Социология и демография
Sokolova, M.V., Golubkina, T.M., Petrosyan, D.I. (2020). The impact of work values upon the potential economic behavior of students in Vladimir city. Urban Studies, 2, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33281
The subject of this research is the work values of students of higher and specializes secondary educational establishments in Vladimir city, and their impact upon the potential economic behavior of youth. Online questionnaire-based survey of the students of a regional center, conducted via clusters election in accordance with quota sampling, comprised the empirical base for this research. Special attention is paid to the priority spheres of employment, students’ representation on worthy pay rate, impact of the type of work motivation upon the choice of the key life aspirations of young people. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the statement that the achievable orientations prevail within the work values of students. Young people are targeted towards high salary, career growth, and professional fulfillment. For increasing the level of personal wellbeing, they are willing to work harder. The presence of favorable conditions at work, as well as job in their degree field, are the secondary factors. Entrepreneurship, work in government authorities and administration, and enforcement agencies are the preferred spheres of activity. The authors’ special contribution consists in determination of the dependence between different type of motivation and work values of the youth.
professional implementation, opinion poll, youth, labor values, labor, labor mobility, economic behavior, career, own business, economic situation
Социология и демография
Karavaeva, Y.V., Litvinova, S.V. (2020). Living conditions of young people as a reflection of their needs. Urban Studies, 2, 12–26. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33219
This article examines the living conditions as a multiplicity of factors affecting the formation and satisfaction of needs of a person, as well as the reflection of such needs “objectified” under the circumstances. The results of studying the structure of needs of the student youth of Lipetsk are demonstrated. The survey was conducted in December 2019 – February 2020, involving 451 respondents, aged from 16 to 35, studying in the city of Lipetsk by the programs of secondary general education, vocational secondary education, and higher education. The survey was aimed at finding out the level of satisfaction of young people with their psychological, economic, ethnic, work, biological and social conditions, including the sense of security from viral and bacterial infections. The correlation between the level of satisfaction of youth with living conditions and gender characteristics was established. Men expressed a more negative attitude on the status of social and ethnic conditions, while women gave them a positive assessment. The author also traced the link between content with the living conditions and academic performance. Work, economic and social conditions received negative assessment from the students showing lower academic performance; while the students with better academic performance give poor assessment some biological conditions. It is determined that the increase in the level of satisfaction of young people with the living conditions is related to personal self-fulfillment, frequency of achieving and meeting the needs, assessment of the sufficiency of financial, material, technical, human, and information resources for meeting the needs, as well as subjective assessment of family income of the respondents.
working conditions, biological conditions of life, social conditions of life, ethnic living conditions, structure of personal needs, needs, youth, living conditions, economic conditions of life, psychological conditions of life
Sadkovskaya, O. (2020). Possibilities of development of ecovillages on the territory of Rostov Region. Urban Studies, 2, 27–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32813
The subject of this research is the potential for transformation of diminishing rural settlements into ecovillages. The object of this research is the existing rural settlements with a population of 100-500 people on the territory of Rostov Region. Special attention is given to current challenges faced by the existing system of resettlement, which include the local consequences of climatic changes, anthropogenic influence, pandemic, etc. On the one hand, concentration of resources in the cities ensures their more rational distribution; but on the other hand, the urban lifestyle increases the consumption of various resources. Under current conditions, the ratio of urban and rural residents can be more balanced, since there are all necessary technologies and resources. The research is conducted on the basis of analysis of statistical indexes, assessment of information from geoinformation databases, and documentation of territorial planning. The author analyzes the possibility for transformation of the diminishing rural settlements into ecovillages on the territory of Rostov Region. Recommendations are made on the improvement of the system of resettlement in Rostov Region through development of various types of resettlement. The integration of unprecedented technological capabilities and rural lifestyle can become a new identity characteristic for the XXI century.
effects of climate change, distance learning, online, rural way of life, Spatial planning, ecovillages, landscape, Eco-urbanism, town-planning reconstruction, Rostov region
Al-jaberi, A.A. (2020). Urban planning ideas and concepts that influenced the development of New Urbanism movement. Urban Studies, 2, 41–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32838
New Urbanism is an urban planning concept aimed at creation of a comfortable urban space, oriented towards human and environment that satisfies the communication needs of citizens, while retaining function of city as a system of effective development, distribution and augmentation of resources, as well as the impact upon social structure through creation of conditions for communication between people. An ideal city for the adherers of New Urbanism is the one, where is the streets and public spaces are the center of social activity, and environment is adequate to a person. The article explores the urban planning concepts and ideas of the XX century: garden cities movement of Ebenezer Howard, regionalism of Patrick Geddes and Lewis Mumford, idea of neighborhood and superblock of Clarence Perry and Clarence Stein, impact of urban development practice of Jane Jacobs, Léon Krierm, Kevin Lynch and Donald Appleyard, as well as the factors of emergence of the Congress for the New Urbanism. The author examine the fundamental principles of each concept, their key representatives, as well as legacy or rejection of the ideas by the New Urbanism movement. Overall, the concept of New Urbanism suggests the approach towards city planning that is aimed at creation of comfortable urban environment oriented towards people. The New Urbanism movement is called to lay the foundation for sustainable development of urbanized territories, and establish such city planning principles and rearrangement of urban environment, which would be able to ensure high quality of life without damaging the natural framework.
Contemporary city, Functional city, Transit Oriented Development, super-block, Neighborhood unit, City of Beautiful, New urbanism, Charter of new urbanism, Regionalism, Garden-cities
Burdina, D.P., Kazantsev, P.A. (2020). Principles of sustainable development of the autonomous island territories of the Gulf of Peter the Great. Urban Studies, 2, 62–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32847
This article explores the prerequisites for sustainable development of island territories of the Gulf of Peter the Great that retained their autonomy from continental Vladivostok – AskoldIsland, Popov Island, Reyneke Island, Rikord Island, Putyanin Island. A brief overview is provided on the development of islands in prerevolutionary and Soviet period, as well as at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries. It is noted, that the initial period of islands territorial development (late XIX – early XX centuries) is characterized with sustainable natural resource management based on consideration of the local landscape, natural and climatic conditions. Computer modeling of the annual course of wind and insolation regime of island territories is conducted for elaboration of the advanced models of sustainable natural resource management. This allowed determining comfort and discomfort landscape areas of the indicated islands for the three main seasons – winter, spring-summer, and summer. Typical terrain contributes to localization of the comfort and discomfort zones. At the same time, comfort and discomfort zone would be specific for each of the three seasons, which should be considered in arranging various types of recreation activities. Based on the results of studying the peculiarities of socioeconomic development of the islands and their landscape-climatic specificity, the author highlights three groups of islands and suggests models of sustainable development for each group: 1) Model of full-scale economic-recreational development with restoration of the collapsed ecological framework (Popov Island and Putyanin Island); 2) Model of autonomous development with restoration of the collapsed ecological framework (Reyneke Islan); 3) Model of economical development (Askold Island, Rikord Island). The author develops the schemes of territorial development of the islands, and suggests projects on formation of sustainable environment of rural localities and tourist routs.
urban planning, ecology, island territories, bioclimatic comfort, sustainable architecture, sustainable nature management, sustainable development, sustainable urbanism, resource saving, Environment
Проектирование и архитектура
Dorozhkina, E. (2020). Certain aspects of formation of green facades for high-rise development. Urban Studies, 2, 77–87. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32361
“Green architecture” gains more and more popularity worldwide. In many ways, this relates to the need for improving environmental quality of urban area. Often, enviromentalization is used for creating green spaces on buildings, including vertical or with significant inclination. This article is dedicated to studying the questions of the structure of greening of vertical surfaces of the buildings (green facades) for medium and high-rise buildings. The research is aimed at determination of technical characteristics of designing green facades. The subject of this article is building structures of various designation (architectural, load-bearing and enclosing) that serve for the formation of greening. The author examines their potential in the formation of objects of "green architecture". The key research method is the analysis of normative and scientific framework for the design of vertical greening. The existing experience in designing green facades is explored. The scientific novelty of this work consists in systematization of the applied design concepts and engineering solutions. As a result of the study, the two types of structures are determined: supporting and maintaining. The author reviews structural systems characteristic to each type, outlines the assortment of greenery, engineering and technical solutions for maintaining plants, as well as forming capacities of the types of design solutions of green facades.
biopositivity, environment quality, structural system, gardening, mobile gardening, container gardening, green wall, vertical gardening, ecologization, phytomelioration
Проектирование и архитектура
Litvintsev, D.B. (2020). Evolution of multi-storey residential construction through the prism of sociology. Urban Studies, 2, 88–99. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32976
A multi-storey residential house is viewed as a product of urbanization of modern society and is an object of research of such specific branches of sociological knowledge, as sociology of city, sociology of architecture, and sociology of housing. Currently, urbanization processes have captured the majority of developed and developing countries worldwide; the portion of urban population residing in multi-storey buildings (including condominiums, apartments, etc.) is constantly growing. For the sociology of housing, of special interest ate the social prerequisites, patterns and trends of development of multi-storey residential construction, which became the object of this research. The article provides a historical-sociological analysis of evolution of multi-storey residential construction since the ancient times until the modern stage. The theoretical framework contains works of the authors in the field of sociology of city, as well as 12 volumes of the “General History of Architecture”. The empirical base contains the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, data of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat allocated on the digital resource the Skyscraper Center. The conclusion is made that urbanization process, reflected in the development of multi-storey residential construction, began way before modern stage of social development – in the Ancient World. The author determines the social factors (overpopulation of cities, development of capitalist relations, etc.), and current trends (high-rise construction, “smart” homes, etc.) in evolution of multi-storey residential construction.
profitable house, home, housing inequality, housing construction, urbanization, sociology of housing, sociology of architecture, urban sociology, multi-storey residential building, apartment house
Озеленение и парковое хозяйство
Proshina, A.S. (2020). The specificities of coastal territories of Ladoga Lake and their impact upon formation of recreational system of the coastline. Urban Studies, 2, 100–114. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33011
The object of this research is the coastal territories of Ladoga Lake, their structure substantiated by the natural-geographical peculiarities, and specificities conditioned by anthropogenic development. The coastline of Ladoga Lake is capable of ecological stabilization of a significant territory, ensure the population of Leningrad Oblast and the Republic of Karelia with a wide variety of recreational functions, and forms of tourism. The dynamic processes of its economic development require the elaboration of new principles and grounds of landscape-recreational organization of coastal areas, creation of typical models for Northwestern Russia. Analysis is conducted on the natural-climatic, historical-cultural and other specific characteristics of the coastal areas of Ladoga Lake, as well as determines their impact upon landscape-recreational organization of coastline. The author also examines the cartographic data and statistical reports, carries out a comparative analysis of environmental indexes in retrospective, as well as systematized data on the spatial-planning system of coastline based on the land use documents. Climatic specificities determine the focus of attention not on the beach recreation, but other types based on the uniqueness and diversity of natural components of the coastline of Ladoga Lake. Integrating into the system of environmental framework, the infrastructure of recreational areas, their transport and pedestrian support alongside specially protected zones, performs an environmental protection function. In order to prevent future destruction of landscape complexes on the coastline of Ladoga Lake, it is essential to establish universal rules and regulation for natural and water resource management. Due to natural and climatic factors, landscape peculiarities and historical-cultural value of Ladoga Lake coastline, one of the fundamental vectors in arrangement of its recreational zones is ecotourism.
Ladoga lake, coast, recreational system, landscape and recreational organization, ecological framework, Natural and climatic features, recreation, ecology, city regulation, tourism
Культурное наследие
Rogach, O.V. (2020). International experience of converting social capital of local communities into development of tourism sector. Urban Studies, 2, 115–123. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.32710
The subject of this research is the international practices of utilization of social capital of local communities for the purpose of development of tourism attractiveness of the territories. The object of this research is the social capital of local communities. The author explores such aspects of the topic as the development of tourism on the basis of local community, stimulation of social activism and communication between the locals, their ability to self-organization on the local level within the framework of international projects. Special attention is given to the risks and negative consequences for the local communities caused by tourism. The conclusions is made that the role of the representatives of local communities is considered as one of the key elements within the international practice of tourism development. This relates to the formation of tolerant and friendly tourism space for maintaining a “geographical myth”, which cannot be created without involvement of the local residents. Such process must be manageable for the authorities that ensure protection of local population from the sociocultural threats caused by tourists. International experience can be adapted in the Russian realities to some extent, however this process requires outworking of the corresponding mechanism of three-way interaction of the local government, business and local residents. The scientific novelty lies int the attempts of critical revaluation of the role of social capital of local communities at the time of transformation of tourism industry due to unfavorable epidemic situation.
objects of tourist display, local population, population, social management, social construction, social capital, tourist attractiveness, municipality, city, solidarity