Editor-in-Chief's column
А. В. Прокофьев (2008). Идея справедливости в «Утилитаризме» Дж. Ст. Милля (Часть 2.Окончание). Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56085
В статье реконструируются представления Дж.С.Милля о справедливости (преимущественно на основе пятой главы трактата «Утилитаризм»). Несмотря на общую тенденцию утилитаристской этики придавать идее справедливости второстепенное и вспомогательное значение, Дж.С.Милль стремится сохранить за ней тот высокий статус, который она имеет в живом нравственном опыте. Основным приемом достижения этой цели является выделение разных видов пользы. Одному из них, а именно удовлетворению потребности в безопасности, и соответствует идея справедливости. Стремясь всесторонне обосновать эту позицию и сделать ее приемлемой как для утилитаристов, так и для сторонников этики традиции и здравого смысла, Милль предвосхищает несколько проблем, активно обсуждающихся в современной этике, и формулирует целый ряд противоречивых суждений, касающихся сущности морали, способов выявления морально обязательных (правильных) поступков, содержания принципов справедливости.
Philosophy of science and education
GUREVICH, P.S. (2008). ADVENTURES OF NATIONAL IDEA. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56086
: It was already Yung who spoke of the importance of myth in a human life. According to Yung, myth is not a fiction but feelings and beliefs often leading to actual life events. Being based on a social myth, the national idea reflects the nation’s attitude to themselves, other peoples and the nation’s role in the world history and has a risk to result in religious fundamentalism.
KUTSENKO, N. A. (2008). PHYLOSOPHICAL EDUCATION IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56087
The author describes the status of philosophic sciences among scientific disciplines in the Russian society. He points out the difficulty with which philosophy is struggling to be an independent discipline. The author also reveals what a spiritual philosophy is.
Philosophy of history
ILYINSKIY, I. M. (2008). BUNIN’S LETTERS TODAY. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56088
The article discusses an increasing interest in I. Bunin in the USSR and “new” Russia. The author dispels simplest common views on the Great Russian writer. For instance, the author notes that Bunin did not stand above the politics and underlines the relevance of Bunin’s poems and political essays.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56089
Viewing the development of human civilization from the point of “blow-up regime” we can describe just the main trend while a more precise analysis helps to uncover socioeconomic and sociocultural cycles also existing there. Sociocultural cycling usually means just a pattern of ups and downs, rise and fall, speed-up and slow-down . The process within the cycle usually consists of three or four stages.
National character and mentality
DOLZHENKO, O.V. (2008). UNIVERSITY IN CONDITIONS OF THE TRANS-CIVILIZATION GAP. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56090
The author reflects on the role of education at the start of a new civilization. He raises a question about the anthropological turn and speaks of opportunities of the modern education. The author also criticizes never-ending reforms of as stable a system as education is.
Spectrum of consciousness
DYIRKOVA, L.A., SYSOEVA L. S. (2008). IDENTIFICAION OF RUSSIA’S WAY IN THE POST-SOVIET AREA. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56091
Understanding of Russia’s way continues to be an issue now as it already was a hundred years ago. Having refused from the communistic values and Soviet) dream of building an ideal society all over the world, Russian public opinion is now concerned about what to offer instead. What values a new strategy of development should be based on? It is especially difficult to say after we failed to adopt Western reforms without taking into account peculiarities of the Russian mentality. As A. I. Solzhenitsyn once said, in order to lead such a great country as Russia is, it is necessary to feel all the centuries of its history. Otherwise the country might lose more than get.
Philosophical anthropology
BALAGUSHKIN, E. G. (2008). ANALYTICS OF MYSTICISM . Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56092
Mysticism is extending its influence in the “uncharmed world”. The future of science, anthropology and philosophy are often related to ideas of Cabbala or Hesychasm. In the religious studies mystic means activity of a human learning about the world from the point of “the sacred beginning”. Mysticism is nothing more but a discourse and reflection on that. Mystic experience is the first level of the activity which becomes institualized on the second functional level and serves socio-political purposes on the third level, where it takes the form of clericalism and theocracy.
Dasein of the human being
MATUTITE, K. P. (2008). CONTROVERSY OF THE IMMANENT AND THE TRANSCENDENTAL. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56093
Human is locked in the physical world. He can learn this world and become very good at it. However, something tells us there is the other world outside the material one. We even receive signals coming from that other world. More than that, many visionaries, mystics and esoterics have acquired the power to enter the spiritual world and to render their impressions of these encounters. In history of philosophy such a transfer from this world to the other is called transcendence. Philosophers use this word when they speak of the transfer from the area of possible experience (nature) to the area lying on the other side.
Self-consciousness and identity
CHESNOV, Y.V. (2008). EXISTENTIALS: FEEDING. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56094
Humanity is concerned about daily bread. This initial anxiety for food sounds in the prayer and hides in barely conscious actions of a woman stuffing her fridge with a bit more food than her family actually needs. Why do people tend to overeat than to eat less? It is a difficult question. C. Levi-Strauss has carried out a great research viewing the problem of food in a very objective and “structural” light. However, his work “Origin of eating traditions” did not answer the question and the problem was not just the “wrong” method of Levi-Strauss.
Philosophy and art
KUCHERYAVENKO, O.I. (2008). PHENOMENON OF INDIVIDUALIZATION. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56095
The word “individual” is closely connected to the other term “individualization” meaning a process of increasing separation of an individual from his initial ties. The process has achieved its heights during the New Time (the period after Renaissance up to now). Before the process started, people had been “refusing” from their individuality (specific, personal traits). On the other hand, people actually felt they belonged to the social community and it helped them to feel confident and to set their life priorities.
History of ideas and teachings
PROKOVIEF, A.V. (2008). IDEA OF JUSTICE IN THE “UTILITARISM” OF J.ST.MILLES (FINAL PART). Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56096
The article discusses J. St. Mill’s views on justice (mostly based on the fifth chapter of his work “Utilitarism”). Despite the general tendency of utilitarian ethics to treat justice as something having a secondary meaning, J. St. Mill tried to retain the high status which justice has in actual ethic experience. In order to achieve this goal he distinguished several types of “benefit”. Idea of justice corresponds to one of such benefits, in particular, to satisfaction of the safety need. Trying to reason his position and to make it accessible both for utilitarians and followers of traditional and common sense ethics, Mill forecasted a few problems which are actively discussed nowadays and formulated a whole range of contradictory judgments on morals, ways to define the right (morally bound) behavior and principles of justice.
The stream of books
. Philosophy and Culture, 11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56097
Being even a more profound mean of communication than speech, cinematograph has its own “language”, a system of audio and visual codes transmitting a certain message to the audience. By analyzing ideas of Pazolini and Metz who believed “image” and “action” to be the basic elements of cinematographic language, Umberto Eco studied types of such “codes” and their “articulations”.