Topical issues of real estate market
À.D. Sidorenko, V.A. Dogadaylo (2014). Evaluating conditions of household and apartment
occupation in Russian Federation
by the 2002-2010 census data. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 6–11.
The article lays out the results of the evaluation of household and apartment occupation in Russia, based
on the size of the property and 2002-2010 census data. Currently, the housing fund development management faces
a severe lack of complete information on housing security of the population and the extent of usage of the existing
housing fund. This leads to the growth of governmental social housing obligations, and results in unfounded expectations
of the population regarding the state’s capability for improving their housing conditions and budget government
support, and, as a result, does not enable efficient use of the resources poured into housing. A differential evaluation
of household and apartment occupation, based on their classification, as well as integral evaluation of housing conditions
of separate buildings, building complexes and regions, may become invaluable tools for solving housing issues.
Positive changes in projections and planning of the housing fund development, the efficiency of government support,
in maintaining availability of housing, are largely defined by the availability of up to date and accurate information
on occupation conditions of households, apartments, individual houses, which would permit the evaluation of the
conditions of occupation of housing units by type, in accordance with size and living space per individual. The article
singles out trends which characterize the conditions of household and apartment occupancy and demonstrates the
possibilities of a matrix-based approach in evaluating the housing conditions. The author proposes several ways to
improve government management of the housing fund growth and its rational use, as well as the efficiency of budget
money usage in housing.
evaluation, conditions, occupation, households, housing units, apartments, indicators, structire, census
Legal aspects of realtor practice
À.Yu. Lozhkin (2014). Modern principles for the regulation
of historical area development. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 12–21.
To ensure the preservation of cultural heritage objects in their historical environment, Russian law enables for
the territories which surround such objects to be given special land use status, which denies construction and business
operations. To establish the boundaries of such areas, cultural heritage object zoning projects are being drafted. Analyzing
several of such projects, made in recent years, shows that they don’t pay enough attention to provide justification for
the limitations that they impose. It often happens that the establishment of such areas is not done in order to preserve
a certain object of cultural heritage, but rather for the sake of a “general” preservation of a historical environment.
The preservation of valuable fragments of urban environment, and not separate objects would be a favorable thing, of
not for the doubts in the sincerity of the legal mechanisms employed. Establishment of land use boundaries limits the
rights of owners of land and capital construction objects. This would mean that the very decision in favor of establishing
cultural heritage preservation zones can be brought to the court. And in this situation, justification for the placing of
legal protection on an area is very important, as well as a defined connection of the exact object of protection and the
area surrounding it, for the purpose of land use. The Objects of Cultural Heritage Act #73 of 2002 defines the “object
of protection” for the first time in legal practice – the description of the special properties of the object which would
justify listing it as cultural heritage and vesting it with legal protection. This, the justification of limiting the use of
areas, may only be used in light of the necessity for the preservation of objects of cultural heritage. This particular
point, regretfully, is often overlooked when cultural heritage preservation plans are being drafted.
urban planning, urban management, heritage, protection areas, historical construction, principles of regulation, protection, law, limitations, procedure
Legal aspects of realtor practice
Y.L. Suboch (2014). Legal nature of real estate, and its position
among the objects of civil property rights. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 22–31.
The development of market relations in Russia, which are based on property rights, has led to the necessity
for drafting a new legal base for real property transactions, necessary for creating a new property and transaction
registration regulation, first and foremost. With that in mind, it was necessary for the legal status of real property to
be founded on firm protection of property rights, and for it to have special procedures for managing it. The article
explores state registration on property rights and transactions, from the point of view of goal-setting and the priority
of creating a strong system for property transactions within civil law environment. State registration of property rights
and transactions is an important element of public regulation of civil law relations, and thus, holds a secondary role
in relation to the civil law in this case. The goal for such regulation is to provide more stability in civil law relations.
Legal nature, government registration, property rights, real property, expropriation, law application, proof, legal basis, emergence of rights
Urban geography
S.Ê. Tamazyan, Ì.N. Ogurtsova (2014). Court decision on invalidating the actions
of registration bodies, and its execution. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 32–40.
The article offers a legal analysis of a court decision, ruling the actions of registration bodies invalid, as well
as the process of its execution. According to Article 8 of the Russian Civil Code, civil law rights and liabilities emerge
from a set of foundations – including a valid court ruling, which establishes rights and obligations. However, it does
not specify which types of rulings may be the cause for such rights and obligations to be established or terminated.
With that in mind, it is also said that “not every court ruling is always a source for establishing, or terminating civil
law rights. The traits of a court ruling, which involves disputing of actions of registration organs, are the subject for
research in this article. Analyzing the Government Registration of Real Property Rights and Transactions Act, we can
conclude that the example court ruling is viewed as a valid foundation for the establishment of property rights, and,
in turn, a valid foundation for government registration. However, a court ruling which invalidates the actions of a
registration body, may not be the basis for establishing property rights, because it does not recognize, or establish the
appellant’s property rights.
Court decision, ruled as invalid, execution, ruling, registration bodies, real property, right, satisfaction, refusal, dispute
Urban geography
À.G. Semizarova (2014). Accounting problems in the cultural heritage
sphere, concerning the preparation of land
planning documents of municipalities,
by the example of the Moscow region. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 41–46.
The Moscow region is one of the most actively developing regions of Russian Federation. In recent years,
it’s the number one region in terms of housing being introduced into the market. By the square meters area of housing
being brought into operation, this region is on par with successful European countries. The Moscow region maintains
a leading position in the construction industry in Russia. High prices on property, which is erected on historical
grounds, are also defined by the appeal of the territories. Contradictions arise between the demands of the population
and the economy, urban environment services in cities and historical settlements. The demands of the population for
the conservation of historical and cultural environment is, in fact, higher than the actual value of historical heritage
on the given territory. New properties which emerge on historical grounds are often met with fair criticism from both,
the professionals and the community. The article explores the problems which emerge during the preparation of land
planning documentation in Moscow region’s municipalities. Such problems emerge from the absence of real legal
mechanisms for the preservation of historical buildings, territories and landscapes, which have the cultural heritage
legal status. The author points out the necessity for drafting more defined and reliable legal grounds for the preparation
of new, and the actualization of the old cultural heritage areas, because the earlier projects did not take into account
the development needs of municipalities, property owners and users.
object, cultural heritage, area planning, document, general plan, plans, protected areas, historical and cultural, museums and reserves, historical town
Foreign real estate market experience (sales practice, registration and legal support of property transactions, residence permits)
À.G. Semizarova (2014). Accounting problems in the cultural heritage
sphere, concerning the preparation of land
planning documents of municipalities,
by the example of the Moscow region. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 47–52.
Pravo, Velikobritaniya, SShA, Kaliforniya, Servitut
Realtor associations practice. Scientific approach
Ê. Jos (2014). Culture tourism outside the city centre. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 53–93.
Culture tourism is generally concentrated in the city centre and most people believe that culture tourists have
no business in the periphery. But if one would succeed in diverting a substantial part of culture tourism to the outskirts
or the periphery, this would lead to dispersion of visitors, relief of the pressure on the city centre and increased
manageability of tourism. In contrast to the important role the Constructivist architects played in the development of
modern architecture, some of the buildings from that period appear to be in a rather poor condition, whereas these
buildings provide good opportunities for redevelopment for the creative industry and for culture tourism. There is no
doubt that the early modernist architecture of Moscow can be a popular attraction for culture tourists. More attention
for this architecture in general, creates advantages in a direct economic sense, related to culture tourism, but also
advantages in terms of relieving the pressure on the city centre, in terms of dispersing economic activities to the outskirts
and the periphery, in terms of stimulating new functions in rather mono-functional areas. Advantages in terms
of keeping variation and high architectural quality within otherwise rather low-quality areas (which the outskirts are
now) and in making pleasant physical and visual environments. Even in new urban development areas, heritage can
be a source of inspiration and can develop into an icon and therefore a tourist attraction. For instance by building
older designs by Melnikov or and Tatlin. In short: heritage does not always have to cost a lot of money; it could even
bring money, if handled well. More attention for this architecture in general, creates advantages in a direct economic
sense, related to culture tourism, but also advantages in terms of relieving the pressure on the city centre, in terms
of dispersing economic activities to the outskirts and the periphery, in terms of stimulating new functions in rather
mono-functional areas. Advantages in terms of keeping variation and high architectural quality within otherwise rather
low-quality areas (which the outskirts are now) and in making pleasant physical and visual environments. Even in new
urban development areas, heritage can be a source of inspiration and can develop into an icon and therefore a tourist
attraction. For instance by building older designs by Melnikov or and Tatlin. In short: heritage does not always have
to cost a lot of money; it could even bring money, if handled well.
Culture tourism, Heritage tourism, Talin, Early modernist, Architecture, Creative Industry, Icon, Cultural, Urban planning, Melnikov
Historical experience
Î.D. Milovidov (2014). The main forms of property rights,
as presented in the law of Great Britain and the USA. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 94–101.
Anglo-Saxon Law stimulates a research interest, due to the peculiarities of its structure, the way that its sources
interact, and how legal constructs emerge – approaching from the perspective of the user, the Legist and their client,
and not from the perspective of lawmakers. The article examines the real property Law of Great Britain and the USA
(at the example of California). Great Britain and the USA, despite being Anglo-Saxon Law countries, demonstrate both,
similarities and differences in their approach to establishing the legal constructs of real property rights. The author
describes the structure of the legal base, its approaches to regulation, and the magnitude of influence of political and
social tradition, and draws conclusions on several aspects of the real property forms dynamics in those countries.
Law, real estate, Great Britain, USA, California, Fee, Easement, Freehold, Leasehold, Joint ownership
Historical experience
G.Ì. Sternik, S.G. Sternik, À.V. Sviridov (2014). Developing and improving the methods for real estate market projections. Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market, 1, 102–109.
This article presents an overview and an analysis of the existed methods of real estate market development
projections. The author reviews the works of Russian and foreign authors, and points out the advantages and limitations
of each of the presented methods. The article traces the evolution of methods for the real property market projections,
which were used in Russian Federation from 1996 to present day, focusing attention on the newest, most potent
method, which is based on imitational modular iteration feedback model. The results of testing and retrospective
experimentation with this method confirm its viability. The author presents a number of calculus experiments on the
influence of macroeconomic and industry-based parameters on the market, which conform the viability of this method
to validate target capacities for bringing housing into operation.
real estate market, factors, methods, projections, mathematical models, imitational model, justification, housing capacities, testing, retrospective