Development of separate branches of international public law
Shovkrinskii, A.Y. (2014). Abandonment of the principle of requirement for the exhaustion of the local legal remedies in the international law by the state. International Law, 2, 1–19.
The article concerns the issue of abandonment of the respondent state of the principle of requirement for the exhaustion of the domestic legal remedies in the international law, which allows the claimant not to apply domestic remedies and to address the international organization bodies directly for the protection of his rights. In the opinion of the author such an abandonment of the state from the requirements for the exhaustion of local remedies may be both expressed and implied. The author considers that expressed abandonment of this requirement by the state may be expressed directly or indirectly, since it concerns the procedural position of the defense, and the abandonment itself may be withdrawn. It seems that direct abandonment of the principle by the respondent state before the start of the international judicial procedure may be rather rare. In all of the cases viewed by the author the abandonment was announced by the state during the international judicial trial. As for the implied abandonment of the requirement for the exhaustion of the local legal remedies by the state, there is no norm of international law, which would provide for its presence. The author states that the problem of implied abandonment of the requirement for the exhaustion of the local legal remedies by the state is rather complicated.
international law, European law, protection of rights, local remedies, exhaustion, court, tribunal, the UNO, abandonment, state
Integrational law and supernational associations
Kaminskaya, N.V. (2014). Influence of globalization tendencies on the formation of regional legal systems. International Law, 2, 20–33.
Topical tendencies of development of law and legal systems at the current stage of development are globalization, integration, and regionalization. In the opinion of the author they cause transformations in law-making and legal practice at various levels. It influences activization of the integration processes in the national legal systems, their interaction, functioning of the international law system, novel legal categories - regional legal systems, including those of European scale. For the purpose of this article the author applies a number of scientific research methods, namely, comparative legal method, historic method, systemic, structural functional method, sociological method, forecasting method, etc. Globalization is a multi-level process, a complex of social matters, which evolution and change in time, making local problems go global. At the same time regionalization (regionalism) is defined as the process for the formation of regional international systems, institutions and instruments. As a result of their interaction, one may note formation of regional international law systems, which may be more efficient than international law, since they hold a somewhat intermediary position, being closer to the human being as a basic social value, territorial and other social communities, traditions, customs, existing legal systems, as well as management procedures, control for material and financial resources, responsibility issues.
globalization, international law, integration, regionalization, legal systems, legal standards, international organizations, international legal capacity, European legal territory, the European Union
Integrational law and supernational associations
Gubarets, D.P. (2014). External accompanement concept in the domestic activities of the EU. International Law, 2, 34–45.
The article concerns the concept of priority of the domestic policy of the EU over the foreign policy. It is stated that there is a tendency for widening the scope of the relevant competence of the EU institutions, however, there are still many unclairities in the normative basis. The author studies a number of decisions of the European Union Court of Justice, which has developed the so-called "external accompaniment", which means that when community law transfers to the institutions the competence for achievement of certain goals, the Community is competent to uptake international obligations, even if it does not have directly provided legal competence for it. The author evaluates various approaches of the European Union Court of Justice, including broad and narrow interpretations of the external competence of the European Union. The author also expresses a hypothesis that the concept of external accompaniment may be used for the opposite needs: legal substantiation of the foreign political competence may serve as a reason for the domestic obligation.
the Court of Justice of the EU, competence of the institutions of the EU, external relations, internal activities, European law, European Union, international law, judicial practice, interpretation, constitutive act
International law and national law
Shinkaretskaia, G.G. (2014). Legal means of protection of the interests of the state from infringements by an international organization. International Law, 2, 46–63.
The article contains analysis of the capabilities of the state or its courts for challenging the acts of international organizations. If the interests of the state as such are violated, it uses organs of an organization or international judicial procedures. The tendency for challenging the activities of such an organization in the national court in cases, when the rights of citizens or legal entities are violated, is developing. However, the principle of immunity often precludes such challenges. The author draws a conclusion that the attitude of national courts towards the acts of international organizations generally does not depend upon the attitude of state towards introduction of the international law into its legal system. The national courts generally recognize authonomy of the two systems, and sometimes they apply the same approach to the international law and to the application of foreign law. National courts have not yet developed an unified approach towards the immunity of the international organization and the need to take it into account when challenging the decisions of such an organization. The following approach is noted: while the request for review of the act of the international organization is not the same matter with the claim to this organization, where the immunity should apply at the full scale, still immunity should be considered. Nevertheless, there is recognition for the fact that formally following the idea of immunity may lead to negative consequences to the people searching for justice.
international organization, challenging the acts of the organization, international judicial procedures, national courts, responsibility, immunity of organizations, acts, justice, international law, foreign law
International courts
Fedorchenko, A.A. (2014). Application of the international human rights law to the participants of the international criminal trial. International Law, 2, 64–72.
The author evaluates the issue of application of international human rights law to the participants of the international criminal process in the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court. The author evaluates the documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights. The author also evaluates the judicial practice supporting application of international human rights law in the international criminal process. The author considers that the international criminal courts themselves are to an extent human rights bodies, formed for the guarantees of human rights, since their statutes directly criminalize the acts, such as genocide. As a result, application of international human rights law to the participants of the international criminal proceedings is viable. Additionally, he notes that the statutes of the international criminal courts refer to the international human rights law. The author provides examples of judicial practice showing applicability of the general human rights law both to the procedural and material issues in the case.
international law, European law, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Pact, The Council of Europe Convention, criminal process, participants of the process, international criminal court, human rights, precedent