Russian foreign policy
Borodin, E.A. (2013). Central Asia as a geo-strategic project guaranteeing the long-term interests of Russia. World Politics, 3, 1–17.
None of the post-Soviet states have not and probably shall not manage to form a self-sufficient, balanced and globally competitive national economic system after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Moreover, the post-Soviet states, including the Central Asian states and the Russian Federation, did not manage to develop new economic connections, which could have facilitated intensive development of all of the industrial branches. The processing industries of the Central Asian states were hardly competitive in the global market. Currently Russian and Central Asian enterprises in the sphere of raw materials processing are either on stand-by or their work in insufficient amounts (when compared with the Soviet time), and the new enterprises are not introduced. And it is only the raw material sphere that remains "afloat", such as energy, mining, non-ferrous metals production, etc., while the states are mostly exporting raw materials.
international relations, foreign policy, Eurasian territory, conflict, state, Russia, interests, values, Central Asia, integration
Managing conflicts
Manoilo, A.V. (2013). Models of Information and Psychological Operations Used in International Conflicts. World Politics, 3, 18–39.
Existing current models, means, methods and technologies of psychological impact on conflict situations have rather clearly defined cultural-civilization and nation-state features. Overall, all of their diversity can be combined within the framework of four cultural-civilization models (or orientations): Anglo-Saxon (represented by the USA, Great Britain, and the British Commonwealth), Eastern Asiatic (China, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan), Roman-Germanic (Germany, France, Italy, and the Scandinavian countries) and Middle Eastern (the Islamic world, Arab countries, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia). Within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon concept of information psychological warfare, military actions play a subordinate service role, while the plan for an armed campaign is built according to the rules and in accordance with the scenario of psychological impact on one’s own citizens, on the citizens of political allies and opponents, and on the international community as a whole. This conclusion is confirmed by the USA war in Iraq, which, with some changes in the political and military situation, in fact, continues today. It is not by chance that the former USA Under Secretary of Defense, J. Nye stated, that “the war in the Gulf was seen by the world through the eyes of CNN.”
international relations, international safety, political conflicts, technologies, conflicts management model, psychological operations, information war, political, world, state
Russian foreign policy
Rep'eva, A.M. (2013). The energy policy of Russia and the Asian Pacific Region states. World Politics, 3, 40–58.
This article is devoted to energy policy of Russia, which is the first among the pillars of the Russian economy in the XXI century. It should be noted that the energy policy of any state is a complex of interactions of various internal and external factors. The internal factors include situation in the energy sector of Russia, presence of necessary equipment, technologies, cadres and strategies in the development of energy complex, existence of necessary legislation, facilitating instances, institutions and funds, assisting implementation of the goals, improvement of investment attractiveness of the Russian economy and some other measures, which are necessary for the growth of the Russian economy. Among the external factors one should single out the interests of the importers of the Russian resources, necessary amount of energy sources, acceptable supply routes, and political relations with the potential importers of the Russian raw materials, as well as with the competing states. When speaking of external factors influencing the energy policy, one should not but mention that currently the states of the Asian Pacific Region play a more and more important role in the global economic and political relations. It is much more profitable for these states to purchase traditional resources, rather than developing alternative energy sources. Russia has strategically beneficial geographic position towards this region, and it may trade without any intermediaries, which has a positive influence on the prices. The need to modernize economy, development of the Far East and Siberia, strengthening the position in the global arena are the causes due to which Russia needs energy partnership with these states of the Asian Pacific Region. The energy policy of Russia is aimed towards solution of these topical problems. Accordingly, the object of study in this article includes political relations between Russia and the APR states, while the immediate object includes specific features of these relations and the ways to optimize them.
the Asian Pacific region , region, energetics, politics , economics , energy supply , fuel and energy complex , technology , strategy, market
Russian foreign policy
Sagaidak, E.A. (2013). The Indian gambit: Kudankulam nuclear power plant. World Politics, 3, 59–86.
This article touches upon a number of foremost important issues of Russian-Indian cooperation, among which the key spheres are military cooperation and nuclear energy. The author defines the main causes of the disruption threats for construction of new power plants and launching the existing nuclear power plants, which were built by the Russian companies. The author analyzes the relation between domestic policy of India and its foreign policy, growing role of the USA in the region, as well as the issues regarding competitiveness of the Russian military industry in the situation of change in the positions of political forces. Current international relations may be characterized by appearance and development of a novel tendencies in the global politics and economics, including global problems, which may only be resolved with the aid of international cooperation in economic, political, scientific and technical spheres. The energy commodities problem is one of the most topical problems for many states, including India, where the role of mineral resources has grown considerably in the latest years.
international relations, foreign policy, civilization, conflict, state, Russia, interests, India, nuclear energy, Kudankulam
Interests and values
Ovsyannikova, O.A., Kuznetsova, A.A. (2013). Historical and modern social and political fundamentals of the Russian patriotism. World Politics, 3, 87–114.
The article concerns historical and modern social and political fundamentals of the Russian patriotism, as well as the stages of patriotism development in our state. The modern stage of global development has many names: the age of total computerization, information "explosions", genetic engineering, cloning, etc. But it is more and more often called the "globalization age". Russia is currently facing a new stage of its historic development. The fundamental of state structure and administration are being reformed, the national values are being re-evaluated, and the new balance between the interests of persons, society and state is being found, the social, economic, political, legal and ethnical ties and relations are being formed. The national security paradigm has changed, and it required a new approach towards place and role of Russia in the global community, as well as to the system of its national interests, possibilities and the ways to use them with due respect to the changing political tendencies and global geo-political situation.
history, Russia, patriotism, values, ideology, politics, international relations, conflict, youth, state