Социология и демография
Koval'zhina, L.S. (2019). Social and administrative aspects of the “Healthy Cities” project: sociological analysis. Urban Studies, 3, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30083
This article presents the analysis of sociological discourse on the fundamental aspects of the “Healthy Cities” project; discusses the peculiarities of the World Health Organization “Healthy Cities” strategy; technologies of formation of the created on its basis programs on preservation of health of the urban population. The importance of the political and legislative factor impacting people’s health and inequality with regards to health maintenance is revealed. The subject of this research is the projects aimed at preservation of health of the city dwellers and overcoming of inequality related to health, developed on the basis of the World Health Organization “Healthy Cities” concept. The author applies the theoretical-methodological analysis, secondary data analysis of the sociological study “Moscow is a Healthy City” (Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 2018)’; as well as survey results, conducted by the author in 2013 and 2017 among the schoolers, university students, and their parents of Tyumen Region, on the questions of health maintenance. The main conclusion consists in consideration of the socio-biological gradient in formation of inequalities with regards to health among the representatives of different social groups. The author emphasizes the effectiveness of the “Healthy Cities” project in Moscow; as well as discusses the strategies on preservation of health among the population of Tyumen Region. The results of the conducted sociological study on living a healthy lifestyle demonstrate an accurate correlation between the increasing level of education and the number of those adopting a healthy lifestyle. Such project is relevant for not only large cities, but also rural areas with certain adjustment to the local specificities and tasks.
public policy, public health, prevention, social groups, health inequalities, World Health Organization, Healthy City, health, health factors, social inequality
Культурное наследие
Dubrovina, N.P. (2019). Palaces of Culture in Leningrad. Problems of maintenance and preservation. Urban Studies, 3, 7–17. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30075
The object of this research is the Palaces of Culture in Leningrad built in the 1920’s – 1930’s. Among all object the author highlights the separate newly built extant Palaces of Culture in the style of constructivism, which are the monuments of cultural heritage. The subject of this research is the questions of state protection of the indicated objects and their maintenance. The article examines the existing conservation zones and territories of the cultural heritage sites; current state of the Palaces of Culture; problems of maintenance; and questions of modern functional profile of the buildings. The author studied the literary sources, analyzed iconographic materials and existing regulatory documents in the area of preservation of architectural heritage, conducted visual observation. The goal of this research lies in determining the current state of the Palaces of Culture in Leningrad of the early XX century alongside the key issues pertinent to state protection of the objects. The results may be valuable for comprising preservation orders for architectural heritage of the XX century, as well as development of restoration and reconstruction projects of the monuments of constructivism. The author concludes on the flawed system of state preservation of the cultural heritage of the XX century, and makes recommendation with regards to its solution.
architectural heritage, Leningrad, constructivism, subject of protection, reconstruction, architectural monument, Palace of Culture, restoration, avant-garde, conservation issues
City and mass culture
Bozhok, N.S. (2019). Cultural identity of urban communities of the historical reenactors. Urban Studies, 3, 18–27. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.29882
The object of this research is the cultural identity of urban communities of the historical reenactors. The subject of the author’s scientific interest is the mechanisms and practices substantiating the specificity of positive cultural identity of the communities, united within the framework of the historical reenactment movement. The article examines the dominant trends in the development of modern reenactment movement: trend towards the fragmentation of movement and complication of the structure of collective identity, and intention towards unity. Special attention is given to the identification of mechanisms that allow retaining and maintaining balance between the processes of differentiation and integration of reenactment movement. Methodologically, the author’s understanding of the specificity of collective identity of the historical reenactors is based on the theoretical ideas of H. Blumer, N. Smelser and P. Sztompka, as well as the theory of new social movements that focus attention on their sociocultural dimension. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to comprehensively analyze cultural components of the collective identity of the historical reenactment movement; as well as determine its structural components, mechanism and characteristic attributes. It is substantiated that under the influence of the modern global trends, cultural identity of reenactors along with the basic components attaints the new ones that contribute to the expansion of cultural-historical mobility and cohesion of reenactment movement.
transformation of cultural identity, components of collective identity, cultural identity diversity, cultural identity, urban communities of reenactors, city, cultural diversity, all-Russian reconstruction movement, social mobility, cohesion
City and mass culture
Eremenko, I.A. (2019). Status of the World Heritage City — a «kiss of death» or resource in a conflict of interest? The case of Stralsund and Wismar. Urban Studies, 3, 28–36. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30560
This article examines the transformation of urban space associated with the status of the World Heritage City, as well as the conflicts arising in this regard. The author faces a question whether the status of the World Heritage City does not allow any changes or they are possible, and the status is the resource in a conflict of interests. The two German cities Stralsund and Wismar with shared status of the World Heritage City were selected as the cases for this work. The research material contains the collected by the author expert interviews with the municipal administration, local activists, employees of the museums and tourist centers, and representatives of the local business. The article also analyzes the material from the two groups on Facebook belonging to the municipal government and the Green Party of Stralsund. The study demonstrates that the status of the World Heritage City imparts strict limitations upon the transformations of the urban space, but does not make their implementation completely impossible. There are times when different actors, such as municipal administration, use the status in diverse ways, depending on their interests.
Federal Republic of Germany, Cultural Heritage, World Heritage Sites, World Heritage Cities, urban space, conflicts, UNESCO, ICOMOS, Wismar, Stralsund
Social systems
Rogach, O.V. (2019). Social construction of tourism attractiveness of the Russian cities. Urban Studies, 3, 37–47. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30412
The subject of this research is the Russian experience of social construction of tourism attractiveness of the territories. The object of this research is the practices of participation of the local residents in designing tourist destinations; advantages and consequences of the conversion of social capital of the local society into job opportunities, urban infrastructure, new social relations and symbolic goods. The author meticulously examines the multiplicative effect of involvement of the local population in creating formation of tourism attractiveness of the territory; reveals the advantages and risks of initiating the process of social construction. Particular attention is given to the analysis of interdependent relations of the local citizens that ensure holistic positioning of the territory as attractive for tourists. The empirical foundation for this research includes the following cities: Moscow, Veliky Ustyug, Myshkin, and Dzhubga. The leading research method is the traditional document analysis. For verification of research results, the author applies the methods of observation and questionnaire-based online survey on the Google platform. The main conclusions consist in the theses on multiplicative effect of the involvement of local population in social construction (formation and content of the professional-structural network, development of entrepreneurship, creative clusters, etc.). The author’s main contribution into this study lies in determining the need for structuring the conceptual row (symbolic status of the city), around which would develop social interactions between the local residents. Such approach allows creating the range of interrelated tourist products or services functioning in conceptual connection with each other.
local government, local resident, social management, social construction, tourist destination, tourist attractiveness, tourism, social capital,, city, social networks
Системы управления и планирования
Erokhina, L.D., Zhang , H. (2019). The impact of historic zoning of the Chinese and Western European cities upon social differentiation in the conditions of urbanization. Urban Studies, 3, 48–56. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30657
The object of this article is the cities of China. The rapid growth and impact of Chinese cities upon the economy, politics and social life of the country and South Eastern part of the world sparks persistent interest of the researchers. Urbanization processes in China has a range of specific features that distinguish them from urbanization in the countries of Western Europe. Their identification is the goal of this article. The subject of this research became the differentiation of the modern Chinese cities and intraurban social stratification. Based on the accepted in Chinese sociology methodology of classification of cities, the author determines the differences between the urban structures of Western European and Chinese cities. The acquired results detect that the urban social and spatial structures in Western Europe have established under the influence of general economic processes that destroyed the traditional urban structure; while the Chinese cities, despite their rapid development, retain historical and cultural continuity of the principles of creation of spatial structure as a result of planned economy and political control. Examination of the peculiarities of urban structure and agglomerations allows forecasting the development of China’s social structure in the context of global transformations.
hukou, city zoning, social space, social mobility, city stratification, city structure, city agglomerations, urbanization, eco-friendly cities, prospects for urban development
Sadkovskaya, O. (2019). Spatial concept of organization of coastal areas of the Temernik River. Urban Studies, 3, 57–75. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30259
This article is prepared on the basis of results obtained from the scientific research “Formation of the universal concept of development of coastal areas of the Temernik River in Rostov-On-Don” conducted by the Scientific Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning in accordance with state task of Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of Rostov Oblast for executing the applied scientific research; as well as summarizes a number of projects and publications dedicated to the topic of rehabilitation of the Temernik River. Degradation of the small lowland river Temernik as a consequence of the development of the city Rostov-On-Don negatively affects not only the urban ecology, but also the image of riverine areas, which gradually led to “rejection” of the urban fabric from the river. In terms of the constant compaction of urban fabric and increasing deficiency of pedestrian spaces, rehabilitation of the Temernik River valley manifests as a possibility of a new stage of development of the urban infrastructure. In the course of studying the riverine areas, the author assess three indicators: access, populace, and landscape. The author develops visual triangle-based diagrams, where on three of its axes are plotted the approximate values of the aforementioned indicators. The analysis of the diagrams allows determining the boundaries of areas, which can be potentially transform into the public recreation spaces. The author proposes the approach towards examination of the Temernik River valley; carries out differentiation of coastal areas; outlines the territories that hold potential of being transformed to the public recreation spaces; develops the pattern of organization of public recreation spaces formed within the coastal area of the Temernik River, taking into account the implementation of eco technologies and cognitive approach towards designing urban spaces. The formation of hybrid spaces, which are able to integrate eco technologies, landscape, pedestrian spaces, infrastructure, and others underlie the creation of spatial concept of coastal areas of the Temernik River.
Green Infrastructure, Temernik river, Rostov-on-Don, pedestrian spaces, coastal areas, hybrid spaces, landscape, Eco-urbanism, Architectural and planning model, Rostov region
Gushchin, A.N., Sanok, S.I. (2019). The analysis of inner structure of urban planning regulations (on the example of the cities of Ural). Urban Studies, 3, 76–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30720
The subject of this research is the inner structure of urban planning regulations. It is a known fact that urban planning regulations were introduces into practice in 2004 due to acceptance of the new revision of the Town Planning Code. Currently, there has accumulated the traditional practice of their usage as the means of urban development management. Therefore, the analysis of inner structure of urban planning regulations and identification of patterns and interdependencies becomes a relevant task in both, theoretical and practical aspects. The authors come to the conclusion that at this point have formed the two ways of comprising urban planning regulations: activity and object. The first one is based on listing the types of permitted use as types of activity; and the second one leans on listing the types of objects that can be created within the framework of the types of permitted use. The authors also conduct a frequency analysis of the types of permitted use contained in urban planning regulations. It is demonstrated that most of the types of permitted use is characteristic to the social and business urban planning zones, and the least of them for recreational and urban planning zones, as well as special purpose zones. The author underlines that the variety of the types of permitted use inversely relates to the level of rigidity of administrative regulation.
internal structure of the document, administrative regulation, frequency analysis, content analysis, restrictions on permitted use, urban planning regulations, land use, urban planning, city regulation, recreational resources