Maslanov E.V..
City and Internet: shared problems of communication space design
// Urban Studies.
2018. № 3.
P. 57-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.3.27038 URL:
The subject of this research is the consideration of shared problems of communication design in urban spaces and Internet. Special attention is given to the analysis of external factors of the formation of communication in cases of the initial design of communication space. The author examines the typological similarity of communication space design in the Internet and urban spaces, specificity of communication space design in the Internet, and the role of implicit knowledge in formation of communication space. Methodological bases of the work is the “trading zone” concept. The application of this approach allows presenting the urban spaces and communication platforms in the Internet as the local spaces of communication design based on the interaction between the actors. A conclusion is made that the communication design in urban spaces leans of the face-to-face interaction, use of the implicit knowledge and common background – physical space of the city and its conceptualizations; for formation of communication in the Internet is actively used the communication design of platforms that frames the general layer of representations and implicit knowledge, making the communication platforms similar to urban spaces.
communication space, social space, Internet, communication platforms, urban spaces, communication, trading zone, tacit knowledge, designing, flowing object