Gadalin D.Y., Imanalieva M.A..
The mechanism of memory policy implementation in the context of the social framework of "collective memory".
// World Politics.
2023. № 1.
P. 52-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.1.36063 EDN: LDATWY URL:
The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanism of memory policy in the context of the phenomenon of "collective memory" by M. Halbwaks. The policy of memory is an orderly action of political elites to form the desired set of images and representations of the past by society. Such a strategy makes it possible to solve several problems, in particular the problem of legitimacy, as well as the problem of argumentation of domestic and foreign policy programs chosen by the state, which may also set themselves the task of distorting their own historical past and worsening relations between the two states. The processing of collective memory as a component of social consciousness has undergone a serious evolution and today can represent a lot of aggressive strategies. The scientific novelty of the research is the use of a combined approach to understanding the phenomenon of collective memory and its processing. A combined approach based on the works of M. Halbwaks in the field of sociology and psychoanalysis based on the psychology of the unconscious Z. Freud, as well as the theory of the collective unconscious and its archetypes by C.G. Jung, allows us to identify the interdependence between the differentiation of images of the historical past and the levels of consciousness of the individual. A scheme of interconnection, as well as a scheme of sampling narratives of public consciousness in order to form a universal set of images and representations, has been developed. The conclusions confirm the validity of M. Halbwax's method and its correlation with psychoanalysis, and also indicate the danger of connivance on the part of the Russian state in relation to the aggressive policy of memory in the countries of the post-Soviet space and the former socialist bloc.
collective memory, social consciousness, politics of memory, psychoanalysis, collective unconscious, social frame, frustration, nation-building, indicator, image
Manoilo A.V..
World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts
// World Politics.
2013. № 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.4.9400 URL:
International relations are more and more often becoming the field of political conflicts. Despite the fact that the epoch of global confrontation has come to an end, the total number of political conflicts in the world is not only on the decline, but rather continues to be on the rise, and are manifested in new forms, with a low likelihood of responding to stabilizing impacts of traditional instruments of political management. Modern day conflicts have become one of the leading factors of instability in the world today. Because they are poorly managed, they have the tendency to escalate and to draw in a greater and greater number of participants, which creates a threat not only to those who are directly involved in the conflict, but to everyone else as well.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, conflicts management models, psychological operations, information war, political, interests, the UN