Question at hand
Smirnova, I.G., Dobrynina, I.S. (2022). The impact of personality traits of Chelyabinsk residents upon the perception of information on environmental situation . Urban Studies, 1, 1–11.
The object of this research is the residents of Chelyabinsk, while the subject is the anxiety in perception of environmental information. Chelyabinsk was selected as a typical metropolis with the established industrial image, where the existing environmental situation differs from the average in the country. Attention is turned to the problem of environmental anxiety characteristic for people living in large cities. Analysis is conducted on the peculiarities of collective perception of information on environmental problems by urban residents, as well as environmental anxiety that occurs as a response to the environment and related information. It is noted that this problem falls not only under the scope of ecology, but also ecological consciousness of the population and image of the city. The novelty of this research lies in revealing personality traits that contribute or impede the development of anxiety in perception of information by residents of the city. Within the framework of this study, the author developed the projective test for assessing the situational anxiety. For determining personal anxiety and other accentuations, the article employs Smishek's “characterological questionnaire, as well as self-actualization test (SAT). This article is first to provide summary results of all three tests. Several groups of city residents with different response to environmental information are revealed, among which are the groups with personal and situational anxiety. The groups are described in terms of accentuations and personality traits.
Internet media, character accentuations, urban environment, ecological situation, ecological consciousness, perception of information, personal anxiety, situational anxiety, personality characteristics, projective test
Architecture and Environment
Bulatova, E.K. (2022). Architectural and tourist potential of Kyshtym. Urban Studies, 1, 12–25.
The current state of the small South Ural city of Kyshtym is considered from the point of view of its tourist attractiveness. The tourist potential of the city, its spectacular and infrastructural facilities are one of the main factors in the further course of the study. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the organization of regional tourism in the Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Kyshtym. The object of the study is the small town of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region. The subject of the study is the analysis of elements of architectural and tourist potential, as a possible transformation of the city into a tourist center of regional significance. The current state of Kyshtym is analyzed from the point of view of its tourist and architectural attractiveness. For this purpose, the method "architectural and tourist potential in urban settlement conditions" is used [2], and its approbation on the example of the small town of the Southern Urals Kyshtym.The scientific novelty is indicated by the fact that with the help of the "tourist and architectural potential analysis" [2] the small town of Kyshtym appears before us not as an industrial and industrial settlement, but as a possible center of regional tourism with significant tourist and architectural potential and elements of tourist activity. Results: a graphoanalytical analysis of the assessment of objects and elements of tourist interest, as well as infrastructure facilities for tourist services in the South Ural city is presented. The sequential stages of analysis in this method are highlighted, starting from the identification of spectacular and infrastructural objects and up to graphic schemes for creating a tourist complex with tourist activity zones. Conclusions: the resulting factor of the analysis presented in the study is the rational use and restoration of monuments and objects of tourist activity in Kyshtym, the estimated calculation of the optimal size of tourist flows in the Southern Urals, the further use in the tourism industry of the created graphic schemes of the territorial development of the tourist center in Kyshtym.
territorial architectural elements, regional tourism, Ural region, hotel sector, potential, infrastructure, resource, architectural and tourist environment, tourist center, Kyshtym city
Kuzmina, N.V., Astafeva, O.N. (2022). A Man in a Modern City: from the dichotomy of the sacred and profane to the innovative and provocative. Urban Studies, 1, 26–37.
In this article, the authors attempt to comprehend the modern city and, in particular, the metropolis from the perspective of a semiotic approach, as well as conceptualize it as a space of human cultural existence. Thus, the subject of the article is the social and cultural space of a modern city. The authors of the article rely on the idea that the "cultural centers" in the city and the metropolis for a long time, according to three cultural objects centering urban life: this is a castle, a temple and a market, which traditionally embodied the dichotomy of the sacred and profane in the socio-cultural space of the city. The temple was a place not only of religious worship, but also of human formation. In turn, in the market (market square), the citizen was formed as an autonomous individual competing with others. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is that the authors come to the following conclusion:in the absence of value-based moral supports and the transformation of the "sacred", such a category as interesting, considered and analyzed in the article, became a reflection of the indefatigable thirst for the new as new, the pursuit of the illusion of happiness and the elusive fullness of life. In this regard, according to the authors of the article, the question becomes legitimate in this sense: is the harmonization of tradition and innovation, the dialectics of the dichotomies of the sacred-profane and innovative-provocative able to become a condition for preserving the metaphysics of the city, which develops if not for centuries, then for sure not for one decade and is measured by the life of more than one generation of citizens?
public spaces, cultural policy, citizen, collective identity, symbolic boundaries, interesting, urban culture, cultural events, urban environment, creativity
Философия урбанистики
Gushchin, A.N., Divakova, M.N. (2022). Smart landscape for a "smart city". Urban Studies, 1, 38–53.
The purpose of this work is to study the consequences of the introduction of the smart city concept on the example of the urban landscape. There are two main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "smart city". The first of them is technocratic. Representatives of this approach consider a "smart city" as a sum of components: urban management, smart transport, etc. Representatives of the second direction consider "smart cities" as systems integrating various directions within a single urban space. The authors adhere to the second approach and choose the landscape as an object of study. The object is studied within the framework of the cybernetic paradigm, when a smart city is considered as a managed system. Identifying and describing the overall architecture of the control system and its capabilities, the authors then identify and study the functional characteristics of the control object - the "smart landscape". The description and functions of the control system are based on the "bottom-up" principle. To build the lower level of the management system, the authors identify multifunctional elements of the urban landscape that primarily need management. The lower-level systems will be combined based on the concept of the Internet of Things. Higher hierarchical levels of the management system will be limited in the diversity of their reactions, which is required by the law of necessary diversity. According to the authors, the possibilities of coordinating the preferences of citizens will limit the variety of reactions of the upper level of the system. As a result, the authors conclude that the smart landscape will be adaptive, dynamic and multi-scale. The adaptability of the landscape is understood in two ways. Adaptability to external influences and, thereby, the possibility of maintaining stable internal conditions (microclimate). Adaptability of the landscape as an adjustment to the individual needs of citizens and the formation of individual improvement zones. The dynamism of the landscape lies in the ability to change quickly to maintain a comfortable microclimate or adapt to the individual preferences of citizens. The multi-scale landscape is determined by the hierarchical structure of the management system.
landscape elements, cybernetics, management system, adaptive landscape, internet of things, landscape, smart city, landscaping, public good, environmental services
Экономика городского хозяйства
Tolochko, O.R., Saenko, I.A. (2022). Research of problems and development of ways to solve them in the formation and development of a comfortable living environment for the elderly . Urban Studies, 1, 54–65.
The subject of the study is the elements of the system of formation and development of a comfortable living environment for the elderly. The object of the study is the comfort of the living environment for the elderly. The methodological basis of the research is a set of methods of scientific cognition: comparison, systematization, grouping, tabular visualization of data, generalization, as well as a sociological survey of residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The methodological base made it possible to achieve the goal, which was to identify and concretize the problems that arise in the process of forming and developing a comfortable living environment for the elderly, as well as to develop directions for their successful solution. The article highlights aspects of the formation and development of a comfortable living environment for the elderly, based on the assessment of the quality of the living environment using international and domestic assessment tools. The conducted research made it possible to identify and concretize the problems, the consideration of which and the development of appropriate urban planning and organizational and managerial decisions are necessary in the process of forming and developing a comfortable living environment for the elderly. The scheme of solving the identified problems of the formation of the comfort of the living environment for the elderly is determined, which is based on a combination of two directions: urban planning and organizational and managerial.
urban planning solutions, residential environment, residential development, elderly people, comfort, quality, active longevity, population ageing, organizational and management solutions, environment quality index
Voronina, O. (2022). The main directions in the process of studying the principles of settlement and localization of small and medium-sized settlements on the territory of the Middle Ob region. Urban Studies, 1, 66–78.
The hydrographic conditions of the territory of the Middle Ob region determined the unique characteristics of the settlement system formed within its borders. Settlements are located on landscape manes formed by alluvium and having the form of elongated elevations of the middle and high floodplain of the river. During the spring flood, only small areas of land remain not flooded, and transport communication is carried out exclusively by water and air. The determining influence of the hydrographic characteristics of this territory presupposes the presence of marker signs of the settlement system, identified in the process of its formation and development, which means that it requires in-depth study by specialists of the urban planning profile. The relevance of the stated problems is added by the strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation adopted by the government for the period up to 2025. This strategy assumes the concentration of economic growth in a limited number of centers and supports the socio-economic role of cities. However, on the territory of the Middle Ob region, which has significant spatial boundaries, there are no land plots that allow developing a large administrative and territorial center from an average settlement. National trends in urban planning policy do not imply variability for this territory and in recent decades there has been a rapid degradation of the historically established form of settlement of small and medium-sized settlements. In this article, based on the analysis of the main research directions, a small study of the unique historically established system of settlement of small and medium-sized settlements is proved. Historical cartography, notes dating from the end of the XVII – XIX centuries, studies of the XX century, as well as the results of a full–scale survey of the territory collected in scientific expeditions 2018 - 2021 are used as a scientific basis for analysis. For the first time, the question is raised about the need for a special in-depth study of the principles of settlement and localization of small and medium-sized settlements on the territory of the Middle Ob region by urban planning specialists.
small settlements, support frame, Russian civilizational code, settlement system, atlases of Remezov, Middle Ob region, spatial development strategy, historical cartography, urban planning, localisation of localities