Lobanov, S. A..
Administrative and Legal Regulation of Trading Activity in the System of Consumer Market
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2012. – ¹ 8.
– P. 69-74.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal and organizational problems of implementation of administrative jurisdiction
in the sphere of consumer market as well as peculiarities of administrative acts in prevention and suppression of
administrative offences. Mechanism of administrative regulation of activities conducted by the internal affairs agencies
to prevent and suppress violations on the consumer market is nothing else but the method of organization and realization
of rights and legal interests of consumers who interact with trading units as well as service agencies; independent
system of legal means ensuring legal regulation of social relations and allowing to achieve a certain target — legal
order in the sphere of provision of quality products or services to consumers (citizens and legal entities).
Keywords: market, consumer, mechanism, violation of law, jurisdiction, punishment, interaction, prevention, suppression, interest, measure, set.
Avanesov Yu.A. Ekonomika predpriyatiy torgovli i sfery uslug. — M., 1996.
Zuy V.V. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za pravonarusheniya v oblasti torgovli: Avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — Khar'kov, 1988.
Koval' L.V. Administrativno-deliktnoe otnoshenie. — Kiev, 1979.
Kudryavtsev V.N. Obshchaya teoriya kvalifikatsiya prestupleniy. — M., 2001.
Kurakin A.V., Tyurin V.A., Drozdov A.V., Zubach A.V. Kvalifikatsiya administrativnykh pravonarusheniy. — M., 2001.
Katys M.A. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za narushenie zakonodatel'stva o zashchite prav potrebite-ley: Avtoref. dis… kand. yurid nauk. — M., 2002.
Likharev V.V. Kvalifikatsiya administrativnykh pravonarusheniy v sfere okhrany obshchestvennogo poryadka: Avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — M., 1988.
Rubval'ter D.A. Formirovanie rynochnoy ekonomki i privatizatsiya torgovli. — M., 1992.
Salishcheva N.G. Grazhdanin i administrativnaya yurisdiktsiya v SSSR. — M., 1970.
Savel'eva V.S. Osnovy kvalifikatsii prestuplen
Kostennikov, M. V., Lobanov, S. A..
On the Question about Definition of Consumer Market in Administrative Law
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2012. – ¹ 6.
– P. 12-16.
Read the article
Abstract: The article studies the legal and organizational issues of consumer protection from the point of jurisdiction.
Based on their research, the authors of the article conclude that jurisdictional methods can be successfully used for ensuring
legal order in the sphere of consumer market. The article also gives the definition of consumer market and makes
certain suggestions on how to improve consumer protection in the country. It is also underlined in the article that the
term ‘consumer market’ was legally defined not so long ago.
Keywords: consumer, protection, jurisdiction, market, mean, human, goods, trade, legal order, mechanism, relations.
Avanesov Yu.A. Ekonomika predpriyatiy torgovli i sfery uslug. — M., 1996.
Bernar i Kolli Tolkovyy ekonomicheskiy i finansovyy slovar'. — M., 1994.
Bezdenezhnykh V.M. Vyyavlenie i presechenie militsiey obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti administrativnykh pravonarusheniy v sfere predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti i potrebitel'skogo rynka. — M., 1998.
Burak M.N. Administrativnye pravonarusheniya v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka // Zakon i praktika. — 2006. — ¹ 1.
Gir'ko S.I. Obespechenie ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka // Yuridicheskiy konsul'tant. — 2003. — ¹ 3.
Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N., Rusakov R.A. Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel'nosti militsii. — M., 2005.
Rossinskaya G.M. Protivorechiya potrebitel'skogo rynka i tsena. — M., 1991.
Rubval'ter D.A. Formirovanie rynochnoy ekonomki i privatizatsiya torgovli. — M., 1992.
Rezina N.A. Gosudarstvennyy kontrol' i nadzor v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka: Dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — Omsk, 2003.
Taskaev N.N. Organiz
Kostennikov, M. V., Lobanov, S. A..
Administrative and Jurisdictional Protection of Consumer Rights
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
– P. 28-33.
Read the article
Abstract: The article studies the legal and organizational issues of protection of consumer rights with the help of jurisdictional
means. Based on the study, the authors of the article conclude that these means are efficient enough to use them
as the means of law enforcement in the sphere of consumer market.
Keywords: consumer, protection, security, jurisdiction, market, mean, human, goods, trade, legal order, mechanism, attitude.
Gur'ev E.N. Potrebitel'skiy rynok Rossii: problemy i perspektivy // Vestnik MAP Rossii. — 2003. — ¹ 4.
Kurakin A.V., Tyurin V.A., Drozdov A.V., Zubach A.V. Kvalifikatsiya administrativnykh pravonarusheniy. — M., 2001.
Akulov V.I., Kostennikov M.V., Kurakin A.V., Lanina E.Yu. Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennikh del v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka. — Domodedovo, 2011.
Levitskiy V.B. Pravovoe polozhenie grazhdan potrebiteley po deystvuyushchemu rossiyskomu zakonodatel'-stvu (problemy sovershenstvovaniya): Avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — M., 2001.
Rezina N.A. Gosudarstvennyy kontrol' i nadzor v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka: Dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — Omsk, 2003.
Tyukalova N.M. Puti sovershenstvovaniya administrativnogo zakonodatel'stva v sfere torgovli: Dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — Khabarovsk, 2002.
Taskaev N.N. Gosudarstvennyy kontrol' i nadzor v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka — neobkhodimoe uslovie obespecheniya ego bezopasnosti // Deyatel'nos
Lobanov, S. A..
Administrative Regulation in Jurisdictional Activity Performed by Internal Affairs Agencies
in the Sphere of Consumer’s Market
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2012. – ¹ 4.
– P. 47-54.
Read the article
Abstract: The article studies the legal and organizational issues of implementation of administrative jurisdiction in
the sphere of consumer’s market and describes peculiarities of administrative law in the sphere of prevention and
suppression of administrative offences.
Keywords: market, consumer, mechanism, violation of law, jurisdiction, punishment, interaction, warning, suppression, interest, mean, set.
Zuy V.V. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za pravonarusheniya v oblasti torgovli: Avtoref dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — Khar'kov, 1988.
Koval' L.V. Administrativno-deliktnoe otnoshenie. — Kiev, 1979.
Kudryavtsev V.N. Obshchaya teoriya kvalifikatsiya prestupleniy. — M., 2001.
Kurakin A.V., Tyurin V.A., Drozdov A.V., Zubach A.V. Kvalifikatsiya administrativnykh pravonarushe-niy. — M., 2001.
Katys M.A. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za narushenie zakonodatel'stva o zashchite prav potre-biteley: Avtoref. dis… kand. yurid nauk. — M., 2002.
Likharev V.V. Kvalifikatsiya administrativnykh pravonarusheniy v sfere okhrany obshchestvennogo po-ryadka: Avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. — M., 1988.
Salishcheva N.G. Grazhdanin i administrativnaya yurisdiktsiya v SSSR. — M., 1970.
Savel'eva V.S. Osnovy kvalifikatsii prestupleniy. — M., 2006.
Shumikhin V.G. Pravila kvalifikatsii prestupleniy. — M., 2003
Lanina, E. Yu..
On the Question of the Term ‘Consumer’s Market’ in Administrative Law
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2010. – ¹ 5.
– P. 72-75.
Read the article
Abstract: the article analyses different points of view on the category ‘consumer’s market’. The author of the article described the main features of the consumer’s market which is very important for further improvement of administrative and legal regulation of social relations in the sphere of consumption.
Keywords: market, trades, consumer’s, regulation, consumer, protection, structure, turn-round, security
Avanesov Yu.A. Ekonomika predpriyatiy torgovli i sfery uslug. — M., 1996.
Bezdenezhnykh V.M. Vyyavlenie i presechenie militsiey obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti administrativnykh pravonarusheniy v sfere predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti i potrebitel'skogo rynka. — M., 1998.
Burak M.N. Administrativnye pravonarusheniya v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka // Zakon i praktika. — 2006. — ¹ 1.
Gir'ko S.I. Obespechenie ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka // Yuridicheskiy konsul'tant. — 2003. — ¹ 3.
Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N., Rusakov R.A. Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel'nosti militsii. — M., 2005.
Rossinskaya G.M. Protivorechiya potrebitel'skogo rynka i tsena. — M., 1991.
Rezina N.A. Gosudarstvennyy kontrol' i nadzor v sfere potrebitel'skogo rynka: Dis… kand. yurid. nauk. — Omsk, 2003.
Taskaev N.N. Organizatsionno-pravovye voprosy deyatel'nosti militsii obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti po bor'be s administrativnymi pravonarusheniyami na potrebitel'skom rynke: Avtoref. dis. ... kan