Semenov B.R..
The role of digital technologies in US information operations in the post-Soviet space
// World Politics.
2025. № 1.
P. 37-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2025.1.73553 EDN: PIRCEL URL:
This article examines the importance and role of digital technologies in conducting information operations (IO) by the United States of America in the post-Soviet space. The research includes an analysis of the theoretical foundations of information operations, their place and importance in modern geopolitics, as well as their impact on international relations. Special attention is paid to the methods of information operations, including disinformation, targeted cyber attacks, manipulation of public opinion through social networks, media resources and artificial intelligence technologies. The strategies of the United States in the post-Soviet space are considered in detail, in which information operations act as one of the key tools for achieving geopolitical goals. The article also provides a detailed analysis of the tactics and mechanisms of influence used within the framework of AI, including informational and psychological effects on target audiences, the introduction of narratives aimed at forming a certain public opinion, as well as technological aspects of conducting cyber operations. Content analysis has been applied to identify ways of manipulating Western public consciousness while creating an "enemy image" of Russia. The information technologies used for information operations are classified into groups. The article presents an analysis of the attitude of post-Soviet countries to the implementation of the United States IO. The article is based on modern research, official US documents, and official statements by representatives of the Russian Federation and Belarus. After the collapse of the USSR, the United States assumed the role of hegemon, and claimed the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other states. Washington has shown interest in persuading the former Soviet republics to its side. Fearing a direct confrontation with Russia and China, which share a sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space, the United States began to use less visible methods such as information operations. Information operations based on the use of advanced information technologies developed in the United States have made it possible to have a significant impact on the post-Soviet space. Due to the fact that the Central Asian region is mainly within the sphere of influence of China, the United States has directed more efforts towards Ukraine and Georgia. By intelligently influencing the public's consciousness, manipulating information, and supporting opponents, they managed to spoil the relations of these countries with Russia and lead to a state of armed conflict.
information wars, artificial intelligence, Cybersecurity, hybrid warfare, USA, social media, cyber operation, disinformation, digital technologies, information operations
Kirichuk D.A..
Digital Transformation of Media Space: New Challenges and Opportunities for Political Communication in the Age of Social Media
// World Politics.
2025. № 1.
P. 48-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2025.1.73805 EDN: TJBLPB URL:
The article examines in detail the changing role of the media in the context of digital transformation and highlights the growing influence of social media as a central element of political communication. The rapid development of digital technologies has significantly changed the media landscape, blurring the boundaries between traditional media and new forms of mass communication. This shift has created new opportunities for democratizing communication and increasing citizen participation in political and public life. Due to the fact that today social networks have become the main tool for the rapid dissemination of information, this has significantly accelerated the exchange of opinions and accelerated reactions to political events, as well as increased dependence on digital platforms that manage the flow of information through various algorithms and recommendations. In addition to general scientific methods and comparative analysis, the research used the method of content analysis, namely the analysis of messages and content distributed through traditional media and social networks, to identify changes in political communication and information manipulation. Digitalization of communications has led to significant changes in the ways of obtaining and distributing information, which requires a revision of existing norms and standards that have been developed for traditional media. The study highlights the dual nature of this transformation. Even though it promotes greater transparency, public engagement, and democratization, it also generates problems such as disinformation, polarization, online propaganda, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This duality highlights the complexity of managing modern information flows and highlights the importance of finding a balance between the benefits of digitalization and potential threats. On the one hand, digital technologies provide powerful tools for citizens to participate in political life, facilitating access to information and enabling rapid response to events. On the other hand, they create a favorable environment for manipulation, spreading false data and increasing polarizing trends.
Internet, algorithms, manipulative potential, digitalization, media space, social media, disinformation, mass media, political communication, polarization
Huangfu Z..
The National Cybersecurity Strategy of the United States and Its Global Impact
// World Politics.
2024. № 4.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2024.4.72317 EDN: JMHOEF URL:
In the context of increasingly intensive digitalization, cybersecurity is becoming a key element of the global political agenda. The United States, being the birthplace of the Internet and leaders in the field of information technology, significantly influences the formation of global standards for cybersecurity management. This article presents an analysis of American official documents to assess changes in the Biden administration's cybersecurity policy and their potential impact on international relations and global cyberspace management standards. The analysis begins with a review of the market-oriented approach of the Clinton era, moves on to the strategic inclusion of cybersecurity in the national security architecture under the Bush administration, and also concerns the differences in the approaches of the Obama and Trump administrations. Special attention is paid to a detailed review of the Biden administration's "National Cybersecurity Strategy," highlighting innovations in strengthening network regulation, deepening cooperation between the state and the private sector, and reforming cybersecurity responsibility. The article also explores how these changes may affect international standards in the field of cybersecurity, and analyzes the strategic importance and global implications of cooperation between China and Russia in this area, justifying their importance for the future global governance of cyberspace. The research methodology is based on the analysis of official documents and strategies of the US administration in the field of cybersecurity. The article identifies trends and strategic changes, assessing their global impact and interaction with the private sector. The scientific novelty of this article is expressed in a thorough analysis of the reform of the cybersecurity strategy under the Biden administration, especially in the context of its impact on international relations and global standards of cyberspace management. The study reveals the deepening of interaction between the state and the private sector, as well as the strengthening of regulatory mechanisms, which differs from previous approaches based on a voluntary basis. Special attention is paid to the trend of global network security transition from a single model to multi-level cooperation and competition. The article emphasizes that the introduction of a zero-trust framework can provoke global changes that enhance the complexity and diversity of international relations in the field of cybersecurity. The main conclusion of the work is the recognition of the strategic importance of cooperation between China and Russia in cybersecurity, which significantly affects the global management of cyberspace and emphasizes the need for international coordination in this area.
National Cybersecurity Strategy, Global cybersecurity governance, Cooperation in cyber policy, International cyber relations, digital sovereignty, Zero Trust model, information era security, Biden administration's cybersecurity, cybersecurity, cybersecurity management
Titov R..
International military and civil relations discourse: the specificity of formation at the present stage
// World Politics.
2021. № 2.
P. 59-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.2.34725 URL:
The article studies the specificity of formation of the concept of the information and communication sphere of international relations related to public legitimation of the use of military force. The relations between military and political subjects and the civil society, emerging in this process, are defined by the author as international military and civil relations. The research object is the international military and civil relations discourse formed by the participants for the purpose of organization, preparation and use of military force. The research subject is the peculiarity of its formation at the present stage. The author gives special attention to the issues of information activities of the military policy subjects on the Internet, noting the leading role of electronic media and social networks. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the application of the discourse approach to the analysis of the information activities of military and political subjects. Based on the current understanding of a discourse, the author considers it in terms of the reproduction of ideas in the public conscience. Being a component of the military and political discourse, the international military and civil relations discourse has some peculiarities determined by its purpose, the subjects, producing it, and the specificity of its formation at the present stage. The author suggests considering the international military and civil relations discourse as a developing in time communicative event with different levels of representation which are in constant conceptual connection. The textual level is represented by official documents and statements of heads of states and their coalitions. The contextual level - by discussions, debates and negotiations in Mass Media. The pre-contextual level is represented by feelings, emotions and conditions contained in the public mind and manifested in social networks users’ posts. The author arrives at the conclusion that the international military and civil relations discourse is used as a means of political influence reflecting the ideology and worldview of the subjects producing it.
meaning, military policy, political communications, military-political discourse, social network, global virus editor, virtual crowd, information war, discourse, international civil-military relations
Gozhina A.V..
The 2013 - 2016 Ukraine crisis as a field of information confrontation, aspects of a cyberwar
// World Politics.
2020. № 1.
P. 51-61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.1.32422 URL:
The subject of research in this article is the key aspects of a cyber confrontation within the 2013-2016 internal crisis in Ukraine (which is a research object) in the context of a large-scale information war which is a stable destructive tendency of Russia - EU and Russia - U.S. interaction in the historical retrospective. In the author’s opinion, it is crucial to consider the up-to-date cases and the cutting-edge technologies of information confrontation used in particular situations when studying the phenomenon of information wars. It is strategically important to study international problems and crises which haven’t been settled by the present moment. This article is an analysis and historiographical review of the works of Russian and foreign scholars on the subject of information confrontation in peak periods of the Ukrainian crisis. This attempt to study this issue is of a particular scientific interest determining its scientific novelty. The article represents the growth of influence exerted by information technologies on the modern political process which will inevitably cause a set of legal, social and technological transformations, and contains other conclusions based on the works studied.
Russian-American relations, Crimea, destructive processes, confrontation, cyber-attacks, information warfare, crisis, Ukraine, Russia-EU relations, Crimean referendum
Karpovich O.G..
Features of Waging Modern Information Wars in the Media
// World Politics.
2017. № 4.
P. 64-74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.21896 URL:
The article researches the theory and practice of organizing and conducting operations of information and psychological wars in the media including the Internet. The object of this study is types of modern information confrontation (including information wars and psychological operations), the subject is forms and methods of their application in competitiveness between states, in international relations and world politics. The purpose of the research is to reveal features of waging modern information wars and organizing psychological operations. The methodological basis of the research is a structural and functional approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, and observation. The author draws attention to the fact that modern information warfare is an interstate conflict that arises at the stage of comprehension and aggravation of political contradictions between future antagonists represented by states and political elites. The conflict forms a future structure of conflict relations and creates conditions for use of direct armed force by one of the Antagonists. Information warfare is a special stage of political (international) conflict, encompassing preliminary and preparatory phases of the development of an armed conflict. Structurally, information warfare consists of a sequence of information operations, and the operations themselves - of a sequence of information attacks coordinated in terms of goals, tasks, objects and time of information impact. In modern international relations and world politics, information war operations are planned not in a template way, but in situ using a variety of different schemes, techniques and approaches. At the same time, the effectiveness of information war operations often depends not on the selected means and methods of informational influence on the enemy but on the width and synchrony of coverage of mass audience by this influence. That is - on the channels that bring the manager of information-psychological influence to minds of concrete citizens.
political system, Russia, world politics, US foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, international conflicts, state, security, USA
Veprintsev V.B..
Influence of information component on the interaction of geopolitical subjects.
// World Politics.
2015. № 1.
P. 192-212.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12621 URL:
The character of modern geopolitical relations is to a great extent defined by the transformation of traditional geopolitics, which is implemented by the geopolitical subjects (subjects of geopolitical relations). This study regards geopolitical subjects as any structured communities of people, which are the subjects of geopolitical relations, that is, they have interests in gaining and preserving control over certain areas (territories, spheres) and the resources (energies) spread in them, forming to this purpose various institutional organizations (including states) and having the necessary potential for it. Having reclaimed traditional geographical areaas and having formed the most efficient system of social and political structure, which was possible at the time, corresponding to territorial and geographical conditions for the existence of this subject of geopolitical relations, most of the states as geopolitical subjects faced the problem of impossibility for further territorial development by direct territorial (geographical) expansion without inacceptable conflicts based upon the scale of the costs and damage. Successful competition in the international arena and in the end survival of a geopolitical subject becomes impossible without advanced technologies of managing resources of the territories controlled by this geopolitical subject. In such a situation knowing the key mechanisms for the geopolitical interactions in the modern world become key for the administrative structures of the subject of geopolitical relations. Also under the influence of the processes of transformation of the contents of aggregate geopolitical area the traditional models of geopolitical interaction gain new quality and principally new ones are born.
international relations, foreign policy, information, geopolitics , conflicts, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security
Frolov D.B..
The concept of the information joint staff and state information policy in Russia.
// World Politics.
2015. № 1.
P. 213-224.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12670 URL:
For over two decades Russia has been developing the model of the open society with the market economy, but still abroad it is regarded as an "Empire of Evil" or at least as its heir. It is facilitated by the active information pressing of the USA, the Great Britain and the European Union states. The information sing-along is formed with the former Socialist states. There are mixed feelings towards Russia. As a losing party in the Cold War it is looked down upon and despised. As an owner of the largest nuclear potential in the world it is regarded with envy and concern. The methodology of studies is formed based upon systemic and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and information political approach. While being unable to force a "new order" in Russia, as it was done in Yugoslavia, the Western states wage a complex information warfare against the Russian government and the Russian patriotic forces. We do remember that Russia lost in such an information war during the first war in Chechnya. Then the situation got a bit better, but we still cannot manage to win in the race for the public opinion abroad.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, soft power, information warfare, information management, state, information policy, security, values