Городское хозяйство
Starikova, M.M. (2023). Monitoring the Improvement of the Urban Environment through Exceptional Communication with the Population (Based on the Materials of the Kirov Region). Urban Studies, 1, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39784
For the improvement of cities, the project «Formation of a comfortable urban environment» has been implemented in Russia for several years. In many regions, a number of their own landscaping projects are being carried out. The analysis of feedback from the population can be used as a tool for monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of urban improvement programs. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the results of the implementation of improvement programs in Kirov, the regional center of the Kirov region, taking into account the opinions of the population as the main recipient of these programs. The object of the study is the current state of improvement of the city of Kirov. The subject of the study is the analysis of landscaping in a number of areas (road transport, house and communal infrastructure, accessibility and quality of work of socio-cultural facilities) through feedback from the population. The study was carried out by analyzing official statistics data, a formalized survey of the population and interviews with experts. Two clusters of citizens were identified according to the level of satisfaction with the current state of the city's improvement, a large proportion is a cluster with a low level of satisfaction. However, 60% of residents believe that the quality of the urban environment has been gradually changing for the better over the past few years. The majority of respondents have minimal experience of involvement in the co-development of the urban environment, usually expressed in voting for objects for priority improvement. The study made it possible to identify and concretize the problems of the urban environment: disproportions in the improvement of central and suburban neighborhoods, catching up with the nature of infrastructure development during housing construction, insufficient road capacity, insufficient landscaping of park areas and public recreation areas. A scheme for solving the identified problems of landscaping is proposed, combining two directions: urban planning and communication and managerial.
participatory design, infrastructure, improvement programs, feedback, monitoring, urban development, the improvement of the city, the quality of the urban environment, the infrastructure of the city, city problems
Культурное наследие
Fedotova, G.O., Zhdanova, E.I. (2023). Morphological and structural-compositional features of the historical block development of St. Petersburg. Urban Studies, 1, 18–28. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39898
The development of the historical center of St. Petersburg has special parameters and characteristics that form the uniqueness of the city as a whole and its individual fragments. At the moment, due to the emerging urban planning errors and violations, there is a need to clarify the strategy of urban planning regulation of the historical center in order to preserve the uniqueness, integrity and quality of its architectural and urban environment. In this regard, the task of moving to a detailed and comprehensive study of the parameters of fragments of the urban environment becomes urgent. The purpose of this study is to study the existing architectural and urban planning characteristics of the residential development of St. Petersburg. The object of research is the historical block within the boundaries of Moskovsky Prospekt, Klinsky Prospekt, Bronnitskaya Street, Zagorodny Prospekt. The subject of the study is morphological and structural-compositional features of the building. On the basis of the conducted historical, archival and bibliographic surveys and a full-scale survey, the enlarged stages of the formation of the block were identified and the main patterns of the construction of the front front were determined. The morphotype of the block is a perimeter building of the historical center of St. Petersburg of the XIX century with the inclusion of objects of the mid–XX century, with irregular surveying and an incomplete system of courtyard buildings. The nature of surveying and urban fabric, which developed mainly in the second half of the XIX – mid XX century, was influenced by the planning structure laid down in the XVIII century and the location of the block in the structure of the city. The compositional organization of the front along Moskovsky Prospekt is subject to uniform principles, which made it possible to form a high-quality urban environment. The front facades have fragmentary losses of decorative elements and structural violations at the ground floor level, which can be eliminated provided that the historical rules of formation and decorative and plastic design of buildings are observed.
urban environment parameters, stages of building formation, block development, historical buildings, the historical center of St. Petersburg, architectural and urban planning environment, architecture of St. Petersburg, morphology of the building, facade architecture parameters, composition of facades
Historical culturology
Pugacheva, E.A., Kim, A., Samsonovna, E.M. (2023). Peculiarities of Development in the City of Changchun at the End of the 19th–the First Third of the 20th Centuries. Urban Studies, 1, 29–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39901
This work is devoted to identifying and defining the features of the formation of the planning structure of the city of Changchun at the end of the 19th– first third of the 20th century, which in a relatively short time transformed from a small settlement into the capital of the pro-Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. The object of the study is the urban development of the city of Changchun in the period under review. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the influence of Russian and Japanese architects on the development of the structure of the general plan of the city. In the course of the work, the main stages of the development of the planning structure of the city against the background of socio-cultural, economic and political changes affecting Manchuria are analyzed. The history of the settlement formation and its development within the framework of the traditional Chinese urban planning school based on the modular system and the formation of the "Chinese square" is briefly considered. The stage of Changchun's development as a Russian station of the Kuancheng is considered in more detail, where the city developed in accordance with the standard development of the 4th Class railway stations. The analysis of the Japanese period of development, characterized by a gradual increase in the status of the city, due to its nodal position, uniting the CER and the SMR. The stage of development of the urban planning structure as the capital of Manchukuo Xinjing was studied, when a comprehensive development plan was developed based on the latest developments of Japanese architects.
Manchukuo, Manchuria, SMR, CER, Xinjing, Changchun, Kuanchengtze, urban planning, architecture, China
City dwellers
Malyshkina, D.A. (2023). Issues of Public Awareness about the Activities of Territorial Public Self-government in Solving Issues of Urban Environment Improvement. Urban Studies, 1, 41–46. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39184
In a modern city, the role of interaction between local governments and the population is increasing. The author considers in detail territorial public self-government (CBT) as an important form of public participation in solving issues of local importance, in particular, landscaping. With the right organization, this institute has a huge potential for involving residents in solving issues of local importance, in particular in the field of urban improvement. The prospects for the development of this institution largely depend on the awareness and involvement of the population in this form of self-government. The low level of public awareness is considered as a factor constraining the development of territorial public self-government. The article presents the results of a survey of residents of the city of Tyumen, which demonstrate a low level of awareness of the population about the activities of CBT. These studies confirmed the need to increase the level of knowledge about the role and tools of CBT among citizens. As a solution to the problem of the existing imbalance between the high potential of CBT and the low level of awareness of the population about its work, the author suggests a number of measures, such as the creation of specialized Internet portals, communities in social networks; the use of social advertising in the media and city events to popularize the activities of CBT. The information base will create an infrastructure for realizing the potential of CBT, will make it possible to identify and implement socially significant initiatives of citizens.
urban space development, awareness of citizens, TPSG, citizen engagement, landscaping, participation, urban environment, territorial public self-government, potential of residents, local authorities
География города
Mukhamedzhanova, N.M. (2023). The Image of the City of Orenburg in the Context of Psychogeography. Urban Studies, 1, 47–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39666
The relevance of the topic of the work is determined by the fact that citizens' perception of their city is the basis of their daily behavior and all life activities. This means that the image of the city formed in the minds of residents is one of the important factors of its socio-cultural development. The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of the perception of the city and to determine the significance of the image of the city for its socio-cultural development. The main subject of the study is the image of the city of Orenburg, considered from the perspective of psychogeography. The theoretical basis of the work was the work of Western and domestic authors exploring various aspects of the problem of perception of the city: K. Lynch, V. L. Glazychev, P. Golderberger, S. U. Goldhagen, A. E. Gutnov, S. V. Pirogov, G. I. Revzin, R. Sennet, K. Ellard, etc. The work is interdisciplinary in nature, which requires a combination of phenomenological and psychogeographic approaches aimed at studying the perception of the city by its inhabitants. The author proves that the image of the city of Orenburg is multifaceted and dynamic. In pre–revolutionary history, Orenburg is an outpost of Russia, the "gateway to Asia", a place of exile for politically unreliable citizens; in the Soviet period, it was the capital of Kazakhstan, the city of labor glory. Today Orenburg appears in the minds of its residents as a cozy and quiet provincial city with a rich historical past and unique culture. However, through the unkemptness and abandonment of the outlying areas, the global shape of the city emerges in it, making one city indistinguishable from another. The feeling of the unique atmosphere of the city, concentrated in its historical center, is rapidly disappearing under the onslaught of modernization, motorization, modern urban planning. Such a "polyphony" of urban spaces puts on the agenda the issue of preserving the historical appearance and identity of the city. Making the city an object of love and pride is today the main task of the authorities and residents of the city, on the solution of which its future depends.
places of reverence, places of anxiety, places of passion, places of love, psychogeography, perception of the city, phenomenological approach, image of the city, city, places of boredom
Культурное наследие
Marushina, N.V. (2023). World Cultural Heritage Management Toolkit: Heritage Impact Assessment. Features and Prospects for Use in Russia. Urban Studies, 1, 60–77. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2023.1.39770
This study focuses on Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), which is one of the elements of the World Heritage protection system and aimed at maintaining the Outstanding Universal Value. Due to the absence in the domestic scientific literature of works devoted to a generalizing understanding of the goals and objectives of Impact Assessment in the system of cultural heritage protection, the author focuses on revealing the content side of the concept of Impact Assessment, examines the process and reasons for the introduction of HIA as an independent tool for planning, managing changes and achieving public consent, identifies and analyzes the key principles for its implementation. Based on a consistent analysis of the provisions of international and domestic normative and methodological documents, as well as the practice of the Heritage Impact Assessment, conclusions are drawn about the aspects of the interpretation of the content, problems and prospects for using this tool for managing World Heritage in Russia. Attention is paid to the relevance and importance of Impact Assessments for the conservation of the Outstanding Universal Value of urban World Heritage sites and properties located in the urban environment. As a result of the study, the author formulated recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of the HIA and its full integration into the national heritage protection system.
public consent, planning, managing change, urban heritage, heritage management tools, value-based approach, World Heritage List, proactive approach, Outstanding Universal Value, Heritage Impact Assessment