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Requirements for publication

This is an academic journal.

The editorial board does not accept materials previously published in other sources. If the author sends requests to publish in several sources simultaneously, they must notify our editorial board. Authors involved in plagiarism will be blacklisted and denied services in the future.

Do not use academic articles for publicity or self-promotion. Do not cite newspapers or non-academic journals or quote statements made on television. We encourage citations from online academic sources.

The editorial board does not accept text resembling course papers and essays. Authors must demonstrate not only good knowledge of the subject matter and works by other scholars who studied it previously but also demonstrate a new academic approach in their publications. Selected fragments from dissertations, books, and monographs are not accepted as the writing style of these materials does not correspond to the journal’s style.

Researchers who interpret academic terms in an article are encouraged to refrain from engaging in absent debates with textbook authors, manual tutorial writers, or dictionary editors. Such debates can lead to an unfavorable position for the researcher because these sources cannot substantiate their academic position with fragmented portions of their work. To promote scholarly polemics, it is recommended that researchers refer to their opponents’ monographs or dissertations instead.

This journal's scope and the rubrics' structure define the most appropriate size of the articles accepted for publication. On average, they must consist of 20–40 thousand characters[JM1] .

References to sources in the reference list should be given in square brackets in the body of the article, for example, [1]. The author may specify a specific page, for example, [1, p. 57], or a group of sources, for example, [1, 3], [5-7]. If you have multiple references to the same source, the numbering of these references in the article should look like this: [1, p. 35]; [2]; [3]; [1, p. 75-78]; [4]....
And in the bibliography (reference list), references should be listed as follows:

Page references and footnotes are prohibited. If you use a footnote that does not contain a reference to the source, such as the explanation of a term, please include it in the text.

Some larger articles may also be accepted, subject to the approval of the editor-in-chief. Articles must be submitted online through the publication’s website: (click on "Author area").

After completing the registration process, it is necessary to add an annotation in Russian, no less than 170 words long, followed by 10 keywords, and then the article itself with the bibliography (reference list) at the end. There should be as many sources as possible.

It is necessary to print out and sign two copies of the contract and then send scanned copies of them to the editorial office address (only the first and last pages) or by regular mail to the following address.

Complimentary copies are sent out only to authors living in other cities. Authors living in Moscow can pick up their copies of the journal at the publishing house.

Do not write article titles in capital letters. For instance, “HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY…” The correct way to do this would be “History of Philosophy…”

Please forward any questions to the associate editor at:

When submitting a technical issue, please provide as many details as possible, e.g., what you are trying to do, what it is that you are having trouble with, or what mistakes or errors are occurring. If you are able, please take screenshots of the pages with errors. The more detail you provide, the faster we will be able to solve the issue.

For more information regarding the publication of texts, please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” section. This section also has the contact information of the journals’ editors.


The procedure for consideration of a scientific article for publishing: