Культурное наследие
Smolianinova, T.A. (2024). Compositional and stylistic features of the banking architecture of Northeast China in the first half of the 20th century. Urban Studies, 4, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.71444
The subject of the study is the architecture of banking institutions in Northeastern China (Manchuria) in the first half of the 20th century. The object of the study is the analysis of the compositional and stylistic features of the architecture of banking facilities. The author examines in detail such aspects as the compositional and stylistic features of the architecture of such institutions in the context of the periodization of the development of the banking architecture of the region. Special attention is paid to the analysis of explicit typological trends. The boundaries of the study are determined by the period of active development of the banking architecture of the region, which began after the construction of the CER (1897) and ended with the end of Manchukuo (1945). Geographical boundaries are defined by the historical borders of Manchuria, which today include the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin (Jilin) and Liaoning. At the same time, the analysis of objects was carried out using the example of the largest cities – Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, where historical buildings have been preserved to a greater extent. Classical empirical research methods, such as observation and examination, were used to obtain factual material. Theoretical methods such as comparison, analysis and synthesis, as well as an inductive approach, allowed us to identify patterns of development of the architecture in question. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the main compositional and stylistic features of the architecture of banking facilities in the region were identified and classified, as well as their genesis was analyzed. The study revealed that the main influence on the development of the architecture of banking institutions was exerted by the Japanese colonial architecture of the region. Two main directions are highlighted: the first is the use of motifs and techniques of the Tatsuno style at an early stage of development; the second is the use of the Yoshitoki Nishimura approach in the 1920s. It is revealed that it was the latter style that became prevalent during the Manchukuo period. The main conclusions of the study are to identify the main features of banking architecture: the use of colonnade elements in the form of an order system, three-quarter semi-columns or pilasters that supported a massive cornice and flanked by the plane of the facade, forming a kind of U-shaped frame.
Northeast China, Manchuria, Typology, Composition, Stylistics, Banks, Cultural heritage, Architecture, Manchukuo, China
Historical culturology
Pugacheva, E.A., Kurbatov, R.K. (2024). The influence of Russian and Japanese architectural schools on the development of the city of Dalian in the late 19th century – the first half of the 20th century. Urban Studies, 4, 13–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.71603
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This work is a continuation of the research on the formation of architecture and urban planning in China in the context of cross-cultural interaction of the second half of the 19th century – the first half of the 20th century, begun by the authors in 2022. This article is devoted to identifying and defining the basic principles of the formation of the development of the city of Dalian during the designated period, culminating in the period of the Japanese concession. In the course of the work, the main stages of the development of the urban planning structure are analyzed against the background of socio-cultural, economic and political changes affecting Manchuria. To study the development of the urban structure, an analysis and systematization of available archival, literary, digital, cartographic, photo and video sources was carried out. The descriptive method was used to characterize the compositional and planning features of urban planning solutions. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive study was conducted to identify the influence of Russian and Japanese architectural schools on the formation of urban planning principles used in the design of Dalian in the late 19th century – the first half of the 20th century. The study revealed that even though the vector of development of the general plan of Dalian was laid down by Russian architects, it was the Japanese concession that influenced the development of buildings and the formation of a unique style of architecture in the northeastern part of China to a greater extent. It is also concluded that despite the traditional principles of urban planning, Japanese designers began to borrow some means of expression, which later formed the basis for the design of other cities in Manchukuo.
China, Manchukuo, Manchuria, SMR, CER, Dairen, Dalian, Dalniy, urban design, architecture
Architecture and Environment
Marushina, N.V., Nazarova, A.Y. (2024). Study of ordinary buildings: revisiting the need to detail the requirements for the urban environment conservation in the historical centre of St. Petersburg. Urban Studies, 4, 32–48. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.70101
Following article represents the publication of the results of the study carried out by NIiPI Spetsrestavratsiya as part of the preparation of the unified protection zones project for cultural heritage properties located on the territory of Saint Petersburg. The object of the study was the ordinary buildings created before 1957 (mainly in the historically formed central districts of Saint Petersburg), their particularities, which can be considered as a basis for detailing the existing requirements aimed at preserving the architectural and urban environment of St. Petersburg and maintaining its integrity. Ordinary buildings were considered as a sum of historically interconnected elements, united by structural, functional, historical and cultural relationships. In the course of the study, a system of categories was proposed, which was determined both by the state of individual buildings and their role in the urban environment, and by the importance of the environment itself as an independent object of protection. The six categories of buildings identified during the work differ by their historical (including memorial), architectural and urban significance. When assessing the urban environment, the state of conservation the environment itself was taken into account (historical blocks frontage lines, historical parcellation plan, volumetric and spatial parameters of the development, type of organization of the street front and inner-block spaces, historical landscaping), as well as the compliance of each of the analyzed buildings with historical urban environment characteristics. Thus, the analysis was carried out from the point of view of the value, integrity and authenticity of each building and from the point of view of its participation in maintaining the valuable qualities of the environment. As a result of the study a summary list of more than nine thousand valuable buildings, forming historical urban fabric of Saint Petersburg, and its graphic equivalent in GIS format were drawn up.
historical settlement, protection zones, Saint Petersburg, urban environment conservation, historical and architectural value, value categories, historical urban landscape, historical urban environment, inventory of historical development, ordinary building
Design and Environment
Fomina, E.V., Barsukova, N.I. (2024). The museum as an ecosystem: synthesis of architecture, design and landscape in museum design. Urban Studies, 4, 49–63. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.70279
The object of this research is modern museum complexes located in an urban or natural environment and aimed at connecting with the surrounding space. The subject of the research is the principles and design techniques of organizing the subject-spatial environment of modern museums, existing in close unity of architecture, design and landscape. Design techniques for the formation of an integral museum environment using landscape and design methods of shaping are revealed. The study focuses on the design potential of combining the interior, exterior and adjacent territories in order to preserve regional characteristics, natural and cultural environment. The article provides a comprehensive overview and classification of design concepts of museums, reveals the principles of combining cultural and educational functions of museums with sports and recreational ones. A systematic analysis of modern museum environment projects is carried out in the unity of axiological, ecological, artistic, aesthetic and contextual approaches. Based on this, the principles of organizing the museum environment as an ecosystem are identified and classified. The authors introduce the concept of "museum ecosystem". The main features of museum ecosystems are formulated. The design methodology of an ecologically appropriate human habitat synthesizing technical, social and artistic solutions is proposed, the main methods of designing artificial ecosystems are identified using the example of modern museums. The conclusion is made about the trend of designing museum complexes as integral ecosystems, it is noted that the design of modern museum complexes, when achieving the synthesis of natural forms, design tools and high technologies, allows you to organize the museum environment as an ecosystem with high comfort indicators without disturbing the natural environment.
museum complexes, Bisbosch Museum, multifunctionality, landscape, architecture, environmental design, design concepts, museum-ecosystem, Mosgaard Museum, Messner Mountaineering Museum
Социология и демография
Kushelev, I.E. (2024). The genealogical and topographic method of reconstruction of the Russian city of the XVII – XVIII centuries. (Using the example of Orel city). Urban Studies, 4, 64–103. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.69870
The article presents the experience of reconstructing the ancestral composition of all groups of the military population of the city of Orel, as well as the Posadsky in the period at the junction of the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Based on the correlation: the service unit (surname) is the yard, an attempt is made to see the internal urban dynamics of urban settlements through observation of the demographic process. In each settlement, groups of surnames were identified that persisted throughout the entire period under review and later. According to the author's hypothesis, this stable element of the urban population in the future, when compared with the yard reconstruction during the General Surveying of 1778, which is conducted in parallel, will help clarify the contours of the layout of the Orel city of an earlier time. The fate of the indigenous population of the Orel city is revealed in inextricable connection with the peculiarities of the settlement system and its transformation in history. The study was conducted on the material of an impressive volume of sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as newly identified: Census books of the city of Orel of the XVII century in the period from 1638 to 1697, Painted lists and Estimated murals of the Orel voivodes of 1635-1664, the first four revisions (1718–1782). The comparative method was mainly used. The result of the work carried out already at this stage are conclusions about the preservation of the indigenous population of Orel from the second quarter of the XVII century to the present day, about the direct connection of this tribal stability with the retention of the territorial framework of the city since the XVI century. The methodology is proposed and the calculation of the population of the Orel city in the XVI century is made based on the area of urban arable land. The process of socio-economic transformation of the Orel city from a city of ploughmen warriors to a city of artisans and merchants has been revealed, its beginning is dated to the first half of the XVIII century. The generally accepted views on the territorial growth of the city, on the "nutrition" of its external influx of population are questioned, the relations of the city and the village are radically revised – the fact of the "exodus" of the indigenous military population of Orel after the Catherine reform to the rural agglomeration around the city, its preservation until the October Revolution, is established. In general, the flexible ratio of factors of stability and transformation of the city over time, the nonlinearity of these processes is shown.
planning and structure, settlement system, city homestead, sloboda, posadsky, service people, demography, genealogy, reconstruction, medieval city