, theology, patristic, self-learning, God learning.
Political philosophy
Titova, A. O. (2009). Revival of the Rome Empire: the issue of Carolingian idea of empire . Philosophy and Culture, 6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56709
Abstract: the article is aimed at answering the question what made Carl the Great to declare himself an imperator and to revive the empire in the West and what that empire was like. The author is analyzing contradictory data and points of views on that event. It is concluded that Frankish empire was potentially universal because it was based on the idea of the Christianand the Roman empires altogether. The author suggested that Carl accepted the Roman tradition even though his Carolingian idea of empire had other elements as well. In conclusion the author also described the three “roots” of the Roman idea of empire which determined the historical development of the West.
carl the Great, empire, “revival of the Rome Empire”, Carolingians, Christian empire, Frankish idea of empire, Roman idea of empire, histosophy, Pope.