Социология и демография
Zhabina, S.A. (2014). Building playgrounds and leisure facilities for children as means of solving social issues. Urban Studies, 3, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.13423
The Moscow superregion (Moscow and Moscow region) boasts fairly stable birth rates, especially in comparison with other Russian regions. However, this involves the necessity for solving such social problems as creating comfortable environment for children and their parents, including pre-school facilities, playgrounds, etc. Properly organized architectural environment is paramount to children's socialization. However, the steps taken are not yet enough to solve this problem. Basing on publicism and polling, this article studies the problem of social space for the young urban dwellers. To overcome the demographic lapse, urban planning that takes into account the comfort of children and young parents becomes highly necessary. At the same time, organization of space for children and teenagers results in local conflicts, based on clashing interests of different social groups in modern cities.
Urban environment, urban planning, children, young families, solving demography problems, children's institutions, interest groups, social conflicts, Moscow, Moscow region
Системы управления и планирования
Nemtsev, I.A. (2014). Green construction: eco-settlements as part of the steady development concept. Urban Studies, 3, 8–25. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.13525
The author analyzes the social problems of Eurasian Union member countries, and, as part of the solution, suggests reorganization of towns (or construction of new settlements, fully or in part), based on the Steady Regional Development Principles, which is a structural part of the global steady development concept. The author examines various concepts that may become the basis of the social component of steady development, such as "new urbanism", "garden city", "Project Venus", etc. The author describes steady development of regions from the urban standpoint (concepts of ecosettlements, noosphere settlements), green construction ("smart" homes, passive and active home, 3-d construction). The methodological basis of this study includes the social and philosophical methods and principles of scientific study. The author also employs general scientific methods, such as comparison, abstraction, idealization, modeling, analysis, synthesis and others. The goal of the study is reached via the perception of humanity as a global interconnected, self-improving system (global evolutionism), and via the principles of general connections between phenomena, development principles, etc. The analysis and solution of the problems at hand is based on general science research approaches. Those problems were solved, based on the concepts and conclusions within the field of study, introduced by modern Russian and foreign authors, researchers and thinkers. The author offers a solution for organizing towns, based on steady development principles (as a synthesis of the most socially and environmentally rational concepts, such as new urbanism, project Venus, "smart" home, etc.). The author substantiates a connection between the natural and the social parts of steady development. Steady development of regions is offered as a basis for the social component of Eurasian Union's steady development.
steady growth, green construction, ecocity, noosphere settlement, Eurasian Union, globalization, global processes, eco-settlement, alternative energy source, smart home
Экономика городского хозяйства
Danilov, A.A., Rozantseva, L.E. (2014). The concept for steady economic growth in light of modern urban problems. Urban Studies, 3, 26–38. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.13961
The present time is characterized by economic competition escalation, the return to block mentality in politics, information globalization, and economic fundamentalism as the identity of American hegemony, and the issue of conservation and evaluation of steady industrial development becomes more and more pronounced, because various modernization strategies are ambiguous in terms of steady growth indicators. The authors examine steady development from the standpoint of urban economy, on global scale, as well: the "world city" and the "world farmland". In their research of economic dynamics, the authors employ the systemic approach, which involves the analysis of business growth within the system or a city's (municipality's) and national economy - taking into account the interconnection of the elements, as opposite to isolated study. Market fundamentalism basically is the minimization of interference in the economy, which opposes the concept of steady growth. Modern businesses cannot emerge, or grow anywhere without state regulation and support. On the agenda, there also is the issue of alternative globalization, which would allow to take into account the interests of all countries, bar none - a globalization that would put an end to segregation between the rich and the poor.
urban studies, urban economy, steady growth, innovation, globalization, industrial complexes, imbalance, catching-up development, market fundamentalism, sovereignty
Культурное наследие
Zhabina, S.A., Danilov, A.A. (2014). Urban reading: a food for thought, a subject for research. Urban Studies, 3, 39–46. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.14050
This article examines reading as one of the traditional leisure activities of urban dwellers. The reading culture as a distinct kind of communication has already been studied by social and cultural scientists of XX-eth century like N.A. Rubankin, I.A. Butenko, P.B. Biryukov, B.A. Uspenskiy. Reading is presented as a necessary attribute for urban cultural life. Attention is focused on youth reading, especially technical collegehigher education institution student reading. This defined the object and subject of the research for this work. The authors employ public opinion surveys, based on MGSU control groups. The authors also employed the systemic analysis methods that enabled the authors to link the state of modern information culture with reading traditions. The novelty of this research is defined by the fact that the authors have successfully conducted a synthesis of cultural and social science approaches to studying reading as a phenomenon, as well as information culture as a whole. Cultural science's non-numerical conclusions were taken into account, as well as social science's numerical data in youth control groups. Another novelty is the attempt to compare traditional forms of reading head to head with IT-spread-based information exchange forms.
Information culture, reading, urban subcultures, youth, tradition, crisis, books, N.A. Rubankin, bibliopsychology, reading circles
Закон и порядок
Akopdzhanova, M. (2014). On crinimal liability for violating construction safety regulations. Urban Studies, 3, 47–55. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.13597
The Russian urban planning legislation at large involves a system of safety requirements which must be observed during all stages of architectural and construction planning. Failure to comply which brought on the consequences listed in criminal Law results in criminal liability, as per article 216 of Russian Criminal Code. This article is dedicated to the study of procedure for construction planning, as basic safety requirement, the harm that results in criminal liability and the defining traits of the said liability, as well as the procedure for repaying damages as part of a civil suit within a criminal case. The methodological basis of this article is the multitude of general scientific and specific methods for studying the objective social and legal reality, within the scope of the study: the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, formal and logic methods. This article examines and analyzes the major aspects of construction planning liability legal norm application. The conclusions in this article may be found useful by public authorities which deal with such cases, as well as students, post-graduates, and anyone interested in Jurisprudence.
Law dispositions, Construction planning, legal basis, rules, violation of rules, elimination of violations, revision acts, civil liability, damages, criminal liability