Cottier R., Maiuet M..
Western Sahara: deep differences over conflict settlement
// World Politics.
2022. № 2.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.2.37998 URL:
The conflict in Western Sahara has been going on for thirty-five years, and neither side has won. The parties to the conflict are in an all-or-nothing logic regarding the outcome of this conflict: Morocco preaches the autonomy of the Sahara as the part of the kingdom, and the Algerians and Saharans from the Frente Polisario waives the demands for autonomy. However, in the absence of a clear victory of one of the participants, the political solution need necessarily include a compromise reflecting the balance of power. In an effort to pacify and develop a region that could become a haven for Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Washington, Paris and Madrid could support the new Representative of the Secretary-General in finding a solution that could satisfy all parties, giving this result aspects of compromise. Nevertheless, they will have to take into account both the Saharans as a whole and the geostrategic balance of the region. This article discusses the problems of decolonization and interethnic conflicts. This conflict concentrates the opposition of several geopolitical blocs in one place. On the one hand, he opposes two regional powers: Morocco and Algeria. On the other hand, it opposes two blocs consisting of Morocco and Western countries, against Algeria, a traditional ally of Russia, and large African countries such as Nigeria. This article highlights the inadequacy of international organizations. The issue of stabilizing the situation in Western Sahara is even more important today in the context of Islamic terrorism in the Sahel. Terrorism is spreading in economically and politically unstable countries. The question of the independence of Western Sahara or its integration as an autonomous territory within Morocco must be resolved before terrorism intervenes in Sahari affairs.
decolonization, independence, North Africa, UN, Western Sahara, Morocco, Polisario Front, Algeria, Islamic Maghreb, Al-Qaeda
Chmyreva V..
International presence in Ukraine in the context of the triangle "Ukraine-Turkey-Russia"
// World Politics.
2022. № 1.
P. 35-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.1.37419 URL:
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of Ukraine's foreign policy development at the present stage in the context of the triangle "Ukraine-Turkey-Russia". The paper shows that Ukraine is currently a zone of growing international presence: the involvement of a wide range of participants in the region in the person of international state and non-state actors, the actual internationalization of the Ukrainian transport and logistics system and port infrastructure, strengthening state sovereignty and increasing the country's defense capability through the implementation of extensive programs of financial support from Western partners – evidence systemic and long-term processes that directly affect the interests of the Russian Federation. The role of the Turkish factor in Ukraine is studied through the prism of Turkish-Ukrainian relations and Ukrainian Euro-Atlantic integration. The balance of Turkey's relations with Ukraine and Russia is shown. The analysis of the possibilities of Turkish mediation in de-escalation of relations between Russia-Ukraine and Russia-NATO is given. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the current tense international situation and military-political escalation in the region. The source base of the work includes normative-legislative acts, sources of normative-reporting and informational nature, journalistic sources. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the involvement of the corpus of the latest sources, the original perspective of the study and the theoretical and methodological approach. As a result of the analysis and on the basis of up-to-date factual information, the author concludes that despite Kiev's active support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the growth of military-technical cooperation between the countries, Turkey is not interested in the Ukrainian-Russian confrontation. Military escalation will create risks for the Turkish Republic of direct involvement in conflict relations between NATO and the Russian Federation and will deprive it of the opportunity to become an "independent center" of political influence in the region. At the same time, it is emphasized that Turkish mediation and the internationalization of the Ukrainian issue can contribute to de-escalating tensions and strengthening the foreign policy positions of the Russian Federation.
Russian-Turkish relations, mediation, internationalization, international presence, the Ukrainian crisis, USA, NATO, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia
Yanikeeva I.O..
Promising directions of development and intensification of international cooperation in the field of international cyber security
// World Politics.
2022. № 1.
P. 23-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.1.37532 URL:
The article considers the current prospects of concluding a binding cyber-agreement about a wide range of questions of international cyber security in the context of the lack of mutual confidence between states and the striving of some countries to use their technological advantages to dominate in the digital sphere. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the potential of collective resistance of states to digital threats by taking measures aimed at the strengthening of confidence and the creation of a cyber weapons control system. Special attention is given to the consideration of objections against the international binding cyber-agreement. The author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of coordinating measures aimed at strengthening confidence and the creation of a cyber weapons control system. The main conclusion of the research is that most objections against the international binding agreement, including the problems of rapid technological change, fail under close examination. The author’s special contribution to the study of the application of a case analysis for the detection of agreements suitable for the development of a cyber-agreement according to such parameters as the conclusion of as agreement despite the problem of attribution and high speed of technological changes, and in spite of the opinion that it is too early to sign an international treaty regulating actions in this or that sphere until new technologies are used for a certain amount of time. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the comprehensive analysis of the possibility to conclude a cyber-agreement and create a cyber weapons control system, which will allow proposing the ways to overcome contradictions and conclude a global complex cyber agreement and create a global cyber weapons control system.
Russian-American relations, cyber arms control system, confidence building measures, cyber weapons, digital environment, international information security, the USA and Russia, cyber agreement, cyber attacks, cyber conflict
Osipov E.A..
Radicalization of the rightwing in France: from the failure of the European constitution and “La Manif Pour Tous” to Éric Zemmour
// World Politics.
2021. № 4.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.4.36991 URL:
The author of the article uses the newest French scientific literature, Mass Media materials and analytical research of social organizations to study the evolution of the process of polarization of political life in France and radicalization of the rightwing, in which moderate ideas give way to the rightist ones. The failure of the European constitution referendum in 2005, the legalization of same-sex marriage by the French Parliament in 2013, François Fillon’s victory in the primaries of the rightists and the centrists in 2016 - are the crucial steps in the process of radicalization of the rightwing in France. The author gives special attention to Éric Zemmour’s ideas and his role in the modern political system of the Fifth Republic. Zemmour intentionally puts the question of preservation of national and religious identity of France and the problem of the spread of Islam in the country to the centre of political discussion, adding the islamophobia issue to the Marine Le Pen’s arabophobia and trying to make a new core of France’s political life out of the confrontation of the moderate and the radical ideas, as it was with the struggle of the rightwing and the leftwing before 2017. Zemmour has no chances to win the 2022 election, and his participation is questionable, however the popularity of his ideas can lead to the formation of a new pole of France’s politics as a result of the 2022 election - Identitarian, conservative and Catholic.
Conservatism, Fifth Republic, Republicans, Identity, Marine Le Pen, Zemmour, Radicalization, France, Presidential elections, Macron
Rustamova L.R..
The reform of the Bundeswehr and the future of Germany’s peacekeeping activities
// World Politics.
2021. № 4.
P. 29-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.4.36992 URL:
The reform of the Bunderwehr has been in the focus of attention of Russian and foreign research since the unification of the country^ when Germany started speaking about its responsibility for peace and political stability. Germany’s army had to not only rearm and optimize military personnel, but also to conceptualize its new role in the world and extend its global representation for the purpose of conflict settlement. However, over the last years, the consideration of problems of the Bundeswehr reforming and development has become especially important due to the fact that the Bundeswehr faces new challenges and threats, including those of a non-military nature. The reforms of Germany’s army, which have been covered in the recent documents aimed at the substantiation of the increased use of the Bundeswehr abroad, reflect the political leaders’ aspiration to make it a more effective instrument of protection against hybrid threats and prevention of conflicts affecting Germany’s security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the reform of the Bundeswehr and their influence on Germany’s peacekeeping activities. The study is based on discourse-analysis and the analysis of the main documents, determining the directions of modernization of Germany’s army, and the documents, regulating peacekeeping activities, official reports of the Ministry of Defense, official reports of the Ministry of Defense, and mass media materials about the state and the problems of the armed forces. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it considers the reform of the Bundeswehr in its close correlation with its peacekeeping profile as the main sphere of using Germany’s army. Based on the analysis of the recent documents, regulating its activities, the author comes to the conclusion that its reforming is aimed at the expansion of peacekeeping activities, while peace-enforcement operations are considered as a last-ditch measure.
White Paper, right-wing extremism, hybrid conflicts, peacebuilding, generations of peace operations, peacekeeping, citizen in uniform, bundeswehr, Bundeswehr Concept, new responsibility
Poungchingngam K..
Political cooperation between Thailand and Russia: current trends and problems
// World Politics.
2021. № 2.
P. 16-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.2.35690 URL:
The author studies such aspects of the topic as political cooperation between Thailand and Russia from 2014 till present. The concepts of national interests, the balance of power and neoliberalism are used as the analytical framework of the study. The current bilateral cooperation has positive dynamics in the political field which is demonstrated by the visits of the heads of government since 2015. These visits have led to the development of cooperation for the both countries in all aspects and dimensions. However, the political leverage hasn’t achieved the optimum level, and the cooperation between the two states faces particular problems. The author outlines some of them: first of all, political instability in Thailand affects cooperation. Several transformations in the government of Thailand, which had taken place from 2006 till 2014, as well as domestic problems caused by the coup, have affected the foreign policy of the country. The author arrives at the conclusion that the main factors, influencing Thailand-Russia relations, are the political and diplomatic mechanisms. High-level visits and bilateral discussions help deepen and strengthen the connections between the two states. Nevertheless, these relations will not progress if Thailand fails to solve its domestic problems.
Coup d’état, Great Powers, Political Instability, Political Cooperation, Russia, Thailand, The United States, China, Problems, Visits
Vei C.N..
Eurasianism: global challenges and the new world order in A.G. Dugin’s political philosophy
// World Politics.
2021. № 2.
P. 71-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.2.36039 URL:
The “Eurasianism” concept originates from the philosophical ideas of the early 20th century emphasising the unity of the Post-Soviet political space and its unique, non-Western direction of development. Recently, the world order is being checked for strength: the global challenges are presenting the states with a necessity to reconsider the existing world order, which serves as a breeding ground for the implementation of the ideas of Eurasianism in the regional context. In such a way, the Professor of the National Eurasian University Aleksandr Dugin, who has devoted most of his career to the research of the Eurasianism theory, in his theory expresses a belief that the historically formed non-Western worldview of the Post-Soviet states justifies the idea about the authenticity of their statehood. Today, the Eurasianism concept is institutionalized within the CIS and the EEU, and is especially relevant in the context of the new global challenges (economic instability, the change of the world order nature, the pandemic threat, etc), which allow specking about the emergence of a new world order.
global challenges., political philosophy, new world order, Post-Soviet states, EAEU, Dugin, Eurasianism, Russia, influens, Asia
Yanik A.A..
Adaptive management methods (the case-study of China’s immigration policy during the COVID-19 pandemic period)
// World Politics.
2020. № 4.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.4.34542 URL:
The article contains the results of the analysis of China’s immigration regulation dynamics during the period of January - November 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The comparative research of changes in the epidemiological situation and immigration regime helps to study the example of the experience of a large scale usage of the principles of adaptive and agile management in the context of global uncertainty and a rapidly changing situation, and to detect the significant factors influencing the immigration policy of China. To solve these tasks, the author uses general scientific methods and research techniques: observation, description, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, the comparative method and other methods. The results of the case-study show that China, pursuing its immigration policy during the period under study, had to search for a balance between the necessity to eliminate the possibility of importing the new corona cases and the importance of maintaining and developing foreign economic relations in terms of the limitation of transborder mobility. At the same time, the case of China proves that, in the context of global uncertainty, the principles of adaptive politics with their complicated procedures of harmonization of controversial interests are more often substituted by the principles of agile management, which designates the transition on the governmental level to the trial-and-error management method. It’s obvious that the end of the pandemic will put on the agenda the issue of the evaluation of the adaptive and agile management experience, which requires the creation of suitable scientific tools.
Migration Governance, Visa Regulation, Immigration Policy, COVID-19 pandemic, Digital Technologies, Digital Transformation, Agile Management, Adaptive Governance, China, Risk Management
Erokhov I..
Post-globalization and political archaization in Russia
// World Politics.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33335 URL:
The purpose of the article is political and philosophical insight into the problem of global disintegration - the main characteristic of the modern stage of international relations, which the author of the work suggests naming a “post-globalization”. The author substantiates the hypothesis about the completion of globalization and the beginning of a post-global period in international relations. The article also reveals the thesis about archaization of politics in modern Russia as a reaction to the beginning of post-globalization. The work contains a methodology paragraph which enunciates the concept of two typical forms of reaction to postglobal changes in international relations. This theory serves as a methodological basis for the applied analysis and the conclusion that archaization of politics has converted Russia from a global power to a regional country. In a wide historical sense, archaization of Russia’s politics proves that the post-Soviet period has been completed in post-Soviet states. Globalization, which is understood as a global integration process, has been completed. In global politics and economics, a centrifugal ideology of disintegration and separation, manifested in a dramatic self-isolation of countries and the beginning of a new “enclosure” of national socio-economic systems, has replaced the strategies of unification. Russia has responded to the current international situation with archaization of both external and internal policies. This path is strategically wrong, and speaks for a degradation of the country’s politics. Improper political reaction to post-globalization has already driven Russia out from the top-list of the countries of influence to the regionally significant countries whose influence is more prominent within their region. The research subjects the author takes as a basis - post-globalization and archaization of Russia’s politics - haven’t been studied sufficiently enough in Russian world literature. At the same time, these problems seem to be urgent, since the author comes to the conclusion that Russia is not ready for the post-global epoch.
development strategies, politics, regionalization, archaization of politics, end of post-soviet period, post-global world, post-globalization, globalization, international relations, global crisis
Filipović A..
Influence of the far right in Sweden on the process of European integration
// World Politics.
2019. № 4.
P. 46-60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.4.31010 URL:
The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the Democrats in Sweden on the process of Sweden’s European integration. The author emphasizes such aspects as the history of the party, its ideology, worldview, politics, electoral success and the potential reasons for the growth of the electoral support during the last decade. The analysis of political documents of Sweden’s Democrats can help understand their viewpoint better, see Sweden’s problems with their eyes, and understand how they see Sweden’s policy towards further European integration and immigration, and regional and international issues. The research methodology contains content-analysis which is used for studying political and electoral programs of the party, as well as election results. The author concludes that until Sweden’s Democrats enter the government coalition, there will be no radical changes in Sweden’s European integration or foreign policy. However, the author notes, the main political parties and intellectual elite of Sweden slowly reconsider their positions on such issues as immigration, mainly due to a vibrant anti-immigration message spread by the Democrats both in the parliament and in the Mass Media.
Northern Europe, Swexit, elections, Sweden, social-conservatism, right-wing populism, right-wing parties, Sweden Democrats, Nordic countries, European Union
Khlopov O.A..
The U.S. military and political strategy in Asian-Pacific region
// World Politics.
2019. № 3.
P. 47-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.3.30912 URL:
The research subject is the U.S.-China relations in the field of security. The research object is the peculiarities, the current state, the tendencies and the prospects of development of the U.S. strategy towards the growing and spreading military and strategic influence of China on the dynamics of processes in Asian-Pacific region. The author studies the content of the U.S. - China problems, the conflict potential and controversies in the field of military politics and military and political doctrines of the U.S. and China. The research is based on the paradigm of political neorealism proceeding from the assumption that the actors of international relations are sovereign states, and world politics and international relations are considered in terms of their systematicity. The main research method is the system approach. To describe the current content of the U.S.-China military and political relations, the author uses the comparative and historical research methods. The author formulates the conclusion that the U.S tries to avoid the revision of the regional status quo in the result of China’s ascending and the growth of its influence, by preserving and expanding military alliances and involving China into the military cooperation system. Against the background of the current economic and military and political controversies and differing understandings of the future world order, the politicians of the two countries try to avoid direct military conflicts based on the balance of forces and unavoidable strategic competition in Asian-Pacific region.
military cooperations, APR, USA, China, national interests, international relations, military alliances, security, defense, army
Borovkova M.I..
The U.S. fight against ISIS in Syria during President Trump’s administration: 2017 - 2019
// World Politics.
2019. № 2.
P. 12-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.2.29463 URL:
The article considers the U.S. fight against ISIS in Syria in 2017- 2019 during President Trump’s administration, analyzes the key decisions of the current U.S. President on this issue including the continuation of the international anti-ISIS campaign, cooperation with Kurdish groups and intention to withdraw military forces after the defeat of “Khilafat”. The past two years of the Trump presidency give the opportunity to analyze his approach to the fight against ISIS and the results achieved in the liquidation of the jihadist threat in Syria. The author of the research uses the systems approach, the methods of modeling, the cartographic and comparative methods, the actor-factor, systems and level analyses. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the well-timed analysis of the approach of the current American administration to the urgent problem of fight against ISIS and radical threat in Syria, and the presentation of the main results of this approach achieved by the present time. The author comes to the following conclusions: Donald Trump, in many respects continuing the policy of his predecessor, has managed to achieve military destruction of the ISIS “Khilafat”, but the ISIS threat still exists and is considered as a long-term one; Washington hasn’t managed to solve a knot of the problem connected with its cooperation with Turkey and Kurdish groups, which consider each other as almost existential threats, at the same time; unexpected and prompt decisions of President Trump wrong-foot America’s allies and increase the threat for some of them.
ideology, ИГ, kurds, terrorism, Jihadism, Raqqa, war, Islamic State, Syria, Trump
Ursul A.D..
From global development to a global world
// World Politics.
2018. № 4.
P. 10-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.4.28334 URL:
The formation of a global world is reflected and discussed in science forming the new direction - global studies. However, some key terms discussed further haven’t been thoroughly developed despite being widely used in publications. Therefore, the article gives special attention to the problem of defining the notions “global development” and “global world” in their broad and narrow senses. Besides, the global direction of science is still lukewarm about the studies of sustainable development in its global dimension, and it is important to connect the above mentioned research areas in the context of the global world achieving. The author uses the set of general scientific methods including conceptual modeling, the global, interdisciplinary and systems approaches, the historical and evolutionary approach, the hypothetical and deductive method, forecasting and other methods of studying the future. The author shows that the global world is formed under the influence of both the human activities and the natural factors - global processes and restrictions. On the way of its formation it is necessary to solve the main social and natural contradiction - the biosphere of the planet is not always able to satisfy the continuously growing demands of the humanity which leads to the limits of global development and can result in a global disaster. That is why it is important for the global development, which is determined to solve this contradiction, to be sustainable development which the global society is already oriented at. Ultimately, the authors suggest understanding the global world as a mature form of global development and social and natural interaction which can be achieved in the future by means of the transition to global sustainability.
global processes, global problems, globalization, global world, global cluster of knowledge, global studies, global development, global sustainability, globalistics, sustainable development
Vardan G..
The Causes of Failure of the Turkish Model to Resolve the Conflicts in Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia in 2008 ("The Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform»)
// World Politics.
2018. № 2.
P. 35-44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.26411 URL:
The Objective of the study is to analyze the causes of failure of the “The Caucasus stability and cooperation platform”. Despite a number of subjective and objective reasons that influenced the implementation of the Turkish initiative, a specific role should be assigned to Turkey's bilateral relations with the South Caucasus countries and Russia. The research will make it possible to understand the importance of the above-mentioned factor in failure of Turkish peacekeeping initiatives and to elicit the main reasons for the countries ' distrust of Ankara's regional policy. To study the above objects, the scientific research was based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. In the course of the research the author used the method of comparative analysis of historical events that influenced the theme of the scientific work. The novelty of the scientific work lies in identification of the influence of bilateral relations between Turkey and the countries involved in the new model of regional security. The study will also provide an opportunity to highlight the expectations and concerns of the countries of the South Caucasus, Turkey and Russia about “The Caucasus stability and cooperation platform”.
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Abkhazian conflict, Caucasus, Turkey, Georgian–Ossetian conflict, Regional Policy
Rustamova L.R..
Public Diplomacy of Russia in Conflict Resolution in Syria
// World Politics.
2018. № 1.
P. 33-37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.1.25576 URL:
The article focuses on participation of Russia in conflict resolutionin Syria through public diplomacy. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of public diplomacy methods in improving the image of Russia as the main peace-keeping force in the Syrian conflict in the context of the negative information background formed due to the recent events in Ukraine. The author explores the areas for interaction between agencies of Russia and other countries involved in the settlement of the conflict, in particular, the provision of humanitarian assistance and the establishment of interfaith dialogue. The author also analyzes the coverage of humanitarian operations and Russia's participation in the conflict settlement both by Russian military structures and media outlets and by Western media. The methodological basis of the study includes a system approach, as well as general scientific and particular scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical method. Analyzing the humanitarian activity of the main Russian institutions of public diplomacy as well as their efforts to cooperate with Western military forces, the author comes to the conclusion that, generally, Western media outlets (which serve as the main source of information for a foreign audience) put a negative spin on it, and Russia has not progressed much in improvement of its image through a military campaign in Syria; but Russia's military operations together with civilian projects for rehabilitation of Syrian infrastructure, cultural events were significant in terms of ensuring success recognition of Russia's foreign policy in Syria.
public diplomacy, Syria, The Middle East, international terrorism, armed conflict, world politics, multilateral diplomacy, humanitarian aid, IGIL, regional security
Avatkov V.A., Baranchikov A..
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's "silent revolution"
// World Politics.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.24470 URL:
The article analyzes the reforms of the "silent revolution" performed by the leader of the Justice and Development Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan since 2002. The paper considers transformations in the spheres of the interior and foreign policy. The author compares President Erdogan with "The Father of the Nation" Mustafa Kemal, and points at similarities of their rhetoric. The author emphasizes the importance of the revolutionary nature of the reforms, which had helped the Turkish President to gain absolute power. The author analyzes Erdogan's and Atatürk's reforms using the system approach. It allows forming a comprehensive view of the performed transformations and links between them. The scientific novelty consists in comparing two Turkish leaders - Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Mustafa Kemal in terms of their reforms and rhetoric. The author concludes that Erdogan draws a parallel between his transformations and the reforms of the first Turkish president. Using this parallel, he wants to form a positive image of the reforms performed by the Justice and Development Party.
referendum, Turkey, AKP, revolution, internal policy, reforms, Ataturk, Erdogan, Republic of Turkey, Ottoman Empire
Pashkovskaya I.G..
The First Stage of Building Relationship in the Military-Political Sphere between the European Union and NATO in the 1999-2015 timeframe
// World Politics.
2017. № 4.
P. 22-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.25088 URL:
The subject of the study is the first stage of establishing interaction between the European Union and NATO in the military-political sphere (1999-2015), which implied that the two organizations should undertake a number of steps towards each other to ensure European security in the interests of the EU Member States and NATO member States. The object of the study is documents of the governing bodies of the European Union and NATO in which both organizations state their positions regarding the expediency of joint activities in the field of security and defence. The article pays a particular attention to the evolution of the EU's attitude towards ensuring security and defence of the EU Member States. The work is based on historical, logical, comparative and analytical methods of scientific knowledge of reality and the methodology of system analysis in order to conduct the in-depth study and obtain the most complete and objective conclusions. The main conclusion of the study is that, as a result of the measures taken by the European Union and NATO for a mutually interested rapprochement, the organizations have come to the establishment of a strategic partnership between the European Union and NATO. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is identification of the fact that, as a result of strategic partnership establishment, NATO has provided the European Union with a guaranteed access to NATO's military capabilities, primarily for crisis management operations in which NATO generally does not participate. The novelty of the study is in identification of motivation for the rapprochement between the European Union and NATO in the military-political sphere.
NATO , defence , security , strategic, partnership, crisis, peacekeeping, EU Member States , Atlantic, European Union
Danyuk N.S..
Russia-Germany relations in the context of the 2013-2015 Ukraine crisis
// World Politics.
2017. № 2.
P. 9-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.2.22874 URL:
The article offers a detailed analysis of Russia-Germany relations during the Ukraine crisis of 2013–2015. The Ukraine crisis has led to an unprecedented cooling in relations between Moscow and Berlin since the end of the cold war. The two countries hold diametrically opposed views on the ways to settle the situation in Ukraine. Germany's foreign policy towards Russia has become fully consistent with the unified approach of the Western countries, consisting in exerting pressure on Russia through economic sanctions.The research methodology is based on general scientific methods and approaches together with the complex approach, involving the wide range of social sciences. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the consideration of Russia-Germany relations in the context of the Ukraine crisis, taking into account that the relationship between Russia and Germany is of strategic significance for the both states. The author concludes that Russia and Germany have different political positions on the Ukraine crisis, which affect both the level of political communications and economic cooperation.
diplomacy, Germany's foreign policy, international relations, Ukraine crisis, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, geopolitics, bilateral relations, foreign policy
Pashkovskaya I.G..
EU foreign policy’s jubilee: the tenth anniversary of the Black Sea Synergy Initiative
// World Politics.
2017. № 2.
P. 34-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.2.23151 URL:
The research subject is the tenth anniversary of the EU Black Sea Synergy initiative. The research object is the activities of EU in the Black Sea region after Bulgaria and Romania joining in 2007 and the EU’s border extension to the Black Sea. The author considers the results of 10 years of the Black Sea Synergy policy implementation. Its key provisions are contained in the Communication to the Parliament and the Council – a New Regional Cooperation initiative. The author gives special attention to the documents of the EU institutions - the European Parliament and the European Commission -, which contain specific data on successes and failures of the Black Sea Synergy policy implementation. In order to carry out a profound study and obtain reliable and objective results, the author uses the historical, logical, comparative and analytical methods of scientific cognition along with the system analysis, structural and functional analysis, modeling and prognostication. The author concludes that the absence of any significant results of the first decade of the Black Sea Synergy initiative implementation can be explained by the following reasons: the Black Sea Synergy policy and the Eastern Partnership policy haven’t been delimited; there’s no special body responsible for the Black Sea Synergy policy implementation; too few European Commission officers are responsible for the implementation of the Black Sea synergy initiative, as compared with the Eastern Partnership program; the abilities of three EU member-states – Bulgaria, Greece and Romania – to form energy, transport and environmental sectoral partnerships of the Black Sea Synergy have been overestimated; Russia and Turkey – the countries the Black Sea Synergy policy is focused on – try to undermine the EU’ influence in the Black Sea region and don’t support the European Commission’s efforts to implement the Black Sea Synergy policy; the leading international financial institutions are unwilling to support the Black Sea synergy projects. This paper is a comprehensive study based on the central idea; its results are particularly important for the formation of Russia’s policy towards the newly independent states of the Black Sea region, the EU member-states and the EU as a whole in the Black Sea region. The author detects shortcomings and gaps in the Black Sea Synergy policy, which must be eliminated by the EU for the Black Sea Synergy strategy to be more successful.
Ukraine, synergy, region, Black Sea, states, independent, new, Russia, European Union, energy
Gabrielyan A.M..
Global trends and challenges to the higher education system: an effective university reforming matrix
// World Politics.
2017. № 1.
P. 37-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.1.22049 URL:
The study is aimed at the development of an effective university reforming matrix with account of global trends in this sphere. The research object is the higher education system, and the research subject is the policy of the higher education system reforming in the context of global trends and challenges. The tasks of the paper are: - To study international political, economic, social, humanitarian, cultural dimensions of state reforms in the sphere of higher education; - To detect the main trends of their development; - To create the university reforming matrix; - To formulate recommendations in relation to further state reforming of higher education, which could be applied in Russia. The research methodology is based on the institutional approach. The author applies the comparative, functional, and system methods, and document analysis. The author reveals the challenges to the modern system of higher education and the responses to them within the new socio-political paradigm; the comparative analysis of different systems of university education gives the opportunity to reveal the global trends of reforming of this system; the author formulates the system of theoretical provisions, which, on the one hand, are the responses to the current challenges, and, on the other hand, are the constituting features of the policy of reforming and the very modern university itself. The author creates an informal matrix of the higher education system reforming, which can be used as the system of practical recommendations for effective modernization of university education both in Russia and in the countries, which have undertaken such an important challenge.
matrix, university, reform, trends and challenges, education, global, policy, educational, policies, of educational reform
Semenyuk A..
The role of the United Nations Support Mission for Libya (UNSMIL) in the preparation of the Libyan Political Agreement
// World Politics.
2016. № 4.
P. 54-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.4.21195 URL:
The research object is the work of the United Nations Support Mission for Libya (UNSMIL). The research subject is the role of the UNSMIL and its head, the Special Representative of the Secretary General, in the organization of inter-Libyan negotiations and political settlement of the armed conflict in Libya in 2014 – 2015. Special attention is given to the study of the dynamics of negotiations and the impact of various factors on their success. The author studies such aspects of the topic as the influence of various factors on negotiations in Libya, the role of the UN in the organization of negotiations, the stages of negotiations and their impact on the political process in Libya. The key research method in the principle of historicism, applied for the detection of the dynamics of the negotiation process in Libya and the cause-effect links in the process of formulation of conditions by the opposed parties to the conflict. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the UN-sponsored inter-Libyan negotiations in 2014 – 2015 in the context of the political process in Libya and the influence of external factors on the negotiation process, the study of the role of the Special Representative of the Secretary General in the development of the Libyan Political Agreement. The author studies the institutional mechanisms of armed conflicts settlement by the UN, the possibilities of implementation of the agreements achieved and the impact of negotiations on the political process in the region.
Libyan Political Agreement, Special Representative of the Secretary General, UNSMIL, Libya, political settlement of conflicts, armed conflict, political process, House of Representatives, General National Congress, Government of National Accord
Vertyaev K.V..
“Conglomerate nationalism” as an ideological basis for the Kurdish autonomy establishment in Syria
// World Politics.
2016. № 4.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.4.21401 URL:
The article considers the historical prerequisites for the formation of the “conglomerate nationalism” fundamentals of local political elites in Syrian Kurdistan as a form of Syrian Kurds’ self-determination shaped in the Federation of Northern Syria (the former self-declared “the Republic of Rojava”), which is the union of canton societies in the form of autonomy inside the federative Syria. The democratic confederalism concept as a form of the Syrian Kurds’ identity is a determinant of the political program of the Democratic Union Party (Syria), representing, basically, the interests of Syrian Kurds in the current historical context. The research methodology is based on the democratic confederalism concept as a conglomerate type nationalism, consisting in the existence of the society in the conditions of the maximum level of respect to the cultural autonomy of ethnical and confessional groups, which together act as the nation-building subjects, aspiring to sovereignty or independency. The author compares the “conglomerate nationalism” of Syrian Kurds (the Federation of Northern Syria, proclaimed 16 March 2016) as a phenomenon, with the canton system of the Swiss Confederation, where the final national identity has been formed by the set of its member nationalities and religious groups, organized in the officially independent cantons.
Salih Muslim, Kurds of Syria, war in Syria, separatism, Kurdish parties, Democratic Union Party, Kurds, Federation of Nothern Syria, Rojava, conflict
Manoilo A.V..
Evolution of policymaking models in the Russian Federation
// World Politics.
2016. № 2.
P. 12-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.2.17454 URL:
The article reveals the evolution of policymaking models in the Russian Federation on the national state level. The author notes that in the modern Russian history (since the formation of the Russian Federation in 1991) three policymaking models have sequentially changed each other: the polycentric, the vertically centralized, and the combined. The latter one is currently functioning in the Russian Federation. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. Each of the mentioned policymaking models had corresponded with the socio-political formation of the Russian state on particular stages of its development and gave place to the next model under the influence of radical changes of the political life which caused significant changes in the political system and regime of the Russian Federation. Together the three models are the stages of one and the same evolutionary process, the extrapolation of which helps forecast those changes which the combined model is going to face nowadays.
risks, security, state, interests, political regime , socio-political processes, alliance, world policy, Russia, political system
Manoilo A.V..
Conceptual and organizational framework for color revolutions prevention in Russia and the former Soviet Union
// World Politics.
2016. № 1.
P. 1-5.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.1.17782 URL:
The paper considers the concept of creation in the Russian Federation of a state system of color revolutions prevention both in the country and abroad, in the CIS, and on the territory of the Eurasian and Customs Unions. The aim of the study is to define the organizational and functional structure, the aims, tasks and the main directions of the activities of the centre for color revolutions monitoring, prevention and combating in the Russian Federation and on the Eurasian political space. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, comparative-political methods, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The concept of creation of the centre for color revolutions prevention is elaborated in accordance with the new edition of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2015 (Presidential Decree No 537 of 12 May 2009) enumerating the color revolutions threat among the priority threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. The centre should focus on the monitoring of the color revolutions preparation signs, the system of color revolutions prevention, the system of early detection and fast response to color revolutions and attempts to organize them, and the permanent system of color revolutions prevention, including a wide range of general and specific methods. The author pays attention to the fact that the color revolutions threat is becoming urgent not only in Russia, where the western agents and the non-system opposition are becoming more active, but also in Syria, where Russia is carrying out an anti-terrorist operation together with the Syrian Arab Republic armed forces, due to the process of conflict settlement and preparation for general election which results had always been used by color revolutions political engineers as a pretext for mass protest actions.
political system, Russia, world politics, US foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Manoilo A.V..
"Russian Spring" in Syria
// World Politics.
2015. № 4.
P. 1-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.4.17318 URL:
This article is devoted to the study of the civil war in Syria, which the country plunged into in a result of the United States' project of "color revolutions" and "managed chaos" in the Middle East and North Africa. The article analyzes the goals, tasks, forms and methods of struggle of the sides of the conflict, both on the side of the Syrian government and belonging to the irreconcilable ("Islamic state") and the "moderate" opposition, the differences between which are not quite significant. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional, the comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The author describes the role of Russia's foreign policy in Syria for the fight against international terrorism in the context of difficult relations with the United States, conducting its anti-terrorist operation in the region. It is noted that it was Russia's participation in the Syrian conflict that put an end to the scenario of the color revolution of the "Arab Spring", preserved the Syrian state and, consequently, the possibility of the Syrian people to choose their destiny.
geopolitics, Russia, global politics, US foreign policy, international relationships, diplomacy, international conflicts, State, security, "Color revolutions"
Manoilo A.V..
To kill a kitten, or the technologies of conflict mobilization in social networks
// World Politics.
2015. № 3.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.3.15973 URL:
This article is devoted to the study of modern technologies of conflict mobilization of young people in social networks. Today social networks form a special environment in which the political engineers of color revolutions are actively working, forming and consolidating the protest electorate using the means of social groups and the mechanisms of construction and transformation of virtual reality. The color revolutions specialists use the technologies of conflict mobilization of youth which aim young people at fighting against the authorities and redirect their overactivity at the participation in the mass protest activities. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The article describes and analyzes a typical use of these technologies which helps to replace a neutral non-political agenda of a social group with the aggressive protest behavior against the authorities without a trace in the consciousness of the group's members. It is shown that the main objects of the aspirations of the political engineers of color revolutions are not the groups of oppositionists but the initially politically neutral voters without definite political opinions. The author points at the high risk of such technologies and the need for a system counteraction to the recruiting activities of the activists of color revolutions in social networks.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
Karyakin V.V..
Urgent problems of the Russian political science and the ways to solve them
// World Politics.
2015. № 3.
P. 13-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.3.16126 URL:
The object of the study is the Russian political science at the present stage of its development. The subject of the research covers the current problems of the Russian political science and its analytical support. The research is aimed at identification and specification of the problems of the Russian political science at the present stage and at finding the ways to solve them. The article considers the problems of the Russian political science and analytical activity. The author shows that these problems are determined by the linkage between analytical centers and the interests of their customers. The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author concludes that to provide the high-quality analysis and forecasting of the development of socio-political situation it is necessary to introduce new research technologies based on the understanding of socio-political and international systems as non-linear objects functioning in the conditions of a determinate chaos and a high dynamics of social entropy. The author presents the organizational approaches to the formation of the system of analytical centers using foreign experience.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, science, society, politics, values, security
Manoilo A.V..
Color revolutions and the destruction of political regimes
// World Politics.
2015. № 2.
P. 1-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.2.15311 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of destruction of political regimes in modern states (both authoritarian and democratic), and the role of technologies in color revolutions. The issues of destruction of political regimes and the problems of color revolutions are becoming more complicated and urgent nowadays. It is conditioned not only by the fact that the events in Ukraine, considered in detail, repeat the scenario of color revolutions in Northern Africa and the Middle East known as the Arab Spring, and particularly the revolution in Egypt which shows the absence of coincidence of these events. The reason is the fact that the traditional instruments of destruction, known to the world community, are being substituted by the new generation of more delicate instruments combining the use of force with the special modern technologies of manipulative control over the mass consciousness and mass behavior. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.
international conflicts, democracy, state, hybrid war, geopolitics, the USA, society, politics, color revolutions, security
Manoilo A.V..
Color revolutions and the technologies for the disassembly of political regimes.
// World Politics.
2015. № 1.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12614 URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the problems regarding disassembly of political regimes in the modern states (both authoritarian and democratic ones) and role of the color revolutions technologies in this process. The problems of disassembly of political regimes and related problems of color revolutions become especially topical nowadays. It has to do with more than just the fact that detailed evaluation of the events in Ukraine shows that they copy the scenarios of color revolutions in the North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Arabian Spring", and, more specifically, the revolutions in Egypt and Syria, showing that these events were not merely accidental, they were arranged and managed from a single decision-making center. The cause of the above is that the new generation of the more subtle instruments of foreign political influence currently takes the place of traditional instruments, to which the international community is used to. These new methods combine force and information technologies for the manipulation of the mass conscience and mass behavior of large quantities of civilian population.
international conflicts, disassembly of political regimes, color revolutions, Arabian revolutions, foreign policy, international relations, state, conflict, Euromaidan, security
Manoilo A.V..
President Obama and his Continental Blockade of Russia.
// World Politics.
2014. № 4.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11563 URL:
This article is devoted to the comparative historical analysis of the blockade policy of the current President of the USA Barack Hussein Obama II and the Continental Blockade policy of the Emperor Napoleon Bonapart, who was attempting to undermine military, political, trade and economic power of its main opponent - England. As a result of the comparative analysis method, the author comes to a conclusion that the Russian policy of President Obama, which is aimed at introduction and further strictening of legal and economic sanctions towards the Russian state and its people due to the reunification of Crimea and Russia, is copying the policy of Napoleon towards England, which ended in total failure and destruction of the French Empire. There is an impression that President Obama did not learn the history of foreign states, or failed to comprehend historical lessons. Otherwise, he would have used the method of historical analogy, and it would show that any attempts of blockade of Russia are meaningless by their nature, and they are also harmful for the European allies of the USA.
international relations, politics, Russia, Ukraine, USA, Crimea, Obama, interests, Napoleon, continental blockade
Bocharnikov I.V..
Ukrainian crisis as an element of the strategic encircling belt for Russia.
// World Politics.
2014. № 4.
P. 7-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11617 URL:
The Ukrainian crisis, which does not seem to come to its end yet, has became a culmination of the contradictions between Russia and the Western states. The policy of constraining, encircling and weakening of Russia has been known for many centuries, and it came to its high point in the early XXI century. The Maidan events in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine played a role of a bifurcation point defining the open confrontational character of the Russian-American relations, and considering the de-facto protectorate of the USA over the EU, the Russian - European relations as well. It is quite obvious that the USA, the NATO and especially the EU do not need the Ukraine as such with its polarized 40 000 000 of population, stagnation economy and extremely high level of corruption beyond any indexes. They are also not interested in advancement of any democratic values and guarantees of human rights in Ukraine.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, international conflicts, state, interests, security, values
Manoilo A.V..
Armed rebellion in Ukraine
// World Politics.
2014. № 3.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.3.11356 URL:
Today the attention of the world is focused on the events in Ukraine. Cruelty and uncompromising in struggle having overgrown in a time so short from separate clashes of hooligans and police in organized armed rebellion can not be ignored - street fighting in the capital of the neighboring state, where representatives of the Slavic people inextricably linked historically with the Russian people take their part, can not but disturb the public, government and the leadership of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian nationalists balancing on the edge of ramming attack put on the acting government call the events "revolution", though in fact it can be considered only as a coup, armed rebellion to seize power, well known in the present-day world under the common title "a color revolution". And it’s not just a random conclusion: in the Ukraine events we can discern signs all of us had met with in color revolutions in the CIS, Georgia, Central Asia, in the orange madness that spread over the Ukraine at the beginning of the two thousands, as well as during the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, Ukraine, maydan, psychological operations, information war, politics, interests, the UN
Gubenko A.V..
The Ukrainian events: the look from inside.
// World Politics.
2014. № 2.
P. 1-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.10952 URL:
The Euromaidan in Kyiv is an event of great political resonance, attracting attention of observers from Russia, the CIS and all of the world. This article provides the view at the Euromaidan events from the inside, with the eyes of the Kyiv resident, social psychologist and analyst and scientific journalist. The article includes an attempt of analysis of a number of economic, political, social and psychological events and phenomena, characterizing the latest turbulent events in Kyiv. The author discusses geo-political and economic position of the Ukraine, predefining its status as a borderline between the East and the West. Ukraine has a unique standing among the global political powers, its weight may tip the balance of scales in the geopolitical opposition between Russia and the West. The author notes the need for the novel approaches towards achieving mutual understanding between Russia and Ukraine, pointing out social and psychological miscalculations of the Russian politics towards Ukraine, and offering some recommendations on optimization of cultural, social and economic cooperation between the two states, as well as on strengthening the pro-Russian vector in the Ukrainian politics.
international relations, politics, Ukraine, Russia, Euromaidan, Yanukovych, colored revolution, opposition, security, national interests
Manoilo A.V..
Armed riot in Ukraine may become a last alarm bell for Russia.
// World Politics.
2014. № 2.
P. 24-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.11137 URL:
Today attention of the entire world is drawn to the events in Ukraine. The cruelty and unwillingness to compromise in a fight which in a matter of several days went all the way from separate clashes between the hooligans and the police to an organized armed riot, and it shall not pass unnoticed. Street fights in the capital of the neighboring state, and the fighters are Slavic people, belonging to the nation with inseparable cultural and historical ties with the Russian people. It worries Russian public, government and leaders of the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian nationalists serving as a point of the battering ram in a blow at the incumbent government call these events a "revolution", while it may only be regarded as an insurrection, an armed riot aimed at capturing the power, well-known globally under the name of "colored revolution". This conclusion is not accidental, since the Ukrainian events have the familiar elements, which are well-known by their presence in the colored revolution in the CIS territory, in Georgia, Central Asia, in the orange madness in Ukraine in early 2000s, and the recent Arabian Spring revolutions.
international relations, politics, security, Ukraine, colored revolution, Euromaidan, Russia, threats, riot, conflict
Manoilo A.V..
Controlled chaos strategies in the situation of chaotization of international relations: myth or reality?
// World Politics.
2014. № 1.
P. 1-3.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.1.10750 URL:
The modern "colored" revolutions are typical examples of Anglo-Saxon approach to managing international conflicts within the system of international relations. The technology of colored revolutions in the global policy is one of the types of modern technologies for the information and psychological international conflict management. The modern colored revolutions are highly technological and almost theatrically dramatic, their goal being to make a believable show of spontaneous will of the people, wishing to regain the right to govern their own country. In order for a colored revolution to be successful, the state should be in the situation of persisting or developing political instability, there should be a government crisis, or it would still be even better, if there is one or several local armed conflicts, or if the state is involved in an international conflict. That is, there should be an object of influence - a political conflict at any stage of its development. If the government is sustainable and there is no conflict, then the conflict should first be formed.
international relations, foreign policy, colored revolution, controlled chaos, political stability, international conflicts, state, interests, security, values
Filippov V.R..
The Mali: fighting for uranium.
// World Politics.
2013. № 2.
P. 1-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.2.773 URL:
The article describes the political situation in the Mail. The author analyzes the conflicts among various forces within the state. From the standpoint of international security, an optimum situation should include legitimate elections in the entire territory of the state, guarantees of political and economic sovereignty of the Mali in its totality. Revival of the Mali economy is only possible, if the Mali people shall be able to diversify their economic policy and choose their partners accordance to economic viability, and not "special relations" with the former mother country. The author describes the attitudes of the UN and global community towards the conflict, and he discusses the special value of the so-called "uranium factor" for the interest of the Western states. The author draws a conclusion that the American attempts to put their protege as the President of the Mali have provoked the military uprising in Bamako, and caused the downfall of the legitimate President of Mali Amadou Toumani Touré, who was sympathising with the Beijing too obviously. The long-term conflict between the official Bamako and the Touaregs was used by France in order to keep control over the uranium mines in Sahel. The military takeover of Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo moved the Touaregs towards a new uprising and attack on Bamako. The situation was used by the Islamic fundamentalists and the Al-Quaeda emissaries, who had a situative union with the Touareg chiefs. In order to hold the former colony within the scope of its influence the France sent a military expedition to Mali.
conflict, determination, Africa, the UN, France, empire, Quaddafi, uranium, control, separatism
Manoilo A.V..
"Syrian issue" of Bashar Asad.
// World Politics.
2013. № 2.
P. 48-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.2.8798 URL:
The article contains results of the analysis of the possible cause of systemic faults in the implementation of "colored revolution" technology (Arabian Spring) in Syria. The author provides detailed study of differences between the scenarios of colored revolutions in Libya. The author studies the key foreign political causes formed by the Western states in order to justify their military intervention into the Syrian conflict. Currently many researchers discuss the Arabian Spring revolutions, which suddenly took over the entire North African region and almost all of the Middle East in late 2010. As a result of this explosion rather sustainable and seemingly unchanging Arabian world fell into chaos, riots and civil wars. Many characteristics and traces of use of such technologies allow one to state that the revolutionary events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and other Arabian states were not spontaneous, and they were direct results of external political administration. Two years after the start of the first colored "Arabian Spring" revolutions one may provide brief analysis of the political situation in the region after them.
international relations, Syria, Asad, Arabian Spring, conflict, civil war, political regime, armed riot, politics, the Middle East