Транспорт и коммуникации
Sidorov, A., Sapron, D. (2019). City electric transport of Tomsk: sociological aspect. Urban Studies, 4, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31481
This article examines the questions associates with determination of public interest with regards to development of tramway and trolleybus network in urban space in the context of worsening of technical, technological and organizational-economic characteristics of this type of passenger transportation. The author verifies the hypothesis on the demand for city electric transport within the system of municipal transport and the impact of factors justifying the choice of alternative transport options. An attempt is made to reveal the expectations of Tomsk residents as it pertains to increasing demand and competitiveness of the tramway and trolleybus network. Methodological framework contains the documentary analysis, formalized interview, statistical data processing and logical inductive-deductive conclusion. The new empirical data are obtained on assessment of the demand for electric transport. The main research result lies in determining the stance of Tomsk residents towards preservation and systemic development of the tramway and trolleybus communication; emphasis is made on expansion of the rout network. Among other factors that considerably affect the quality of transportation is the need for practical implementation of the adequate schedule of the city transport. The study is relevant for practical workers engaged in the problems of electric transport, as well as individuals conducting polls on the topic.
public transport, motion schedule, population, public interest, transport network, public opinion, sociological research, city electric transport, town, interview
Миграция и адаптация
Ishmuratova, D.F. (2019). Migration factor in development of human capital. Urban Studies, 4, 15–20. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31505
In modern conditions, human capital manifests as one of the leading factors of socioeconomic development. The efficient management over its formation and usage requires taking into accounts the specificity of these processes, as well as the impacting factors. One of them is the differentiation of the regions in human capital stock affected by the migration processes that reallocate it between the regions, as well as between a city and rural areas. The subject of this research is the internal migration within Russia viewed in the context of interregional migration and urbanization processes. The empirical foundation is the descriptive analysis of statistical data, complemented by examination of factors substantiating the dynamics of population migration rates. The analysis of statistical data demonstrates the vector of intraregional and interregional migration flows, which simultaneously boost or reduce the potential of different regions with regards to human capital. Most attractive for the migrants are the large cities and adjacent areas. The factors affecting the intensity and vector of migration remain the presence or absence of educational facilities, job opportunities and decent salaries, developed social infrastructure and a desire to achieve certain standard of living.
urbanization, employment, education, reproduction of human capital, unemployment, migration, human capital, city, countryside, labour market
Vilenskii, M.Y. (2019). Urban planner in the United States as a profession. Urban Studies, 4, 21–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31546
The transition to professional approach towards urban planning at the current stage of innovative and social transformations from the historical dual model of space and socioeconomic planning to a transdisciplinary approach creates prerequisites for formation of a new image of the urban planner profession in the United States. Having a faster reaction to changes, an employer forms their perception of professional requirements, and thus activates mechanisms impacting the entire organizational system of professional community, including curriculums. The research methodology leans on the conducted analysis of job offerings databases in the area of urban planning in the United States, including web analytics, analysis of the official statistical data “U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”, data of educational establishments and public authorities of the Unites States in the area of urban development. The research describes the trends towards growth of professional requirements, including academic education. The article examines the qualification by level of professional competences, highlighting the requirements for each one. The author also examines the system of professional regulation of this industry without direct involvement of the government and its ties with the job market; as well makes recommendations on application of experience of training and certification of U. S. urban for the Russian Federation.
certification, urban planning education, professional competencies, vacancies, USA, planning, urban planner, professional communities, transdisciplinarity, licensing
Architecture and Environment
Khettou, D., Razin, A.D. (2019). Principles of architectural organization and development of tourism objects in the coastal areas (Bejaia City, Algeria). Urban Studies, 4, 33–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31563
Currently, there is a high global demand for tourism objects. With its landscapes and Mediterranean Sea coastal areas, Algeria is well positioned for the construction of tourism objects, especially within the coastline. These places become as frequented by tourists as Europe. Moreover, two-thirds of Algerian population reside in the area, which generated uncontrolled urbanization. One of such coastal districts is Bejaia. The Bejaya region covers an area of 785 km2 and has a high potential for tourism ensured by the coastline of over 100 km. The region has a shortage of tourism objects and infrastructure, as well as problems of preservation of the surrounding environment. The article considers the question of sustainable development of tourism in Bejaia, as well as the various options for the placement of these objects in mountainous areas and coastline. The architectural organization of tourism may help in solving multiple issues in the development of Algeria.
environment, natural resources, touristic complex, Bejaia, architecture, Algeria, urbanism, sustainable tourism, coastal areas, Tourism
Historical culturology
Viazinkin, A., Dvukhzhilova, I.V. (2019). To the question of historical-cultural importance of the virtual reconstructions of “sites of commemoration”. Urban Studies, 4, 44–50. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31495
This article explores the theoretical considerations of the project of historical-cultural reconstructions of the “sites of commemoration” realized by the means of virtual modeling technologies. The project of the virtual reconstructions of “sites of commemoration” is viewed as a megaproject; as a program for creating commemorative environment, protection of tradition and social memory; as a source of materials for geocultural branding of the territory; as well as a relevant source for the development of solidary relations in modern society. Such subject of research requires comprehensive methodology. The author underlines the use of interdisciplinary approach in carrying out the virtual reconstruction projects; methods, technologies and materials provided by historical science, theoretical considerations of cultural anthropology, culturology and urban studies; data and results of mathematical modeling and virtual engineering. The original matrix of sociocultural objectives of each particular project of virtual modeling of the “sites of commemoration” maximally contributes to the development of certain cultural environment, methods and technologies of theoretical and applied fields of knowledge, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration. Historical material, processed with the help of virtual modeling technologies, including OpenSimulator 0.9.0 software, acquires a significant from the historical-cultural and cultural-anthropological perspective status of humanitarian megaproject. Digital museum, as an ultimate goal of the project, is the means for reviving memory and creating a complex of commemorative practices.
culturology, history, megaproject, historically significant areas, virtual modeling, social memory, memorial places, cultural anthropology, urbanistics, solidarity
Culture and authorities
Dashibalova, I. (2019). Dilemma of re-Sovietization: mass political consciousness in generational perspective (on the materials of Ulan-Ude). Urban Studies, 4, 51–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31741
The subject of this research is the specificity of re-Sovietization practices of the urban population of Ulan-Ude related to the image of USSR in generational perspective. Preservation of loyal attitude towards the Soviet past is observed. Based on the conducted sociological survey among city residents, the author determines the constitutive role of authoritative discourse and immanence of social memory, associated with incompleteness of the reformatory socioeconomic project of 1990’s. Comparison of the data acquired in survey in Ulan-Ude with the Russian and regional polls demonstrates the phenomenon of ambivalence of mass consciousness and divergence of opinions on the Soviet past among the representatives of different generations (487 residents of Ulan-Ude of different gender, age, education, nationality have been surveyed). Based on generational slice it is proven that the stronger is the generational differences and the older is the generation of respondents, the more affable are the assessments of people who caught the Soviet period of Russian history. Collective solidarity has ambivalent characteristics that marks the exaggerated, loyal assessment of the Soviet past, occasional associative personalization of specific time with a particular political leader, and at the same time, critical moods towards the image of USSR are especially evident among young and middle-aged population.
image of the USSR, retrospective identity, symbolic capital, nostalgia, social memory, re-sovietization, construction of the past, patterns, political values, ideology
City and suburbs
Merdassa, F. (2019). The peculiarities of informal settlements in cities of the developing countries: on the example of Addis Ababa. Urban Studies, 4, 60–65. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31734
The object of this research is the informal settlements in Addis Ababa. Despite the differences in residential sectors in various countries and regions, the common reality of cities in the developing countries became demand for residential real estate, which virtually led to economic barrier for acquisition quality residence for the majority of population with low or medium income. Similar to other cities in the developing world, Addis Ababa – the capital of Ethiopia, was not capable of ensuring due residences within the framework of formal, planned urban structures. However, diverse measures taken for the solution of issues of informal settlements, could not reach the desired result. Thus, the author examines the informal settlements as one of the aspects of sustainable development and partial solution rather than a problem in the developing countries. The article presents a historical review of the system of land use, analyzes the factors affecting the expansion of informal settlements, and explores the typologies of residential architecture in such settlements of Addis Ababa. In the course of the research were analyzed and summarized the documents and proclamations on the policy of urban development and management of land resources, as well as the comparison of the Russian experience of development of informal settlements. The author’s contribution consists in determination of factors affecting the expansion of informal settlements along with typology of architecture of a residential building in such settlements of Addis Ababa. The conclusion lies in the statement that the principles of vernacular architecture are important in development of informal settlements for sustainable development of the city.
sustainable, traditional housing construction, vernacular architecture, urbanization, squatter settlement, informal settlement, housing, developing country, land use, city
Социология и демография
Nizamutdinov, M.M., Oreshnikov, V.V. (2019). Large cities of the Siberian Federal District: mutual influence of economic and demographic development. Urban Studies, 4, 66–72. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.30281
This article is dedicated to the problem of assessing mutual influence of economic and demographic factors in the development of large cities (on example of cities of the Siberian Federal District). The goal lies in the analysis of trends and factors of mutual influence of demographic potential and economic development of the large cities. The research results demonstrate that the total number of cities in the Siberian Federal District for the past decade remains virtually the same. However, the author underlines the unevenness of socioeconomic development of cities, as well as noticeable changes in their structure and population. A set of indicators for assessing the dynamics of urban development based on the analysis of economic and socio-demographic trends is proposed. The dynamics of development of large cities of the Siberian Federal District and their rating is evaluated, which allows determining the areas of territorial growth. Using the Zipf curves, the author determines the even “saturation” of cities of the Siberian Federal District; and simultaneously observes the reverse trend of improving the parameters of settlement affected by rapid growth of the largest cities. It is forecasted that the portion of urban population will gradually increase The conclusion is made on the need to consider the determined link between socio-demographic and economic processing in elaboration of government policy measures in the area of spatial development of the Siberian Federal District.
spatial development, Siberian federal district, Zipf’s law, ranking, economic development, urban resettlement, socio-demographic processes, large cities, social-economic factors, classification
Проектирование и архитектура
Benyoucef, M., Razin, A.D. (2019). Contemporary vernacular architecture design for a Future design solutions of dwellings in hot-arid areas. Urban Studies, 4, 73–82. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31000
The article discusses the practice of contemporary vernacular architectural design, also the use of the different passive techniques in the contemporary architectural design of buildings. A brief description of the creativity of modern architects using vernacular architecture as sustainable solutions design for the construction of dwellings. The article notes that contemporary vernacular architecture is a solution for environmental design and the use of natural materials in the design and construction of dwellings, which gives sustainability to architectural designs and increasing in parallel with developments in technology for the new architectural and constructive solutions. The article is based on the analysis of traditional and modern architecture of dwellings, their characteristics and advantages of various methods of passive construction in hot-dry areas. The new contemporary vernacular architecture design is considered as sustainable architecture, which characterises par the adaptation, efficiency, and durability in these hot-arid conditions and can be a great source of architectural inspiration for new projects. The vernacular architecture is bioclimatic, ecological and sustainable and could be the key to the success of contemporary vernacular building envelope.
passive techniques, sustainability, natural materials, Sahara, hot-arid areas, vernacular architecture, design, Contemporary dwellings, energy consumption, durability
Monograph peer reviews
Frolova, E.V. (2019). Peer review on the monograph of O. V. Rogach “Social Capital of the Development of Tourism Attractiveness of Russian Territories”. Urban Studies, 4, 83–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.31373
The author delivers an opinion on the scientific work “Social Capital of the Development of Tourism Attractiveness of Russian Territories” presented by O. V. Rogach in 2019. The monograph was prepared with the financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of the scientific project No. 19-011-00565 “Interaction of the key actors of local communities for increasing tourism attractiveness of Russian territories: restrictions, resources and technologies of development”. The monograph contains theoretical and empirical results of the conducted research, which is of interest to a wide array of scholars, representatives of municipal administration, and other experts involved in the questions of development of social capital. Relevance of the raised in the monograph questions, low elaboration of the problems of converting social capital into the development of tourism attractiveness of municipal formations of Russia, form a broad range of questions for the scholars, the partial answers for which are given in this scientific publication. The novelty of the presented materials and conclusions is defined by the results of the original empirical research. The author’s ideas on the creative clusters, their capability of attracting tourist flow by offering the travelers a tourist product fused with authenticity of the local culture and traditions.
local community, social resource, social interaction, social construction, social capital, tourist attractiveness, municipality, municipal governments, city, social networks