Философия урбанистики
Rozin, V.M. (2015). From Social technologizing a new typology of architectural objects. Urban Studies, 2, 1–39. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16365
This article examines the stages of creation of urban environment and architectural object typology in the USSR, as well as explores the necessity to establish a new typology in light of the new social and economic realities of the present time. The author introduces a preposition that the regularities in this area may be explained on the basis of the concept of "social technologization". The author proves that social technologization is the precondition not only for creating typologies of architectural objects, but also new social institutes that ensure the reproduction of new technologies. Defining traits of modern social and cultural environment are being discussed from the standpoint of forming new technologization, new technologies and new social institutes. The methodology of study for this issue includes: problematization, structural analysis, comparative analysis, construction of new concepts, discovery of regularities, cultural and historical reconstruction of the creation of urban environment and architectural object typologies in the USSR. As a result, the author managed to distill an important concept of social technologization, and to demonstrate that its formation leads to the necessity of building new typologies and situating new social institutes. Another important result of this study is the analysis of the USSR's urban environment establishment and development, as well as of modern social and cultural situation that requires new technologization, new technologies and social institutes. In the article the stages of creation in the USSR of the urban environment and the typology of architectural objects, as well as the need to present in connection with the new socio-economic realities of building a new typology. We introduce the assumption that the laws in this area can be explained on the basis of the concept of "social technologization." It is proved that it is a social technologization leads not only to the creation of typologies of architectural objects, but new social institutions that ensure reproduction formed a new technology. The features of contemporary social and cultural situation, forcing to form new technologization, typology and social institutions. The methodology of the study of these problems include: problematization, situational analysis, comparative analysis, the construction of new concepts, the selection of laws, cultural-historical reconstruction of the stages of creation in the USSR of the urban environment and the typology of architectural objects. As a result, we managed to introduce the important concept of social technologizing, show that it leads to the formation of the necessary construction of new typologies and social institutions, identify patterns of formation and development in the USSR of the urban environment, to analyze the features of contemporary social and cultural situation.
institutions, realization, design, social projects, technologization, service, city, environment, problems, solutions
Философия урбанистики
Koptseva, N.P., Sertakova, E.A. (2015). The sum of methods of modern urban anthropology. Urban Studies, 2, 40–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16354
The subject of this article are the capabilities of urbanistic anthropology in terms of modern cultural studies. This article considers the problem of effective methodology of contemporary urban studies. Currently, to obtain reliable results in scientific research, it is not enough to use just one method or follow the principles of only one scientific discipline. The most reliable results in urban studies can be obtained by using specific methodological strategies. Methodological strategy of urban anthropology is the specific combination of theoretical and applied research methods. Based on the concepts of city A. Lefebvre the authors developed an integrative methodological strategy for the study of urban space. The modern city is a complex space of social communication. Various objects of city are representative of complex symbolic structures. The content of the symbols of the city can be analyzed through the analysis of representatives, including architectural monuments.
urban anthropology, cultural studies, urban Studies, Henri Lefebvre, methodology, theoretical methods, practices, city, social dynamics, synthetic methodology
Matiukhin, I.V. (2015). Loneliness in a metropolis. Urban Studies, 2, 54–75. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16413
The growing relevance of research on psychological states of residents as a factor impacting the development of megacities and towns has inspired researchers to seek qualitative and quantitative indicators for varying states of solitude. This article offers the analysis and results of an original psych diagnostic study conducted in the context of dependence in modern urbanization. The author offers an analysis of the problem of solitude as a theoretical, psychological construct, and its co-relation with the development level of habitats. Using psychometric methods of "differential questionnaire for solitude experience", the author measures and illustrates the state of qualitative and quantitative expression of the state of solitude in a metropolis such as Moscow, and on the samples of smaller towns, such as Suvorov. The author offers comparative description charts and percentage histograms, outlines the main theses of the test method within the structure of chief indicators. The article also shows the semantic manifestation of solitude as a dualistic psychological phenomenon that doesn’t only consist of the dysphoria caused by the lack of psychological intimacy, but also offers a positive resource for self-realization and self-actualization.
psychodiagnostics, differentiation, positive resource, dysphoria, solitude, small town, metropolis, urbanization, questionnaire, quality of status
Культурное наследие
Slezin, A.A. (2015). Urban routine during revolutionary change: children's games. Urban Studies, 2, 76–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16189
The subject of this article are the games of young Russians during the Great Revolution. By the materials obtained in Central Russia's cities, the author elaborates on the content of "revolutionary" games of the young Soviet Russia's youth. The role of Communist Youth Union (Komsomol) in the popularization of these games is outlined by the author. The greatest interest, from the author's point of view, lies in the game called "Lenin", which turned out to be an anticipation for the political processes in XXth century Russia (like the emergence of new "Lenins" on subsequent tides of campaigns against brand-new "enemies of the People"). The main sources of information are the materials of State Archive of Social and Political History of Tambov Region, and handbooks for kid's games published in 1920s. Komsomol is studied as a social and cultural phenomenon. As shown in this article, Komsomol, in many ways, continued the play practices of early XXth century. Moreover, Komsomol members responsible for organizing upbringing, have modified the games and attempted to enhance them with logic, make them more exciting and relevant. From the author's point of view, even political reflexes developed from during childhood games may be used for the good of the society.
children, Komsomol, the youth, a game, The Great Russian Revolution, pioneers, leisure, Lenin, public Enemies, opposition
Культурное наследие
Sertakova, E.A., Gerasimova, A.A. (2015). The image of the city of Krasnoyarsk in xylography, and the regional identity problem. Urban Studies, 2, 89–99. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16355
This article devotes attention to the relevant issue of loss of identity by Russian citizens, and Krasnoyarsk region citizens, in particular. The unique Siberian character, the local environment and the Siberian way of life is perceived in a different way in modern times. The influence of foreign cultural influence of Western countries alter the perceptions of tradition, norms and values among the society. Like never before, the regional culture of Krasnoyarsk region needs cultural models which are capable of demonstrating Siberian identity, of awakening people's self-consciousness as Siberians, of invoking the feeling of pride for their smaller Motherland. Such models may come i the form of art that translates deep ideas and meanings through its presence and senses. The methodology of this study includes theoretical concepts of the modern theory of visual arts, as well as the theory of art criticism. The author provides an example that proves this hypotheses - a visual art of graphic, and xylography as its subtype. Of the graphic pieces that help form Siberian identity, the author chose the works of the Artisans of the German Pashtov Siberian Xylography school. The goal of the analysis is to discover the mental characteristics of Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, and Siberians who may be considered the audience of the art. As a result, the author discovered that in the works of the Artisans of the German Pashtov Siberian Xylography school the images of Siberia in its various manifestations (the city, nature, people, relations, etc.) truly demonstrate ideas that contribute towards the formation of Siberian identity.
urban studies, city, image, visual thinking, symbol, woodcutting, identity, Siberia, methodology, art