Topical issues of real estate market
Sternik G.M., Yevstafyev A.I., Petrukhin A.O. (2014). Development of national real estate markets during the
expansion of foreign capital. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 6–22.
The macroeconomic instability that shook the world in 2008 revealed a large number of differences in the
decline and recovery rates of national real estate markets. At the same time, the majority of existing scientific concepts
(the neo-liberal, the globalist, the national economic) were shown to be inadequate in explaining the dynamics of those
processes. Overcoming this situation would require a fundamental revision of the view on the substance of foreign
property investments, studying it in isolation from all other forms of capital investments. The methodology of classic
political economy is exceptionally important in this endeavour, because it allows for systemic study of international
circulation of capital, and to precisely pinpoint the regularities and patterns in real estate market development in
existing circumstances. Combined with graphic modeling, conducted on the basis of a vast factual material, it helps to
dispel the illusion of national property market autonomy. The research conducted allowed to substantiate asynchrony
in their development and to prove the deciding role of transnational investment and construction capital expansion in
forming a global interdependency of national property markets.
property markets, market, globalization, foreign, market development, international, real estate, investment, cycles
Topical issues of real estate market
Solin D.V., Ivankina E.V. (2014). “Green” housing construction. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 23–30.
Lately, “green” construction has become a necessary and promising vector for modern development
– not only due to lower operating costs for the owners and end users, but also for developers themselves during the
course of the construction. “Green” standards set the bar for the environmentally sound business. They promote the
creation of “green” technologies, goods and services for healthy businesses, no matter its type, location and size.
“Green” business does not have adverse effects on global and local environment, local communities, society and
economy in general. In this article, we will try to explain key factors that directly help reduce construction costs
for habitation (not commercial properties). Below, we present our theses that confirm the claims that construction
of energy-efficient, environmentally clean housing may also be profitable during construction – not just operation.
Modern science and innovative technologies allow for the entire life cycle of the “green” building to be considerably
less expensive, starting with environment-friendly materials and closing with smart management of the property and
consequent certification. This article examines several theses that help understand but a few aspects that can cut the
budget costs of construction.
Green, construction, innovation, standards, technology, costs, mass production, effects on environment, alternative energy sources, materials
Topical issues of real estate market
Sternik G.M., Sternik S.G., Apalkov A.A. (2014). The new method for housing affordability assessment. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 31–49.
In this article, we study the evolution of housing affordability methods, including the standard international
UN HABITAT, the basic method of Gosstroy that is used in Russian official documentation, as well as its modifications,
offered in various scientific works. We have chosen a prototype method that meets the most modern requirements, and
modified it, using the accumulated experience in this strand of research. Initial data has been prepared and the main indicators of housing affordability were calculated, by the example of flats in apartment blocks being constructed in
2012 in Moscow (not accounting for mortgage support). The authors demonstrate the differentiating results of housing
affordability evaluation performed with the new method and those with the basic method. Multiple modifications of the
basic method for population housing affordability evaluation were analyzed, and an analysis was conducted on Moscow’s
housing on the stage of construction. A comprehensive analysis of the housing affordability evaluation methods allowed
to reveal the flaws of the modified base method. The research of multiple modifications of the basic method allowed
to select a modification that satisfies modern requirements the most, and to develop approaches for improving it. The
changes offered for the modified method will broaden its capabilities for enhanced analysis of the issue.
Housing affordability, affordability evaluation indicators, share of the population, Standard, Basic, Modified, coefficient calculation method, affordability evaluation, mortgage support, enhanced method
Legal aspects of realtor practice
Tamazyan S.K. (2014). The problems with appeals against property and property transaction state registration
acts. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 50–57.
The legislation at large permits filing appeals against action, or inaction by the registration bodies: the
refusal of state registration of property rights and property transactions, avoiding, or stalling the said registration.
However, nothing is said about appeals against already performed state registration acts and supporting documentation.
This issue, combined with an incorrect approach to understanding the nature of state registration of property rights
lowers the efficiency of judicial protection in disputing of registered rights. The analysis conducted in this article
permits to reach a conclusion that the issues of appeals against action and inaction of registration bodies is solvable
within general means of legal defense. It is well-known that the interested party is free to choose a particular method
of defense that is needs to be used in their particular scenario, taking into account its Civil Law characteristic. In the
event that such a dispute arises, the court is not in authority to reach a decision on validity or invalidity of the property
rights registration act before the dispute is solved, because this may affect the rights and interests of a third party. At
the same time, court protection may be employed with the procedure of submitting a claim for the invalidation of a
federal organ’s property registration act on the grounds of legal deviance. In this case, the claim for invalidation may
be submitted in cases when there is no property rights dispute, and the registered right needs to be invalidated due to
factual errors on behalf of the registration body, and in similar cases. Thus, this clearly is a dispute emanating from
public – not private legal relations.
appeal, state registration, act, problems, transactions, real estate, Universal state registry, Registration Act, registration certificate, legal protection
Urban geography
Palyonova N. A. (2014). The catharsis of industrial construction. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 58–66.
Housing is one of the most important issues in all periods of history. The solution to it was discovered
in XX-eth century. Almost everywhere, despite of national and government differences, standard-project housing was
being erected – cheap, low-quality and limited operational periods. In Moscow, this solution lead to the emergence of
an entire zone of industrial habitation (located between the Central and the Third ring roads). Currently, such housing
is below the requirements of the population. Is it possible to solve the problem of decadence for a huge section of the
Capital’s housing fund? This article examines foreign approaches to solving this problem and offers adapted solutions
for Moscow, taking into account its specific needs, traits and development vectors. Moscow’s development research
shows that its growth is multi-directional. The eastern hemisphere of the city follows the way of high-rise block buildings,
while the western is more focused on individual suburban architecture. Moreover, the south-eastern part of the New Moscow, has plans for individual and low-rise buildings. Without a doubt, this is not necessarily an evidence for classic
suburbanization of Moscow, there are, however, objective conditions to support this kind of process.
industrial construction, housing construction, panel building, urbanization, suburbanization, urban development, urban environment, housing, renovation, improvement and redevelopment
Urban geography
Trutnev E. K. (2014). Territorial planning and the quality of urban environment. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 67–74.
This text attempts to answer the question of how legal support for the process of territorial planning
affects the quality of urban environment. The only planning to be considered good is planning that involves a calculated
projection for the future result – the quality of urban environment. Several professional technologies exist to generate
such calculated projections. They include 3 components: (a) balancing between planned volume of construction and the
relevant infrastructure (transport, social, engineering and technical); (b) evaluating the actual financial capabilities
for step-by-step construction of this infrastructure, and (c), for maintenance of the said infrastructure on a required
scale and quality levels, within the financial capabilities of the city budget and population. If any of those components
is missing, a general plan may not be considered sound. It may become feasible on the minimal condition of any lack
of legal obstacles for conducting the actions that constitute its territorial planning. This text names several of those
obstacles and justifies the importance of their elimination. The author speaks of three areas of meaning: 1) universal
logic of territorial planning and general plan preparations; 2) of the Federal Act’s anti-logic, which nominally eliminated
the universal logic of territorial planning; 3) of the practical consequences which are the result of the implementation
of the Federal Act’s errors.
Territorial planning, volume of construction, infrastructure, budget, general plan, Federal Act, Law enforcement, realization, responsibility, Urban Development Code
Urban geography
Lyubovniy V. Y. (2014). Urban development within the system of intersectoral collaboration and management. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 75–83.
At the modern stage of evolution of urban development as a sphere of economy and society, objective
evaluation of intersectoral interaction becomes significant for examining the interdependencies and mutual influences
within the economy and urban development processes. Identifying the major factors in those processes will allow making
better, more substantiated projections for prospective vectors of changes in habitation, identifying preferable types
and forms of habitation, best suited for the new economic model. The topical importance of this work is justified by the
fact that the role of urban planning will be further enhanced in increasingly more globalized environment and growing
demand for establishing centers of international collaboration in Russia, equipped with fully functional international
corridors, roads for various forms of transport, energy grids, information clusters, and, potentially, water resources.
This article gives a vision of the role of urban development in Russia’s growth strategy, analyzes the current state of
urban development and evaluates the significance of factors that affect the development of urban environment. The
author analyzes possible ways to overcome negative trends in development, in order to ensure progressive evolution,
and identifies the negative influences - the economy’s one-sided orientation, disproportions in regional development,
overconcentration of resources in the central region and unequal relationships between the center and province, as
well as underappreciation of local self-government’s role, and its lag in development.
Urban development, intersectoral interaction, structure of economy, territorial differentiation, inner market, transport infrastructure, city and countryside, budget policies, negative trends, progressive development
Property evaluation and its methods
Tamazyan S.K., Suboch E.L. (2014). The legal nature of state registration of property rights. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 84–91.
The development of property rights-based market relations in Russia, lead to the necessity to create a new
system of legal regulation in the field of real property, and, first and foremost, a new system for property rights and
transactions. The legal regime of real property, however, must be based on the premises of ensuring extra stability for
property rights, and on special ownership procedure. This article examines the state registration of property rights and
transactions from the perspective of goal-setting, in terms of establishing a solid system of property circulation on the
market, as in the field of Civil Law relations. That said, property rights registration is clearly a Public Law element
in legal regulation within Civil Law relations. Consequently, it plays a supplementary role towards the civil relations.
Their goal is to ensure the stability of the Civil Law relationship.
Legal nature, state registration, property rights, real estate, disposal, enforcement, confirmation, substantiation, legal case, the emergence of right
News and legislation survey, real estate market normative acts
Fokina M. M. (2014). Buying and selling residential property: modern legal problems. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 2, 92–97.
Over the quarter of a century, there were considerable changes on the market. There has been a flux
of demand in relation to residential properties. Due to the collapse of USSR and the emergence of a new country,
the problem of legal regulation of property market emerged in both, legal and economic fields. The state issues new
normative acts to improve the regulation of various spheres of social life. But, as the normative base grows, collisions
emerge, and citizens who want to make property transactions, as well as courts that produce decisions in this field,
meet considerable difficulties. Today, the real estate market is regulated by Russian Federation’s normative Acts, as
well as a considerable amount of international Acts. But, seeing the prevalence of international Law, the courts face
a persisting problem of legal collisions. From the economics viewpoint, the real estate market plays an important
role, being one of the major points of investment, used for mitigating inflation peaks and valleys that inevitably affect
savings. The abovementioned points support the notions of rapid real estate market growth in Russia, as well as
dynamic changes in the Civil Law that regulates property transactions. Following a thorough research, the author
reaches a conclusion that it is necessary to employ the norms regulating only the transaction contract, and there is
little need for other norms stated in the Russian Civil Code, because a property transaction contract has established
major conditions and rules.
transactions, objects, residential estate, contract, buying and selling, room, Civil Code, property market, property rights, subject of the contract