Feshchenko P.N..
On theoretical and practical meaning of P.A. Kabanov’s study “Anti-corruption monitoring in the regions of the Russian Federation: the issues of theory and practice of legal regulation”
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2016. – № 4.
– P. 359-362.
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Abstract: The research object is criminality as a negative socio-legal phenomenon. The research subject is anti-corruption monitoring on the regional level and the problems of its regulation and implementation. The author considers and analyzes the study of Professor P.A. Kabanov published in 2015, his theoretical and practical suggestions based on the analysis of the wide range of materials. The author applies the system method to analyze criminality, corruption, and the related negative socio-legal phenomena, and the comparative, historical methods, analysis and synthesis. The author concludes about the possibility and reasonability of use of the approaches to assessing corruption, its reasons, and criminality monitoring effectiveness in general and its particular types, and the system assessment of the condition of the national and public security, including social tension, proposed by P.Kabanov. At present, it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken or proposed in the sphere of criminality and corruption prevention without these approaches.
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption monitoring, criminality prevention, system approach, corruption consequences, social tension, anti-corruption monitoring objects, reasons of corruption, anti-corruption monitoring subjects, regional legislation
Strategiya natsional'noy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2020 goda // Utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 12 maya 2009 g. N 537). Sistema GARANT:
Zdorov'e natsii i natsional'naya bezopasnost'. Pod redaktsiey professora A.I.Dolgovoy. M., Rossiyskaya kriminologicheskaya assotsiatsiya, 2013.-380 s. i dr.
Feshchenko P.N. Mesto i rol' korruptsii v genezise sotsial'noy napryazhennosti: monografiya. / P.N.Feshchenko. Kirov: Izdatel'stvo Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2011.-143 s. i dr.
Oleg Mikheev predlozhil lishat' prava na pensiyu po vysluge let chinovnikov, sovershivshikh prestuplenie protiv gosvlasti. URL:
Kabanov P.A. Antikorruptsionnyy monitoring v sub'ektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii: voprosy teorii i praktiki pravovogo regulirovaniya: monografiya / P.A.Kabanov.-N.Novgorod: Nizhegorodskaya akademiya MVD Rossii, 2015.-181 s.
Narutto S.V..
Legal confirmation of the nomenclature of scientific specialities
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2016. – № 2.
– P. 160-168.
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Abstract: The research object is legal regulation of the nomenclature of scientific specialities, in which candidate and doctor theses are defended. The research object is the nomenclature of scientific specialities. The article analyzes the stages of legal regulation of the nomenclature of scientific specialities, including the pre-revolutionary and the Soviet periods of scientific degrees granting. Special attention is paid to the problems of the contemporary legal regulation if the nomenclature of scientific specialities caused by the unreasonable introduction of new specialities. The author outlines the problem of composing and confirming scientific specialities descriptions. The author applies the dialectical method, the systems analysis, the logical, hermeneutical, and other general scientific methods of cognition. The author uses specific scientific and special methods: historical, comparative-legal, formal-legal and others. The author comes to the conclusion about the need for modernization of the existing nomenclature of scientific specialities, consolidation of scientific specialities, and about the importance of developing a procedure of inclusion of new specialities into the nomenclature. The author offers the mechanism of this procedure. The study substantiates the reasonability of legal confirmation of the procedure of composition and approval of scientific specialities descriptions, which allow differentiating one speciality from another.
Keywords: Higher Attestation Commission, dissertation Council, academic degree, thesis, scientific specialty description, nomenclature, scientific speciality, scientific certification, science, legal
Voronov A.F. Predmet nauki grazhdanskogo protsessa // Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa. 2013. № 2. S. 8-59.
Matskevich I.M., Vlasenko N.A. Formalizatsiya spetsial'nostey nauchnykh issledovaniy v sfere prava: soderzhanie i perspektivy // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2013. № 6. S. 116-121.
Ivanyuk O.A., Rafalyuk E.E. Modernizatsiya nomenklatury spetsial'nostey nauchnykh rabotnikov v sfere yurisprudentsii // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2011. № 6. S. 124-129.
Demichev A.A. Istoriya gosudarstva i prava kak samostoyatel'naya nauchnaya spetsial'nost' // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2013. № 11. S. 98-103.
Biomeditsinskoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom: monografiya / G.B. Romanovskiy, N.N. Tarusina, A.A. Mokhov i dr. M.: Prospekt, 2015. S. 87.
Vlasenko N.A. O nomenklature spetsial'nostey nauchnykh rabotnikov v oblasti yurisprudentsii // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2010. № 7. S. 98-109.
Bachilo I.L., Kopylov V.A. Est' li osnovaniya dlya sozdaniya otrasli «Informatsionnoe pravo» // Informatsionnoe obshche
Dubovik, O.L..
Studies of administrative law and process: evolution of scientific ideas and the legislative provisions. On the 90th anniversary
of N.G. Salischeva.
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2014. – № 9.
– P. 960-964.
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Abstract: The article characterizes the input of N.G. Salischeva in the development of sciences of administrative law and
process, her role in the legislative activities, her ideas regarding formation of the system of administrative justice in Russia.
The author analyzes the views of N.G. Salischeva as a scientist on the issues of contents and specific features of the
administrative process in the USSR and in the Russian Federation on the issues of fundamental categories and principles
of administrative judicial proceedings, guarantees of procedural rights of persons, reasons for the administrative and
judicial reforms in early 2000s, results of their implementation. The author evaluates the efficiency of organization of
the executive branch of government in the Russian Federation and perspectives of its development, legal mechanisms of
judicial control in the sphere of interactions between public government and the people, as well as the perspectives for
the formation of a legal institution of administrative procedure. The author also provides brief analysis of the concepts of
the Federal Constitutional Law \"On administrative Judicial Proceedings. General Part\" and the Federal Law \"On Administrative
Procedure\". The author characterizes the role of N.G. Salischeva in the interpretation of the norms of the Code of
the RSFSR on Administrative Offences. The 90th Anniversary of Nadezhda Salischeva is a holiday for all of her colleagues,
co-workers and admirers of her talent, and it is a chance to wish her success in her creative work.
Keywords: administrative law, administrative process, administrative justice, executive power, legal order, procedure, court, judicial control, administration, jurisdiction.
Salishcheva N.G. Izbrannoe. M.: RAP, 2011.-568 s.
Salishcheva N.G., Abrosimova E.B. Federal'nyy konstitutsionnyy zakon «Ob administrativnom sudoproizvodstve». M.: Rudomino, 2001; Salishcheva N.G. Izbrannoe. S.275 – 390.
Salishcheva N.G., Khamaneva N.Yu. Administrativnaya yustitsiya, administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo (2002); Oni zhe. Administrativnaya yustitsiya i administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo v Rossiyskoy Federatsii (2001) // Salishcheva N.G. Izbrannoe. S. 391 – 404; 405 – 470.
Administrativnaya reforma i administrativnyy protsess v Rossii // Salishcheva N.G. Izbrannoe. S. 511 – 539; Organizatsiya ispolnitel'noy vlasti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Tam zhe. S. 482 – 501.
Salishcheva N.G. Izbrannoe. S. 539.
Kommentariy k Kodeksu RSFSR ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh. 5-e izd. / Pod red. I.I. Veremeenko, N.G. Salishchevoy, M.S. Studenikinoy.M.: Prospekt, 2001. – 944 s.;
Kommentariy k Kodeksu Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh. 7-e izd. S uchetom FZ
Dubovik, O.L..
Congratulations on the Anniversary for Nadezhda Georgievna Salischeva (On the 90th Anniversary since her birth and
65th Anniversary of Scientific and Teaching Work).
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2014. – № 8.
– P. 857-859.
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Abstract: Salischeva N.G. currently teaches at the Faculty of Advanced Training for the Judges at the Russian Academy
of Justice. Thanks to her valuable service to both society and state N.G. Salischeva was awarded with state
awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation, including the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of the Friendship
among the Peoples, various medals and acknowledgements of the President of the Russian Federation, the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She has the honorary
title of the Merited Lawyer of the Russian Federation. For 50 years N.G. Salischeva has been supporting the idea
of formation of administrative justice system in Russia. Her principal position, hard work, and substantiated approach
provide a fine example of serving the interests of science. The input of Nadezhda Georgievna Salischeva into
the the development of administrative law and process can hardly be overestimated, since its impact is great. The
Board of Editors of the Journal “Administrative and Municipal Law” and the Nota Bene Publishing House cordially
congratulate Nadezhda Georgievna Salischeva on the wonderful anniversary, wishing her good health, happiness
and new achievements. Relatives, friends, colleagues, students and esteemers wish you good health, prosperity and
new creative achievements!
Keywords: Salischeva Nadezhda Georgievna, anniversary, administrative law, law-making activity, control activity, judicial practice, administrative judicial procedure, administrative procedure, public administration, administrative responsibility.
Kobzar-Frolova, M. N..
International conference of science and practice “System of financial law” (May 27-28, Odessa, 2009)
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2009. – № 8.
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Abstract: The review of the international conference of science and practice “System of Financial Law” carried out on May 27, 28 in Odessa, Ukraine. The conference was held at the National Law Academy of Odessa.
Keywords: world of law, law, financial law, Russia, the Ukraine.