Социология и демография
Kibenko, V.A., Ryabkova, O.V. (2021). Life strategies (plans) of the population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Nadym) . Urban Studies, 4, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36707
The subject of this research is the life strategies (plans) of the population of Nadym (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). The empirical basis is comprised of the qualitative sociological survey data (historical sources and primary sociological data obtained from in-depth interviews) carried out in two stages: historical research (oral history) for studying the subjective experience of historical events associated with the development of the deposit Medvezhiye and construction of the city of Nadym; case study for examination of the sociocultural characeristics of the city dwellers and urban environment of the modern Nadym, including in the context of the impact on migration plans, embeddedness. The article provides the results of sociological research that comprehensively explores the urban environment of Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, sociocultural portrait and life strategies (plans) of the residents in the context of formation of the approaches towards further choice of the paths of economic, social, and cultural development of the city. Population of Nadym is represented mostly by the public sector workers and the employees of oil and gas sector. Life strategies (plans) of Nadym residents are typical for the population of northern territories of the Russian Federation. Life in Nadym is primarily work-related and is often temporary (for the period of employment).
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, the city of Nadym, urban environment, life plans, life strategies, North, Far North, Arctic, migration, rootedness
Культурное наследие
Shuvaeva, E.Y. (2021). Compositional and planning peculiarities of estates of the highest nobility located in the remote counties of St. Petersburg governorate. Urban Studies, 4, 20–34. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36960
The object of this research is the estates of the highest nobility formed in the XVIII – early XX centuries in remote counties of the St. Petersburg governorate (Luzhsky, Gdovsky, Yamburgsky, Novoladozhsky) and partly in the border territories of Vyborg and Novgorod governorates. The subject of this research is the compositional and planning peculiarities typical to estates of the highest nobility, substantiated by the initial variants of landscape-geographical placement. The article is aimed at determination of the patterns of formation of compositional and planning structures of estates of the highest nobility, depending on the conditions of their initial landscape-geographical location. Such dependence reveals the characteristic features of the unique type of estates that belonged to the higher echelons society. Estates of the highest nobility in the remote counties of the governorate have not been previously studied as a separate typological unit, neither the correlation of their compositional and planning solution with the initial landscape situation. The author describes the estates that typologically belong to the remote estates of the highest nobility and located on the banks of large and small rivers, lakes, alongshore the Gulf of Finland, as well as on terrain without natural water bodies. Analysis is conducted on the initial landscape situations of placement, compositional and planning components of the complexes, as well as common patterns. On the example of particular estates(Nadbelje, Khrevitsy, Rapti, Valgovitsy), the author reveals the compositional and planning structure along with general principles of their formation in each typological group.
landscape, typology, principles of formation, composition and planning structures, manor complexes of higher noble, Saint Petersburg province, Nadbelie, Khrevicy, Rapty, Valgovicy
Architecture and Environment
Glatolenkova, E., Ivanova, A.P. (2021). Architectural heritage of Eastern Russian railways . Urban Studies, 4, 35–54. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36372
This article covers the topic of museumification of railway architecture along the eastern sections of the former Great Siberian Railway located in the Russian Far East and Northeast China. Currently this is the lines of the Far Eastern Railway (part of Trans-Siberian Railway) and the Chinese lines of Binzhou and Binhai. Analysis is conducted on the museum objects that are diverse in their origin, but belonged to the large-scale railway construction of the late XIX – early XX centuries and played a significant role in the development of scarcely populated regions: 1) placed in former locomotive depots that are no longer used as intended; 2) new models based upon former passenger terminal buildings. The article reviews the experience of museumification of railway architecture not only in the Russian cities, but also the works of Chinese colleagues, employees of the center for conservation of Russian heritage in Harbin, on projects of which were reconstructed dozens of railway objects –along the former Chinese Eastern Railway. The authors believe it is important in light of the study of the problems of conservation of similar objects in the territory of Russia (Khabarovsk – Vladivostok, Ussuriysk – Grodekovo, etc.). A brief overview is given to utilization of the objects of railway architecture in the Russian Far East (Khabarovsk, Vyazemsky) and People’s Republic of China (Harbin, Manchuria, Handaohezi, Buhedu, and Anyang). The article also describes the projects aimed preservation of the regional heritage of the turn of centuries, carried out by the students of Pacific National University in Khabarovsk.
railway settlements, Harbin, Trans-Siberian Railway, museum of architecture, Chinese Eastern Railway, railway architecture, architectural heritage, railway station, common heritage, student projects
Проектирование и архитектура
Shakirova, V.A. (2021). Accumulation of moisture of cellular concrete wall structures in the annual cycle . Urban Studies, 4, 55–67. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.37174
This article delivers the calculation of moisture accumulation of the wall structure in the annual cycle for the climatic conditions of Krasnoyarsk. Analysis is conducted on the multilayer wall structure made of cellular concrete, with the plaster based on cement-sand mortar as top layer and use of thermal insulation in the form of mineral wool board. The subject of this research is the typical corner unit made of cellular concrete in combination with monolithic belt and an inter-floor overlap used in low-rise construction. The author acquires the results of moisture accumulation in layers of the structure for each month within one year, depending on the climatic parameters. The novelty lies in the fact that the outdoor climate and sorption moisture influences the accumulation of moisture in construction materials, creating a large seasonal increase in moisture. Consideration of these factors in the design process, allows making the structures more durable and energy-efficient. The conclusion is made that the distribution of moisture structural layers under climatic conditions. Krasnoyarsk is uneven throughout the year; however, meet the regulations. It is recommended to conducted regulation in the design in order to maintain the level of moisture in construction materials
Thermal conductivity, Thermal protection, Energy saving, Durability, Engineering properties, Sorption moisture, Moisture accumulation, Сellular concrete, Aerated concrete, Heat transfer resistance
Architecture and Environment
Gantsov, M., Murina, N.V. (2021). Academic traditions of pre-university training in the system of school-studio education for future students of architects and designers (on the example of the experience of ten studio schools in Krasnoyarsk). Urban Studies, 4, 68–80. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.35231
The subject of this research is the methodological approaches in the pre-university career guidance training of future students of architecture and design universities, organized in the system of pre-university or school general education – on the example of the activities of selected ten studio schools in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The goal of this work is to identify peculiarities of methodological organization of pre-university training for the development of their abilities to master future architectural and artistic professions. The results of the conducted research are presented by a set of revealed methodological features in the system of pre-university architectural and design training in teaching such key art disciplines as drawing, painting, composition (paper plastic, prototyping), and graphics.The novelty lies in the integrated approach towards the analysis of the structure of artistic training in studio schools, combining various visual disciplines, as well as in the comparative study of specific practices of pre-university training in Krasnoyarsk studios aimed at vocational architectural and artistic training. The acquired conclusions indicate the effectiveness of methods for the development of students' artistic abilities through the use of traditional academic methods of training within the framework of the key visual art disciplines, such as drawing, painting, composition, graphics.
fine disciplines, design education, architecture education, art education, art training, vocational guidance of schoolchildren, pre-university training, drawing discipline, painting discipline, composition discipline
Architecture and Environment
Mukhamedzhanova, N.M. (2021). “Social fabric” of the city in the mirror of architecture . Urban Studies, 4, 81–90. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36510
The relevance of the selected topic is determined by the fact that the city first and foremost is the center of culture and civilization, which characterizes the development of the surrounding territory and the entire country; secondly, it is the most vivid manifestation of social challenges that modern society is faced to solve. The goal of this research lies in tracing interrelation between the social problems of modern society and the architectural environment of the city. The subject of this article is the modern urban residential development, which is the center of people’s everyday life, as well as forms their attitude towards the city and the country overall. The theoretical framework is comprised of the basic provisions of urban studies presented by the Western and Russian authors: F. Braudel, A. Gutnov, G. Simmel, L. Wirth, R. Park, G. Revzin, F. Urban, C. Ellard, and others. The author proves that the development of capitalist relations in the XX century posed a problem of large-scale housing development, which had to meet the two key requirements: a) be affordable for the consumer; b) be profitable for the property developer. Industrialization, unification and typification of construction became the way to solve this task – the modern urban neighborhood units, slums of industrial and postindustrial era, in which there is neither past nor future alongside social hierarchy and local community united by common goals and values. Having assessed this phenomenon, the author proves that living in such environment aggravates the social, spiritual, and psychological problems of citizens, described by the classics of urban studies. Therefore, the main conflict of modern city is the clash between the economic efficiency of housing development and the aesthetic requirements for the organization of residential environment. This conflict goes beyond the framework of architecture due to the fact that the principles of industrialization, unification, and typification are now universal to all spheres of social life, including culture.
industrialization, economic efficiency, city aesthetics, social problems, slums, microdistrict, architecture, city, unification, typification