Системы управления и планирования
Maslanov, D.V. (2015). New information and communication technologies for municipal governance: crowdsourcing is a tool for improving citizen-City interaction. Urban Studies, 4, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.4.17246
This article discusses communication and information technologies, crowdsourcing in particular, which has been used successfully in some regions to improve the interaction between citizens and the local government, resulting in more efficient improvement of the "urban environment". In addition, an inflation of democratic values, or recession of democracy is a modern reality around the globe , therefore the demand for a solidification of legitimacy of municipal power. The city government is better at responding to the needs of the society through crowdsourcing. The credibility of the authorities is increased, thereby increasing its legitimacy in the eyes of the population. The article discusses the experience of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the creation of crowdsourcing platforms aimed at improving the "urban environment". The author comes to the conclusion that the use of crowdsourcing platforms can be very popular to improve "the urban environment" both by society and the government. The use of the resource of active citizens in crowdsourcing projects and e-referendums as they do in Moscow besides the obvious reputational benefits that brings city government to the economic and management benefits.
Crowdsourcing, The urban environment, Municipal management, Information and communication technologies, Moscow, Sobyanin, Nizhny Novgorod, The Internet, Crowdsourcing marketplace, Good governance
Нежилые объекты
Khusyainov, T.M. (2015). Coworking centers in modern urban space. Urban Studies, 4, 14–21. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.4.17208
This paper examines the concept of coworking and coworking space in modern urban space. In addition to the definition of coworking, the article points out the defining features of this form of working space organization, the so-called "third places" that differ from the more conventional working environments. The author draws attention to the social aspects of this phenomenon and its role in the life of modern Internet-workers, as well as positive social, economic and environmental impact on the modern city, its infrastructure and its environment. The foundation of this work based on the materials of theoretical and empirical research. To determine the popularity of coworking centers of Nizhny Novgorod Internet-workers, we used data from the author's survey conducted in 2013 (N = 140). As we can see coworking centers are gradually becoming part of modern social infrastructure, addressing an important element in the formation of human existence in the city, and enables for the vital activities of separate groups of the population in the urban space and time. The concept of a coworking center solves a number of social, economic and environmental problems that arise in modern cities that affect both its individual residents and larger group.
coworking, telecentre, third place, Internet-employment, telecommuting, freelance, e-lance, Internet-worker, coworking center, city
Системы безопасности
Komarov, A.A. (2015). Park topography in a megapolis: the issues of crimeproof zoning and arrangement of recreational areas. Urban Studies, 4, 22–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.4.16721
The subject of research within the topic at hand is the problem of arrangement of large and small park areas located within the borders of large cities. The author thoroughly reviews the aspects of zoning of park territories, security equipment layouts, visiting schedule, as well as recreational area locations, and their accessibility and connection to criminogenic objects. The author studies different kinds of park areas and recreational territories and evaluates their criminal vulnerability, as defined by their characteristics. This research uses traditional methods employed in the study of "geography of crime". Those methods include territory mapping and a variety of statistical methods. The main conclusions of this work are as follows: first, in order to reduce criminal risks, priority should be given to developing smaller-scale recreational territories within a city block. Social control over such areas partly falls on the shoulders of the local population. Local self-governments have proven to be instrumental in this. Secondly, there may not be a universal approach to crime-proof security of smaller park territories and larger park areas. Larger areas have masses of people with no social connections to eachother meet and mingle. In this particular case, civil control becomes powerless. Mass events and mass recreation requires the materiel resources of local self-government and public authorities to be used. This is why it is necessary to develop both approaches in enabling safe recreation in parks and squares. Thirdly, mapping and arrangement of park areas and smaller recreational zones, we need to consider that any empty spots in the city must be surveyed and landscaped. Otherwise they become areas that stimulate a psychological fear in the face of possible danger. When planning new recreational areas, it is necessary to make them easily viewable from neighbouring streets, and from the windows of nearby houses. It is also necessary to remember that the most optimal, security-wise, is the construction of new buildings only on free areas, without intruding on established natural areas.
geography of crime, method, criminology, parks, parks, recreation, metropolis, urban planning, security systems, public order
Оценки и риски
Kolobaev, S.A. (2015). Professional risks of career-building in a megalopolis. Urban Studies, 4, 33–48. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.4.17074
The object of research is the career-building phenomenon. The subject of this article are the professional risks of career-building in a megapolis. The author offers a panoramic view on the possible threats and disks of career building in light of the negative impact of urban factors. The author explains toe failures of career and professional development under the influence of a system of factors. The risks, failures, and professional plains are explained in connection with psychological, akmeological, social, economic and other factors. The city landscape factors is given spotlighting the akmeological environment being modeled, and the establishment of psychological help by businesses in order to help employees is being accented. The author illuminates the issue of professional marginalism that plays a leading role in the forming of career-building risks. An analysis of the interaction of safety of career-building and professional self-realization, the methods and ways of career-building is offered as a system, regardless of profession type. The methods of research include observation, analysis, job market monitoring, thought experiment, reconstruction of theoretical material, the methods of comparison, control of conclusions. The relevance of this work is enhanced in the time of economic and geopolitical crises. In light of a relatively unstable social status of many professions, a large number of activities and jobs are devalued, and thus need radical rethinking in order to be correctly inserted into career chains. The novelty of this work is based on the focused analysis of risks of professional breakdowns and career-building in urban environment, affected by objective factors such as marginalism and city landscape, psychological and emotional state of the employee, social processes in social institutes.
development, security, Professional marginalism, rooms of psychological relief, acmeology, urban landscape, social elevator, career, self-realization, mental health
Юридическая практика и нотариат
Akhrameeva, O.V. (2015). Improving notarial services provided by the local authorities as a basis of legal stability in townships. Urban Studies, 4, 49–66. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.4.17143
Notarial acts are a form of state service provided to the population by state-authorized organizations and individuals, including municipal authorities. This article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of empowering the local authorities to provide notarial services. The author substantiates that some municipal units in Russia provide notarial services on a non-professional basis, and townships usually have notarial services performed by individuals that lack the necessary qualification.The article analyzes existing criteria and procedure for applying for a notarial license, compares Russian and foreign experience, and provides ideas on improving the regulation of all stages of getting authorized into the notary profession in the form of a universal, Federal-level Act that would fill regulation gaps and clarify the access procedures for the merit-based acceptance into the notary profession. The author draws attention to the guarantees provided by notarial services that are the basis for the notary work itself (for government notaries, as well as those not paid from state budget), as well as the application and enforcement of Law. Namely - full, up to standard quality, Law-based, bare-minimum notarial services provided to the citizens who live in townships. In this article, the author provides a comparative Law research of the realization of notarial powers by notaries and municipal statesmen, and points out the flaws in the legal regulation for this public service. The author analyzes the legal acts that regulate municipal authorities performing notarial services. The author elaborates theoretical and practical issues that emerge in the process of empowering municipal authorities with state powers. The author designates the main parameters for interaction, offers propositions for the development of delegated powers as a legal institute and touches upon the issue of practicability of giving state powers to municipal bodies.
municipality, public services, public services, notarial act, notary, guarantees, rule of law, a responsibility, municipal services, Ministry of Justice