Design and Environment
Baklyskaia, L.E., Il'in, K.S. (2021). Biofriendly design: arrangement of sustainable and smart environment . Urban Studies, 2, 1–13.
The subject of this research is application of the principles and techniques of biofriendly design in various environmental situations – open urban and interior spaces. The relevance of this research is defined by the need for new paradigms and conceptual solutions in order to change the relationship between urbanized environment and nature. Biofriendly design is of particularly demand in the conditions of such global challenges to modern society as the 2020 pandemic, as it opens additional opportunities for sustainable development. The research methodology is based on the unity of theory and practice. The theoretical part of the work consists in consideration of the current state of the question, analysis of the key principles of biofriendly urbanism and techniques of biofriendly design. The practical part reviews the examples of projects of the open and interior spaces, in which biofriendliness is one of the fundamental principles of arranging the environment, and simultaneously, the space organization techniques. The empirical framework is comprised of such methods as observation and analysis of the results of creative works that allow assessing the effectiveness of forms and methods of the development of creative component of professional activity. The research is conducted at the premises of the department of Design of Architectural Environment of the Pacific National University within the framework of educational course “Environmental Factors in Design” and is of applied nature. The novelty of this work consists in implementation of the obtained results in practical architectural and design engineering of environmental objects.
city health, living environment, interior, natural elements, ecological approach, ecological expertise, urban population, sustainable design, biophilia, urbanization
Culture and cultures
Vetoshkina, Y.V. (2021). Writing practices in modern urban communities . Urban Studies, 2, 14–31.
The subject of this research is the urban communities that provide regular group classes in writing practices. The key research instrument was the method of interview proposed by Steinar Kvale. The goal of interviewing consists in determination and analysis of the reasons why modern citizens choose a leisure activity that involves joint writing followed by group discussion. The respondents became ten attendants of the community “Breakfast with Tesoro Notes” and “Written Practices” (in Perm). This article is methodologically based on representation of the city as a social laboratory pf R. Park, the concept of “a third place” of R. Oldenburg, understanding of communities through communication process proposed by V. Vakhshtayn, and the concept of social solidarity of E. Durkheim. The scientific novelty is defined by insufficient examination within the scientific literature of the phenomenon of urban communities engaged in writing practices . The following conclusions were made: the activity of urban communities engaged in writing practices takes place in public locations, such as cafes in the city center; people of different social status and age can become the participants of such practice, although such event mostly attract female audience; urban writing practices form a social model, within which the participants establish communication of a supportive type. The main motive for attending the writing practices is the process of self-identification through self-nurturing. Due to the common thesaurus that develops among the participants, the rules and norms of activity that are observed by all participants and form a sense of security, such communities have well-established in the urban life. At the same time, they are open to new people and social processes, which promotes their long existence as a cultural form.
social solidarity, self-identification, urban community, urban culture, free writing, writing practices, writing, reader, communication, modern city
Design and Environment
Skivko, M. (2021). The potential of a short tourist route on the example of a single street: tourist attractiveness of urban spaces . Urban Studies, 2, 32–43.
The subject of this research is tourist attractiveness of the walking rout of a section of a single street in Samara. The object of this research is such characteristics of the route as visual attractiveness, convenience and safety, atmosphere, and uniqueness. This article provides the analysis of urban space and environment on the example of a specific street in the city of Samara. The selected section directly connects the railway station, which is the place of daily arrival and transit tourists, and the Volga promenade – as one of the main symbols of the city and the center of attraction for locals and visitors. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of the existing conditions for the tourist route, which can be improved and extended for increasing the overall assessment of tourism infrastructure. The empirical framework of this research synthesizes the approaches towards interpretation of the psychogeography of the city and towards the analytics of individual experience in the urban environment. The field notes and information analysis allow examining the potential of a tourist route in this section, as well as making recommendations for increasing tourist attractiveness and development of tourism infrastructure of the city. Such pattern can be applied in the research of large and small cities for assessing the current situation and efficient planning of tourism infrastructure in the future. The author formulates the categories of tourist attractiveness that reflect physical, psychological and emotional characteristics of feasibility of urban environment for local tourism. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the development of categories for the analysis based on the key approaches of Paul Kidwell and Colin Ellard towards studying psychogeography of the city and architecture of the urban environment.
historical center, tourist potential, urban environment, local tourism, urban space, tourist route, tourist attractiveness, cultural environment, urban planning, tourism industry
Проектирование и архитектура
Ukraintceva, A.V. (2021). Modern architecture of the Russian Orthodox Church: problems of scientific research. Urban Studies, 2, 44–58.
The process of revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in the late XX – early XXI centuries is accompanied by significant changes in its sociopolitical status. The Church regained high public authority by reestablishing and strengthening relations with the government, which granted the right to such types of activity as educational, missionary, social, and charitable. The church construction, which was discontinued for over 70 years, led to the loss of succession in engineering design and absence of systematic scientific and engineering developments that are intended to meet the modern needs and demands in the area of design of churches. These factors determine the heightened scientific interest to this topic. The goal of this research consists in determination of trends and problems in the scientific studies dedicated to the modern architecture of the Orthodox Church. The authors set the task to analyze, systematize and characterize the range of scientific publications written by the Russian scholars on the modern architecture of the Orthodox Church. This article considers the results of national scientific research (dissertations, scientific articles) on the modern architecture of the Orthodox Church that were published over the period from 1990 to the present.
regional architecture, modern construction, Russian Orthodox Church, places of worship, modern temple, church architecture, temple building, modern architecture, church, Orthodox church
Культурное наследие
Ivanova, A.S. (2021). Administrative transformations of the cultural heritage protection authorities in Krasnoyarsk Krai (1980-2010) . Urban Studies, 2, 59–71.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of the historical processes of establishment and development of the system of state protection of historical and cultural heritage in the largest Siberian region – Krasnoyarsk Krai. The author explores the period of institutional development of the system in form of designated institutions since its establishment in the mid-1980s to the present. The object of this research is the system of administrative arrangement and control of the heritage protection authority in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Detailed analysis is conducted on the content of official documents, resolutions and executive orders of the government of Krasnoyarsk Krai, which served as the basic sources on the history of the organization of state protection of historical sites in the region. The author determines the peculiarities of functioning of the system of state protection of cultural heritage sites in Krasnoyarsk Krai, depending on its place in the time-varying administrative hierarchy of regional government. The research is based on the analysis of administrative transformations in the sphere of state protection of heritage through outlining gradual historical stages in the development of control (subordination) system of the cultural and historical l heritage protection authorities in Krasnoyarsk Krai The obtained conclusions lie in the peculiarities of current functioning of the system of state protection of heritage in Krasnoyarsk Krai. This article is first to trace the history of development of the system of state protection of historical and cultural heritage from the perspective of its hierarchical status in administrative governance of the region. It is indicated that the division of the state protection of monuments into an independent structure with separate authority increases the role and significance of the branch of state protection of cultural heritage sites in the region.
history of monument protection, state protection of monuments, protection of Siberian heritage, cultural heritage protection authorities, state protection of cultural heritage objects, cultural monuments, cultural heritage, cultural heritage site, protection of monuments, organization of monument protection