Khalilov G..
Local Government in the Vertical Division of Power
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2019. – № 2.
– P. 26-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2019.2.22986.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2019.2.22986
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the local self-government in the vertical division of power. It is shown that local governments perform control functions directly on the ground and act as a free element from the legal point of view of the mechanism of power. Organization of local government linked with a number of factors and in most cases is due many structural feasibility of administrative-territorial division of the state. Reasonable and legal division of the administrative-territorial units of the state directly influences the activity of local self-government established in these units. These issues are regulated by special laws, taking into account the scale of institutions, demographic, ethnic, social positions and other things. Differences in the distribution of units of administrative and territorial divisions in the certain states also affects to the local government. According to the legislation of the countries, in the local administrative-territorial unit, along with local governments, the activity of the head of the state administration is also noted. This parallelism is not typical for the Republic of Azerbaijan. But in countries with a more democratic legislative system, the right to express disloyalty to the head of the local state administration of the corresponding territorial unit is expressed by a majority of the deputies of local self-government. This shows that in these countries local government is not part of the system of state power, and here the separation of power is fully provided. Unfortunately, due to the state of war, the tendencies of ethnic separatism and for other reasons, the formation of such legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan was not possible.
Keywords: domestic legislation, international law, decentralization, administrative-territorial division, local government, separation of power, democracy, international treaties, political power, central authority
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