Topical issues of real estate market
Sternik G.M., Apal'kov A.A. (2015). Quantitative evaluation of factors that affect housing and mortgage affordability. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 616.
This article explores factors that affect the volume of mortgage loans and gives assessment of their impact on the industry. The authors show how the method introduced for housing affordability for the population allows to get a quantitative figure for the factors impacting affordability for direct purchase (no mortgage), as well as loans. Positive changes in projecting and planning for the development of the residential property pool, as well as efficient government support of this pool's reproduction is largely supported by the availability of up to date and accurate information about households, apartments, and detached homes, population density per housing unit, which shows how heavily they are used. This sort of information is available due to the evaluation of household and housing unit conditions, per type, depending on the size (number of family members) and room (availability of living space per housing unit). The authors unveil tendencies that characterize the conditions of homestead and apartment usage, as well as the potential of the matrix-based toolset to analyze population levels. The authors offer their solutions to enhance the quality levels of state control for residential pool development and its rational use, as well as budget fund usage. The authors conduct a calculation experiment for property value appraisal, population income levels and mortgage rates per solvent population segment that can afford housing and mortgage.
mortgage loans, income of population, "mortgage seesaw", price growth rates, factors, supply, mortgage amount, mortgage deals, housing availability, absorption amount
Topical issues of real estate market
Dolgikh E.I., Antonov E.V. (2015). Steady development rating for Russian cities. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 1732.
This article focuses attention on the steady development rating for Russian cities. This rating is based on international experience and leans on steady territory development principles, which are established by international organizations and academic societies. To form the rating, the author uses integral indicators like the steady city development index. This index is calculated on the basis of 30 statistical indicators that characterize steady city development by three main sections: economics, environment, social sphere. The authors examine the aims and goals of this rating, the principles of its calculation, its projections and applications. The methodological basis of this work consists of general and specific science methods for studying the existing social and legal realities in the area of examination: analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, the formal and logical approach. Attention is drawn to examining the rating results by the main indicator groups, consistencies in results and explaining the reasons and the preconditions for indicator value arrangements. The authors also examine the rating results by city groups with various population levels, and the differences in Federal subject rating calculations. Along with that, the authors also offer new possibilities for practical applications of rating results.
index groups, steady development, Russian cities, Rating, Tripple Bottomline, economy, social sphere, environment, population
Real estate public-private partnership
Baronin S.A., Lyul'kina N.M. (2015). Municipal public auction sales of land for housing development in Russia. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 3341.
The subject of this study is the organizational and economic interactions, management processes which involve the growth of municipal market of public auction sales for housing development. The authors study the area of land market in housing development public auction sales on the municipal level. The authors examine the contemporary situation, the main trends and traits of public auction sales land market in the area of land and housing development on the Federal level, as well as Penza's municipality. Attention is focused on the methodical modeling of regional land markets for housing development, as well as classification-based analysis on its structure by the public auction sales segment. The authors provide methodical modeling propositions and projections for starting auction prices, according to the auction theories for Russian municipalities, as well as practical recommendations for their implementation. The methodology for this research matches the formula of economics and national economy management, the organization and management of enterprises, branches and building complexes for modern states of prominent development trends of the market and its segments, as well as property management methologies of varying functionality.The novelty of the results of this research is based on the development and substantiation of methodological theses and recommendations for the development of municipal public auction sales markets of land for housing development. The novelty is also delivered via the main trends and the modern states of land market for housing development and its public auction segment on the Federal level and Penza's municipal level. An academic and practical interest of regional land markets, along with the classification analysis of its structure is evident. The authors provide their findings and solutions for modeling and projections for starting price growth for auction theories of Russian municipalities and practical recommendations for their implementation.
land plots, auction sales market, land auctions, auction theory, development trends, lot value increase, probability of sale, auction market classification, lot value increase, auction sale
Urban geography
Dolgikh E.I., Antonov E.V., Borushkina S.M. (2015). Smart Cities: approach and technology. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 4249.
This article focuses on the challenges of implementing the concept of Smart Cities from the steady development standpoint. The author examines the main approaches to defining a "Smart City", its main traits and characteristics, outlines the main technological solutions that are necessary for Smart City development, efficient management, function and interaction between interested parties. The author draws attention to environmental aspects of Smart City development and the implementation of intelligent management systems in education, healthcare and public transport. The author defines a "Smart City", and lists the qualities that make a city "Smart". The author examines the Steady development rating of Russian cities, as well as tendencies for "Smart City" concept implementation in various countries. The author also offers a method and result for steady development rating application in Russia, which would help regional and municipal authorities to define priority management decisions that would improve steady development of cities and their "Smartization". The importance of such ratings for objective comparison of cities and regions, defining the leaders and those that lag behind, is obvious. Russian experience for "Smart City" implementation in Russia is also brought to attention.
BREAM, environmental soundness, efficiency, technology, development, Smart Cities, Smart Cities, LEED, administration
Urban geography
Dolgikh E.I., Antonov E.V., Erlich V.A. (2015). Smart Cities: prospects for development in Russia. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 5061.
This article focuses on the challenges of implementing the concept of Smart Cities from the steady development standpoint. The author examines the main approaches to defining a "Smart City", its main traits and characteristics, outlines the main technological solutions that are necessary for Smart City development, efficient management, function and interaction between interested parties. The author draws attention to environmental aspects of Smart City development and the implementation of intelligent management systems in education, healthcare and public transport. In addition to the abovementioned topics, the author also examines the issues of city habitability evaluation, quality of life and city administration evaluation, which are particularly important for improving development stability of urban territories. The author provides existing examples of environmentally sound building in Russia, evaluates the possibilities and challenges of their development. The methodological basis of this article consists of general scientific and specific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, statistics. The implementation of international standards, "Smart" system and environmentally steady development allow to enhance the transparency of urban authorities, to improve the level of trust between them and the population, establish coordination and cooperation between different branches of city administration and, in the end, permits for sound and substantiated administrative solutions, as well as enhanced quality of life in cities.
Russia, Europe, North America, Green construction, development, Smart cities, BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, prospects
Property management. Main aspects
Bogomol'nyy E.I., Blekh E.M., Veselova M.V. (2015). Personnel for Housing and Communal Services. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 6265.
Housing and communal services (HCS) is a complex segment of the economy that supports the functioning of technical infrastructure of various buildings in cities and towns, supplying utilities and conveniences for the people and offering a broad spectrum of services. This article provides a brief characterization of modern housing and communal services from the viewpoint of major personnel issues, and provides possible solutions. The author examines professional and education standards, their implementation, as well as latest changes in Labour Law. The methodological basis of this article involves the following approaches and methods of research: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization. The establishment of professional standards means the implementation of firm and clear qualification requirements for HCS personnel, previously absent in Russia. Since 2020, all HCS companies will be required to employ professional standards, regardless of the property form.
apartment block, personnel, housing and communal service, HCS reform, professional training, Federal Education Standards, management, professional standards, education standards, Labour Code
News and legislation survey, real estate market normative acts
Fokina M.M. (2015). Procedure for residential properties title transfer, following an auction. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 6670.
Auctions are widely known and popular around the world. This kind of public sale allows the participants to procure a broad variety of possessions, from art and antiquities to enterprise assets, securities and real property. In Russia, auctions are a comparatively new way of competing for the assets of one's choice. In light of the economic reforms, auctions started becoming more popular in all its variety, which includes, beside auctions themselves, tenders and contests. Goods auctions have gained importance, as they are connected to broad privatization policies. The methodological basis of this research consists of general research methods - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification; as well as Jurisprudence-specific methods, such as analogy, interpretation, legal base survey and legal analysis. Auctions which are conducted in order to sell real property grow in popularity among the people, who, until recently, used to distrust such methods. Beside buying residential property directly from the owner, auctions offer a plethora of programs and offers. It would seem that auctions as means for property transactions have a rich potential for broader use.
living quarters, Russian Civil Code, property assets, contest, auction, bidding, tender, transfer of titles, society, state
News and legislation survey, real estate market normative acts
Trutnev E.K. (2015). On division of powers in city management and legal logic. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 7175.
The author examines the situation that arose following the changes in the normative base that redistributed the powers among municipal authorities and Federal Subject authorities in the area of city-planning. Various hypotheses that may justify this shift were analyzed, and conclusions were reached regarding the consequences of implementing the legal novelties for the legal system as a whole, and for administrative practice in particular. This article offers the results of analyzing the major norms of Federal Law Ή136-ΤΗ, 27.05.2014, in the context of other Federal Laws and the legal logic of the city-management system. The methodological basis of this article is constituted of general scientific methods, such as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, modeling, as well as legal methods of Jurisprudence - legal analysis, legal interpretation. This article proves that the contradictions that emerge in Law can't but negatively affect Law application, stimulates the emergence of additional administrative barriers, increases procedural terms, and leads to other tendencies that are strictly opposite to the goals of Federal policies.
Constitution, interpretation, distribution of powers, city-regulation, municipal authorities, Russian Federal subject authorities, legal logic, administration practice, collision of Law, autonomous decision