State healthcare institutions
Roshchin, D. (2018). Controlled Purchase as an Instrument of State Control in Health Care. Healthcare, 1, 1–5.
The aim of the research is to develop tactics for applying a new tool of state control, controlled purchase, in health care. Roschin carries out an analysis of Russian statutory regulation and makes an attempt to offer a complex solution of issues that may raise in the process thereof. The author describes essential differences between controlled purchase and test purchase applied as part of state surveillance. The controlled purchase is a tool that differs from the audit and is carried out on the basis of the risk-oriented approach as well as in cases when news came that there is a threat for life and health of citizens. The need to apply the aforesaid tool is usually defined during supervision over the turnover of pharmaceutical products and medical goods and the quality and safety of medical activities. In case of violations of mandatory requirements, the result of applying the tool should be the issuance of citation or initiation of administrative proceedings. Currently, no changes have been made to federal laws that would define the procedure of state control in particular spheres which gives time to resolve procedural matters of controlled purchases.
safety, quality, medical products, narcotic drugs, drugs, public health, state surveillance, Controlled purchase, medical practice, state control
Healthcare system
Dikikh, A.A. (2018). India's National Health Policy from the Onset of Independence in 1947 to the Present Day. Healthcare, 1, 6–13.
The object of this research is the health care system in India, and the subject is the development patterns of the features and the formation of its since independence in 1947 to the present day. The process of forming the Health Planning Commission, its purpose, the development of five-year plans and the place in these plans for the health and family welfare. Five-year plans are explored by blocks from the first five year plan (1951-1956) to the fifth five year plan (1974-1979), then from the sixth plan (1980-1985) to the eleventh plan (2007-2012). The twelve-year plan (2012-2017) is explored separately. This article reseach the features of the three national health policies of 1983, 2002 and 2017. This article analized of the three national health policy projects of 1983, 2002 and 2017. Differences in the economic situation between states and union territories led to the creation of the following projects, the main provisions of which are explored in this work: National Rural Health Mission (2005-2012), National Health Urban Mission (May 2013), and strategy - National Health Mission (2012-2017), combining projects in the field of health in urban and rural. The present study aimed at conducting a comparative analysis of access to servicies health in rural and urban. In the investigation is the projected population data of growth in the urban set out in the 2030 and the 2045. There is considered of changes in infant mortality in India during the twelve five-year plans. The research methodology is based on the structural-functional, system analysis, comparative, historical, statistical, induction, deduction, synthesis. On the results of research, the authors were able to draw conclusions about improved quality of health services for low-income segments of the population. However, infant mortality in the country is still at a high level.
medical services, medical care, rural areas, five-year plans, Planning Commission, national policy, Ministry of Health, health care system, health care, population
Healthcare system
Kolobaev, S.A., Lebedev, G.S. (2018). The Review of Blockchain and Bitcoin Technologies in Terms oftheir Application Possibility for a Medical Management and Health Care Organization. Healthcare, 1, 14–19.
The object of the research is the blockchain technology and bitcoin. The scope of the research covers possibilities for application the blockchain and bitcoin technologies in medical informatics and the health care organization. Research objective: to prove possibilities for application the blockchain and bitcoin technologies in medical management and business processes of health care. Research tasks: to designate the main characteristics, the principles and entities of blockchain technology and bitcoin, to define the directions of management health care. Hypothesis of a research is existence of positive communication between characteristics of blockchain technologies and bitcoin and strategies of development health care in aspect of introduction of innovative developments. Research methods: analysis of references, comparison method, analysis and synthesis of data. Modeling the opportunities application of blockchain technologies and bitcoin in medical informatics and the organization of health care. The main conclusions of the technologies research are a creation of social network of doctors, development of medical information systems and databases, electronic medical cards of patients. A special conclusion of a research is the development clinical decision support system based on communications and is exchanged given by means of the blockchain and bitcoin technologies. The author contribution consists of the research references of the last years and analysis the identification and description of entities of technology for medical informatics and health care management.
security, information technology, health care, management, medicine, Bitcoin, Blockchain, social network, business process, future
Physical exercise and sport
Pozdnyakova, U.S. (2018). Peculiarities of Organization and Functioning of Animated Activity in Children's Sports Organizations . Healthcare, 1, 20–27.
This article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of organization and functioning of animated activity in children's sports organizations. The author examines the legal framework of the organization and activities of children's sports organizations in the Russian Federation, under which it is necessary to understand the legal persons of various organizational-legal forms and forms of ownership, the activity of which is aimed at the implementation of services to ensure children's rest and sports rehabilitation. The article examines the goals, objectives, principles and features of organization and functioning of children's sports organizations. The author substantiates the view that animation activity in children's sports organizations in compliance with the studied in this scientific article claims, principles and features should be modern, creative link for the use of any other pedagogical, psychological, cultural, creative and educational and leisure technology. The author used the following research methods: statistical; historicism; comparative legal studies; functional; comparison; analysis; surveys.
sports, kids, work, activity, operation, organization, features, animation, health, organizations
Malinin, A.V. (2018). Anthropocentric, Neurobiochemical and Personal Aspects of the Formation of Alcohol and Drug Addiction of Young Military Men. Healthcare, 1, 28–41.
The subject of study is the relationship between constitutional-typological characteristics of personality and functional neurochemical brain variability in young men of military age. The author examines in detail aspects such topics as comparative analysis of the three constitutionally-psychotypological qualitatively different groups of young people suffering from alcoholism 2 stages: a cycloid personality structure, with epileptoid personality structure, with a schizoid personality structure and the group without signs of psychological, mental or physical dependence on alcohol intake . Particular attention is paid to the possibility of using the results in the medical, psycho-physiological, social and psychological support for young men of military age. To conduct the study used diagnostic questionnaire patoharakterologic A.E.Licko, method of determining the level of neuroticism and psihopatizatsii, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Form A), the scale of anxiety Taylor, a clinical questionnaire to identify and assess the state of the neurotic; questionnaire to detect the early signs of alcoholism; multipronged clinical analysis. The main conclusions of the study are allocated two variants of affective disorders in the formative period of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: anxiety-subdepressive and overvalued. A special contribution of the author's research theme is the relationship between the set-sensitive psychasthenic personality traits and mood disorders that accompany the formation of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The novelty of the study is to establish the relationship between neurochemical characteristics of patients and their individual constitutional psychotypical features that should be used in medical practice.
functional state, brain neurochemistry, anthropocentric approach, psychotypical human constitution, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, medical support inductees, young men of military age, psychophysiological status, social and psychological support