Ismayilova P.F..
Some Issues of Legal Regulation of Cultural Rights in International and National Aspect
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 15-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2019.5.17240.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2019.5.17240
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Abstract: The subject of research in the article relates to issues concerning the national and international regulation of human’s cultural rights and freedoms. Attention is paid, in the article, also to the issues of further legal development in this sphere. It is noted that culture has long been one of the priority directions in the state’s development. And the state, in its turn, has an influence upon the cultural development of citizens, and creates the mechanisms of safeguarding and reproduction of cultural values. In the article, the term “cultural rights and freedoms” is studied in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Special attention is given to the legislative impact on the cultural sphere. It is mentioned that implementation of wide cultural activity in Azerbaijan is part and parcel of the state policy not only in the cultural sphere, but also in the field of developing human’s cultural rights. Therefore, allowing development of legal regulation of these rights in the republic is of extreme importance. In a number of countries, the principles of the state’s cultural policy are secured at the constitutional level. The author considers, in detail, some problem issues existing in the field of national and international regulation of cultural rights and freedoms, having analyzed possibilities of their removal, legal perfection, and gives relevant recommendations.
Keywords: cultural values, legislation, internationa law, constitutional law, culture, cultural rights, the state, freedoms, economical rights, legal regulation
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