Tyurin E.A., Savinova E.N., Golishevskiy M.B..
Attempts to build a consonational democracy as an ethnopolitical problem in modern Macedonia
// World Politics.
2025. № 1.
P. 24-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2025.1.73518 EDN: DYWFDM URL:
The authors consider the application of the ideas of consociational democracy proposed by Arendt Leiphart as a tool for resolving interethnic conflicts using the example of the Republic of North Macedonia. The process of national State building in the republic has not yet been completed. The protracted process of joining the European Union is complicated by the ethnic confrontation between the two largest communities of the republic – Macedonian Albanians and ethnic Macedonians. The establishment of a system for regulating ethnopolitical problems in the republic began with the signing in 2001 of the Ohrid Framework Agreement between representatives of the State and the Albanian minority. The agreement was based on the ideas of consociational democracy, which provides for a strict proportional distribution of the participation of representatives of opposing communities in public administration. The article analyzes the experience of designing proportional representation in public administration of all public groups in the Republic of North Macedonia. In addition to general scientific methods and the method of comparative analysis, the authors used methods of document analysis and observation during the research. Despite attempts to introduce proportional representation of ethnic groups in government structures, such measures did not lead to a reduction in tension, but, on the contrary, increased ethnic differences. The article also analyzes the implementation mechanisms of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, including the introduction of the Balancer software product for planning ethnic representation in government and the public sector in general. Critically assessing the results of the application of consociational practices, the authors note that such approaches, although they contribute to the temporary settlement of conflicts, often strengthen ethnic identity and do not solve underlying problems. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the ethnopolitical measures in the Republic of North Macedonia, including proportional representation, not only did not reduce ethnic tensions, but on the contrary, aggravated the confrontation of ethnic communities within the country.
civil service, government bodies, ethnic confrontation, Macedonians, Macedonia, consociational democracy, nation-state building, ethnopolitics, Balancer, Albanian ethnic minority
Manoilo A.V..
Models of Information and Psychological Operations Used in International Conflicts
// World Politics.
2013. № 3.
P. 18-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.3.9091 URL:
Existing current models, means, methods and technologies of psychological impact on conflict situations have rather clearly defined cultural-civilization and nation-state features. Overall, all of their diversity can be combined within the framework of four cultural-civilization models (or orientations): Anglo-Saxon (represented by the USA, Great Britain, and the British Commonwealth), Eastern Asiatic (China, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan), Roman-Germanic (Germany, France, Italy, and the Scandinavian countries) and Middle Eastern (the Islamic world, Arab countries, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia). Within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon concept of information psychological warfare, military actions play a subordinate service role, while the plan for an armed campaign is built according to the rules and in accordance with the scenario of psychological impact on one’s own citizens, on the citizens of political allies and opponents, and on the international community as a whole. This conclusion is confirmed by the USA war in Iraq, which, with some changes in the political and military situation, in fact, continues today. It is not by chance that the former USA Under Secretary of Defense, J. Nye stated, that “the war in the Gulf was seen by the world through the eyes of CNN.”
international relations, international safety, political conflicts, technologies, conflicts management model, psychological operations, information war, political, world, state