Questions of current interest
Manoilo, A.V. (2015). To kill a kitten, or the technologies of conflict mobilization in social networks. World Politics, 3, 1–12.
This article is devoted to the study of modern technologies of conflict mobilization of young people in social networks. Today social networks form a special environment in which the political engineers of color revolutions are actively working, forming and consolidating the protest electorate using the means of social groups and the mechanisms of construction and transformation of virtual reality. The color revolutions specialists use the technologies of conflict mobilization of youth which aim young people at fighting against the authorities and redirect their overactivity at the participation in the mass protest activities. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The article describes and analyzes a typical use of these technologies which helps to replace a neutral non-political agenda of a social group with the aggressive protest behavior against the authorities without a trace in the consciousness of the group's members. It is shown that the main objects of the aspirations of the political engineers of color revolutions are not the groups of oppositionists but the initially politically neutral voters without definite political opinions. The author points at the high risk of such technologies and the need for a system counteraction to the recruiting activities of the activists of color revolutions in social networks.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
Questions of current interest
Karyakin, V.V. (2015). Urgent problems of the Russian political science and the ways to solve them. World Politics, 3, 13–22.
The object of the study is the Russian political science at the present stage of its development. The subject of the research covers the current problems of the Russian political science and its analytical support. The research is aimed at identification and specification of the problems of the Russian political science at the present stage and at finding the ways to solve them. The article considers the problems of the Russian political science and analytical activity. The author shows that these problems are determined by the linkage between analytical centers and the interests of their customers. The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author concludes that to provide the high-quality analysis and forecasting of the development of socio-political situation it is necessary to introduce new research technologies based on the understanding of socio-political and international systems as non-linear objects functioning in the conditions of a determinate chaos and a high dynamics of social entropy. The author presents the organizational approaches to the formation of the system of analytical centers using foreign experience.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, science, society, politics, values, security
World politics
Yastremskiy, A.M. (2015). China's relations with its neighbors in the context of its territorial claims. World Politics, 3, 23–51.
The problem under consideration is very important due to the new polarization of the world and the strengthening of China’s role in the international relations. The article considers territorial acquisitions of China connected with the territories of Russia, the CIS member states and other countries. The tendency of annexation of “disputed territories” to China can lead not only to the local conflicts but to the unleashing of a larger-scale war. But so far China has been trying to solve its territorial problems peacefully by means of diplomatic and economic pressure and the expansion of its military power. The author uses the general scientific and the special scientific methods of research. The author concludes that the most important instrument of China used for the solution of many problems is a demographic factor. In the result of the great migration of peoples many tribes and nations were dissolved in the larger nations and disappeared. Apparently, it can be the future of Russia which is endangered by the migration of a significant part of the Chinese population on the territories of the Far East, Siberia, and, maybe even the European part of the country. The article considers the prospect of increase of this danger. This tendency should alert the Russian government.
conflicts, economy, threat, revision of borders, territorial claims, policy, China, Geopolitics, Armed forces, population
Peacekeeping operations
Zverev, P.G. (2015). The theory of peacekeeping from the UN perspective: “An Agenda for Peace”. World Politics, 3, 52–67.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual paper on the problems of modern peacekeeping, the report “An Agenda for peace”, adopted in 1992. Its key provisions, as well as the doctrinal views on its actual meaning and content are examined. Special attention is paid to the concept of collective human security and the problems of formation of the permanent UN peacekeeping forces. The aim of the study is to establish the essence of the crisis of international peacekeeping of the UN of the 1990s on the base of the analysis of this document. For a more in-depth study of a systemic crisis in the UN peacekeeping the opinions of international lawyers are examined.The research is based on a combination of specific historical, comparative-legal, formal-legal and political-legal methods.For the first time in the Russian science of international law «An agenda for peace» is analyzed from the standpoint of the United Nations, and serves as a key document of modern international UN peacekeeping. The key issues are identified, including the problem of collective human security, which formed the basis for the future international legal norm of «responsibility to protect».
human rights, UN Charter, Cooperation for peace, Security Council, Boutros-Ghali, collective human security, peacekeeping, UN, humanitarian catastrophe, humanitarian intervention
Global cooperation
Nemtsev, I.A. (2015). The Eurasian Union as a new pole of global civilization. World Politics, 3, 68–89.
The problem of economic integration and the creation and development of the Eurasian Economic Union has been urgent for the post-Soviet states for many years. The author considers the formation of the Eurasian Union as a confederative state which can be created on the base of the states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The author considers different variants of integration of the post-soviet space as the CIS, the Customs Union, the SCO, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State of Belarus and Russia and others. The author uses the general scientific methods: abstraction, idealization, comparison, modeling, analysis, synthesis and others. The problem is considered on the base of the provisions and conclusions of the modern Russian and foreign scholars, researchers and thinkers. The author outlines and substantiates the general and substantial reasons for the Eurasian economic integration and justifies the abilities of the Eurasian Union to solve the common problems. The author concludes that the creation of the EAU can also strengthen the Russia’s role on the international scene thus furthering the solution of the problem of regional security, and can weaken the influence of the leading Western countries on the world community. The studied factors of integration – economic benefits of the countries of the Eurasian Union and the strengthening of their joint security and influence on the global processes dictated by the US – are the key factors of this regional integration.
Eurasian Union, global processes, Eurasian integration, Eurasian space, post-Soviet space, regional security, global security, sustainable development, globalization, global problems