Kalinina L.E..
Institutional improvement of safety in the system of administrative law
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2016. – № 3.
– P. 207-210.
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Abstract: The research subject is safety as an institution of administrative law, and its improvement. The author examines institutional peculiarities, which should be taken into account in the process of changing the legislation and theoretical research. Special attention should be paid to the conceptual grounds, otherwise the safety norms will be useless for the protection of the society, the state and the person. The author pays attention to the problem of combination and substitution of terms, which hampers the creation of a harmonious safety system, since the term always needs to be explained. The article considers the threats, whose transformation should also be reflected in the legislation, and the change of methods of their elimination. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis) and specific methods (historical and legal, legal-dogmatic, logical, system analysis, and the method of analysis of normative provisions). The author studies the foreign experience in solving such problems. The author concludes that it is necessary to change the concept of safety, embedded in legal regulation; to create the safety system with the definition of the conceptual framework and such concepts as legal condition (safety) and legal relation (safety provision); to legislate the system threats, and to change the approaches to implementing legal regulations.
Keywords: administrative law, administrative law institution, national safety, state management, change of legislation, analysis of legislation, concept of safety, security threats, legal regulation, food security, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, NATIONAL SECURITY, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, legislative change, ANALYSIS OF LEGISLATION, security concept, security threat, LEGAL REGULATION, FOOD SECURITY
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