Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Sciences about Human. Where We All Come From. From Instrument of Labor to Information Society. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57066
Review: review of Alexey Nikishenkov’s work ‘History of British Social Anthropology’. In his book Nikizhenko analyzed the theoretical grounds, formation and development of branches in British social anthropology, - a science which had made a great impact on development of the world social and humanitarian learning.
philosophy, culture, history, British social anthropology
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Topic of Morals in Modern Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57067
Review: in conditions of the global crisis many experts see the way out in a moral revival of humankind. Studying the great philosophers’ views on morals and ethics, the author have answered the questions on how morals and law communicate with each other and what understanding of morals there is in the modern world.
morals, law, culture, ethics
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
O. I. Kucheryavenko (2009). Interview with Yu. M. Reznik. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57068
Review: on November 19 scientists will celebrate the 50th anniversary of a famous Russian philosopher, PhD of Philosophical Sciences, professor Yury Mikhailovich Reznik. He has varied interests in science which vary from philosophy to social sciences, cultural sciences and psychology. The article contains the interview with Yu. M. Reznik taken by the journal writer O.I.Kucheryavenko.
philosophy, culture, social sciences, jubilee, Yury Mikhailovich Reznik
Religions and religious renaissance
Reznik, Yu. M. (2009). Trans Personality: Metaphysical Aspects of Study. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57069
Review: the article is devoted to methodological problems of the study and construction of transpersonality as an ‘out of limit’ condition of human connected with the transcendental world. The author suggested and tried out the methods of metamodel programming, analysis of metaphysical differences and the ‘illusion’ method.
personality, trans personality, moral approach, meta modal construction, life paradigm, personal projections, eventive approach, method of ‘mirror reflection’, method of ‘illusion’
Philosophy of language and communication
Pyatigorsky, A. M. (2009). Lectures of Buddhist Philosophy: Lectures 1 and 2. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57070
Review: the article contains an extract from the book ‘Never Ending Conversation’ by Alexander Moiseevich Pyatigorsky, Russian philosopher, philologist, orientalist and writer who died on October 26 2009 from a heart attack in London.
philosophy, culture, oriental studies, Buddhism, Alexander Moiseevich Pyatigorsky
Picture of the world in natural science
Lipov, A. N. (2009). Word as a ‘representation of a thought’ in A. A. Potebnya’s Philosophical and Linguistic Conception. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57071
Review: the article is devoted to linguistic and philosophical and psychological aspects of language as a form of activity, problems of relations between reasoning and speech, psychological structure of a word and conception of an ‘inner form’ of a word described in words by a famous Ukrainian thinker and linguist A. A. Potebnya (1835-1891).
philosophy, linguistics, A. A. Potebnya, language, activity, reasoning, psychology, understanding, myth
Social philosophy
Klyagin, N. V. (2009). Super Colliders and Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57072
Review: it is expected that collider, elementary particle accelerators, will make a revolution in physics. At the same time physicians have been rather cold towards the revolutionary theory of super strings. Philosophy is not far from solving that contradiction between expectations of revolutions in physics and refusal from revolutionary physical theories.
philosophy, collider, mass, world surface, multidimensionality of space, singularity, spin, super membranes, super strings, philosophy, color charge, electroweak charge
Philosophy of postmodernism
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2009). Once Again About the Idea of Progress and Related Theory of Social Evolution. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57073
Review: the author of the article suggests to talk about the problem of social evolution and its criteria based on axiological meanings of modern social transformations connected with modernization and globalization processes. Admitting that the present day situation cannot be adequately described as a ‘formula of progress’ (the term born in Enlightenment epoch) the author tried to show that nevertheless the term and the theory of social evolution behind the term have much food for research and play a significant role for social modeling.
philosophy, history, social evolution, progress, cultural bonds between generations, social ideal, economics, consumption, knowledge, spirituality, civil freedoms, social equality
History of ideas and teachings
Rostova, N. N. (2009). ‘Chameleon Name’ and ‘Concretion Man’ in Deleuze’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57074
Review: in his article ‘Michel Tournier and World without the Other’ Deleuze talks about a human being and the role of the Other in a human existence. Deleuze based on Robinson’s story described by D. Defoe in the 18th century and by M. Tournier in the 20th century. Depending on presence or absence of the Other Deleuze distinguished the two anthroplogical types which, in turn, produced the two different words: the world of existence, systems, order and corresponding items and meanings and the world of freed elements of nature, beyond any time and beyond anything material.
philosophy, Deleuze, Tournier, anthropological types, the Other, imagination, perception, simulacrum, Defoe, human, Plato
The stream of books
Suhov, A. D. (2009). D.I.Mendeleev as a Philosopher. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57075
Review: around the world D. I. Mendeleev is known as a chemist and the periodic law author. But he also devoted himself to geophysics, metallurgy industry, agriculture, economics, teaching and even metrology… He resembles M. V. Lomonosov in his versatile personality. Like Lomonosov, Mendeelev also talked about philosophy which he considered to be an ideological synthesis and spiritual guide. His philosophical views are not well studied yet but they are undoubtedly a very significant part of Russian philosophy.
philosophy, chemistry, natural science, spiritualism, religion, gnoseology, world perception, realism, dialectics