Culture and authorities
Kazakova, G.M., Ryazanova, A.Y. (2017). Formation of regional identity as drivers of economic development of the region and the city. Urban Studies, 3, 1–10.
Regional identity is viewed as an important factor in the interaction of power and culture. In the context of cultural and socioeconomic approaches, regional identity is defined as a unique set of properties of a localized territory, its "subjectness" and production-economic, competitive, cultural-political "specialty." On the example of the South Ural region - the Chelyabinsk region and the metropolis of Chelyabinsk, options and possibilities of power elites for designing regional identity through sociocultural projects, such as: historical, cultural, natural landscape, industrial, international, sports project, enlargement project, identity project . The positions are argued that sociocultural identification scenarios of the regional authorities can become a driver of innovative development of the region, attract investments and qualified promising labor resources, promote economic breakthrough of the territory and raise the quality of life of the population.
quality of life, urban environment, investment attractiveness, symbolic management, cultural capital, cultural and political paradigm, regional identity, metropolis, agglomeration, sociocultural project
География города
Voronicheva, O.V. (2017). Metaphorical nature of ravines as an element of Bryansk’s natural landscape . Urban Studies, 3, 11–23.
The subject of this research is the metaphorical nature of ravines as a distinct element of Bryansk’s natural landscape and the conceptual constant of Bryansk text. Special attention is focused on the decoding of the hidden cultural meanings realized within the framework of spatial oppositions “top-bottom” and “periphery-center”, in which there is a clear manifestation of a ravine as a capacious symbol of border and attribute of the bottom level of earthly vertical. Academic interests lies in determination of the role of these natural dominants in revelation of the fundamental idea of Bryansk text – antiquity of topos that sealed its fate, image, and purpose. For understanding of the semantics of its cultural landscape along with the ideological-conceptual wealth of a cultural text, the author applies a metaphor. The article represents a first attempt to interpret the natural landscape of Bryansk as a metaphor that generated the cultural meanings. The author concludes that the ravines define the distinctness of natural landscape of Bryansk, and as a result, substantiate the specificity of Bryansk text. As an important element of Bryansk’s landscape, the ravines contain the information about a peculiar geopolitical location of the city, history of its origin, and dynamics of growth. Identification of metaphorical meanings of the ravines allowed concluding about their ambivalent nature, which indicated the dialectical unity of the opposites in Bryansk character, as well as predetermined the wealth of creative potential of the Bryansk cultural space.
ravines, city, peripherals, Bryansk, Bryansk text, metaphor, landscape, opposition, border, nature
Рынок недвижимости
Chepeleva, K.V., Saenko, I.A. (2017). Classification parameters of the objects of residential realty: methodological and regional aspects. Urban Studies, 3, 24–43.
The subject of this research is the methodological and regional aspects of classification of the objects of residential real estate. The object of this research is the market of residential real estate. The authors thoroughly examine the parameters of classification that are reflected in the normative legal acts regulating the questions of quality of residential space in the Russian Federation, as well as methodological approaches and classification of the objects of separate actors of the marker of residential realty. Special attention is given to the analysis of investment and construction projects of developers of the Krasnoyarsk Region, as well as testing of the suggested methods of differentiating the objects of residential real estate in accordance with the level of comfort. The main conclusion consists in the fact that currently, the market of residential realty demonstrates the absence of the universal classification of objects that allows differentiating them by the consumer quality and comfort. Scientific novelty lies in formulation of methodology on differentiating the objects that includes the system of parameters characterizing each level of comfort of an object of residential real estate. The proposed methodology will allows construction companies obtaining the unified standards for the objects of residential property. Application of the classifier will limit the price speculation on the market. Under the conditions of shifting towards the new arrangement of property tax calculation, by 2020 the method of classification of the objects will allow considering the consumer parameters of housing, and in doing so, will improve the comparative approach of the appraisers – “method of standard design”.
classification of objects, quality of environment, adjoining territory, residential building, living quarters, comfort level, residential real estate market, differentiation of objects, classification parameters, differentiation technique
Культурное наследие
Ulchitckii, O.A. (2017). International experience of historical reconstruction of ancient architecture and its development in the Russian practice: using the example of Southern Ural. Urban Studies, 3, 44–65.
The subject of this study is the historical reconstruction with the international theory and practice. The object of this study is the global experience, examples and methods of historical reconstruction of the most famous objects of antique architecture of I-III millennium BC. The role of historical reconstruction in solving issues of archeology and preservation of monuments is being examined. Particular attention is paid to the following aspects: analysis of the key legislative documents of the Russian Federation regulating the protection of the objects of cultural heritage; terminological apparatus regulating the protection activity associated with the objects of cultural heritage; analysis of the examples of global experience of historical reconstruction of the objects of ancient architecture; main problems and directions of this type of preservation activity. Methodology of the research lies in analyzing the factographic sources, natural examination, and analysis of a number of examples and method of historical reconstruction of ancient architecture known on world practice. The main results of the research are related to the expansion of terminological apparatus and detailed theoretical comprehension of the new approach towards preserving the ancient architectural monuments in the Russian practice. The article reviews the Russian experience of implementation of the methods of historical reconstruction aimed at the ancient architectural objects in Southern Ural.
conservation, Preservation, Museification, cultural heritage, antiquity, Ancient architecture, Historical reconstruction, Southern Ural, Ancient Europe, Russian practice
Slabukha, A.V. (2017). On the methods of organizing planning of settlements in conjunction with the construction of Siberian railroad. Urban Studies, 3, 66–73.
The subject of this research is the relationship issues among the members of the planning organization of settlements – central specialized departments, local government and “societies” due to the laying of the transcontinental railroad across Siberia in the late XIX century. The object of this research is one of the methods of organizing the design and development of near-railway settlements – established communication between the aforementioned parties. The article examines the response of local “societies” to the letter (1895) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Empire about the need to present the decisions on characteristics of possible locations for development of cities or large settlements (in conjunction with the laying of railroad) and the need for their advance and efficient planning. Special attention is given to the results of analysis of the situation by the local “societies” with defining importance of the natural and economic conditions in the context of emergence of the new and development of the existing settlements. Author’s special contribution into this research lies in revelation of the question about the joint participation of central government, local government, and local “societies” in discussion the issues and adopting the decisions pertaining to the design of settlements due to realization of the largest nationwide project – the construction of Siberian railroad.
planning of settlements, town-planning methods, town-planning organization, transport development Siberia, Trans-Siberian road, Siberian railroad, town planning of Siberia, railroad settlements, planning of near-railway settlements, town-planning activity
City and mass culture
Antonova, A.A. (2017). Classification of public space in modern urban culture. Urban Studies, 3, 74–80.
The subject of this research is the detection of new forms of the urban public spaces that play a role of self-determination and identification for a modern city dweller. The article attempt to classify the aforementioned norms. For realization of this goal, the author defined the fundamental elements of social sphere, the presence of which encourages the emergence and development of the public urban spaces. The work reviews the contemporary concepts of examination of the urban space from the perspective of globalization processes, “fluidity” and “mobility” of the modern world and society. Relevance of this research lies in the ability to conceptualize the processing taking place in modern urban space. In order to explain the transformations of urban public spaces, the author synthesizes the classical concepts of publicity, methodology of “mobile sociology”, and theory of the “third place” that resulted in a comprehensive study of the object. The suggested methodological scheme can be applied in analyzing the public spaces of any city. The article is first to discuss the establishment of new urban culture in the context of spatial transformations.
Urbanization, Third place, Public culture, Hybrid spaces, Hybridism, Transitional spaces, Urban environment, Urban culture, Social sphere, Public space
Borisova, Y.V. (2017). Image of a city as a development strategy (on the example of Irkutsk). Urban Studies, 3, 81–92.
The object of this article is the theoretical formulations of the Russian scholars dedicated to the study of image of a city within the national discourse, marking the main spheres, forms, and methods of examination of the cities. The work provides the results of the authorial empirical study of the image of Irkutsk, structured upon the perception of the city dwellers of high, medium, and low level of satisfaction with the city, urban semiotics, and space. The author traces the emotional state of each of the highlighted groups, as well as analyzes the trans-symbolic peculiarities of perception of the image of Irkutsk through the affective, cognitive, and activity essences, which the residents put in the image itself. The research applies the method of survey, which involved 1800 residents of Irkutsk, 55% of women and 45% of men, from 18 to 75 years of age. The level of education varied: secondary education – 10%; vocational education – 15%; higher education – 55%; post-graduate degree – 20%. The conclusion is made on the establishment of the city image of Irkutsk for the government authorities and its residents. The main vectors of the positive image of Irkutsk are based on harmonious development policy of the city's infrastructure, sociocultural and ecological traditions, combined with the advancement of innovation forms of production. The final thesis is reduced to the fact that the future of Irkutsk is being formed in the present.
present of city, development of city, city signs, City symbols, Social ideas, perception, development prospects, identity, city image, future of city
City dwellers
Skudenkov, V.A. (2017). Economic claims of residents of the Irkutsk region. Urban Studies, 3, 93–105.
The subject of this study is the peculiarities of formation of economic claims of the residents of Irkutsk region. Economic claims are not the indicator of the quality of life and social wellness of the residents of one or another region, but rather form depending on the external circumstances of city development, as well as internal conditions of adjustment to the changing living standards of the dwellers themselves. Small and large cities have their own specificities and culture, substantiated by the history and culture of the territory, establishing the framework for emergence of the economic claims among the residents. First, the authors arranged cities: large, medium, and small (according to GM Lappo); then applied a method survey involving 2,200 residents alongside the 22 expert interviews in the same cities. The main conclusion of the research consists in the thesis that large cities form the inflated economic claims of their dwellers; residents of small cities are willing to exaggerate their living standards towards the average. Residents of the large cities establish their economic claims based on the salaries and alternative ways to improve the financial status, while for the inhabitants of small towns, the category of economic claims includes social service and providing benefits for society.
Social stratification, Quality of life, Social wellness, Large cities, Small cities, Economic claims, representation, Self-perception, identity, economic prospects
Философия урбанистики
Safina, A.M., Gaynullina, L.F., Leontieva, L.S. (2017). Urban geography: parallax vision. Urban Studies, 3, 106–116.
The subject of this article is the status of urban geography as a theoretical discourse and management practice of the spatial development. The authors rely upon the synergetic ideology that the modern world is a complex self-organizing and self-developing system, the realm that intertwines the actions of man, technology, and nature. The article attempts to delineate the subject field of Russian urban geography, as well as specify its methodological grounds in accordance with the following parameters: 1) understanding of city as an object of study and management; 2) identification of the source of development of urban agglomerations and basic principles of development management; 3) disciplinary status of urban geography. Methodological foundation of this research lies in comparative and typological analysis, with the use of technique of the parallax gap with urban planning. The following conclusions were made during the course of this work: the national urban theory currently exists in the form of a project, mostly in a negative aspect, in other words, as a parallax gap with the theory of urban planning; situation has formed within the national urban geography, when the theoretical discourse and even self-reflection are the outrunning with regards to the corresponding practical transformations of reality, and at times directly provoke the latter.
City agglomerations, City community, Parallax, Projectivity, Project, Territorial management, Spatial development, City, Urban planning, Urban geography
География города
Polyushkevich, O.A., Popova, M.V. (2017). Symbolic construction of territorial identity (on the example of typonymy of Irkutsk). Urban Studies, 3, 117–134.
This article demonstrates that Irkutsk, being a historical city of the Russian Federation and oriented towards the development of tourism, has a number of unresolved issues associated with typonymy. Such questions are often discussed at different levels – from the local mass media to city administration. Toponyms in the city of Irkutsk can be generally characterized as the reflection of a strong print of the previous government regime, whether or not it corresponds with the historical image and preserved historical heritage. The described situation creates problems on the path of establishment of the historically factored image of a city, necessary for the harmonious comprehension of city and in the context of plans for the advancement of tourism. The work carries an interdisciplinary character, and is depicted through socio-political and historical-cultural approach within the framework of the problem of typonymy and city image. The socio-political approach is reflected in examination of the problem through the prism of influence of political views of the citizens alongside the political situation in a particular case of study; while the historical-cultural approach implies a complex examination of such historical segment, which significantly affected the cultural development of symbols of the city of Irkutsk. At the same time, takes place the symbolic construction of territorial identity of Irkutsk residents through the previous, current, and future names of the streets and squares of Irkutsk. Despite the opinion of the supporters of typonomic restoration, the primary task in popularization of such idea among the city residents must consist not in the explanatory work about the value and following advantages, but rather debunking of myths and delusions pertaining to the expenses that are the main stumbling block in this question. However, the author underlines that at the present time, mass media covers the information on toponymic restoration of the cults quite inappropriately, which escalates the associated with it deceptions in the society. Due to this fact, the initiators of toponymic restoration must provide adequate information to the population, as well as mass media; otherwise, the process of information distribution to population can receive a low level of trust.
social development, urban identity, toponymy, development management, ideology, Identity, territory, everyday life, streets, city