Culture and cultures
Griber, Y.A. (2016). Japanese model of urban coloristics. Urban Studies, 1, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the rules that regulate the urban coloristics in Japan. The author’s task and its solution consist in imagining the Japanese norms of color projection in the context of Japanese culture, and thus preserve them from the destructing reflective symmetry ion perception and assessment. The author thoroughly examines the legislative norms of urban coloristics of Japan, and gives special attention to the analysis of connection of the suggested principles of regulation of the urban coloristics with the Japanese aesthetics, as well as with the established in Japanese culture ideas about beauty and color harmony. The main methodological principle which defines the perspective for examining the Japanese model of urban coloristics consists in shifting of the accent from the form of normative documents to the content of the cultural norms that lie in their foundation, which they are the product of. Scientific novelty lies in determination of specificity of the Japanese model of urban coloristics: main idea of the introduced color restrictions, structure and content of the palette, principles and rules of color schemes. The author underlines that the Japanese urban coloristics carries a “nature-imitating” and “self-developing” character, in which the norms of color design as a rule do not specify a strict color scheme, but give to each city resident a choice to choose it.
landscape act, model, Japan, color plan, color design, urban coloristics, city, color, legislative regulations, cultural regulations
Философия урбанистики
Spektor, D.M. (2016). To the ontology of space and architectural shapes. Urban Studies, 1, 9–23.
This article criticizes the tendencies of interlinking ontology (of the XX century) predominantly with “time” and procedurality. The work demonstrates that outside the concept of boundary (form) the realization of being is impossible not only with regards to reality (history), but also towards its idea (concept). The essence takes its roots from the architecture of the continuum as the original instrument of transformation of unity of being into combination of spatial likenesses (bodies). The perception of continuum is reduced to the primal forms of co-being, which justifies the form of being of one or another origin and at the same time, the architecture of the form of realization. The method of research is associated with the apologia of “form” and “body” (form of the body), which were interlinked with space and time. The “body” in this case is being reconstructed, examined in regards to the “image” and geometric shape. The scientific novelty consists in endowing “space” with ontological significance. The “history of body” is connected with the history of space and time from both, the humanistic line of the genesis of game and art, as well as the natural science genesis of physical transferences.
Time, Being, Transition, Event, Game, Space, Art, Body, Architecture, Continuum
Социология и демография
Antropova, I., Kalinin, I. (2016). The modern urban society and space of the childhood: Euclid’s fifth postulate?. Urban Studies, 1, 24–33.
This article examines the problem of narrowing the space of childhood in its correlation to the negative trends of development of the modern urban society. The authors analyze the urban society from the perspective of carrying out the extremely important social functions, first and foremost, the assistance in involvement of an individual into the current phenomena and events. The influence of the urban landscape upon the “children territorial behavior” and the development of a child as a whole, is being detected. The authors raise a serious problem of deformation of the natural communications between humans, which is caused by the alienating interference of the infrastructure, information, and other changes of the society. Within the framework of this research, as an example of the contemporary Russian megalopolis, the authors examine Yekaterinburg from the position “a convenient for life city” and “city kind to children”. The authors state that there are less possibilities for children with regards to independent territorial travelling, decrease in the amount of social interactions and decrease in the intensity of social cooperation between children under the various social circumstances; as a result, it all leads to the disruption of the processes of transferring the socio-historical experience, social adaptation, as well as social destructions and deviations.
Urban society, Space of childhood, Urban landscape, Children territorial behavior, Convenient city, Kind city, Social safety, Sociocultural dynamics, Social deprivation, Social reproduction
Социология и демография
Urozhaeva, T.P. (2016). Demographic problems of the industrial cities of Irkutsk region during the 1990’s. Urban Studies, 1, 34–42.
The subject of this research is the demographical processes that took place in the cities of Irkutsk Oblast during the 1990’s, while the object is the urban population of the region. The author examines the negative trends in the natural and migration movement of the urban population, as well as establishes the causes of depopulation. In the author’s opinion, the spread of municipal institutions of Irkutsk Oblast by the indexes of the general coefficient of mortality allows determining only the most common regularities. The minimal level of mortality was recorded in the southeastern and central districts of the Oblast, and also in the majority of large and medium size cities; the highest indexes of the general coefficient of mortality was accounted for the northern and a number of monotowns of the central and eastern part of the region. It is mostly the depressive municipal institutions with the monobranch economy. The conclusion is made the causes of demographical instability of the industrial cities were laid during the Soviet period and associated with the practice of involving the population from the new industrial districts. The economic crisis along with the elevation of social issues in 1990 significantly complicated the demographical development of the urban population in the region. During the course of this research the author used publications from the regional and local periodic publishers, materials from the separate monographs, and statistical data.
Industrial, Cities, Demography, Birth rate, Mortality rate, Reproduction, Population, Migration, Depopulation, Monotowns
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P. (2016). Urban water reservoirs: the role of hydro objects in formation of biosphere- compatible urban space. Urban Studies, 1, 43–50.
The subject of this research is the urban water reservoirs within the framework of development of the modern anthropogenic civilization. Since the ancient times, water was not only a scarce resource, but also a notion of mythological and philosophical knowledge. Water environment played a major role in establishment of the first nations, as well as in development of economic relations by means of trade. Today, due to the demographic outbreak and environmental problems, in a number of regions we can observe a deficit of fresh water that eventually can cause the “water wars” in the future. Currently, the majority of humanity resides in cities in the conditions of artificial environment, and this is why the role of green environment and urban water reservoirs has increased. The relevance of the problem is substantiated by the continuing development of “polluting” productions within cities’ suburbs, urbanism, and change of needs of city residents.
Biosphere compatibility, Urban environment, Environment, City parks, Hydrosphere, Resources, Control, Drainage, Environmental protection, Risks
Закон и порядок
Akhrameeva, O.V. (2016). The role of administrative regulations in ensuring private interests. Urban Studies, 1, 51–61.
The modern legal regulation of public relations is first and foremost based on ensuring and protections of the rights of a private entity, and thus – the private sphere of public relations. This goal is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in protection of all forms of property, including private and state. Due to the fact that private and public interests are inseparably intertwined and represent an integrated whole, the stability of the entire society, and especially its lowest local level, depends on how the private relations would be regulated. However the regulation of private relations is based on such postulate that this category can only be regulated by the norms of private law. At the same time, the government actively provides the public-legal mechanisms, which will allow even to the local government authorities to independently regulate these relations. In this article the author explores one of these mechanisms – administrative regulations – normative acts which provide systematization and regulation of the administrative process and reflect the separate operating processes and the order of their execution. Basing on the comparative-legal and historical methods, the author analyzes the establishment of the aforementioned mechanism of realization of private interests in the world, as well as in the Russian Federation, particularly in the conditions of the advancing concept of e-government. The author points out the main issues that require solution, among which are the municipal informatization, information accessibility, adequate and understandable perception of electronic services, etc.
Private interest, Public interest, Municipal administration, Administrative reform, Information government, E-government, Advocate, Notary, Justice, Local self-governance